Package org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets

Source Code of org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage$FaceletViewMetadata

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets;

import java.beans.BeanDescriptor;
import java.beans.BeanInfo;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.el.ELContext;
import javax.el.ELException;
import javax.el.MethodExpression;
import javax.el.ValueExpression;
import javax.el.VariableMapper;
import javax.faces.FacesException;
import javax.faces.FacesWrapper;
import javax.faces.application.ProjectStage;
import javax.faces.application.Resource;
import javax.faces.application.StateManager;
import javax.faces.application.ViewHandler;
import javax.faces.component.ActionSource2;
import javax.faces.component.EditableValueHolder;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.component.UINamingContainer;
import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot;
import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter;
import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.faces.event.ActionListener;
import javax.faces.event.MethodExpressionActionListener;
import javax.faces.event.MethodExpressionValueChangeListener;
import javax.faces.event.PhaseId;
import javax.faces.event.PreRemoveFromViewEvent;
import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent;
import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeListener;
import javax.faces.render.RenderKit;
import javax.faces.validator.MethodExpressionValidator;
import javax.faces.validator.Validator;
import javax.faces.view.ActionSource2AttachedObjectHandler;
import javax.faces.view.ActionSource2AttachedObjectTarget;
import javax.faces.view.AttachedObjectHandler;
import javax.faces.view.AttachedObjectTarget;
import javax.faces.view.BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectHandler;
import javax.faces.view.BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectTarget;
import javax.faces.view.EditableValueHolderAttachedObjectHandler;
import javax.faces.view.EditableValueHolderAttachedObjectTarget;
import javax.faces.view.StateManagementStrategy;
import javax.faces.view.ValueHolderAttachedObjectHandler;
import javax.faces.view.ValueHolderAttachedObjectTarget;
import javax.faces.view.ViewMetadata;
import javax.faces.view.facelets.FaceletContext;
import javax.faces.view.facelets.ResourceResolver;
import javax.faces.view.facelets.TagDecorator;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.myfaces.buildtools.maven2.plugin.builder.annotation.JSFWebConfigParam;
import org.apache.myfaces.config.RuntimeConfig;
import org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.application.DefaultViewHandlerSupport;
import org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.application.ViewHandlerSupport;
import org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.config.MyfacesConfig;
import org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.util.ClassUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.util.WebConfigParamUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.view.ViewDeclarationLanguageBase;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.ViewMetadataBase;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.FaceletViewHandler.NullWriter;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.compiler.Compiler;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.compiler.SAXCompiler;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.compiler.TagLibraryConfig;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.el.LocationMethodExpression;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.el.LocationValueExpression;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.el.VariableMapperWrapper;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.impl.DefaultFaceletFactory;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.impl.DefaultResourceResolver;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.TagLibrary;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.composite.ClientBehaviorAttachedObjectTarget;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.composite.ClientBehaviorRedirectBehaviorAttachedObjectHandlerWrapper;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.composite.ClientBehaviorRedirectEventComponentWrapper;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.composite.CompositeLibrary;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.composite.CompositeResourceLibrary;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.jsf.core.AjaxHandler;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.jsf.core.CoreLibrary;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.jsf.html.HtmlLibrary;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.jstl.core.JstlCoreLibrary;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.jstl.fn.JstlFnLibrary;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.ui.UIDebug;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.ui.UILibrary;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.util.ReflectionUtil;

* This class represents the abstraction of Facelets as a ViewDeclarationLanguage.
* @author Simon Lessard (latest modification by $Author: slessard $)
* @version $Revision: 696523 $ $Date: 2009-03-21 14:57:08 -0400 (mer., 17 sept. 2008) $
* @since 2.0
public class FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage extends ViewDeclarationLanguageBase
    //private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage.class);
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage.class.getName());

    private static final Class<?>[] EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY = new Class<?>[0];

    private static final Class<?>[] VALUE_CHANGE_LISTENER_SIGNATURE = new Class[]{ValueChangeEvent.class};
    private static final Class<?>[] ACTION_LISTENER_SIGNATURE = new Class[]{ActionEvent.class};
    private static final Class<?>[] VALIDATOR_SIGNATURE = new Class[]{FacesContext.class, UIComponent.class, Object.class};
    public static final String CHARACTER_ENCODING_KEY = "javax.faces.request.charset";

    public final static long DEFAULT_REFRESH_PERIOD = 2;
    public final static long DEFAULT_REFRESH_PERIOD_PRODUCTION = -1;

    public final static String DEFAULT_CHARACTER_ENCODING = "UTF-8";
    //public final static String PARAM_BUFFER_SIZE = "javax.faces.FACELETS_BUFFER_SIZE";
    public final static String PARAM_BUFFER_SIZE = "javax.faces.FACELETS_BUFFER_SIZE";
    private final static String PARAM_BUFFER_SIZE_DEPRECATED = "facelets.BUFFER_SIZE";

    //private final static String PARAM_BUILD_BEFORE_RESTORE = "facelets.BUILD_BEFORE_RESTORE";

    public final static String PARAM_DECORATORS = "javax.faces.FACELETS_DECORATORS";
    private final static String PARAM_DECORATORS_DEPRECATED = "facelets.DECORATORS";

     * Constant used by EncodingHandler to indicate the current encoding of the page being built,
     * and indicate which one is the response encoding on getResponseEncoding(FacesContext, String) method.
    public final static String PARAM_ENCODING = "facelets.Encoding";

    public final static String PARAM_LIBRARIES = "javax.faces.FACELETS_LIBRARIES";
    private final static String PARAM_LIBRARIES_DEPRECATED = "facelets.LIBRARIES";

    public final static String PARAM_REFRESH_PERIOD = "javax.faces.FACELETS_REFRESH_PERIOD";
    private final static String PARAM_REFRESH_PERIOD_DEPRECATED = "facelets.REFRESH_PERIOD";
    public final static String PARAM_RESOURCE_RESOLVER = "javax.faces.FACELETS_RESOURCE_RESOLVER";
    private final static String PARAM_RESOURCE_RESOLVER_DEPRECATED = "facelets.RESOURCE_RESOLVER";
    public final static String PARAM_SKIP_COMMENTS = "javax.faces.FACELETS_SKIP_COMMENTS";
    private final static String PARAM_SKIP_COMMENTS_DEPRECATED = "facelets.SKIP_COMMENTS";

