Package org.apache.jena.riot

Source Code of org.apache.jena.riot.RDFDataMgr

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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package org.apache.jena.riot;

import ;
import ;
import ;

import ;
import ;
import ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.web.ContentType ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.web.TypedInputStream ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.lang.LangRDFXML ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.lang.LangRIOT ;
import ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.system.ErrorHandlerFactory ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.system.IRIResolver ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.system.StreamRDF ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.system.StreamRDFLib ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.tokens.Tokenizer ;
import org.apache.jena.riot.tokens.TokenizerFactory ;
import org.slf4j.Logger ;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory ;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Graph ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Dataset ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.DatasetFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.core.DatasetGraph ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.core.DatasetGraphFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.graph.GraphFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.util.Context ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.util.Symbol ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.util.Utils ;

/** <p>General purpose reader framework for RDF (triples and quads) syntaxes.</p>  
<li>HTTP Content negotiation</li>
<li>File type hint by the extension</li>
<li>Application language hint</li>
* <p>
*  It also provides a way to lookup names in different
*  locations and to remap URIs to other URIs.
*  Extensible - a new syntax can be added to the framework.
<p>Operations fall into the follwoing categories:</p>
<li>{@code read} -- Read data from a location into a Model/Dataset etc</li>
<li>{@code loadXXX} -- Read data and return an in-memory object holding the data.</li>
<li>{@code parse} -- Read data and send to an {@link StreamRDF}</li>
<li>{@code open}  -- Open a typed input stream to the location, using any alternative locations</li>

public class RDFDataMgr
    static { RIOT.init() ; }
    /* Maybe:
     * static for global (singleton) and locally tailored.
    static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RDFDataMgr.class) ;
    private static String riotBase = "" ;
    private static String streamManagerSymbolStr = riotBase+"streamManager" ;
    public static Symbol streamManagerSymbol = Symbol.create(streamManagerSymbolStr) ;
    /** Read triples into a Model from the given location.
     *  The syntax is detemined from input source URI (content negotiation or extension).
     * @param model Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param uri   URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @throws RiotNotFoundException if the location is not found - the model is unchanged.
     * @see #read(Model,String,Lang,Context)
    public static void read(Model model, String uri)                    { read(model.getGraph(), uri) ; }
    /** Read triples into a Model from the given location.
     *  The syntax is detemined from input source URI (content negotiation or extension).
     * @param graph Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param uri   URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @throws RiotNotFoundException if the location is not found - the graph is unchanged.
     * @see #read(Graph,String,Lang,Context)
    public static void read(Graph graph, String uri)                    { read(graph, uri, null, null, null) ; }

