Package org.apache.commons.math.random

Source Code of org.apache.commons.math.random.RandomDataTest

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package org.apache.commons.math.random;

import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import java.util.HashSet;

import org.apache.commons.math.RetryTestCase;
import org.apache.commons.math.stat.Frequency;
import org.apache.commons.math.stat.inference.ChiSquareTestImpl;
import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics;

* Test cases for the RandomData class.
* @version $Revision: 610789 $ $Date: 2008-01-10 06:46:49 -0700 (Thu, 10 Jan 2008) $

public class RandomDataTest extends RetryTestCase {

    public RandomDataTest(String name) {
        randomData = new RandomDataImpl();

    protected long smallSampleSize = 1000;
    protected double[] expected = {250,250,250,250};
    protected int largeSampleSize = 10000;
    private String[] hex =
    protected RandomDataImpl randomData = null;
    protected ChiSquareTestImpl testStatistic = new ChiSquareTestImpl();
    public void setUp() {

    public static Test suite() {
        TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(RandomDataTest.class);
        suite.setName("RandomData Tests");
        return suite;

    public void testNextIntExtremeValues() {
        int x = randomData.nextInt(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        int y = randomData.nextInt(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        assertFalse(x == y);

    public void testNextLongExtremeValues() {
        long x = randomData.nextLong(Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE);
        long y = randomData.nextLong(Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE);
        assertFalse(x == y);
    /** test dispersion and failure modes for nextInt() */
    public void testNextInt() {
        try {
            fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        Frequency freq = new Frequency();
        int value = 0;
        for (int i=0;i<smallSampleSize;i++) {
            value = randomData.nextInt(0,3);
            assertTrue("nextInt range",(value >= 0) && (value <= 3));
        long[] observed = new long[4];
        for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
            observed[i] = freq.getCount(i);
        /* Use ChiSquare dist with df = 4-1 = 3, alpha = .001
         * Change to 11.34 for alpha = .01
        assertTrue("chi-square test -- will fail about 1 in 1000 times",
            testStatistic.chiSquare(expected,observed) < 16.27);   
    /** test dispersion and failure modes for nextLong() */
    public void testNextLong() {
       try {
            fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
       Frequency freq = new Frequency();
       long value = 0;
        for (int i=0;i<smallSampleSize;i++) {
            value = randomData.nextLong(0,3);
            assertTrue("nextInt range",(value >= 0) && (value <= 3));
        long[] observed = new long[4];
        for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
            observed[i] = freq.getCount(i);
        /* Use ChiSquare dist with df = 4-1 = 3, alpha = .001
         * Change to 11.34 for alpha = .01
        assertTrue("chi-square test -- will fail about 1 in 1000 times",
            testStatistic.chiSquare(expected,observed) < 16.27);   
    /** test dispersion and failure modes for nextSecureLong() */
    public void testNextSecureLong() {
        try {
            fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        Frequency freq = new Frequency();
        long value = 0;
        for (int i=0;i<smallSampleSize;i++) {
            value = randomData.nextSecureLong(0,3);
            assertTrue("nextInt range",(value >= 0) && (value <= 3));
        long[] observed = new long[4];
        for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
            observed[i] = freq.getCount(i);
        /* Use ChiSquare dist with df = 4-1 = 3, alpha = .001
         * Change to 11.34 for alpha = .01
        assertTrue("chi-square test -- will fail about 1 in 1000 times",
            testStatistic.chiSquare(expected,observed) < 16.27);   
    /** test dispersion and failure modes for nextSecureInt() */
    public void testNextSecureInt() {
        try {
            fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        Frequency freq = new Frequency();
        int value = 0;
        for (int i=0;i<smallSampleSize;i++) {
            value = randomData.nextSecureInt(0,3);
            assertTrue("nextInt range",(value >= 0) && (value <= 3));
        long[] observed = new long[4];
        for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
            observed[i] = freq.getCount(i);
        /* Use ChiSquare dist with df = 4-1 = 3, alpha = .001
         * Change to 11.34 for alpha = .01
        assertTrue("chi-square test -- will fail about 1 in 1000 times",
            testStatistic.chiSquare(expected,observed) < 16.27);   
     * Make sure that empirical distribution of random Poisson(4)'s
     * has P(X <= 5) close to actual cumulative Poisson probablity
     * and that nextPoisson fails when mean is non-positive
     * TODO: replace with statistical test, adding test stat to TestStatistic
    public void testNextPoisson() {
        try {
            fail("zero mean -- expecting IllegalArgumentException");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        Frequency f = new Frequency();
        for (int i = 0; i<largeSampleSize; i++) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
        long cumFreq = f.getCount(0) + f.getCount(1) + f.getCount(2) +
                        f.getCount(3) + f.getCount(4) + f.getCount(5);
        long sumFreq = f.getSumFreq();
        double cumPct =
            new Double(cumFreq).doubleValue()/new Double(sumFreq).doubleValue();
        assertEquals("cum Poisson(4)",cumPct,0.7851,0.2);
        try {
            fail("negative mean supplied -- IllegalArgumentException expected");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        try {
            fail("0 mean supplied -- IllegalArgumentException expected");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    /** test dispersion and failute modes for nextHex() */
    public void testNextHex() {
        try {
            fail("negative length supplied -- IllegalArgumentException expected");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        try {
            fail("zero length supplied -- IllegalArgumentException expected");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        String hexString = randomData.nextHexString(3);