    //public final static String PARAM_VIEW_MAPPINGS = "javax.faces.FACELETS_VIEW_MAPPINGS";
    //private final static String PARAM_VIEW_MAPPINGS_DEPRECATED = "facelets.VIEW_MAPPINGS";
    public final static String FILLED_VIEW = "org.apache.myfaces.FILLED_VIEW";
    public final static String BUILDING_VIEW_METADATA = "org.apache.myfaces.BUILDING_VIEW_METADATA";
    public final static String REFRESHING_TRANSIENT_BUILD = "org.apache.myfaces.REFRESHING_TRANSIENT_BUILD";
    public final static String REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS = "org.apache.myfaces.REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS";
    public final static String USING_PSS_ON_THIS_VIEW = "org.apache.myfaces.USING_PSS_ON_THIS_VIEW";
    public final static String REMOVING_COMPONENTS_BUILD = "org.apache.myfaces.REMOVING_COMPONENTS_BUILD";
     * Marker to indicate tag handlers the view currently being built is using
     * partial state saving and it is necessary to call UIComponent.markInitialState
     * after component instances are populated.
    public final static String MARK_INITIAL_STATE_KEY = "javax.faces.view.ViewDeclarationLanguage.IS_BUILDING_INITIAL_STATE";
    public final static String CLEAN_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_RESTORE = "org.apache.myfaces.CLEAN_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_RESTORE";

    private final static String STATE_KEY = "<!--@@JSF_FORM_STATE_MARKER@@-->";

    private final static int STATE_KEY_LEN = STATE_KEY.length();

    private int _bufferSize;

    // This param evolve in jsf 2.0 to partial state saving
    //private boolean _buildBeforeRestore = false;

    private ViewHandlerSupport _cachedViewHandlerSupport;

    private String _defaultSuffix;

    private FaceletFactory _faceletFactory;

    private StateManagementStrategy _stateMgmtStrategy;
    private boolean _partialStateSaving;
    private boolean _refreshTransientBuildOnPSS;
    private boolean _refreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto;
    private Set<String> _viewIds;

    public FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage(FacesContext context)

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void buildView(FacesContext context, UIViewRoot view) throws IOException
        if (isFilledView(context, view))
        // setup our viewId
        String renderedViewId = getRenderedViewId(context, view.getViewId());


        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
            log.finest("Building View: " + renderedViewId);

        boolean usePartialStateSavingOnThisView = _usePartialStateSavingOnThisView(renderedViewId);
        boolean refreshTransientBuild = (view.getChildCount() > 0);
        boolean refreshTransientBuildOnPSS = (usePartialStateSavingOnThisView && _refreshTransientBuildOnPSS);
        if (usePartialStateSavingOnThisView)
            // Before apply we need to make sure the current view has
            // a clientId that will be used as a key to save and restore
            // the current view. Note that getClientId is never called (or used)
            // from UIViewRoot.
            if (view.getId() == null)
            context.getAttributes().put(USING_PSS_ON_THIS_VIEW, Boolean.TRUE);
            //Add a key to indicate ComponentTagHandlerDelegate to
            //call UIComponent.markInitialState after it is populated
            if (!refreshTransientBuild)
                context.getAttributes().put(MARK_INITIAL_STATE_KEY, Boolean.TRUE);
            if (refreshTransientBuildOnPSS)
                //This value is only set when _refreshTransientBuildOnPSSMode is "auto" or "true"
                context.getAttributes().put(REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS, _refreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto ? "auto" : "true");

            if (refreshTransientBuild)
                context.getAttributes().put(REFRESHING_TRANSIENT_BUILD, Boolean.TRUE);
                // In theory, this should be disabled on ComponentTagHandlerDelegate,
                // otherwise we could lost PostAddToViewEvent / PreRemoveFromViewEvent
                // caused by c:if effect or facelets cleanup algorithm
            // populate UIViewRoot
            _getFacelet(renderedViewId).apply(context, view);
            if (refreshTransientBuildOnPSS)
            if (refreshTransientBuild)
                if (!usePartialStateSavingOnThisView || refreshTransientBuildOnPSS)
                    // When the facelet is applied, all components are removed and added from view,
                    // but the difference resides in the ordering. Since the view is
                    // being refreshed, if we don't do this manually, some tags like
                    // cc:insertChildren or cc:insertFacet will not work correctly, because
                    // we expect PostAddToViewEvent will be propagated from parent to child, and
                    // facelets refreshing algorithm do the opposite.
                    //FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage._publishPreRemoveFromViewEvent(context, view);
                    //FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage._publishPostAddToViewEvent(context, view);
                    FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage._publishPostBuildComponentTreeOnRestoreViewEvent(context, view);
        // set this view as filled
        if (refreshTransientBuild)
            //This option will be true on this cases:
            //- pss is false, but we are refreshing
            //- pss is true, and we are refreshing a view already filled
            setFilledView(context, view);
        else if (!refreshTransientBuildOnPSS)
            // This option will be true on this cases:
            // -pss is true and refresh is not active
            setFilledView(context, view);
        //At this point refreshTransientBuild = false && refreshTransientBuildOnPSS is true
        else if (_refreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto && !context.getAttributes().containsKey(CLEAN_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_RESTORE))
            setFilledView(context, view);
        // Suscribe listeners if we are using partialStateSaving
        if (usePartialStateSavingOnThisView)
            // UIViewRoot.markInitialState() is not called because it does
            // not have a facelet tag handler class that create it, instead
            // new instances are created programatically.
            if (!refreshTransientBuild)
                if (!refreshTransientBuildOnPSS ||
                //Remove the key that indicate we need to call UIComponent.markInitialState
                //on the current tree
            // We need to suscribe the listeners of changes in the component tree
            // only the first time here. Later we suscribe this listeners on
            // DefaultFaceletsStateManagement.restoreView after calling
            // _publishPostBuildComponentTreeOnRestoreViewEvent(), to ensure
            // relocated components are not retrieved later on getClientIdsRemoved().
            if (!(refreshTransientBuild && PhaseId.RESTORE_VIEW.equals(context.getCurrentPhaseId())))
                ((DefaultFaceletsStateManagementStrategy) getStateManagementStrategy(context, view.getViewId())).suscribeListeners(view);
        // Remove this var from faces context because this one prevent AjaxHandler
        // register the standard script library on Post-Redirect-Get pattern or
        // in the next view
    private static void _publishPreRemoveFromViewEvent(FacesContext context, UIComponent component)
        context.getApplication().publishEvent(context, PreRemoveFromViewEvent.class, UIComponent.class, component);
        if (component.getChildCount() > 0)
            for (UIComponent child : component.getChildren())
                _publishPreRemoveFromViewEvent(context, child);
        if (component.getFacetCount() > 0)
            for (UIComponent child : component.getFacets().values())
                _publishPreRemoveFromViewEvent(context, child);
    public static void _publishPostBuildComponentTreeOnRestoreViewEvent(FacesContext context, UIComponent component)
        context.getApplication().publishEvent(context, PostBuildComponentTreeOnRestoreViewEvent.class, UIComponent.class, component);
        if (component.getChildCount() > 0)
            // PostAddToViewEvent could cause component relocation
            // (h:outputScript, h:outputStylesheet, composite:insertChildren, composite:insertFacet)
            // so we need to check if the component was relocated or not
            List<UIComponent> children = component.getChildren();
            UIComponent child = null;
            UIComponent currentChild = null;
            int i = 0;
            while (i < children.size())
                child = children.get(i);
                // Iterate over the same index if the component was removed
                // This prevents skip components when processing
                    _publishPostBuildComponentTreeOnRestoreViewEvent(context, child);
                    currentChild = child;
                while ((i < children.size()) &&
                       ((child = children.get(i)) != currentChild) );
        if (component.getFacetCount() > 0)
            for (UIComponent child : component.getFacets().values())
                _publishPostBuildComponentTreeOnRestoreViewEvent(context, child);
    private boolean isFilledView(FacesContext context, UIViewRoot view)
        // The view is only built on restoreView or renderView, but if
        // we are not using partial state saving, we need to mark the current
        // view as filled, otherwise it will be filled again on renderView.
        return context.getAttributes().containsKey(view);
        // -= Leonardo Uribe =- save this key on view cause render fail, because the view
        // is built before render view to "restore" the transient components that has
        // facelet markup (facelets UIInstructions ...) This effect is only notice when
        // partial state saving is not used.
        //return view.getAttributes().containsKey(FILLED_VIEW);
    private void setFilledView(FacesContext context, UIViewRoot view)
        context.getAttributes().put(view, Boolean.TRUE);
        // -= Leonardo Uribe =- save this key on view cause render fail, because the view
        // is built before render view to "restore" the transient components that has
        // facelet markup (facelets UIInstructions ...) This effect is only notice when
        // partial state saving is not used.
        // view.getAttributes().put(FILLED_VIEW, Boolean.TRUE);
     * retargetMethodExpressions(FacesContext, UIComponent) has some clues about the behavior of this method
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public BeanInfo getComponentMetadata(FacesContext context, Resource componentResource)
        BeanInfo beanInfo = null;
            Facelet compositeComponentFacelet;
                compositeComponentFacelet = _faceletFactory.getCompositeComponentMetadataFacelet(componentResource.getURL());
            //context.getAttributes().put(BUILDING_COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_METADATA, Boolean.TRUE);
            // Create a temporal tree where all components will be put, but we are only
            // interested in metadata.
            UINamingContainer compositeComponentBase = (UINamingContainer) context.getApplication().createComponent(UINamingContainer.COMPONENT_TYPE);
            // Fill the component resource key, because this information should be available
            // on metadata to recognize which is the component used as composite component base.
            // Since this method is called from Application.createComponent(FacesContext,Resource),
            // and in that specific method this key is updated, this is the best option we
            // have for recognize it (also this key is used by UIComponent.isCompositeComponent)
            compositeComponentBase.getAttributes().put(Resource.COMPONENT_RESOURCE_KEY, componentResource);
            // According to UserTagHandler, in this point we need to wrap the facelet
            // VariableMapper, so local changes are applied on "page context", but
            // data is retrieved from full context
            FaceletContext faceletContext = (FaceletContext) context.
            VariableMapper orig = faceletContext.getVariableMapper();
                faceletContext.setVariableMapper(new VariableMapperWrapper(orig));
                compositeComponentBase.pushComponentToEL(context, compositeComponentBase);
                compositeComponentFacelet.apply(context, compositeComponentBase);
            beanInfo = (BeanInfo) compositeComponentBase.getAttributes().get(UIComponent.BEANINFO_KEY);
        catch(IOException e)
            throw new FacesException(e);
        return beanInfo;
     * Check if the current facelet applied is used to build composite component metadata.
     * @param context
     * @return
    //public static boolean isBuildingCompositeComponentMetadata(FacesContext context)
    //    return context.getAttributes().containsKey(BUILDING_COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_METADATA);
     * Check if the current facelet applied is used to build view metadata.
     * @param context
     * @return
    public static boolean isBuildingViewMetadata(FacesContext context)
        return context.getAttributes().containsKey(BUILDING_VIEW_METADATA);
    public static boolean isRefreshingTransientBuild(FacesContext context)
        return context.getAttributes().containsKey(REFRESHING_TRANSIENT_BUILD);

