Package org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel

Source Code of org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel;

import java.awt.print.PageFormat;
import java.awt.print.Pageable;
import java.awt.print.Printable;
import java.awt.print.PrinterException;
import java.awt.print.PrinterJob;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSArray;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSBase;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSInteger;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSName;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSObject;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSStream;
import org.apache.pdfbox.exceptions.COSVisitorException;
import org.apache.pdfbox.exceptions.CryptographyException;
import org.apache.pdfbox.exceptions.InvalidPasswordException;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser.PDFParser;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdfwriter.COSWriter;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.COSArrayList;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDStream;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.AccessPermission;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.BadSecurityHandlerException;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.DecryptionMaterial;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.PDEncryptionDictionary;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.ProtectionPolicy;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.SecurityHandler;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.SecurityHandlersManager;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.StandardDecryptionMaterial;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.StandardProtectionPolicy;

* This is the in-memory representation of the PDF document.  You need to call
* close() on this object when you are done using it!!
* <p>
* This class implements the {@link Pageable} interface, but since PDFBox
* version 1.3.0 you should be using the {@link PDPageable} adapter instead
* (see <a href="">PDFBOX-788</a>).
* @author <a href="">Ben Litchfield</a>
* @version $Revision: 1.47 $
public class PDDocument implements Pageable
    private COSDocument document;

    // NOTE BGUILLON: this property must be removed because it is
    // not the responsability of this class to know
    //private boolean encryptOnSave = false;

    // NOTE BGUILLON: these properties are not used anymore. See getCurrentAccessPermission() instead
    //private String encryptUserPassword = null;
    //private String encryptOwnerPassword = null;

    //cached values
    private PDDocumentInformation documentInformation;
    private PDDocumentCatalog documentCatalog;

    //The encParameters will be cached here.  When the document is decrypted then
    //the COSDocument will not have an "Encrypt" dictionary anymore and this object
    //must be used.
    private PDEncryptionDictionary encParameters = null;

     * This will tell if the document was decrypted with the master password.
     * NOTE BGUILLON: this property is not used anymore. See getCurrentAccessPermission() instead
   //private boolean decryptedWithOwnerPassword = false;

     * The security handler used to decrypt / encrypt the document.
    private SecurityHandler securityHandler = null;

     * This assocates object ids with a page number.  It's used to determine
     * the page number for bookmarks (or page numbers for anything else for
     * which you have an object id for that matter).
    private Map pageMap = null;
     * This will hold a flag which tells us if we should remove all security
     * from this documents
    private boolean allSecurityToBeRemoved = false;

     * Constructor, creates a new PDF Document with no pages.  You need to add
     * at least one page for the document to be valid.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error creating this document.
    public PDDocument() throws IOException
        document = new COSDocument();

        //First we need a trailer
        COSDictionary trailer = new COSDictionary();
        document.setTrailer( trailer );

        //Next we need the root dictionary.
        COSDictionary rootDictionary = new COSDictionary();
        trailer.setItem( COSName.ROOT, rootDictionary );
        rootDictionary.setItem( COSName.TYPE, COSName.CATALOG );
        rootDictionary.setItem( COSName.VERSION, COSName.getPDFName( "1.4" ) );

        //next we need the pages tree structure
        COSDictionary pages = new COSDictionary();
        rootDictionary.setItem( COSName.PAGES, pages );
        pages.setItem( COSName.TYPE, COSName.PAGES );
        COSArray kidsArray = new COSArray();
        pages.setItem( COSName.KIDS, kidsArray );
        pages.setItem( COSName.COUNT, COSInteger.ZERO );