        if (hexString.length() != 3) {
                fail("incorrect length for generated string");
        hexString = randomData.nextHexString(1);
        if (hexString.length() != 1) {
                fail("incorrect length for generated string");
        try {
            hexString = randomData.nextHexString(0);
            fail("zero length requested -- expecting IllegalArgumentException");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        if (hexString.length() != 1) {
                fail("incorrect length for generated string");
        Frequency f = new Frequency();
        for (int i = 0; i < smallSampleSize; i++) {
            hexString = randomData.nextHexString(100);
            if (hexString.length() != 100) {
                fail("incorrect length for generated string");
            for (int j = 0; j < hexString.length(); j++) {
        double[] expected = new double[16];
        long[] observed = new long[16];
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
            expected[i] = (double)smallSampleSize*100/(double)16;
            observed[i] = f.getCount(hex[i]);
        /* Use ChiSquare dist with df = 16-1 = 15, alpha = .001
         * Change to 30.58 for alpha = .01
        assertTrue("chi-square test -- will fail about 1 in 1000 times",
            testStatistic.chiSquare(expected,observed) < 37.70);   
    /** test dispersion and failute modes for nextHex() */
    public void testNextSecureHex() {
        try {
            fail("negative length -- IllegalArgumentException expected");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        try {
            fail("zero length -- IllegalArgumentException expected");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        String hexString = randomData.nextSecureHexString(3);
        if (hexString.length() != 3) {
                fail("incorrect length for generated string");
        hexString = randomData.nextSecureHexString(1);
        if (hexString.length() != 1) {
                fail("incorrect length for generated string");
        try {
            hexString = randomData.nextSecureHexString(0);
            fail("zero length requested -- expecting IllegalArgumentException");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        if (hexString.length() != 1) {
                fail("incorrect length for generated string");
        Frequency f = new Frequency();
        for (int i = 0; i < smallSampleSize; i++) {
            hexString = randomData.nextSecureHexString(100);
            if (hexString.length() != 100) {
                fail("incorrect length for generated string");
            for (int j = 0; j < hexString.length(); j++) {
        double[] expected = new double[16];
        long[] observed = new long[16];
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
            expected[i] = (double)smallSampleSize*100/(double)16;
            observed[i] = f.getCount(hex[i]);
        /* Use ChiSquare dist with df = 16-1 = 15, alpha = .001
         * Change to 30.58 for alpha = .01
        assertTrue("chi-square test -- will fail about 1 in 1000 times",
            testStatistic.chiSquare(expected,observed) < 37.70);   
    /** test failure modes and dispersion of nextUniform() */ 
    public void testNextUniform() {   
        try {
            fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        try {
            fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        double[] expected = {500,500};
        long[] observed = {0,0};
        double lower = -1d;
        double upper = 20d;
        double midpoint = (lower + upper)/2d;
        double result = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
            result = randomData.nextUniform(lower,upper);
            if ((result == lower) || (result == upper)) {
                fail("generated value equal to an endpoint: " + result);
            if (result < midpoint) {
            } else {
        /* Use ChiSquare dist with df = 2-1 = 1, alpha = .001
         * Change to 6.64 for alpha = .01
        assertTrue("chi-square test -- will fail about 1 in 1000 times",
            testStatistic.chiSquare(expected,observed) < 10.83)
    /** test exclusive endpoints of nextUniform **/
    public void testNextUniformExclusiveEndpoints() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
            double u = randomData.nextUniform(0.99, 1);
            assertTrue(u > 0.99 && u < 1);
    /** test failure modes and distribution of nextGaussian() */ 
    public void testNextGaussian() {
        try {
            fail("zero sigma -- IllegalArgumentException expected");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        SummaryStatistics u = new SummaryStatistics();
        for (int i = 0; i<largeSampleSize; i++) {
        double xbar = u.getMean();
        double s = u.getStandardDeviation();
        double n = (double) u.getN();
        /* t-test at .001-level TODO: replace with externalized t-test, with
         * test statistic defined in TestStatistic
        assertTrue(Math.abs(xbar)/(s/Math.sqrt(n))< 3.29);
    /** test failure modes and distribution of nextExponential() */ 
    public void testNextExponential() {
        try {
            fail("negative mean -- expecting IllegalArgumentException");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        assertEquals("0 mean", 0,randomData.nextExponential(0),10E-8);
        long cumFreq = 0;
        double v = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < largeSampleSize; i++) {
            v = randomData.nextExponential(1);
            assertTrue("exponential deviate postive", v > 0);
            if (v < 2) cumFreq++;
        /* TODO: Replace with a statistical test, with statistic added to
         * TestStatistic.  Check below compares observed cumulative distribution
         * evaluated at 2 with exponential CDF
        assertEquals("exponential cumulative distribution",
    /** test reseeding, algorithm/provider games */
    public void testConfig() throws NoSuchProviderException,
      NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        double v = randomData.nextUniform(0,1);
        assertTrue("different seeds",
            Math.abs(v - randomData.nextUniform(0,1)) > 10E-12);
        assertEquals("same seeds",v,randomData.nextUniform(0,1),10E-12);
        String hex = randomData.nextSecureHexString(40);
        assertTrue("different seeds",
        assertTrue("same seeds",
        /* remove this test back soon,
         * since it takes about 4 seconds