    public static boolean isRemovingComponentBuild(FacesContext context)
        return context.getAttributes().containsKey(REMOVING_COMPONENTS_BUILD);

    public static boolean isMarkInitialState(FacesContext context)
        return context.getAttributes().containsKey(MARK_INITIAL_STATE_KEY);
    public static boolean isRefreshTransientBuildOnPSS(FacesContext context)
        //this include both "true" and "auto"
        return context.getAttributes().containsKey(REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS);
    public static boolean isRefreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto(FacesContext context)
        return "auto".equalsIgnoreCase((String) context.getAttributes().get(REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS));
    public static boolean isCleanTransientBuildOnRestore(FacesContext context)
        return context.getAttributes().containsKey(CLEAN_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_RESTORE);

    public static void cleanTransientBuildOnRestore(FacesContext context)
        context.getAttributes().put(CLEAN_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_RESTORE, Boolean.TRUE);
    public static boolean isUsingPSSOnThisView(FacesContext context)
        return context.getAttributes().containsKey(USING_PSS_ON_THIS_VIEW);
     * In short words, this method take care of "target" an "attached object".
     * <ul>
     * <li>The "attached object" is instantiated by a tag handler.</li>
     * <li>The "target" is an object used as "marker", that exposes a List<UIComponent></li>
     * </ul>
     * This method should be called from some composite component tag handler, after
     * all children of composite component has been applied.
    public void retargetAttachedObjects(FacesContext context,
            UIComponent topLevelComponent, List<AttachedObjectHandler> handlerList)
        BeanInfo compositeComponentMetadata = (BeanInfo) topLevelComponent.getAttributes().get(UIComponent.BEANINFO_KEY);
        if (compositeComponentMetadata == null)
            log.severe("Composite component metadata not found for: "+topLevelComponent.getClientId());
        BeanDescriptor compositeComponentDescriptor = compositeComponentMetadata.getBeanDescriptor();
        List<AttachedObjectTarget> targetList = (List<AttachedObjectTarget>)
        if (targetList == null || targetList.isEmpty())
        for (AttachedObjectHandler currentHandler : handlerList)
            // In the spec javadoc this variable is referred as forAttributeValue, but
            // note it is also called curTargetName
            String forValue = currentHandler.getFor();
            for (AttachedObjectTarget currentTarget : targetList)
                FaceletCompositionContext mctx = FaceletCompositionContext.getCurrentInstance();
                if (  ( forValue != null && forValue.equals(currentTarget.getName()) ) &&
                      ((currentTarget  instanceof ActionSource2AttachedObjectTarget &&
                       currentHandler instanceof ActionSource2AttachedObjectHandler) ||
                      (currentTarget  instanceof EditableValueHolderAttachedObjectTarget &&
                       currentHandler instanceof EditableValueHolderAttachedObjectHandler) ||
                      (currentTarget  instanceof ValueHolderAttachedObjectTarget &&
                       currentHandler instanceof ValueHolderAttachedObjectHandler)) )
                    for (UIComponent component : currentTarget.getTargets(topLevelComponent))
                        // If we found composite components when traverse the tree
                        // we have to call this one recursively, because each composite component
                        // should have its own AttachedObjectHandler list, filled earlier when
                        // its tag handler is applied.
                        if (UIComponent.isCompositeComponent(component))
                            // How we obtain the list of AttachedObjectHandler for
                            // the current composite component? It should be a component
                            // attribute or retrieved by a key inside component.getAttributes
                            // map. Since api does not specify any attribute, we suppose
                            // this is an implementation detail and it should be retrieved
                            // from component attribute map.
                            // But this is only the point of the iceberg, because we should
                            // define how we register attached object handlers in this list.
                            // ANS: see CompositeComponentResourceTagHandler.
                            // The current handler should be added to the list, to be chained.
                            // Note that the inner component should have a target with the same name
                            // as "for" attribute
                            mctx.addAttachedObjectHandler(component, currentHandler);
                            List<AttachedObjectHandler> handlers = mctx.getAttachedObjectHandlers(component);
                            retargetAttachedObjects(context, component, handlers);
                            currentHandler.applyAttachedObject(context, component);                           
                else if ((currentTarget  instanceof BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectTarget &&
                       currentHandler instanceof BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectHandler))
                    String eventName = ((BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectHandler) currentHandler).getEventName();
                    boolean isDefaultEvent = ((BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectTarget) currentTarget).isDefaultEvent();
                    if ( (eventName != null && eventName.equals(currentTarget.getName()) ) ||
                         (eventName == null && isDefaultEvent) )
                        for (UIComponent component : currentTarget.getTargets(topLevelComponent))
                            // If we found composite components when traverse the tree
                            // we have to call this one recursively, because each composite component
                            // should have its own AttachedObjectHandler list, filled earlier when
                            // its tag handler is applied.
                            if (UIComponent.isCompositeComponent(component))
                                if (currentTarget instanceof ClientBehaviorAttachedObjectTarget)
                                            new ClientBehaviorRedirectBehaviorAttachedObjectHandlerWrapper(
                                                    (BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectHandler) currentHandler,
                                                    ((ClientBehaviorAttachedObjectTarget) currentTarget).getEvent()));
                                    mctx.addAttachedObjectHandler(component, currentHandler);
                                List<AttachedObjectHandler> handlers = mctx.getAttachedObjectHandlers(component);
                                retargetAttachedObjects(context, component, handlers);
                                if (currentHandler instanceof ClientBehaviorRedirectBehaviorAttachedObjectHandlerWrapper)
                                    currentHandler.applyAttachedObject(context, new ClientBehaviorRedirectEventComponentWrapper(component,
                                            ((ClientBehaviorRedirectBehaviorAttachedObjectHandlerWrapper) currentHandler).getWrappedEventName(), eventName));
                                    currentHandler.applyAttachedObject(context, component);