    private void generatePageMap()
        pageMap = new HashMap();
        // these page nodes could be references to pages,
        // or references to arrays which have references to pages
        // or references to arrays which have references to arrays which have references to pages
        // or ... (I think you get the idea...)
    private void processListOfPageReferences(List<Object> pageNodes)
        for(int i=0; i < pageNodes.size(); ++i)
            Object pageOrArray = pageNodes.get(i);
            if(pageOrArray instanceof PDPage)
                COSArray pageArray = ((COSArrayList)(((PDPage)pageOrArray).getParent()).getKids()).toList();
            else if(pageOrArray instanceof PDPageNode)
     * This will either add the page passed in, or, if it's a pointer to an array
     * of pages, it'll recursivly call itself and process everything in the list.
    private void parseCatalogObject(COSObject thePageOrArrayObject)
        COSBase arrayCountBase = thePageOrArrayObject.getItem(COSName.COUNT);
        int arrayCount = -1;
        if(arrayCountBase instanceof COSInteger)
            arrayCount = ((COSInteger)arrayCountBase).intValue();
        COSBase kidsBase = thePageOrArrayObject.getItem(COSName.KIDS);
        int kidsCount = -1;
        if(kidsBase instanceof COSArray)
            kidsCount = ((COSArray)kidsBase).size();
        if(arrayCount == -1 || kidsCount == -1)
            // these cases occur when we have a page, not an array of pages
            String objStr = String.valueOf(thePageOrArrayObject.getObjectNumber().intValue());
            String genStr = String.valueOf(thePageOrArrayObject.getGenerationNumber().intValue());
            getPageMap().put(objStr+","+genStr, new Integer(getPageMap().size()+1));
            // we either have an array of page pointers, or an array of arrays
            if(arrayCount == kidsCount)
                // process the kids... they're all references to pages
                COSArray kidsArray = ((COSArray)kidsBase);
                for(int i=0; i<kidsArray.size(); ++i)
                    COSObject thisObject = (COSObject)kidsArray.get(i);
                    String objStr = String.valueOf(thisObject.getObjectNumber().intValue());
                    String genStr = String.valueOf(thisObject.getGenerationNumber().intValue());
                    getPageMap().put(objStr+","+genStr, new Integer(getPageMap().size()+1));
                // this object is an array of references to other arrays
                COSArray list = null;
                if(kidsBase instanceof COSArray)
                    list = ((COSArray)kidsBase);
                if(list != null)
                    for(int arrayCounter=0; arrayCounter < list.size(); ++arrayCounter)
     * This will return the Map containing the mapping from object-ids to pagenumbers.
     * @return the pageMap
    public final Map getPageMap()
        if (pageMap == null)
        return pageMap;

     * This will add a page to the document.  This is a convenience method, that
     * will add the page to the root of the hierarchy and set the parent of the
     * page to the root.
     * @param page The page to add to the document.
    public void addPage( PDPage page )
        PDPageNode rootPages = getDocumentCatalog().getPages();
        rootPages.getKids().add( page );
        page.setParent( rootPages );

     * Remove the page from the document.
     * @param page The page to remove from the document.
     * @return true if the page was found false otherwise.
    public boolean removePage( PDPage page )
        PDPageNode parent = page.getParent();
        boolean retval = parent.getKids().remove( page );
        if( retval )
            //do a recursive updateCount starting at the root
            //of the document
        return retval;

     * Remove the page from the document.
     * @param pageNumber 0 based index to page number.
     * @return true if the page was found false otherwise.
    public boolean removePage( int pageNumber )
        boolean removed = false;
        List allPages = getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages();
        if( allPages.size() > pageNumber)
            PDPage page = (PDPage)allPages.get( pageNumber );
            removed = removePage( page );
        return removed;

     * This will import and copy the contents from another location.  Currently
     * the content stream is stored in a scratch file.  The scratch file is
     * associated with the document.  If you are adding a page to this document
     * from another document and want to copy the contents to this document's
     * scratch file then use this method otherwise just use the addPage method.
     * @param page The page to import.
     * @return The page that was imported.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error copying the page.
    public PDPage importPage( PDPage page ) throws IOException
        PDPage importedPage = new PDPage( new COSDictionary( page.getCOSDictionary() ) );
        InputStream is = null;
        OutputStream os = null;
            PDStream src = page.getContents();
            PDStream dest = new PDStream( new COSStream( src.getStream(), document.getScratchFile() ) );
            importedPage.setContents( dest );
            os = dest.createOutputStream();

            byte[] buf = new byte[10240];
            int amountRead = 0;
            is = src.createInputStream();
            while((amountRead =,0,10240)) > -1)
                os.write(buf, 0, amountRead);
            addPage( importedPage );
            if( is != null )
            if( os != null )
        return importedPage;


     * Constructor that uses an existing document.  The COSDocument that
     * is passed in must be valid.
     * @param doc The COSDocument that this document wraps.
    public PDDocument( COSDocument doc )
        document = doc;

     * This will get the low level document.
     * @return The document that this layer sits on top of.
    public COSDocument getDocument()
        return document;