        try {
        } catch (NoSuchProviderException ex) {
        assertTrue("different seeds",
        try {
            fail("expecting NoSuchAlgorithmException");
        } catch (NoSuchProviderException ex) {
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
        try {
            fail("expecting NoSuchProviderException");
        } catch (NoSuchProviderException ex) {
        // test reseeding without first using the generators
        RandomDataImpl rd = new RandomDataImpl();
        RandomDataImpl rd2 = new RandomDataImpl();
        rd = new RandomDataImpl();
        rd2 = new RandomDataImpl();
    /** tests for nextSample() sampling from Collection */
    public void testNextSample() {
       Object[][] c = {{"0","1"},{"0","2"},{"0","3"},{"0","4"},{"1","2"},
       long[] observed = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
       double[] expected = {100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100};
       HashSet cPop = new HashSet()//{0,1,2,3,4}
       for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
       Object[] sets = new Object[10]; // 2-sets from 5
       for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
           HashSet hs = new HashSet();
           sets[i] = hs;
       for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i ++) {
           Object[] cSamp = randomData.nextSample(cPop,2);
        /* Use ChiSquare dist with df = 10-1 = 9, alpha = .001
         * Change to 21.67 for alpha = .01
        assertTrue("chi-square test -- will fail about 1 in 1000 times",
            testStatistic.chiSquare(expected,observed) < 27.88)
       // Make sure sample of size = size of collection returns same collection
       HashSet hs = new HashSet();
       Object[] one = randomData.nextSample(hs,1);
       String oneString = (String) one[0];
       if ((one.length != 1) || !oneString.equals("one")){
           fail("bad sample for set size = 1, sample size = 1");
       // Make sure we fail for sample size > collection size
       try {
           one = randomData.nextSample(hs,2);
           fail("sample size > set size, expecting IllegalArgumentException");
       } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
       // Make sure we fail for empty collection
       try {
           hs = new HashSet();
           one = randomData.nextSample(hs,0);
           fail("n = k = 0, expecting IllegalArgumentException");
       } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    private int findSample(Object[] u, Object[] samp) {
        for (int i = 0; i < u.length; i++) {
            HashSet set = (HashSet) u[i];
            HashSet sampSet = new HashSet();
            for (int j = 0; j < samp.length; j++) {
            if (set.equals(sampSet)) {                
               return i;
        fail("sample not found:{" + samp[0] + "," + samp[1] + "}");
        return -1;
    /** tests for nextPermutation */
    public void testNextPermutation() {
        int[][] p = {{0,1,2},{0,2,1},{1,0,2},{1,2,0},{2,0,1},{2,1,0}};
        long[] observed = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
        double[] expected = {100,100,100,100,100,100};
        for (int i = 0; i < 600; i++) {
            int[] perm = randomData.nextPermutation(3,3);
        /* Use ChiSquare dist with df = 6-1 = 5, alpha = .001
         * Change to 15.09 for alpha = .01
        assertTrue("chi-square test -- will fail about 1 in 1000 times",
                testStatistic.chiSquare(expected,observed) < 20.52);
        // Check size = 1 boundary case
        int[] perm = randomData.nextPermutation(1,1);
        if ((perm.length != 1) || (perm[0] != 0)){
            fail("bad permutation for n = 1, sample k = 1");
            // Make sure we fail for k size > n
            try {
                perm = randomData.nextPermutation(2,3);
                fail("permutation k > n, expecting IllegalArgumentException");
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            // Make sure we fail for n = 0
            try {
                perm = randomData.nextPermutation(0,0);
                fail("permutation k = n = 0, expecting IllegalArgumentException");
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    private int findPerm(int[][] p, int[] samp) {
        for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
            boolean good = true;
            for (int j = 0; j < samp.length; j++) {
                if (samp[j] != p[i][j]) {
                    good = false;
            if (good)  {
                return i;
        fail("permutation not found");
        return -1;

Related Classes of org.apache.commons.math.random.RandomDataTest

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