    /** Read triples into a Model from the given location, with a hint of the language (MIME type)
     * @param model     Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param hintLang  Hint for the syntax.
     * @throws RiotNotFoundException if the location is not found - the model is unchanged.
     * @see #read(Model,String,String,Lang,Context)
    public static void read(Model model, String uri, Lang hintLang)    { read(model.getGraph(), uri, hintLang) ; }
    /** Read triples into a Model from the given location, with a hint of the language (MIME type or short name)
     * @param graph     Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param hintLang  Hint for the syntax.
     * @throws RiotNotFoundException if the location is not found - the graph is unchanged.
     * @see #read(Graph,String,Lang,Context)
    public static void read(Graph graph, String uri, Lang hintLang)    { read(graph, uri, hintLang, null) ; }
    /** Read triples into a Model from the given location, with hint of language and with some parameters for the reader
     * @see #read(Model,String,String,Lang,Context)
     * Throws parse errors depending on the language and reader; the model may be partially updated.
     * @param model     Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param base      Base URI (defaults to uri).
     * @param hintLang  Hint for the syntax
     * @throws RiotNotFoundException if the location is not found - the model is unchanged.
    public static void read(Model model, String uri, String base, Lang hintLang) { read(model.getGraph(), uri, base, hintLang) ; }
    /** Read triples into a Model from the given location, with hint of language and the with some parameters for the reader
     * @see #read(Graph,String,String,Lang,Context)
     * Throws parse errors depending on the language and reader; the Model model may be partially updated.
     * @param graph     Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param base      Base URI (defaults to uri).
     * @param hintLang  Hint for the syntax
     * @throws RiotNotFoundException if the location is not found - the graph is unchanged.
    public static void read(Graph graph, String uri, String base, Lang hintLang) { read(graph, uri, base, hintLang, null) ; }
    /** Read triples into a Model from the given location, with some parameters for the reader
     * @see #read(Model,String,String,Lang,Context)
     * @param model     Destination for the RDF read
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param context   Content object to control reading process.
     * @throws RiotNotFoundException if the location is not found - the model is unchanged.
    public static void read(Model model, String uri, Context context)   { read(model.getGraph(), uri, context) ; }
    /** Read triples into a Model from the given location, with some parameters for the reader
     * @see #read(Graph,String,String,Lang,Context)
     * @param graph     Destination for the RDF read
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param context   Content object to control reading process.
     * @throws RiotNotFoundException if the location is not found - the graph is unchanged.
    public static void read(Graph graph, String uri, Context context)   { read(graph, uri, null, context) ; }
    /** Read triples into a Model from the given location, with hint of language and the with some parameters for the reader
     * @see #read(Model,String,String,Lang,Context)
     * @param model     Destination for the RDF read
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param hintLang  Hint for the syntax
     * @param context   Content object to control reading process.
     * @throws RiotNotFoundException if the location is not found - the model is unchanged.
    public static void read(Model model, String uri, Lang hintLang, Context context)
    { read(model, uri, uri, hintLang, context) ; }
    /** Read triples into a Model from the given location, with hint of language and with some parameters for the reader
     * @see #read(Graph,String,String,Lang,Context)
     * @param graph     Destination for the RDF read
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param hintLang  Hint for the syntax
     * @param context   Content object to control reading process.
     * @throws RiotNotFoundException if the location is not found - the graph is unchanged.
    public static void read(Graph graph, String uri, Lang hintLang, Context context)
    { read(graph, uri, uri, hintLang, context) ; }
    /** Read triples into a Model from the given location, with hint of language
     * and with some parameters for the reader.
     * Throws parse errors depending on the language and reader; the model may be partially updated.
     * @param model     Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param base      Base URI (defaults to uri).
     * @param hintLang  Hint for the syntax
     * @param context   Content object to control reading process.
     * @throws RiotNotFoundException if the location is not found - the model is unchanged.
    public static void read(Model model, String uri, String base, Lang hintLang, Context context)
  { read(model.getGraph(), uri, base, hintLang, context) ; }

    /** Read triples into a Model from the given location, with hint of language and the with some parameters for the reader
     * Throws parse errors depending on the language and reader; the graph may be partially updated.
     * @param graph     Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param base      Base URI (defaults to uri).
     * @param hintLang  Hint for the syntax
     * @param context   Content object to control reading process.
     * @throws RiotNotFoundException if the location is not found - the model is unchanged.
    public static void read(Graph graph, String uri, String base, Lang hintLang, Context context)
        StreamRDF dest = StreamRDFLib.graph(graph) ;
        parse(dest, uri, base, hintLang, context) ;

    /** Read triples into a Model with bytes from an InputStream.
     *  A base URI and a syntax can be provided.
     *  The base URI defualts to "no base" in which case the data should have no relative URIs.
     *  The lang gives the syntax of the stream.
     * @param model     Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param in        InputStream
     * @param lang      Language syntax
    public static void read(Model model, InputStream in, Lang lang)    { read(model.getGraph(), in, lang) ; }
    /** Read triples into a Model with bytes from an InputStream.
     *  A base URI and a syntax can be provided.
     *  The base URI defualts to "no base" in which case the data should have no relative URIs.
     *  The lang gives the syntax of the stream.
     * @param graph     Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param in        InputStream
     * @param lang      Language syntax
    public static void read(Graph graph, InputStream in, Lang lang)    { read(graph, in, null, lang) ; }

    /** Read triples into a Model with bytes from an InputStream.
     *  A base URI and a syntax can be provided.
     *  The base URI defualts to "no base" in which case the data should have no relative URIs.
     *  The lang gives the syntax of the stream.
     * @param model     Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param in        InputStream
     * @param base      Base URI
     * @param lang      Language syntax
    public static void read(Model model, InputStream in, String base, Lang lang)
    { read(model.getGraph(), in, base, lang) ; }

    /** Read triples into a Model with bytes from an InputStream.
     *  A base URI and a syntax can be provided.
     *  The base URI defualts to "no base" in which case the data should have no relative URIs.
     *  The lang gives the syntax of the stream.
     * @param graph     Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param in        InputStream
     * @param base      Base URI
     * @param lang      Language syntax
    public static void read(Graph graph, InputStream in, String base, Lang lang)
        StreamRDF dest = StreamRDFLib.graph(graph) ;
        process(dest, new TypedInputStream(in), base, lang, null) ;