     * This will get the document info dictionary.  This is guaranteed to not return null.
     * @return The documents /Info dictionary
    public PDDocumentInformation getDocumentInformation()
        if( documentInformation == null )
            COSDictionary trailer = document.getTrailer();
            COSDictionary infoDic = (COSDictionary)trailer.getDictionaryObject( COSName.INFO );
            if( infoDic == null )
                infoDic = new COSDictionary();
                trailer.setItem( COSName.INFO, infoDic );
            documentInformation = new PDDocumentInformation( infoDic );
        return documentInformation;

     * This will set the document information for this document.
     * @param info The updated document information.
    public void setDocumentInformation( PDDocumentInformation info )
        documentInformation = info;
        document.getTrailer().setItem( COSName.INFO, info.getDictionary() );

     * This will get the document CATALOG.  This is guaranteed to not return null.
     * @return The documents /Root dictionary
    public PDDocumentCatalog getDocumentCatalog()
        if( documentCatalog == null )
            COSDictionary trailer = document.getTrailer();
            COSBase dictionary = trailer.getDictionaryObject( COSName.ROOT );
            if (dictionary instanceof COSDictionary) {
                documentCatalog =
                    new PDDocumentCatalog(this, (COSDictionary) dictionary);
            } else {
                documentCatalog = new PDDocumentCatalog(this);

        return documentCatalog;

     * This will tell if this document is encrypted or not.
     * @return true If this document is encrypted.
    public boolean isEncrypted()
        return document.isEncrypted();

     * This will get the encryption dictionary for this document.  This will still
     * return the parameters if the document was decrypted.  If the document was
     * never encrypted then this will return null.  As the encryption architecture
     * in PDF documents is plugable this returns an abstract class, but the only
     * supported subclass at this time is a PDStandardEncryption object.
     * @return The encryption dictionary(most likely a PDStandardEncryption object)
     * @throws IOException If there is an error determining which security handler to use.
    public PDEncryptionDictionary getEncryptionDictionary() throws IOException
        if( encParameters == null )
            if( isEncrypted() )
                encParameters = new PDEncryptionDictionary(document.getEncryptionDictionary());
        return encParameters;

     * This will set the encryption dictionary for this document.
     * @param encDictionary The encryption dictionary(most likely a PDStandardEncryption object)
     * @throws IOException If there is an error determining which security handler to use.
    public void setEncryptionDictionary( PDEncryptionDictionary encDictionary ) throws IOException
        encParameters = encDictionary;

     * This will determine if this is the user password.  This only applies when
     * the document is encrypted and uses standard encryption.
     * @param password The plain text user password.
     * @return true If the password passed in matches the user password used to encrypt the document.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error determining if it is the user password.
     * @throws CryptographyException If there is an error in the encryption algorithms.
     * @deprecated
    public boolean isUserPassword( String password ) throws IOException, CryptographyException
            return false;
        /*boolean retval = false;
        if( password == null )
            password = "";
        PDFEncryption encryptor = new PDFEncryption();
        PDEncryptionDictionary encryptionDictionary = getEncryptionDictionary();
        if( encryptionDictionary == null )
            throw new IOException( "Error: Document is not encrypted" );
            if( encryptionDictionary instanceof PDStandardEncryption )
                COSString documentID = (COSString)document.getDocumentID().get(0);
                PDStandardEncryption standard = (PDStandardEncryption)encryptionDictionary;
                retval = encryptor.isUserPassword(
                    standard.getLength()/8 );
                throw new IOException( "Error: Encyption dictionary is not 'Standard'" +
                    encryptionDictionary.getClass().getName() );
        return retval;*/

     * This will determine if this is the owner password.  This only applies when
     * the document is encrypted and uses standard encryption.
     * @param password The plain text owner password.
     * @return true If the password passed in matches the owner password used to encrypt the document.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error determining if it is the user password.
     * @throws CryptographyException If there is an error in the encryption algorithms.
     * @deprecated
    public boolean isOwnerPassword( String password ) throws IOException, CryptographyException
            return false;
        /*boolean retval = false;
        if( password == null )
            password = "";
        PDFEncryption encryptor = new PDFEncryption();
        PDEncryptionDictionary encryptionDictionary = getEncryptionDictionary();
        if( encryptionDictionary == null )
            throw new IOException( "Error: Document is not encrypted" );
            if( encryptionDictionary instanceof PDStandardEncryption )
                COSString documentID = (COSString)document.getDocumentID().get( 0 );
                PDStandardEncryption standard = (PDStandardEncryption)encryptionDictionary;
                retval = encryptor.isOwnerPassword(
                    standard.getLength()/8 );
                throw new IOException( "Error: Encyption dictionary is not 'Standard'" +
                    encryptionDictionary.getClass().getName() );
        return retval;*/