    public void retargetMethodExpressions(FacesContext context,
            UIComponent topLevelComponent)
        BeanInfo compositeComponentMetadata = (BeanInfo) topLevelComponent.getAttributes().get(UIComponent.BEANINFO_KEY);
        if (compositeComponentMetadata == null)
            log.severe("Composite component metadata not found for: "+topLevelComponent.getClientId());

        // "...For each attribute that is a MethodExpression..." This means we have to scan
        // all attributes with "method-signature" attribute and no "type" attribute
        // javax.faces.component._ComponentAttributesMap uses BeanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors to
        // traverse over it, but here the metadata returned by UIComponent.BEANINFO_KEY is available
        // only for composite components.
        // That means somewhere we need to create a custom BeanInfo object for composite components
        // that will be filled somewhere (theorically in ViewDeclarationLanguage.getComponentMetadata())
        PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = compositeComponentMetadata.getPropertyDescriptors();
        ELContext elContext = (ELContext) context.getAttributes().get(FaceletContext.FACELET_CONTEXT_KEY);
        for (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : propertyDescriptors)
            if (propertyDescriptor.getValue("type") != null)
                // This check is necessary if we have both "type" and "method-signature" set.
                // In that case, "method-signature" is ignored
            String attributeName = propertyDescriptor.getName();
            boolean isKnownMethod = "action".equals(attributeName) || "actionListener".equals(attributeName
                    || "validator".equals(attributeName) || "valueChangeListener".equals(attributeName);
            // <composite:attribute> method-signature attribute is
            // ValueExpression that must evaluate to String
            ValueExpression methodSignatureExpression
                    = (ValueExpression) propertyDescriptor.getValue("method-signature");
            String methodSignature = null;
            if (methodSignatureExpression != null)
                // Check if the value expression holds a method signature
                // Note that it could be null, so in that case we don't have to do anything
                methodSignature = (String) methodSignatureExpression.getValue(elContext);
            // either the attributeName has to be a knownMethod or there has to be a method-signature
            if (isKnownMethod || methodSignature != null)
                ValueExpression targetsExpression =
                    (ValueExpression) propertyDescriptor.getValue("targets");
                String targets = null;
                // <composite:attribute> targets attribute is
                // ValueExpression that must evaluate to String
                if (targetsExpression != null)
                    targets = (String) targetsExpression.getValue(elContext);
                if (targets == null)
                    // "...let the name of the metadata element be the
                    // evaluated value of the targets attribute..."
                    targets = attributeName;
                ValueExpression attributeNameValueExpression =
                    (ValueExpression) topLevelComponent.getAttributes().get(attributeName);
                if (attributeNameValueExpression == null)
                    // composite:attribute has a default property, so if we can't found on the
                    // component attribute map, we should get the default as CompositeComponentELResolver
                    // does.
                    attributeNameValueExpression = (ValueExpression) propertyDescriptor.getValue("default");
                    if (attributeNameValueExpression == null)
                        // It is only valid to log an error if the attribute is required
                        ValueExpression ve = (ValueExpression) propertyDescriptor.getValue("required");
                        if (ve != null)
                            Object requiredValue = ve.getValue (elContext);
                            Boolean required = null;
                            if (requiredValue instanceof Boolean)
                                required = (Boolean) requiredValue;
                                required = Boolean.getBoolean(requiredValue.toString());

                            if (required != null && required.booleanValue())
                                if (log.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE))
                                    log.severe("attributeValueExpression not found under the key \""+attributeName+
                                            "\". Looking for the next attribute");
                String [] targetsArray = StringUtils.splitShortString(targets, ' ');
                String attributeExpressionString = attributeNameValueExpression.getExpressionString();
                MethodExpression methodExpression = null;
                MethodExpression methodExpression2 = null;
                FaceletCompositionContext mctx = FaceletCompositionContext.getCurrentInstance();