    /** Read triples into a model with chars from an Reader.
     * Use of is not encouraged - use with a StringReader is the primary use case.
     * For files, open a {@link} to ensure correct character set handling.
     * @deprecated     Use an InputStream or StringReader.
     * @param model     Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param in        Reader
     * @param base      Base URI
     * @param lang      Language syntax
    public static void read(Model model, Reader in, String base, Lang lang)
        read(model.getGraph(), in, base,  lang) ;

    /** Read triples into a model with chars from an Reader.
     * Use of is not encouraged - use with a StringReader is the primary use case.
     * For files, open a {@link} to ensure correct character set handling.
     * @deprecated     Use an InputStream or StringReader.
     * @param graph     Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param in        Reader
     * @param base      Base URI
     * @param lang      Language syntax
    public static void read(Graph graph, Reader in, String base, Lang lang)
        StreamRDF dest = StreamRDFLib.graph(graph) ;
        processTriples(dest, base, in, lang, null) ;

    /** Read triples into a model with chars from a StringReader.
     * @param model     Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param in        InputStream
     * @param base      Base URI
     * @param lang      Language syntax
    public static void read(Model model, StringReader in, String base, Lang lang)
        Graph g = model.getGraph() ;
        StreamRDF dest = StreamRDFLib.graph(g) ;
        processTriples(dest, base, in, lang, null) ;

    /** Read triples into a model with chars from a StringReader.
     * @param graph     Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param in        InputStream
     * @param base      Base URI
     * @param lang      Language syntax
    public static void read(Graph graph, StringReader in, String base, Lang lang)
        StreamRDF dest = StreamRDFLib.graph(graph) ;
        processTriples(dest, base, in, lang, null) ;
    private static Model createModel() { return ModelFactory.createDefaultModel() ; }
    private static Graph createGraph() { return GraphFactory.createDefaultGraph() ; }
    private static Dataset createDataset() { return DatasetFactory.createMem() ; }
    private static DatasetGraph createDatasetGraph() { return DatasetGraphFactory.createMem() ; }
    // Load:
    // Macros would be nice.

    /** Create a memory Model and read in some data
     * @see #read(Model,String)
    public static Model loadModel(String uri)
        Model m = createModel() ;
        read(m, uri) ;
        return m ;

    /** Create a memory Model and read in some data
     * @see #read(Model,String,Lang)
    public static Model loadModel(String uri, Lang lang)
    Model m = createModel() ;
        read(m, uri,lang) ;
        return m ;

    //public static Model loadModel(String uri, String base) { return null ; }
    //public static Model loadModel(String uri, String base, Lang lang) { return null ; }

    /** Create a memory Graph and read in some data
     * @see #read(Graph,String)
    public static Graph loadGraph(String uri)
        Graph g = createGraph() ;
        read(g, uri) ;
        return g ;

  /** Create a memory Graph and read in some data
     * @see #read(Graph,String,Lang)
    public static Graph loadGraph(String uri, Lang lang)
        Graph g = createGraph() ;
        read(g, uri, lang) ;
        return g ;

//  public static Graph loadGraph(String uri, String base) { return null ; }
//  public static Graph loadGraph(String uri, String base, Lang lang) { return null ; }

  /** Create a memory Dataset and read in some data
     * @see #read(Dataset,String)
    public static Dataset loadDataset(String uri)
        Dataset ds = createDataset() ;
        read(ds, uri) ;
        return ds ;

  /** Create a memory Dataset and read in some data
     * @see #read(Dataset,String,Lang)
    public static Dataset loadDataset(String uri, Lang lang)
        Dataset ds = createDataset() ;
        read(ds, uri, lang) ;
        return ds ;

//    public static Dataset loadDataset(String uri, String base) { return null ; }
//    public static Dataset loadDataset(String uri, String base, Lang lang) { return null ; }
//    public static Dataset loadDataset(String uri, String base, Lang lang, Context context) { return null ; }

  /** Create a memory DatasetGraph and read in some data
     * @see #read(DatasetGraph,String)
    public static DatasetGraph loadDatasetGraph(String uri)
    DatasetGraph ds = createDatasetGraph() ;
        read(ds, uri) ;
        return ds ;
  /** Create a memory DatasetGraph and read in some data
     * @see #read(DatasetGraph,String,Lang)
    public static DatasetGraph loadDatasetGraph(String uri, Lang lang)
    DatasetGraph ds = createDatasetGraph() ;
        read(ds, uri, lang) ;
        return ds ; 