     * This will decrypt a document. This method is provided for compatibility reasons only. User should use
     * the new security layer instead and the openProtection method especially.
     * @param password Either the user or owner password.
     * @throws CryptographyException If there is an error decrypting the document.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error getting the stream data.
     * @throws InvalidPasswordException If the password is not a user or owner password.
    public void decrypt( String password ) throws CryptographyException, IOException, InvalidPasswordException
            StandardDecryptionMaterial m = new StandardDecryptionMaterial(password);
        catch(BadSecurityHandlerException e)
            throw new CryptographyException(e);

     * This will tell if the document was decrypted with the master password.  This
     * entry is invalid if the PDF was not decrypted.
     * @return true if the pdf was decrypted with the master password.
     * @deprecated use <code>getCurrentAccessPermission</code> instead
    public boolean wasDecryptedWithOwnerPassword()
        return false;

     * This will <b>mark</b> a document to be encrypted.  The actual encryption
     * will occur when the document is saved.
     * This method is provided for compatibility reasons only. User should use
     * the new security layer instead and the openProtection method especially.
     * @param ownerPassword The owner password to encrypt the document.
     * @param userPassword The user password to encrypt the document.
     * @throws CryptographyException If an error occurs during encryption.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error accessing the data.
    public void encrypt( String ownerPassword, String userPassword )
        throws CryptographyException, IOException
            StandardProtectionPolicy policy =
                new StandardProtectionPolicy(ownerPassword, userPassword, new AccessPermission());
        catch(BadSecurityHandlerException e)
            throw new CryptographyException(e);

     * The owner password that was passed into the encrypt method. You should
     * never use this method.  This will not longer be valid once encryption
     * has occured.
     * @return The owner password passed to the encrypt method.
     * @deprecated Do not rely on this method anymore.
    public String getOwnerPasswordForEncryption()
        return null;

     * The user password that was passed into the encrypt method.  You should
     * never use this method.  This will not longer be valid once encryption
     * has occured.
     * @return The user password passed to the encrypt method.
     * @deprecated Do not rely on this method anymore.
    public String getUserPasswordForEncryption()
        return null;

     * Internal method do determine if the document will be encrypted when it is saved.
     * @return True if encrypt has been called and the document
     *              has not been saved yet.
     * @deprecated Do not rely on this method anymore. It is the responsibility of
     * COSWriter to hold this state
    public boolean willEncryptWhenSaving()
        return false;

     * This shoule only be called by the COSWriter after encryption has completed.
     * @deprecated Do not rely on this method anymore. It is the responsability of
     * COSWriter to hold this state.
    public void clearWillEncryptWhenSaving()
        //method is deprecated.

     * This will load a document from a url.
     * @param url The url to load the PDF from.
     * @return The document that was loaded.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading from the stream.
    public static PDDocument load( URL url ) throws IOException
        return load( url.openStream() );
     * This will load a document from a url. Used for skipping corrupt
     * pdf objects
     * @param url The url to load the PDF from.
     * @param force When true, the parser will skip corrupt pdf objects and
     * will continue parsing at the next object in the file
     * @return The document that was loaded.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading from the stream.
    public static PDDocument load(URL url, boolean force) throws IOException
        return load(url.openStream(), force);

     * This will load a document from a url.
     * @param url The url to load the PDF from.
     * @param scratchFile A location to store temp PDFBox data for this document.
     * @return The document that was loaded.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading from the stream.
    public static PDDocument load( URL url, RandomAccess scratchFile ) throws IOException
        return load( url.openStream(), scratchFile );

     * This will load a document from a file.
     * @param filename The name of the file to load.
     * @return The document that was loaded.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading from the stream.
    public static PDDocument load( String filename ) throws IOException
        return load( new FileInputStream( filename ) );
     * This will load a document from a file. Allows for skipping corrupt pdf
     * objects
     * @param filename The name of the file to load.
     * @param force When true, the parser will skip corrupt pdf objects and
     * will continue parsing at the next object in the file
     * @return The document that was loaded.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading from the stream.
    public static PDDocument load(String filename, boolean force) throws IOException
        return load(new FileInputStream( filename ), force);

