Package org.apache.synapse.config.xml

Source Code of org.apache.synapse.config.xml.SendMediatorSerializationTest

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package org.apache.synapse.config.xml;

import org.apache.synapse.mediators.builtin.SendMediator;
import org.apache.synapse.endpoints.LoadbalanceEndpoint;
import org.apache.synapse.endpoints.AddressEndpoint;
import org.apache.synapse.endpoints.FailoverEndpoint;
import org.apache.synapse.endpoints.WSDLEndpoint;

import java.util.List;

public class SendMediatorSerializationTest extends AbstractTestCase {

    private SendMediatorFactory factory = null;
    private SendMediatorSerializer serializer = null;

    public SendMediatorSerializationTest() {
        factory = new SendMediatorFactory();
        serializer = new SendMediatorSerializer();

    public void testAddressEndpointSerialization() {

        String sendConfig = "<send xmlns=\"\">" +
                     "<endpoint>" +
                          "<address uri='http://localhost:9000/soap/MyService1'>" +
                               "<enableAddressing/>" +
                                "<timeout>" +
                                    "<duration>60</duration>" +
                                    "<action>discard</action>" +
                                "</timeout>" +
                          "</address>" +
                     "</endpoint>" +

        OMElement config1 = createOMElement(sendConfig);
        SendMediator send1 = (SendMediator) factory.createMediator(config1);

        OMElement config2 = serializer.serializeMediator(null, send1);
        SendMediator send2 = (SendMediator) factory.createMediator(config2);

        assertTrue("Top level endpoint should be a address endpoint.",
                send1.getEndpoint() instanceof AddressEndpoint);
        AddressEndpoint ep1 = (AddressEndpoint) send1.getEndpoint();

        assertTrue("Top level endpoint should be a WSDL endpoint.",
                send2.getEndpoint() instanceof AddressEndpoint);
        AddressEndpoint ep2 = (AddressEndpoint) send2.getEndpoint();

        assertEquals("Address URI is not serialized properly",
                ep1.getEndpoint().getAddress(), ep2.getEndpoint().getAddress());

                "Addressing information is not serialized properly",

    public void testWSDLEndpointSerialization() {

        String sendConfig = "<send xmlns=\"\">" +
                     "<endpoint>" +
                          "<wsdl uri='file:src/test/resources/esbservice.wsdl' service='esbservice' port='esbserviceSOAP11port_http'>" +
                               "<enableAddressing/>" +
                          "</wsdl>" +
                     "</endpoint>" +

        OMElement config1 = createOMElement(sendConfig);
        SendMediator send1 = (SendMediator) factory.createMediator(config1);

        OMElement config2 = serializer.serializeMediator(null, send1);
        SendMediator send2 = (SendMediator) factory.createMediator(config2);

        assertTrue("Top level endpoint should be a WSDL endpoint.",
                send1.getEndpoint() instanceof WSDLEndpoint);
        WSDLEndpoint ep1 = (WSDLEndpoint) send1.getEndpoint();

        assertTrue("Top level endpoint should be a WSDL endpoint.",
                send2.getEndpoint() instanceof WSDLEndpoint);
        WSDLEndpoint ep2 = (WSDLEndpoint) send2.getEndpoint();

        assertEquals("Service name is not serialized properly.",
                ep1.getServiceName(), ep2.getServiceName());

        assertEquals("Port name is not serialized properly", ep1.getPortName(), ep2.getPortName());

        assertEquals("WSDL URI is not serialized properly", ep1.getWsdlURI(), ep2.getWsdlURI());

                "Addressing information is not serialized properly",

    public void testSimpleLoadbalanceSendSerialization() {

        String sendConfig = "<send xmlns=\"\">" +
                "<endpoint>" +
                    "<loadbalance>" +
                        "<endpoint>" +
                            "<address uri=\"http://localhost:9001/soap/Service1\">" +
                                "<enableAddressing/>" +
                            "</address>" +
                        "</endpoint>" +
                        "<endpoint>" +
                            "<address uri=\"http://localhost:9002/soap/Service1\">" +
                                "<enableAddressing/>" +
                            "</address>" +
                        "</endpoint>" +
                        "<endpoint>" +
                            "<address uri=\"http://localhost:9003/soap/Service1\">" +
                                "<enableAddressing/>" +
                            "</address>" +
                        "</endpoint>" +
                    "</loadbalance>" +
                "</endpoint>" +

        OMElement config1 = createOMElement(sendConfig);
        SendMediator send1 = (SendMediator) factory.createMediator(config1);

        OMElement config2 = serializer.serializeMediator(null, send1);
        SendMediator send2 = (SendMediator) factory.createMediator(config2);

        assertTrue("Top level endpoint should be a load balance endpoint.",
                send2.getEndpoint() instanceof LoadbalanceEndpoint);