//    public static DatasetGraph loadDatasetGraph(String uri, String base) { return null ; }
//    public static DatasetGraph loadDatasetGraph(String uri, String base, Lang lang) { return null ; }
//    public static DatasetGraph loadDatasetGraph(String uri, String base, Lang lang, Context context) { return null ; }
    /** Read quads or triples into a Dataset from the given location, with hint of language.
     * @see #read(Dataset, String, String, Lang, Context)
     * @param dataset   Destination
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
    public static void read(Dataset dataset, String uri)
        read(dataset.asDatasetGraph(), uri) ;

    /** Read quads or triples into a Dataset from the given location, with hint of language.
     * @see #read(DatasetGraph, String, String, Lang, Context)
     * @param dataset   Destination
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
    public static void read(DatasetGraph dataset, String uri)
        read(dataset, uri, null, null) ;

    /** Read quads or triples into a Dataset from the given location, with hint of language.
     * @see #read(Dataset, String, String, Lang, Context)
     * @param dataset   Destination
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param hintLang  Language syntax
    public static void read(Dataset dataset, String uri, Lang hintLang)
        read(dataset.asDatasetGraph(), uri, hintLang) ;

    /** Read quads or triples into a Dataset from the given location, with hint of language.
     * @see #read(DatasetGraph, String, String, Lang, Context)
     * @param dataset   Destination
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param hintLang  Language syntax
    public static void read(DatasetGraph dataset, String uri, Lang hintLang)
        read(dataset, uri, hintLang, null) ;

    /** Read quads or triples into a Dataset from the given location.
     * @see #read(Dataset, String, String, Lang, Context)
     * @param dataset   Destination
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param hintLang  Language syntax
    public static void read(Dataset dataset, String uri, Lang hintLang, Context context)
        read(dataset.asDatasetGraph(), uri, hintLang, context) ;
    /** Read quads or triples into a Dataset from the given location.
     * @see #read(DatasetGraph, String, String, Lang, Context)
     * @param dataset   Destination
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param hintLang  Language syntax
    public static void read(DatasetGraph dataset, String uri, Lang hintLang, Context context)
        read(dataset, uri, uri, hintLang, context) ;
    /** Read quads or triples into a Dataset from the given location.
     * @see #read(Dataset, String, String, Lang, Context)
     * @param dataset   Destination
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param hintLang  Language syntax
   * @param context   Context for the reader
   * @throws RiotNotFoundException if the location is not found - the dataset is unchanged.
   * Throws parse errors depending on the language and reader; the dataset may be partially updated.

    public static void read(Dataset dataset, String uri, String base, Lang hintLang, Context context)
    read(dataset.asDatasetGraph(), uri, uri, hintLang, context) ;

    /** Read quads or triples into a Dataset from the given location.
     * @see #read(Dataset, String, String, Lang, Context)
     * @param dataset   Destination
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param hintLang  Language syntax
   * @param context   Context for the reader
   * @throws RiotNotFoundException if the location is not found - the dataset is unchanged.
   * Throws parse errors depending on the language and reader; the dataset may be partially updated.

    public static void read(DatasetGraph dataset, String uri, String base, Lang hintLang, Context context)
        StreamRDF sink = StreamRDFLib.dataset(dataset) ;
        parse(sink, uri, base, hintLang, context) ;

    /** Read quads or triples into a dataset with bytes from an input stream.
     * @param dataset   Destination
     * @param in        InputStream
     * @param lang      Language syntax
    public static void read(Dataset dataset, InputStream in, Lang lang)
        read(dataset.asDatasetGraph(), in, lang) ;
    /** Read quads or triples into a dataset with bytes from an input stream.
     * @param dataset   Destination
     * @param in        InputStream
     * @param lang      Language syntax
    public static void read(DatasetGraph dataset, InputStream in, Lang lang)
        read(dataset, in, null, lang) ;
    /** Read quads or triples into a dataset with bytes from an input stream.
     * @param dataset   Destination
     * @param in        InputStream
     * @param base      Base URI
     * @param lang      Language syntax
    public static void read(Dataset dataset, InputStream in, String base, Lang lang)
        read(dataset.asDatasetGraph(), in, base, lang) ;
    /** Read quads or triples into a dataset with bytes from an input stream.
     * @param dataset   Destination
     * @param in        InputStream
     * @param base      Base URI
     * @param lang      Language syntax
    public static void read(DatasetGraph dataset, InputStream in, String base, Lang lang)
        StreamRDF dest = StreamRDFLib.dataset(dataset) ;
        process(dest, new TypedInputStream(in), base, lang, null) ;
    /** Read quads into a dataset with chars from an Reader.
     * Use is not encouraged - use with a StringReader is the primary use case.
     * For files, open a {@link} to ensure correct character set handling.
     * @param dataset   Destination
     * @param in        InputStream
     * @param base      Base URI
     * @param lang      Language syntax
     * @deprecated use an InputStream or a StringReader.
    public static void read(Dataset dataset, Reader in, String base, Lang lang)
    read(dataset.asDatasetGraph(), in, base, lang) ;