                if (!mctx.isMethodExpressionAttributeApplied(topLevelComponent, attributeName))
                    if (isKnownMethod)
                        for (String target : targetsArray)
                            UIComponent innerComponent = topLevelComponent.findComponent(target);
                            if (innerComponent == null)
                                if (log.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE))
                                    log.severe("Inner component " + target + " not found when retargetMethodExpressions");
                            if (isCompositeComponentRetarget(context, innerComponent, attributeName))
                                innerComponent.getAttributes().put(attributeName, attributeNameValueExpression);
                                mctx.clearMethodExpressionAttribute(innerComponent, attributeName);
                                retargetMethodExpressions(context, innerComponent);
                                if ("action".equals(attributeName))
                                    // target is ActionSource2
                                    methodExpression = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                                                    attributeExpressionString, null, EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY), attributeNameValueExpression);
                                else if ("actionListener".equals(attributeName))
                                    //First try to remove any prevous target if any
                                    ActionListener o = (ActionListener) mctx.removeMethodExpressionTargeted(innerComponent, attributeName);
                                    if (o != null)
                                    // target is ActionSource2
                                    methodExpression = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                                                    attributeExpressionString, Void.TYPE, ACTION_LISTENER_SIGNATURE), attributeNameValueExpression);
                                    methodExpression2 = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                                                attributeExpressionString, Void.TYPE, EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY), attributeNameValueExpression);
                                    ActionListener actionListener = new MethodExpressionActionListener(methodExpression, methodExpression2);
                                    mctx.addMethodExpressionTargeted(innerComponent, attributeName, actionListener);
                                else if ("validator".equals(attributeName))
                                   //First try to remove any prevous target if any
                                    Validator o = (Validator) mctx.removeMethodExpressionTargeted(innerComponent, attributeName);
                                    if (o != null)
                                    // target is EditableValueHolder
                                    methodExpression = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                                                attributeExpressionString, Void.TYPE,
                                                VALIDATOR_SIGNATURE), attributeNameValueExpression);
                                    Validator validator = new MethodExpressionValidator(methodExpression);
                                    ((EditableValueHolder)innerComponent).addValidator( validator );
                                    mctx.addMethodExpressionTargeted(innerComponent, attributeName, validator);
                                else if ("valueChangeListener".equals(attributeName))
                                    ValueChangeListener o = (ValueChangeListener) mctx.removeMethodExpressionTargeted(innerComponent, attributeName);
                                    if (o != null)
                                    // target is EditableValueHolder
                                    methodExpression = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                                                    attributeExpressionString, Void.TYPE,
                                                    VALUE_CHANGE_LISTENER_SIGNATURE), attributeNameValueExpression);
                                    methodExpression2 = reWrapMethodExpression(context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                                                    attributeExpressionString, Void.TYPE,
                                                    EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY), attributeNameValueExpression);
                                    ValueChangeListener valueChangeListener = new MethodExpressionValueChangeListener(methodExpression, methodExpression2);
                                    ((EditableValueHolder)innerComponent).addValueChangeListener( valueChangeListener );
                                    mctx.addMethodExpressionTargeted(innerComponent, attributeName, valueChangeListener);
                        // composite:attribute targets property only has sense for action, actionListener,
                        // validator or valueChangeListener. This means we have to retarget the method expression
                        // to the topLevelComponent.
                        // Since a MethodExpression has no state, we can use it multiple times without problem, so
                        // first create it here.
                        methodSignature = methodSignature.trim();
                        methodExpression = context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().
                                        attributeExpressionString, _getReturnType(methodSignature),
                        methodExpression = reWrapMethodExpression(methodExpression, attributeNameValueExpression);
                        for (String target : targetsArray)
                            UIComponent innerComponent = topLevelComponent.findComponent(target);
                            if (innerComponent == null)
                            // If a component is found, that means the expression should be retarget to the
                            // components related
                            if (isCompositeComponentRetarget(context, innerComponent, attributeName))
                                innerComponent.getAttributes().put(attributeName, attributeNameValueExpression);
                                mctx.clearMethodExpressionAttribute(innerComponent, attributeName);
                                retargetMethodExpressions(context, innerComponent);
                                //Put the retarget
                                innerComponent.getAttributes().put(attributeName, methodExpression);
                        //Store the method expression to the topLevelComponent to allow reference it through EL
                        topLevelComponent.getAttributes().put(attributeName, methodExpression);
                    mctx.markMethodExpressionAttribute(topLevelComponent, attributeName);
                // We need to remove the previous ValueExpression, to prevent some possible
                // confusion when the same value is retrieved from the attribute map.
                topLevelComponent.setValueExpression(attributeName, null);
    private boolean isCompositeComponentRetarget(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, String attributeName)
        if (UIComponent.isCompositeComponent(component))
            BeanInfo compositeComponentMetadata = (BeanInfo) component.getAttributes().get(UIComponent.BEANINFO_KEY);
            PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = compositeComponentMetadata.getPropertyDescriptors();
            ELContext elContext = (ELContext) context.getAttributes().get(FaceletContext.FACELET_CONTEXT_KEY);
            for (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : propertyDescriptors)
                if (propertyDescriptor.getValue("type") != null)
                    // This check is necessary if we have both "type" and "method-signature" set.
                    // In that case, "method-signature" is ignored

                if (attributeName.equals(propertyDescriptor.getName()))
                    boolean isKnownMethod = "action".equals(attributeName) || "actionListener".equals(attributeName
                    || "validator".equals(attributeName) || "valueChangeListener".equals(attributeName);
                    // <composite:attribute> method-signature attribute is
                    // ValueExpression that must evaluate to String
                    ValueExpression methodSignatureExpression
                            = (ValueExpression) propertyDescriptor.getValue("method-signature");
                    String methodSignature = null;
                    if (methodSignatureExpression != null)
                        // Check if the value expression holds a method signature
                        // Note that it could be null, so in that case we don't have to do anything
                        methodSignature = (String) methodSignatureExpression.getValue(elContext);
                    // either the attributeName has to be a knownMethod or there has to be a method-signature
                    if (isKnownMethod || methodSignature != null)
                        if ("action".equals(attributeName))
                            return !(component instanceof ActionSource2);
                        else if ("actionListener".equals(attributeName))
                            return !(component instanceof ActionSource2);
                        else if ("validator".equals(attributeName))
                            return !(component instanceof EditableValueHolder);
                        else if ("valueChangeListener".equals(attributeName))
                            return !(component instanceof EditableValueHolder);
                            return true;
            return false;
            return false;

    private MethodExpression reWrapMethodExpression(MethodExpression createdMethodExpression, ValueExpression originalValueExpression)
        if (originalValueExpression instanceof LocationValueExpression)
            return new LocationMethodExpression(
        else if (originalValueExpression instanceof FacesWrapper &&
                ((FacesWrapper)originalValueExpression).getWrapped() instanceof ValueExpression)
            return reWrapMethodExpression(createdMethodExpression,
                    (ValueExpression) ((FacesWrapper)originalValueExpression).getWrapped());
            return createdMethodExpression;
     * This method is similar to shared ClassUtils.javaTypeToClass,
     * but the default package is java.lang
     * TODO: Move to shared project
     * @param type
     * @return
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    public static Class _javaTypeToClass(String type)
        throws ClassNotFoundException
        if (type == null) throw new NullPointerException("type");

        // try common types and arrays of common types first
        Class clazz = (Class) ClassUtils.COMMON_TYPES.get(type);
        if (clazz != null)
            return clazz;

        int len = type.length();
        if (len > 2 && type.charAt(len - 1) == ']' && type.charAt(len - 2) == '[')
            String componentType = type.substring(0, len - 2);
            Class componentTypeClass = ClassUtils.classForName(componentType);
            return Array.newInstance(componentTypeClass, 0).getClass();

        if (type.indexOf('.') == -1)
            type = "java.lang."+type;
        return ClassUtils.classForName(type);
    private Class _getReturnType(String signature)
        int endName = signature.indexOf('(');
        if (endName < 0)
            throw new FacesException("Invalid method signature:" + signature);
        int end = signature.lastIndexOf(' ', endName);
        if (end < 0)
            throw new FacesException("Invalid method signature:" + signature);
            return _javaTypeToClass(signature.substring(0,end));
        catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
            throw new FacesException("Invalid method signature:"+signature);

