Package com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.test

Source Code of com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.test.TestTransitiveGraphCache

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package com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.test;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner.TransitiveGraphCache;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.TriplePattern;
import  com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node;
import  com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Triple;

import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;

* A purely temporary test suite just used during development and kept
* off the main unit test paths.
* @author <a href="">Dave Reynolds</a>
* @version $Revision: 1.1 $

public class TestTransitiveGraphCache extends TestCase {
    /** The cache under test */
    TransitiveGraphCache cache;
    // Dummy predicates and nodes for the graph
    String NS = "urn:x-hp-test:ex/";
    Node directP = Node.createURI(NS+"directSubProperty");
    Node closedP = Node.createURI(NS+"subProperty");
    Node a = Node.createURI(NS+"a");
    Node b = Node.createURI(NS+"b");
    Node c = Node.createURI(NS+"c");
    Node d = Node.createURI(NS+"d");
    Node e = Node.createURI(NS+"e");
    Node f = Node.createURI(NS+"f");
    Node g = Node.createURI(NS+"g");
     * Boilerplate for junit
    public TestTransitiveGraphCache( String name ) {
        super( name );
     * Boilerplate for junit.
     * This is its own test suite
    public static TestSuite suite() {
        return new TestSuite( TestTransitiveGraphCache.class );
//        TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
//        suite.addTest( new TestTransitiveGraphCache("testEquivalencesSimple"));
//        return suite;