    /** Read quads into a dataset with chars from an Reader.
     * Use is not encouraged - use with a StringReader is the primary use case.
     * For files, open a {@link} to ensure correct character set handling.
     * @param dataset   Destination
     * @param in        InputStream
     * @param base      Base URI
     * @param lang      Language syntax
     * @deprecated use an InputStream or a StringReader.
    public static void read(DatasetGraph dataset, Reader in, String base, Lang lang)
        StreamRDF dest = StreamRDFLib.dataset(dataset) ;
        process(dest, base, in, lang, null) ;

    /** Read quads into a dataset with chars from a StringReader.
     * Use is not encouraged - use with a StringReader is the primary use case.
     * For files, open a {@link} to ensure correct character set handling.
     * @param dataset   Destination
     * @param in        InputStream
     * @param base      Base URI
     * @param lang      Language syntax
    public static void read(Dataset dataset, StringReader in, String base, Lang lang)
        read(dataset.asDatasetGraph(), in, base, lang) ;

    /** Read quads into a dataset with chars from a StringReader.
     * Use is not encouraged - use with a StringReader is the primary use case.
     * For files, open a {@link} to ensure correct character set handling.
     * @param dataset   Destination
     * @param in        InputStream
     * @param base      Base URI
     * @param lang      Language syntax
    public static void read(DatasetGraph dataset, StringReader in, String base, Lang lang)
        StreamRDF dest = StreamRDFLib.dataset(dataset) ;
        process(dest, base, in, lang, null) ;

    /** Read RDF data.
     * @param sink     Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
    public static void parse(StreamRDF sink, String uri)
        parse(sink, uri, null, null) ;

    /** Read RDF data.
     * @param sink     Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param hintLang  Hint for the syntax
     * @param context   Content object to control reading process.
    public static void parse(StreamRDF sink, String uri, Lang hintLang, Context context)
        parse(sink, uri, uri, hintLang, context) ;

    /** Read RDF data.
     * @param sink     Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param uri       URI to read from (includes file: and a plain file name).
     * @param base      Base URI (defaults to uri).
     * @param hintLang  Hint for the syntax
     * @param context   Content object to control reading process.
    public static void parse(StreamRDF sink, String uri, String base, Lang hintLang, Context context)
        if ( uri == null )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI to read from is null") ;
        if ( base == null )
            base = IRIResolver.resolveFileURL(uri) ;
        if ( hintLang == null )
            hintLang = RDFLanguages.filenameToLang(uri) ;
        TypedInputStream in = open(uri, context) ;
        if ( in == null )
            throw new RiotException("Not found: "+uri) ;
        process(sink, in, base, hintLang, context) ;
        IO.close(in) ;

    /** Read RDF data.
     * @param sink      Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param in        Bytes to read.
     * @param base      Base URI (defaults to uri).
     * @param hintLang  Hint for the syntax
     * @param context   Content object to control reading process.
    public static void parse(StreamRDF sink, InputStream in, String base, Lang hintLang, Context context)
        process(sink, new TypedInputStream(in), base, hintLang, context) ;

    /** Read RDF data.
     * @param sink      Destination for the RDF read.
     * @param in        Bytes to read.
     * @param base      Base URI
    public static void parse(StreamRDF sink, TypedInputStream in, String base)
        Lang hintLang = RDFLanguages.contentTypeToLang(in.getMediaType()) ;
        process(sink, new TypedInputStream(in), base, hintLang, null) ;