     * This will load a document from a file.
     * @param filename The name of the file to load.
     * @param scratchFile A location to store temp PDFBox data for this document.
     * @return The document that was loaded.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading from the stream.
    public static PDDocument load( String filename, RandomAccess scratchFile ) throws IOException
        return load( new FileInputStream( filename ), scratchFile );

     * This will load a document from a file.
     * @param file The name of the file to load.
     * @return The document that was loaded.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading from the stream.
    public static PDDocument load( File file ) throws IOException
        return load( new FileInputStream( file ) );

     * This will load a document from a file.
     * @param file The name of the file to load.
     * @param scratchFile A location to store temp PDFBox data for this document.
     * @return The document that was loaded.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading from the stream.
    public static PDDocument load( File file, RandomAccess scratchFile ) throws IOException
        return load( new FileInputStream( file ), scratchFile );

     * This will load a document from an input stream.
     * @param input The stream that contains the document.
     * @return The document that was loaded.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading from the stream.
    public static PDDocument load( InputStream input ) throws IOException
        return load( input, null );

     * This will load a document from an input stream.
     * Allows for skipping corrupt pdf objects
     * @param input The stream that contains the document.
     * @param force When true, the parser will skip corrupt pdf objects and
     * will continue parsing at the next object in the file
     * @return The document that was loaded.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading from the stream.
    public static PDDocument load(InputStream input, boolean force) throws IOException
        return load(input, null, force);
     * This will load a document from an input stream.
     * @param input The stream that contains the document.
     * @param scratchFile A location to store temp PDFBox data for this document.
     * @return The document that was loaded.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading from the stream.
    public static PDDocument load( InputStream input, RandomAccess scratchFile ) throws IOException
        PDFParser parser = new PDFParser( new BufferedInputStream( input ), scratchFile );
        return parser.getPDDocument();
     * This will load a document from an input stream. Allows for skipping corrupt pdf objects
     * @param input The stream that contains the document.
     * @param scratchFile A location to store temp PDFBox data for this document.
     * @param force When true, the parser will skip corrupt pdf objects and
     * will continue parsing at the next object in the file
     * @return The document that was loaded.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading from the stream.
    public static PDDocument load(InputStream input, RandomAccess scratchFile, boolean force) throws IOException
        PDFParser parser = new PDFParser( new BufferedInputStream( input ), scratchFile, force);
        return parser.getPDDocument();

     * This will save this document to the filesystem.
     * @param fileName The file to save as.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error saving the document.
     * @throws COSVisitorException If an error occurs while generating the data.
    public void save( String fileName ) throws IOException, COSVisitorException
        save( new FileOutputStream( fileName ) );

     * This will save the document to an output stream.
     * @param output The stream to write to.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error writing the document.
     * @throws COSVisitorException If an error occurs while generating the data.
    public void save( OutputStream output ) throws IOException, COSVisitorException
        //update the count in case any pages have been added behind the scenes.
        COSWriter writer = null;
            writer = new COSWriter( output );
            writer.write( this );
            if( writer != null )

     * This will return the total page count of the PDF document.  Note: This method
     * is deprecated in favor of the getNumberOfPages method.  The getNumberOfPages is
     * a required interface method of the Pageable interface.  This method will
     * be removed in a future version of PDFBox!!
     * @return The total number of pages in the PDF document.
     * @deprecated Use the getNumberOfPages method instead!
    public int getPageCount()
        return getNumberOfPages();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int getNumberOfPages()
        PDDocumentCatalog cat = getDocumentCatalog();
        return (int)cat.getPages().getCount();

     * Returns the format of the page at the given index when using a
     * default printer job returned by  {@link PrinterJob#getPrinterJob()}.
     * @deprecated Use the {@link PDPageable} adapter class
     * @param i page index, zero-based
     * @return page format
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the page index is invalid
    public PageFormat getPageFormat(int pageIndex)
        try {
            PrinterJob printerJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
            return new PDPageable(this, printerJob).getPageFormat(pageIndex);
        } catch (PrinterException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Printable getPrintable(int pageIndex)
        return (Printable)getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages().get( pageIndex );