     * Test the basic functioning a Transitive closure cache.
     * Caches the graph but not the final closure.
    public void testBasicCache() {
     * Test the basic functioning a Transitive closure cache.
     * Caches the graph and any requested closures
    public void testCachingCache() {
     * Test the clone operation
    public void testCloning() {
        TransitiveGraphCache clone = cache.deepCopy();
        // Mess with the original to check cloning
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, d));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(g, closedP, a));
     * Initialize the cache with some test data
    private void initCache() {
        // Create a graph with reflexive references, cycles, redundant links
        cache = new TransitiveGraphCache(directP, closedP);       
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, b));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(b, closedP, e));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(b, closedP, c));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(e, closedP, f));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(c, closedP, f));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(f, closedP, g));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(d, closedP, c));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(d, closedP, e));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(d, closedP, g))// reduntant two ways
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, e))// redundant
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(d, closedP, b))// Makes both earlier d's redundant
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, a));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(b, closedP, b));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(c, closedP, c));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(d, closedP, d));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(e, closedP, e));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(f, closedP, f));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(g, closedP, g));
    public void doBasicTest(TransitiveGraphCache cache) {
         // Test forward property patterns
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(a, directP, null)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(a, closedP, a),
                new Triple(a, closedP, b)
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(a, closedP, null)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(a, closedP, a),
                new Triple(a, closedP, b),
                new Triple(a, closedP, c),
                new Triple(a, closedP, e),
                new Triple(a, closedP, f),
                new Triple(a, closedP, g)
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(a, closedP, g)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(a, closedP, g),
        // Test backward patterns
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(null, directP, f)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(e, closedP, f),
                new Triple(f, closedP, f),
                new Triple(c, closedP, f)
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(null, closedP, f)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(f, closedP, f),
                new Triple(e, closedP, f),
                new Triple(b, closedP, f),
                new Triple(c, closedP, f),
                new Triple(a, closedP, f),
                new Triple(d, closedP, f)
        // List all cases
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(null, directP, null)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(a, closedP, a),
                new Triple(a, closedP, b),
                new Triple(d, closedP, d),
                new Triple(d, closedP, b),
                new Triple(b, closedP, b),
                new Triple(b, closedP, e),
                new Triple(b, closedP, c),
                new Triple(e, closedP, e),
                new Triple(e, closedP, f),
                new Triple(c, closedP, c),
                new Triple(c, closedP, f),
                new Triple(f, closedP, f),
                new Triple(f, closedP, g),
                new Triple(g, closedP, g)
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(null, closedP, null)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(a, closedP, a),
                new Triple(a, closedP, b),
                new Triple(a, closedP, c),
                new Triple(a, closedP, e),
                new Triple(a, closedP, f),
                new Triple(a, closedP, g),
                new Triple(d, closedP, d),
                new Triple(d, closedP, b),
                new Triple(d, closedP, e),
                new Triple(d, closedP, c),
                new Triple(d, closedP, f),
                new Triple(d, closedP, g),
                new Triple(b, closedP, b),
                new Triple(b, closedP, e),
                new Triple(b, closedP, c),
                new Triple(b, closedP, f),
                new Triple(b, closedP, g),
                new Triple(e, closedP, e),
                new Triple(e, closedP, f),
                new Triple(e, closedP, g),
                new Triple(c, closedP, c),
                new Triple(c, closedP, f),
                new Triple(c, closedP, g),
                new Triple(f, closedP, f),
                new Triple(f, closedP, g),
                new Triple(g, closedP, g)
        // Add a look in the graph and check the loop from each starting position
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(g, closedP, e));
                cache.find(new TriplePattern(e, directP, null)),
                new Object[] {
                    new Triple(e, closedP, e),
                    new Triple(e, closedP, f),
                    new Triple(e, closedP, g)
                cache.find(new TriplePattern(f, directP, null)),
                new Object[] {
                    new Triple(f, closedP, f),
                    new Triple(f, closedP, g),
                    new Triple(f, closedP, e)
                cache.find(new TriplePattern(g, directP, null)),
                new Object[] {
                    new Triple(g, closedP, g),
                    new Triple(g, closedP, e),
                    new Triple(g, closedP, f)
                    cache.find(new TriplePattern(null, directP, e)),
                    new Object[] {
                        new Triple(e, closedP, e),
                        new Triple(f, closedP, e),
                        new Triple(b, closedP, e),
                        new Triple(c, closedP, e),
                        new Triple(g, closedP, e)
                    cache.find(new TriplePattern(null, directP, f)),
                    new Object[] {
                        new Triple(f, closedP, f),
                        new Triple(g, closedP, f),
                        new Triple(b, closedP, f),
                        new Triple(c, closedP, f),
                        new Triple(e, closedP, f)
                    cache.find(new TriplePattern(null, directP, g)),
                    new Object[] {
                        new Triple(g, closedP, g),
                        new Triple(e, closedP, g),
                        new Triple(b, closedP, g),
                        new Triple(c, closedP, g),
                        new Triple(f, closedP, g)
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(g, closedP, null)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(g, closedP, g),
                new Triple(g, closedP, e),
                new Triple(g, closedP, f)
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(e, closedP, null)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(e, closedP, g),
                new Triple(e, closedP, e),
                new Triple(e, closedP, f)
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(f, closedP, null)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(f, closedP, g),
                new Triple(f, closedP, e),
                new Triple(f, closedP, f)
        System.out.println("Add e-f-g-e loop");       
        listFind(cache, e, directP, null);
        listFind(cache, e, closedP, null);
        listFind(cache, f, directP, null);
        listFind(cache, f, closedP, null);
        listFind(cache, g, directP, null);
        listFind(cache, g, closedP, null);       
     * Test a a case where an earlier version had a bug due to removing
     * a link which was required rather than redundant.
    public void testBug1() {
        TransitiveGraphCache cache = new TransitiveGraphCache(directP, closedP);
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, b))
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(c, closedP, a));       