     * Get the parameters types from the function signature.
     * @return An array of parameter class names
    private Class[] _getParameters(String signature) throws FacesException
        ArrayList<Class> params = new ArrayList<Class>();
        // Signature is of the form
        // <return-type> S <method-name S? '('
        // < <arg-type> ( ',' <arg-type> )* )? ')'
        int start = signature.indexOf('(') + 1;
        boolean lastArg = false;
        while (true)
            int p = signature.indexOf(',', start);
            if (p < 0)
                p = signature.indexOf(')', start);
                if (p < 0)
                    throw new FacesException("Invalid method signature:"+signature);
                lastArg = true;
            String arg = signature.substring(start, p).trim();
            if (!"".equals(arg))
                catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
                    throw new FacesException("Invalid method signature:"+signature);
            if (lastArg)
            start = p + 1;
        return params.toArray(new Class[params.size()]);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Resource getScriptComponentResource(FacesContext context, Resource componentResource)
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return null;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public StateManagementStrategy getStateManagementStrategy(FacesContext context, String viewId)
        // Use partial state saving strategy only if javax.faces.PARTIAL_STATE_SAVING is "true" and
        // the current view is not on javax.faces.FULL_STATE_SAVING_VIEW_IDS.
        if (_partialStateSaving && _stateMgmtStrategy == null)
            _stateMgmtStrategy = new DefaultFaceletsStateManagementStrategy();
        return _usePartialStateSavingOnThisView(viewId) ? _stateMgmtStrategy : null;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public ViewMetadata getViewMetadata(FacesContext context, String viewId)
        return new FaceletViewMetadata(viewId);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void renderView(FacesContext context, UIViewRoot view) throws IOException
        if (!view.isRendered())

        // log request
        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
            log.fine("Rendering View: " + view.getViewId());

            // build view - but not if we're in "buildBeforeRestore"
            // land and we've already got a populated view. Note
            // that this optimizations breaks if there's a "c:if" in
            // the page that toggles as a result of request processing -
            // should that be handled? Or
            // is this optimization simply so minor that it should just
            // be trimmed altogether?
            // See JSF 2.0 spec section 2.2.6, buildView is called before
            // Render Response
            //if (!isFilledView(context, view))
            //    buildView(context, view);

            // setup writer and assign it to the context
            ResponseWriter origWriter = createResponseWriter(context);

            ExternalContext extContext = context.getExternalContext();
            Writer outputWriter = extContext.getResponseOutputWriter();

            StateWriter stateWriter = new StateWriter(outputWriter, 1024);
                ResponseWriter writer = origWriter.cloneWithWriter(stateWriter);

                    // force creation of session if saving state there
                    StateManager stateMgr = context.getApplication().getStateManager();
                    if (!stateMgr.isSavingStateInClient(context))
                    // render the view to the response



                    // finish writing

                    boolean writtenState = stateWriter.isStateWritten();
                    // flush to origWriter
                    if (writtenState)
                        // =-= markoc: STATE_KEY is in output ONLY if
                        // stateManager.isSavingStateInClient(context)is true - see
                        // org.apache.myfaces.application.ViewHandlerImpl.writeState(FacesContext)
                        // TODO this class and ViewHandlerImpl contain same constant <!--@@JSF_FORM_STATE_MARKER@@-->
                        Object stateObj = stateMgr.saveView(context);
                        String content = stateWriter.getAndResetBuffer();
                        int end = content.indexOf(STATE_KEY);
                        // See if we can find any trace of the saved state.
                        // If so, we need to perform token replacement
                        if (end >= 0)
                            // save state
                            String stateStr;
                            if (stateObj == null)
                                stateStr = null;
                                stateMgr.writeState(context, stateObj);
                                stateStr = stateWriter.getAndResetBuffer();

                            int start = 0;

                            while (end != -1)
                                origWriter.write(content, start, end - start);
                                if (stateStr != null)
                                start = end + STATE_KEY_LEN;
                                end = content.indexOf(STATE_KEY, start);

                            origWriter.write(content, start, content.length() - start);
                            // No trace of any saved state, so we just need to flush
                            // the buffer
                    // The Facelets implementation must close the writer used to write the response
        catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe)
            handleFaceletNotFound(context, view.getViewId());
        catch (Exception e)
            handleRenderException(context, e);
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public UIViewRoot createView(FacesContext context, String viewId)
        // we have to check for a possible debug request
        if (UIDebug.debugRequest(context))
            // the current request is a debug request, so we don't need
            // to create a view, since the output has already been written
            // in UIDebug.debugRequest() and facesContext.responseComplete()
            // has been called.
            return null;
            return super.createView(context, viewId);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public UIViewRoot restoreView(FacesContext context, String viewId)
        // Currently there is no way, in which UIDebug.debugRequest(context)
        // can create debug information and return true at this point,
        // because this method is only accessed if the current request
        // is a postback, which will never be true for a debug page.
        // The only point where valid debug output can be produced by now
        // is in createView() -= Jakob Korherr =-
        //if (UIDebug.debugRequest(context))
        //    return new UIViewRoot();
        //else if (!_buildBeforeRestore)
            return super.restoreView(context, viewId);
            // TODO: VALIDATE - Is _buildBeforeRestore relevant at all for 2.0? -= SL =-
            // ANS: buildBeforeRestore evolved to partial state saving, so this logic
            // is now on StateManagerStrategy implementation -= Leo U =-
            UIViewRoot viewRoot = createView(context, viewId);


                buildView(context, viewRoot);
            catch (IOException ioe)
                log.severe("Error Building View", ioe);

            Application application = context.getApplication();

            ViewHandler applicationViewHandler = application.getViewHandler();

            String renderKitId = applicationViewHandler.calculateRenderKitId(context);

            application.getStateManager().restoreView(context, viewId, renderKitId);

            return viewRoot;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected String calculateViewId(FacesContext context, String viewId)
        if (_cachedViewHandlerSupport == null)
            _cachedViewHandlerSupport = new DefaultViewHandlerSupport();

        return _cachedViewHandlerSupport.calculateViewId(context, viewId);

     * Creates the Facelet page compiler.
     * @param context
     *            the current FacesContext
     * @return the application's Facelet page compiler
    protected Compiler createCompiler(FacesContext context)
        Compiler compiler = new SAXCompiler();

        loadLibraries(context, compiler);
        loadDecorators(context, compiler);
        loadOptions(context, compiler);

        return compiler;

     * Creates a FaceletFactory instance using the specified compiler.
     * @param context
     *            the current FacesContext
     * @param compiler
     *            the compiler to be used by the factory
     * @return the factory used by this VDL to load pages
    protected FaceletFactory createFaceletFactory(FacesContext context, Compiler compiler)
        ExternalContext eContext = context.getExternalContext();