    /** Open a stream to the destination (URI or filename)
     * Performs content negotition, including looking at file extension.
     * @param filenameOrURI
     * @return TypedInputStream
    public static TypedInputStream open(String filenameOrURI)
    { return open(filenameOrURI, (Context)null) ; }
    /** Open a stream to the destination (URI or filename)
     * Performs content negotition, including looking at file extension.
     * @param filenameOrURI
     * @param context
     * @return TypedInputStream
    public static TypedInputStream open(String filenameOrURI, Context context)
        StreamManager sMgr = StreamManager.get() ;
        if ( context != null )
            try { sMgr = (StreamManager)context.get(streamManagerSymbol, context) ; }
            catch (ClassCastException ex)
            { log.warn("Context symbol '"+streamManagerSymbol+"' is not a "+Utils.classShortName(StreamManager.class)) ; }
        return open(filenameOrURI, sMgr) ;
    /** Open a stream to the destination (URI or filename)
     * Performs content negotition, including looking at file extension.
     * @param filenameOrURI
     * @param streamManager
     * @return TypedInputStream
    public static TypedInputStream open(String filenameOrURI, StreamManager streamManager)
        TypedInputStream in = ;
        if ( in == null )
            if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
                //log.debug("Found: "+filenameOrURI+" ("+loc.getName()+")") ;
                log.debug("Not Found: "+filenameOrURI) ;
            throw new RiotNotFoundException("Not found: "+filenameOrURI) ;
            //return null ;
        if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
            //log.debug("Found: "+filenameOrURI+" ("+loc.getName()+")") ;
            log.debug("Found: "+filenameOrURI) ;
        return in ;
    // -----
    // Readers are algorithms and must be stateless (or they must create a per run
    // instance of something) because they may be called concurrency from different threads.
    // The Context Readerobject gives the per-run configuration. 
    // Alternative: A two step factory-instance design means
    // readers can be created and passed around (e,.g. to set specific features)
    // We could have had two step design - ReaderFactory-ReaderInstance
    // no - put the bruden on complicated readers, not everyone.
    private static void process(StreamRDF destination , TypedInputStream in , String baseUri , Lang hintLang , Context context )
        ContentType ct = determineCT(baseUri, in.getContentType(), hintLang ) ;
        if ( ct == null )
            throw new RiotException("Failed to determine the triples content type: (URI="+baseUri+" : stream="+in.getContentType()+" : hint="+hintLang+")") ;

        ReaderRIOT reader = getReader(ct) ;
        if ( reader == null )
            throw new RiotException("No triples reader for content type: "+ct.getContentType()) ;
        }, baseUri, ct, destination, context) ;

    private static ReaderRIOT getReader(ContentType ct)
        Lang lang = RDFLanguages.contentTypeToLang(ct) ;
        ReaderRIOTFactory r = RDFParserRegistry.getFactory(lang) ;
        if ( r == null )
            return null ;
        return r.create(lang) ;

    // With sink and ither ParserOutput
    // are NOT preferred.
    private static void processTriples(StreamRDF output, String base, Reader in, Lang lang, Context context)
        // Not as good as from an InputStream - RDF/XML not supported
        ContentType ct = determineCT(base, null, lang) ;
        if ( ct == null )
            throw new RiotException("Failed to determine the triples content type: (URI="+base+" : hint="+lang+")") ;
        LangRIOT parser ;
        if ( lang == null )
            throw new RiotException("No language specificied") ;

        if ( RDFLanguages.sameLang(RDFLanguages.RDFXML, lang) )
            parser = LangRDFXML.create(in, base, base, ErrorHandlerFactory.errorHandlerStd, output) ;
            Tokenizer tokenizer =
                              new TokenizerJSON(PeekReader.make(in)) :  
                              TokenizerFactory.makeTokenizer(in) ;
            parser = RiotReader.createParser(tokenizer, lang, base, output) ;
        parser.parse() ;
    // are NOT preferred.
    private static void process(StreamRDF dest, String base, Reader in, Lang hintLang, Context context)
        Tokenizer tokenizer = TokenizerFactory.makeTokenizer(in) ;
        LangRIOT parser = RiotReader.createParser(tokenizer, hintLang, base, dest) ;
        parser.parse() ;

    private static ContentType determineCT(String target, String ctStr, Lang hintLang)
        boolean isTextPlain = WebContent.contentTypeTextPlain.equals(ctStr) ;
        if ( ctStr != null )
            ctStr = WebContent.contentTypeCanonical(ctStr) ;
        ContentType ct = (ctStr==null) ? null : ContentType.parse(ctStr) ;
        // If it's text plain, we ignore it because a lot of naive
        // server setups return text/plain for any file type.
        // We use the file extension.
        if ( ct == null || isTextPlain )
            ct = RDFLanguages.guessContentType(target) ;
        if ( ct == null && hintLang != null )
            ct = hintLang.getContentType() ;
        return ct ;

Related Classes of org.apache.jena.riot.RDFDataMgr

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