Package org.apache.archiva.web.test.parent

Source Code of org.apache.archiva.web.test.parent.AbstractSeleniumTest

package org.apache.archiva.web.test.parent;

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* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
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import com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium;
import org.testng.Assert;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;

* @author <a href="">Emmanuel Venisse</a>

public abstract class AbstractSeleniumTest

    public static String baseUrl;

    public static String maxWaitTimeInMs;

    private static ThreadLocal<Selenium> selenium = new ThreadLocal<Selenium>();

    public static Properties p;

    private final static String PROPERTIES_SEPARATOR = "=";

    public void open()
        throws Exception
        p = new Properties();
        p.load( this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( "" ) );

     * Initialize selenium
    public void open( String baseUrl, String browser, String seleniumHost, int seleniumPort, String maxWaitTimeInMs )
        throws Exception
            AbstractSeleniumTest.baseUrl = baseUrl;
            AbstractSeleniumTest.maxWaitTimeInMs = maxWaitTimeInMs;

            if ( getSelenium() == null )
                DefaultSelenium s = new DefaultSelenium( seleniumHost, seleniumPort, browser, baseUrl );
                s.setTimeout( maxWaitTimeInMs );
                selenium.set( s );
        catch ( Exception e )
            // yes
            System.out.print( e.getMessage() );

    public static Selenium getSelenium()
        return selenium == null ? null : selenium.get();

    protected String getProperty( String key )
        return p.getProperty( key );

    protected String getEscapeProperty( String key )
        InputStream input = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( "" );
        String value = null;
        List<String> lines;
            lines = IOUtils.readLines( input );
        catch ( IOException e )
            lines = new ArrayList<String>();
        for ( String l : lines )
            if ( l != null && l.startsWith( key ) )
                int indexSeparator = l.indexOf( PROPERTIES_SEPARATOR );
                value = l.substring( indexSeparator + 1 ).trim();
        return value;

     * Close selenium session. Called from AfterSuite method of sub-class
    public void close()
        throws Exception
        if ( getSelenium() != null )
            selenium.set( null );

    // *******************************************************
    // Auxiliar methods. This method help us and simplify test.
    // *******************************************************

    public void assertFieldValue( String fieldValue, String fieldName )
        assertElementPresent( fieldName );
        Assert.assertEquals( fieldValue, getSelenium().getValue( fieldName ) );

    public void assertPage( String title )
        Assert.assertEquals( getTitle(), title );

    public String getTitle()
        // Collapse spaces
        return getSelenium().getTitle().replaceAll( "[ \n\r]+", " " );

    public String getHtmlContent()
        return getSelenium().getHtmlSource();

    public String getText( String locator )
        return getSelenium().getText( locator );

    public void assertTextPresent( String text )
        Assert.assertTrue( getSelenium().isTextPresent( text ), "'" + text + "' isn't present." );

     * one of text args must be in the page so use en and fr text (olamy use en locale :-) )
     * @param texts
    public void assertTextPresent( String... texts )
        boolean present = false;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for ( String text : texts )
            present = present || getSelenium().isTextPresent( text );
            sb.append( " " + text + " " );
        Assert.assertTrue( present, "'one of the following test " + sb.toString() + "' isn't present." );

    public void assertTextNotPresent( String text )
        Assert.assertFalse( getSelenium().isTextPresent( text ), "'" + text + "' is present." );

    public void assertElementPresent( String elementLocator )
        Assert.assertTrue( isElementPresent( elementLocator ), "'" + elementLocator + "' isn't present." );

    public void assertElementNotPresent( String elementLocator )
        Assert.assertFalse( isElementPresent( elementLocator ), "'" + elementLocator + "' is present." );

    public void assertLinkPresent( String text )
        Assert.assertTrue( isElementPresent( "link=" + text ), "The link '" + text + "' isn't present." );

    public void assertLinkNotPresent( String text )
        Assert.assertFalse( isElementPresent( "link=" + text ), "The link('" + text + "' is present." );

    public void assertImgWithAlt( String alt )
        assertElementPresent( "/¯img[@alt='" + alt + "']" );

    public void assertImgWithAltAtRowCol( boolean isALink, String alt, int row, int column )
        String locator = "//tr[" + row + "]/td[" + column + "]/";
        locator += isALink ? "a/" : "";
        locator += "img[@alt='" + alt + "']";

        assertElementPresent( locator );

    public void assertImgWithAltNotPresent( String alt )
        assertElementNotPresent( "/¯img[@alt='" + alt + "']" );

    public void assertCellValueFromTable( String expected, String tableElement, int row, int column )
        Assert.assertEquals( expected, getCellValueFromTable( tableElement, row, column ) );

    public boolean isTextPresent( String text )
        return getSelenium().isTextPresent( text );

    public boolean isLinkPresent( String text )
        return isElementPresent( "link=" + text );

    public boolean isElementPresent( String locator )
        return getSelenium().isElementPresent( locator );