        // refresh period
        long refreshPeriod;
            refreshPeriod = WebConfigParamUtils.getLongInitParameter(eContext, PARAMS_REFRESH_PERIOD, DEFAULT_REFRESH_PERIOD_PRODUCTION);
            refreshPeriod = WebConfigParamUtils.getLongInitParameter(eContext, PARAMS_REFRESH_PERIOD, DEFAULT_REFRESH_PERIOD);
        // resource resolver
        ResourceResolver resolver = new DefaultResourceResolver();
        String faceletsResourceResolverClassName = WebConfigParamUtils.getStringInitParameter(eContext, PARAMS_RESOURCE_RESOLVER, null);
        if (faceletsResourceResolverClassName != null)
            ArrayList<String> classNames = new ArrayList<String>(1);
            resolver = ClassUtils.buildApplicationObject(ResourceResolver.class, classNames, resolver);

        return new DefaultFaceletFactory(compiler, resolver, refreshPeriod);

    protected ResponseWriter createResponseWriter(FacesContext context) throws IOException, FacesException
        ExternalContext extContext = context.getExternalContext();
        RenderKit renderKit = context.getRenderKit();
        // Avoid a cryptic NullPointerException when the renderkit ID
        // is incorrectly set
        if (renderKit == null)
            String id = context.getViewRoot().getRenderKitId();
            throw new IllegalStateException("No render kit was available for id \"" + id + "\"");

        ServletResponse response = (ServletResponse) extContext.getResponse();

        // set the buffer for content
        if (_bufferSize != -1)

        // get our content type
        String contentType = (String) extContext.getRequestMap().get("facelets.ContentType");

        // get the encoding
        String encoding = (String) extContext.getRequestMap().get("facelets.Encoding");

        // -= Leonardo Uribe =- Add */* to the contentType is a fix done from FaceletViewHandler
        // to make old RI versions work, but since this is for JSF 2.0 it is not necessary that code.
        ResponseWriter writer = renderKit.createResponseWriter(NullWriter.Instance, contentType, encoding);
        //ResponseWriter writer;
        // append */* to the contentType so createResponseWriter will succeed no matter
        // the requested contentType.
        //if (contentType != null && !contentType.equals("*/*"))
        //    contentType += ",*/*";
        // Create a dummy ResponseWriter with a bogus writer,
        // so we can figure out what content type the ReponseWriter
        // is really going to ask for
        //    writer = renderKit.createResponseWriter(NullWriter.Instance, contentType, encoding);
        // catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
            // Added because of an RI bug prior to 1.2_05-b3. Might as well leave it in case other
            // impls have the same problem.
            //log.finest("The impl didn't correctly handled '*/*' in the content type list.  Trying '*/*' directly.");
            //writer = renderKit.createResponseWriter(NullWriter.Instance, "*/*", encoding);

        // Override the JSF provided content type if necessary
        contentType = getResponseContentType(context, writer.getContentType());
        encoding = getResponseEncoding(context, writer.getCharacterEncoding());

        // apply them to the response
        response.setContentType(contentType + "; charset=" + encoding);

        // removed 2005.8.23 to comply with J2EE 1.3
        // response.setCharacterEncoding(encoding);

        // Now, clone with the real writer
        writer = writer.cloneWithWriter(response.getWriter());

        return writer;

    protected String getDefaultSuffix(FacesContext context) throws FacesException
        if (_defaultSuffix == null)
            ExternalContext eContext = context.getExternalContext();

            String viewSuffix = eContext.getInitParameter(ViewHandler.DEFAULT_SUFFIX_PARAM_NAME);

            _defaultSuffix = viewSuffix == null ? ViewHandler.DEFAULT_FACELETS_SUFFIX : viewSuffix;

        return _defaultSuffix;

    protected String getRenderedViewId(FacesContext context, String actionId)
        ExternalContext eContext = context.getExternalContext();
        String viewId = actionId;
        if (eContext.getRequestPathInfo() == null)
            String viewSuffix = getDefaultSuffix(context);

            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(viewId);

            viewId = builder.replace(viewId.lastIndexOf('.'), viewId.length(), viewSuffix).toString();

        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
            log.finest("ActionId -> ViewId: " + actionId + " -> " + viewId);

        return viewId;

     * Generate the content type
     * @param context
     * @param orig
     * @return
    protected String getResponseContentType(FacesContext context, String orig)
        String contentType = orig;

        // see if we need to override the contentType
        Map<String, Object> m = context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap();
        if (m.containsKey("facelets.ContentType"))
            contentType = (String) m.get("facelets.ContentType");
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
                log.finest("Facelet specified alternate contentType '" + contentType + "'");

        // safety check
        if (contentType == null)
            contentType = "text/html";
            log.finest("ResponseWriter created had a null ContentType, defaulting to text/html");

        return contentType;

     * Generate the encoding
     * @param context
     * @param orig
     * @return
    protected String getResponseEncoding(FacesContext context, String orig)
        String encoding = orig;

        // see if we need to override the encoding
        Map<String, Object> m = context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap();
        Map<String, Object> sm = context.getExternalContext().getSessionMap();

        // 1. check the request attribute
        if (m.containsKey(PARAM_ENCODING))
            encoding = (String) m.get(PARAM_ENCODING);
            if (encoding != null && log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
                log.finest("Facelet specified alternate encoding '" + encoding + "'");
            sm.put(CHARACTER_ENCODING_KEY, encoding);

        // 2. get it from request
        Object request = context.getExternalContext().getRequest();
        if (encoding == null && request instanceof ServletRequest)
            encoding = ((ServletRequest) request).getCharacterEncoding();

        // 3. get it from the session
        if (encoding == null)
            encoding = (String) sm.get(CHARACTER_ENCODING_KEY);
            if (encoding != null && log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
                log.finest("Session specified alternate encoding '" + encoding + "'");

        // 4. default it
        if (encoding == null)
            encoding = DEFAULT_CHARACTER_ENCODING;
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
                log.finest("ResponseWriter created had a null CharacterEncoding, defaulting to " + encoding);

        return encoding;

    protected void handleFaceletNotFound(FacesContext context, String viewId) throws FacesException, IOException
        String actualId = context.getApplication().getViewHandler().getActionURL(context, viewId);
        Object respObj = context.getExternalContext().getResponse();
        if (respObj instanceof HttpServletResponse)
            HttpServletResponse respHttp = (HttpServletResponse) respObj;
            respHttp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, actualId);

    protected void handleRenderException(FacesContext context, Exception e)
            throws IOException, ELException, FacesException
        UIViewRoot root = context.getViewRoot();
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(64);
        sb.append("Error Rendering View");
        if (root != null)
        log.log(Level.SEVERE, sb.toString(), e);
        // rethrow the Exception to be handled by the ExceptionHandler
        if (e instanceof RuntimeException)
            throw (RuntimeException) e;
        else if (e instanceof IOException)
            throw (IOException) e;
            throw new FacesException(e.getMessage(), e);

     * Initialize the ViewHandler during its first request.
    protected void initialize(FacesContext context)

        Compiler compiler = createCompiler(context);

        _faceletFactory = createFaceletFactory(context, compiler);