     * @see PDDocument#print()
     * @param printJob The printer job.
     * @throws PrinterException If there is an error while sending the PDF to
     * the printer, or you do not have permissions to print this document.
    public void print(PrinterJob printJob) throws PrinterException
        print(printJob, false);

     * This will send the PDF document to a printer.  The printing functionality
     * depends on the org.apache.pdfbox.pdfviewer.PageDrawer functionality.  The PageDrawer
     * is a work in progress and some PDFs will print correctly and some will
     * not.  This is a convenience method to create the java.awt.print.PrinterJob.
     * The PDDocument implements the java.awt.print.Pageable interface and
     * PDPage implementes the java.awt.print.Printable interface, so advanced printing
     * capabilities can be done by using those interfaces instead of this method.
     * @throws PrinterException If there is an error while sending the PDF to
     * the printer, or you do not have permissions to print this document.
    public void print() throws PrinterException
        print( PrinterJob.getPrinterJob() );

     * This will send the PDF to the default printer without prompting the user
     * for any printer settings.
     * @see PDDocument#print()
     * @throws PrinterException If there is an error while printing.
    public void silentPrint() throws PrinterException
        silentPrint( PrinterJob.getPrinterJob() );

     * This will send the PDF to the default printer without prompting the user
     * for any printer settings.
     * @param printJob A printer job definition.
     * @see PDDocument#print()
     * @throws PrinterException If there is an error while printing.
    public void silentPrint( PrinterJob printJob ) throws PrinterException
        print(printJob, true);

    private void print(PrinterJob job, boolean silent) throws PrinterException {
        if (job == null) {
            throw new PrinterException("The given printer job is null.");
        } else {
            job.setPageable(new PDPageable(this, job));
            if (silent || job.printDialog()) {

     * This will close the underlying COSDocument object.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error releasing resources.
    public void close() throws IOException

     * Protects the document with the protection policy pp. The document content will be really encrypted
     * when it will be saved. This method only marks the document for encryption.
     * @see org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.StandardProtectionPolicy
     * @see org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.PublicKeyProtectionPolicy
     * @param pp The protection policy.
     * @throws BadSecurityHandlerException If there is an error during protection.
    public void protect(ProtectionPolicy pp) throws BadSecurityHandlerException
        SecurityHandler handler = SecurityHandlersManager.getInstance().getSecurityHandler(pp);
        securityHandler = handler;

     * Tries to decrypt the document in memory using the provided decryption material.
     *  @see org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.StandardDecryptionMaterial
     *  @see org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.PublicKeyDecryptionMaterial
     * @param pm The decryption material (password or certificate).
     * @throws BadSecurityHandlerException If there is an error during decryption.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading cryptographic information.
     * @throws CryptographyException If there is an error during decryption.
    public void openProtection(DecryptionMaterial pm)
        throws BadSecurityHandlerException, IOException, CryptographyException
        PDEncryptionDictionary dict = this.getEncryptionDictionary();
        if(dict.getFilter() != null)
            securityHandler = SecurityHandlersManager.getInstance().getSecurityHandler(dict.getFilter());
            securityHandler.decryptDocument(this, pm);
            document.setEncryptionDictionary( null );
            throw new RuntimeException("This document does not need to be decrypted");

     * Returns the access permissions granted when the document was decrypted.
     * If the document was not decrypted this method returns the access permission
     * for a document owner (ie can do everything).
     * The returned object is in read only mode so that permissions cannot be changed.
     * Methods providing access to content should rely on this object to verify if the current
     * user is allowed to proceed.
     * @return the access permissions for the current user on the document.

    public AccessPermission getCurrentAccessPermission()
        if(this.securityHandler == null)
            return AccessPermission.getOwnerAccessPermission();
        return securityHandler.getCurrentAccessPermission();

     * Get the security handler that is used for document encryption.
     * @return The handler used to encrypt/decrypt the document.
    public SecurityHandler getSecurityHandler()
        return securityHandler;

    public boolean isAllSecurityToBeRemoved() {
        return allSecurityToBeRemoved;

    public void setAllSecurityToBeRemoved(boolean allSecurityToBeRemoved) {
        this.allSecurityToBeRemoved = allSecurityToBeRemoved;


Related Classes of org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument

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