    public void waitPage()
        // TODO define a smaller maxWaitTimeJsInMs for wait javascript response for browser side validation
        getSelenium().waitForPageToLoad( maxWaitTimeInMs );
        // those hack looks to break some tests :-(
        // getSelenium().waitForCondition( "selenium.isElementPresent('document.body');", maxWaitTimeInMs );
        //getSelenium().waitForCondition( "selenium.isElementPresent('footer');", maxWaitTimeInMs );
        //getSelenium().waitForCondition( "selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('footer')",
        //                                maxWaitTimeInMs );
        // so the only hack is to not use a too small wait time
            Thread.sleep( 1000 );
        catch ( InterruptedException e )
            throw new RuntimeException( "issue on Thread.sleep : " + e.getMessage(), e );

    public String getFieldValue( String fieldName )
        return getSelenium().getValue( fieldName );

    public String getCellValueFromTable( String tableElement, int row, int column )
        return getSelenium().getTable( tableElement + "." + row + "." + column );

    public void selectValue( String locator, String value )
        getSelenium().select( locator, "label=" + value );

    public void assertOptionPresent( String selectField, String[] options )
        assertElementPresent( selectField );
        String[] optionsPresent = getSelenium().getSelectOptions( selectField );
        List<String> expected = Arrays.asList( options );
        List<String> present = Arrays.asList( optionsPresent );
        Assert.assertTrue( present.containsAll( expected ), "Options expected are not included in present options" );

    public void assertSelectedValue( String value, String fieldName )
        assertElementPresent( fieldName );
        String optionsPresent = getSelenium().getSelectedLabel( value );
        Assert.assertEquals( optionsPresent, value );

    public void submit()
        clickLinkWithXPath( "//input[@type='submit']" );

    public void assertButtonWithValuePresent( String text )
        Assert.assertTrue( isButtonWithValuePresent( text ), "'" + text + "' button isn't present" );

    public void assertButtonWithIdPresent( String id )
        Assert.assertTrue( isButtonWithIdPresent( id ), "'Button with id =" + id + "' isn't present" );

    public void assertButtonWithValueNotPresent( String text )
        Assert.assertFalse( isButtonWithValuePresent( text ), "'" + text + "' button is present" );

    public boolean isButtonWithValuePresent( String text )
        return isElementPresent( "//button[@value='" + text + "']" ) || isElementPresent(
            "//input[@value='" + text + "']" );

    public boolean isButtonWithIdPresent( String text )
        return isElementPresent( "//button[@id='" + text + "']" ) || isElementPresent( "//input[@id='" + text + "']" );

    public void clickButtonWithName( String text, boolean wait )
        clickLinkWithXPath( "//input[@name='" + text + "']", wait );

    public void clickButtonWithValue( String text )
        clickButtonWithValue( text, true );

    public void clickButtonWithValue( String text, boolean wait )
        assertButtonWithValuePresent( text );

        if ( isElementPresent( "//button[@value='" + text + "']" ) )
            clickLinkWithXPath( "//button[@value='" + text + "']", wait );
            clickLinkWithXPath( "//input[@value='" + text + "']", wait );

    public void clickSubmitWithLocator( String locator )
        clickLinkWithLocator( locator );

    public void clickSubmitWithLocator( String locator, boolean wait )
        clickLinkWithLocator( locator, wait );

    public void clickImgWithAlt( String alt )
        clickLinkWithLocator( "//img[@alt='" + alt + "']" );

    public void clickLinkWithText( String text )
        clickLinkWithText( text, true );

    public void clickLinkWithText( String text, boolean wait )
        clickLinkWithLocator( "link=" + text, wait );

    public void clickLinkWithXPath( String xpath )
        clickLinkWithXPath( xpath, true );

    public void clickLinkWithXPath( String xpath, boolean wait )
        clickLinkWithLocator( "xpath=" + xpath, wait );

    public void clickLinkWithLocator( String locator )
        clickLinkWithLocator( locator, true );

    public void clickLinkWithLocator( String locator, boolean wait )
        assertElementPresent( locator );
        getSelenium().click( locator );
        if ( wait )

    public void clickButtonWithLocator( String locator )
        clickButtonWithLocator( locator, true );

    public void clickButtonWithLocator( String locator, boolean wait )
        assertElementPresent( locator );
        getSelenium().click( locator );
        if ( wait )

    public void setFieldValues( Map<String, String> fieldMap )
        Map.Entry<String, String> entry;

        for ( Iterator<Entry<String, String>> entries = fieldMap.entrySet().iterator(); entries.hasNext(); )
            entry =;

            getSelenium().type( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );

    public void setFieldValue( String fieldName, String value )
        getSelenium().type( fieldName, value );

    public void checkField( String locator )
        getSelenium().check( locator );

    public void uncheckField( String locator )
        getSelenium().uncheck( locator );

    public boolean isChecked( String locator )
        return getSelenium().isChecked( locator );

    public void assertIsChecked( String locator )
        Assert.assertTrue( getSelenium().isChecked( locator ) );

    public void assertIsNotChecked( String locator )
        Assert.assertFalse( getSelenium().isChecked( locator ) );

    public void assertXpathCount( String locator, int expectedCount )
        int count = getSelenium().getXpathCount( locator ).intValue();
        Assert.assertEquals( count, expectedCount );

    public void assertElementValue( String locator, String expectedValue )
        Assert.assertEquals( getSelenium().getValue( locator ), expectedValue );


Related Classes of org.apache.archiva.web.test.parent.AbstractSeleniumTest

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