        ExternalContext eContext = context.getExternalContext();

        log.finest("Initialization Successful");

     * Load the various decorators for Facelets.
     * @param context
     *            the current FacesContext
     * @param compiler
     *            the page compiler
    protected void loadDecorators(FacesContext context, Compiler compiler)
        String param = WebConfigParamUtils.getStringInitParameter(context.getExternalContext(), PARAMS_DECORATORS);
        if (param != null)
            for (String decorator : param.split(";"))
                    compiler.addTagDecorator((TagDecorator) ReflectionUtil.forName(decorator).newInstance());
                    if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
                        log.fine("Successfully loaded decorator: " + decorator);
                catch (Exception e)
                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error Loading decorator: " + decorator, e);

     * Load the various tag libraries for Facelets.
     * @param context
     *            the current FacesContext
     * @param compiler
     *            the page compiler
    protected void loadLibraries(FacesContext context, Compiler compiler)
        ExternalContext eContext = context.getExternalContext();
        compiler.addTagLibrary(new CoreLibrary());
        compiler.addTagLibrary(new HtmlLibrary());
        compiler.addTagLibrary(new UILibrary());
        compiler.addTagLibrary(new JstlCoreLibrary());
        compiler.addTagLibrary(new JstlFnLibrary());
        compiler.addTagLibrary(new CompositeLibrary());
        compiler.addTagLibrary(new CompositeResourceLibrary());

        String param = WebConfigParamUtils.getStringInitParameter(eContext, PARAMS_LIBRARIES);
        if (param != null)
            for (String library : param.split(";"))
                    URL src = eContext.getResource(library.trim());
                    if (src == null)
                        throw new FileNotFoundException(library);

                    TagLibrary tl = TagLibraryConfig.create(src);
                    if (tl != null)
                    if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
                        log.fine("Successfully loaded library: " + library);
                catch (IOException e)
                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error Loading library: " + library, e);

     * Load the various options for Facelets compiler. Currently only comment skipping is supported.
     * @param context
     *            the current FacesContext
     * @param compiler
     *            the page compiler
    protected void loadOptions(FacesContext context, Compiler compiler)
        ExternalContext eContext = context.getExternalContext();

        // skip comments?
        compiler.setTrimmingComments(WebConfigParamUtils.getBooleanInitParameter(eContext, PARAMS_SKIP_COMMENTS, false));

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected void sendSourceNotFound(FacesContext context, String message)
        // This is incredibly lame, but I see no other option. -= SL =-
        HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) context.getExternalContext().getResponse();
            response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, message);
        catch (IOException ioe)
            throw new FacesException(ioe);

     * Gets the Facelet representing the specified view identifier.
     * @param viewId
     *            the view identifier
     * @return the Facelet representing the specified view identifier
     * @throws IOException
     *             if a read or parsing error occurs
    private Facelet _getFacelet(String viewId) throws IOException
        // grab our FaceletFactory and create a Facelet
            return _faceletFactory.getFacelet(viewId);
    private Facelet _getViewMetadataFacelet(String viewId) throws IOException
        // grab our FaceletFactory and create a Facelet used to create view metadata
            return _faceletFactory.getViewMetadataFacelet(viewId);

    private void _initializeBuffer(ExternalContext context)
        _bufferSize = WebConfigParamUtils.getIntegerInitParameter(context, PARAMS_BUFFER_SIZE, -1);

    private void _initializeMode(ExternalContext context)
        String facesVersion = RuntimeConfig.getCurrentInstance(context).getFacesVersion();
        boolean partialStateSavingDefault;
        // Per spec section 11.1.3, the default value for the partial state saving feature needs
        // to be true if 2.0, false otherwise.
        partialStateSavingDefault = "2.0".equals(facesVersion);
        // In jsf 2.0 this code evolve as PartialStateSaving feature
        //_buildBeforeRestore = _getBooleanParameter(context, PARAM_BUILD_BEFORE_RESTORE, false);
        _partialStateSaving = WebConfigParamUtils.getBooleanInitParameter(context,
                StateManager.PARTIAL_STATE_SAVING_PARAM_NAME, partialStateSavingDefault);
        String [] viewIds = StringUtils.splitShortString(WebConfigParamUtils.getStringInitParameter(context,
                StateManager.FULL_STATE_SAVING_VIEW_IDS_PARAM_NAME), ',');
        if (viewIds.length > 0)
            _viewIds = new HashSet<String>(viewIds.length, 1.0f);
            Collections.addAll(_viewIds, viewIds);
            _viewIds = null;
        if (_partialStateSaving)
            _refreshTransientBuildOnPSS = MyfacesConfig.getCurrentInstance(context).isRefreshTransientBuildOnPSS();
            _refreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto = MyfacesConfig.getCurrentInstance(context).isRefreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto();
    private boolean _usePartialStateSavingOnThisView(String viewId)
        return _partialStateSaving && !(_viewIds != null && _viewIds.contains(viewId) );
    private class FaceletViewMetadata extends ViewMetadataBase
         * Constructor
         * Note that this viewId is not the one after calculateViewId() method
        public FaceletViewMetadata(String viewId)

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public UIViewRoot createMetadataView(FacesContext context)
                // spec doesn't say that this is necessary, but we blow up later if
                // the viewroot isn't available from the FacesContext.
                // -= Leonardo Uribe =- since it is supposed when we apply view metadata
                // facelet we don't apply components with renderers and we don't call getRenderKit()
                // it is safe to let this one commented
                // context.setViewRoot(view);
                // -= Leonardo Uribe =- This part is related to section 2.5.5 of jsf 2.0 spec.
                // In theory what we need here is fill UIViewRoot.METADATA_FACET_NAME facet
                // with UIViewParameter instances. Later, ViewHandlerImpl.getBookmarkableURL(),
                // ViewHandlerImpl.getRedirectURL() and UIViewRoot.encodeEnd uses them.
                // For now, the only way to do this is call buildView(context,view) method, but
                // this is a waste of resources. We need to find another way to handle facelets view metadata.
                // Call to buildView causes the view is not created on Render Response phase,
                // if buildView is called from here all components pass through current lifecycle and only
                // UIViewParameter instances should be taken into account.
                // It should be an additional call to buildView on Render Response phase.
                // buildView(context, view);
                context.getAttributes().put(BUILDING_VIEW_METADATA, Boolean.TRUE);

                // we have to invoke createView() on the application's ViewHandler
                // here instead of invoking it directly in FaceletVDL, because
                // the ViewHandler might be wrapped and wants to do some work
                // in createView() (e.g. in Trinidad - see MYFACES-2641)
                UIViewRoot view = context.getApplication().getViewHandler().createView(context, getViewId());
                if (view != null)
                    // inside createView(context,viewId), calculateViewId() is called and
                    // the result is stored inside created UIViewRoot, so we can safely take the derived
                    // viewId from there.
                    Facelet facelet = _getViewMetadataFacelet(view.getViewId());
                    facelet.apply(context, view);

                return view;
            catch (IOException ioe)
                throw new FacesException(ioe);


Related Classes of org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage$FaceletViewMetadata

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