        LoadbalanceEndpoint endpoint = (LoadbalanceEndpoint) send2.getEndpoint();
        List addresses = endpoint.getEndpoints();
        assertEquals("There should be 3 leaf level address endpoints", addresses.size(), 3);

        assertTrue("Leaf level endpoints should be address endpoints",
                addresses.get(0) instanceof AddressEndpoint);
        assertTrue("Leaf level endpoints should be address endpoints",
                addresses.get(1) instanceof AddressEndpoint);
        assertTrue("Leaf level endpoints should be address endpoints",
                addresses.get(2) instanceof AddressEndpoint);

        AddressEndpoint addressEndpoint = (AddressEndpoint) addresses.get(0);
        assertTrue("URI of address endpoint is not serialized properly",

    public void testSimpleFailoverSendSerialization() {

        String sendConfig = "<send xmlns=\"\">" +
                "<endpoint>" +
                    "<failover>" +
                        "<endpoint>" +
                            "<address uri=\"http://localhost:9001/soap/Service1\">" +
                                "<enableAddressing/>" +
                            "</address>" +
                        "</endpoint>" +
                        "<endpoint>" +
                            "<address uri=\"http://localhost:9002/soap/Service1\">" +
                                "<enableAddressing/>" +
                            "</address>" +
                        "</endpoint>" +
                        "<endpoint>" +
                            "<address uri=\"http://localhost:9003/soap/Service1\">" +
                                "<enableAddressing/>" +
                            "</address>" +
                        "</endpoint>" +
                    "</failover>" +
                "</endpoint>" +

        OMElement config1 = createOMElement(sendConfig);
        SendMediator send1 = (SendMediator) factory.createMediator(config1);

        OMElement config2 = serializer.serializeMediator(null, send1);
        SendMediator send2 = (SendMediator) factory.createMediator(config2);

        assertTrue("Top level endpoint should be a failover endpoint.",
                send2.getEndpoint() instanceof FailoverEndpoint);

        FailoverEndpoint endpoint = (FailoverEndpoint) send2.getEndpoint();
        List addresses = endpoint.getEndpoints();
        assertEquals("There should be 3 leaf level address endpoints", addresses.size(), 3);

        assertTrue("Leaf level endpoints should be address endpoints",
                addresses.get(0) instanceof AddressEndpoint);
        assertTrue("Leaf level endpoints should be address endpoints",
                addresses.get(1) instanceof AddressEndpoint);
        assertTrue("Leaf level endpoints should be address endpoints",
                addresses.get(2) instanceof AddressEndpoint);

        AddressEndpoint addressEndpoint = (AddressEndpoint) addresses.get(0);
        assertTrue("URI of address endpoint is not serialized properly",

    public void testNestedLoadbalanceFailoverSendSerialization() {

        String sendConfig = "<send xmlns=\"\">" +
                "<endpoint>" +
                    "<loadbalance>" +
                        "<endpoint>" +
                            "<address uri=\"http://localhost:9001/soap/Service1\">" +
                                "<enableAddressing/>" +
                            "</address>" +
                        "</endpoint>" +
                        "<endpoint>" +
                            "<failover>" +
                                "<endpoint>" +
                                    "<address uri=\"http://localhost:9002/soap/Service1\">" +
                                        "<enableAddressing/>" +
                                    "</address>" +
                                "</endpoint>" +
                                "<endpoint>" +
                                    "<address uri=\"http://localhost:9003/soap/Service1\">" +
                                        "<enableAddressing/>" +
                                    "</address>" +
                                "</endpoint>" +
                            "</failover>" +
                        "</endpoint>" +
                    "</loadbalance>" +
                "</endpoint>" +

        OMElement config1 = createOMElement(sendConfig);
        SendMediator send1 = (SendMediator) factory.createMediator(config1);

        OMElement config2 = serializer.serializeMediator(null, send1);
        SendMediator send2 = (SendMediator) factory.createMediator(config2);

        assertTrue("Top level endpoint should be a load balance endpoint.",
                send2.getEndpoint() instanceof LoadbalanceEndpoint);

        LoadbalanceEndpoint loadbalanceEndpoint = (LoadbalanceEndpoint) send2.getEndpoint();

        List children = loadbalanceEndpoint.getEndpoints();
        assertEquals("Top level endpoint should have 2 child endpoints.", children.size(), 2);

        assertTrue("First child should be a address endpoint",
                children.get(0) instanceof AddressEndpoint);

        assertTrue("Second child should be a fail over endpoint",
                children.get(1) instanceof FailoverEndpoint);

        FailoverEndpoint failoverEndpoint = (FailoverEndpoint) children.get(1);
        List children2 = failoverEndpoint.getEndpoints();

        assertEquals("Fail over endpoint should have 2 children.", children2.size(), 2);
        assertTrue("Children of the fail over endpoint should be address endpoints.",
                children2.get(0) instanceof AddressEndpoint);
        assertTrue("Children of the fail over endpoint should be address endpoints.",
                children2.get(1) instanceof AddressEndpoint);

    protected OMElement createOMElement(String xml) {
        try {

            XMLStreamReader reader = XMLInputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(xml));
            StAXOMBuilder builder = new StAXOMBuilder(reader);
            OMElement omElement = builder.getDocumentElement();
            return omElement;

        catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);


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