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(c, closedP, b));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, c));    
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(a, directP, null)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(a, closedP, a),
                new Triple(a, closedP, b),
                new Triple(a, closedP, c),
     * Test a case where the transitive reduction appears to
     * be incomplete. The links just
     * form a linear chain, with all closed links provided. But inserted
     * in a particular order.
    public void testBug2() {
        TransitiveGraphCache cache = new TransitiveGraphCache(directP, closedP);
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, b));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, c));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(b, closedP, c));       
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(a, directP, null)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(a, closedP, a),
                new Triple(a, closedP, b)
     * Test the removeRelation functionality.
    public void testRemove() {
        TransitiveGraphCache cache = new TransitiveGraphCache(directP, closedP);
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, b));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, c));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(b, closedP, d));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(c, closedP, d));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(d, closedP, e));
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(a, closedP, null)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(a, closedP, a),
                new Triple(a, closedP, b),
                new Triple(a, closedP, b),
                new Triple(a, closedP, c),
                new Triple(a, closedP, d),
                new Triple(a, closedP, e)
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(b, closedP, null)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(b, closedP, b),
                new Triple(b, closedP, d),
                new Triple(b, closedP, e)
        cache.removeRelation(new Triple(b, closedP, d));
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(a, closedP, null)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(a, closedP, a),
                new Triple(a, closedP, b),
                new Triple(a, closedP, b),
                new Triple(a, closedP, c),
                new Triple(a, closedP, d),
                new Triple(a, closedP, e)
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(b, closedP, null)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(b, closedP, b),
        cache.removeRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, c));
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(a, closedP, null)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(a, closedP, a),
                new Triple(a, closedP, b)
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(b, closedP, null)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(b, closedP, b),
     * Test direct link case with adverse ordering.
    public void testDirect() {
        TransitiveGraphCache cache = new TransitiveGraphCache(directP, closedP);
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, b));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(c, closedP, d));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, d));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(b, closedP, c));
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(a, directP, null)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(a, closedP, a),
                new Triple(a, closedP, b),
     * Test cycle detection.
    public void testCycle() {
        TransitiveGraphCache cache = new TransitiveGraphCache(directP, closedP);
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, b));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(b, closedP, c));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, c));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(c, closedP, b));
            cache.find(new TriplePattern(a, directP, null)),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(a, closedP, a),
                new Triple(a, closedP, b),
                new Triple(a, closedP, c),
     * A ring of three cycle
    public void testCycle2() {
        TransitiveGraphCache cache = new TransitiveGraphCache(directP, closedP);
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, b));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, c));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(f, closedP, b));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(b, closedP, g));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(b, closedP, d));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(d, closedP, c));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(d, closedP, e));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(c, closedP, e));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(c, closedP, b));
                cache.find(new TriplePattern(c, directP, null)),
                new Object[] {
                    new Triple(c, closedP, e),
                    new Triple(c, closedP, g),
                    new Triple(c, closedP, b),
                    new Triple(c, closedP, d),
                    new Triple(c, closedP, c),
                cache.find(new TriplePattern(null, directP, c)),
                new Object[] {
                    new Triple(a, closedP, c),
                    new Triple(b, closedP, c),
                    new Triple(d, closedP, c),
                    new Triple(f, closedP, c),
                    new Triple(c, closedP, c),
                cache.find(new TriplePattern(f, closedP, null)),
                new Object[] {
                    new Triple(f, closedP, f),
                    new Triple(f, closedP, b),
                    new Triple(f, closedP, c),
                    new Triple(f, closedP, d),
                    new Triple(f, closedP, g),
                    new Triple(f, closedP, e),
     * Two ring-of-three cycles joined at two points
    public void testCycle3() {
        TransitiveGraphCache cache = new TransitiveGraphCache(directP, closedP);
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, b));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(b, closedP, c));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(c, closedP, a));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(d, closedP, e));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(e, closedP, f));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(f, closedP, d));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(b, closedP, d));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(f, closedP, c));
                cache.find(new TriplePattern(a, directP, null)),
                new Object[] {
                new Triple(a, closedP, a),
                new Triple(a, closedP, b),
                new Triple(a, closedP, c),
                new Triple(a, closedP, d),
                new Triple(a, closedP, e),
                new Triple(a, closedP, f),
                cache.find(new TriplePattern(null, directP, a)),
                new Object[] {
                new Triple(a, closedP, a),
                new Triple(b, closedP, a),
                new Triple(c, closedP, a),
                new Triple(d, closedP, a),
                new Triple(e, closedP, a),
                new Triple(f, closedP, a),
     * Test simple equivalences case
    public void testEquivalencesSimple() {
        TransitiveGraphCache cache = new TransitiveGraphCache(directP, closedP);
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, b));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(b, closedP, a));
                cache.find(new TriplePattern(null, closedP, null)),
                new Object[] {
                new Triple(a, closedP, b),
                new Triple(b, closedP, a),
                new Triple(b, closedP, b),
                new Triple(a, closedP, a),
        TestUtil.assertIteratorLength( cache.find(new TriplePattern(null, closedP, null)), 4);
     * Test equivalences case
    public void testEquivalences() {
        TransitiveGraphCache cache = new TransitiveGraphCache(directP, closedP);
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(a, closedP, b));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(b, closedP, a));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(c, closedP, d));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(d, closedP, c));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(b, closedP, d));
        cache.addRelation(new Triple(d, closedP, b));

        assertTrue("Test eq", cache.contains(new TriplePattern(a, closedP, d)));


Related Classes of com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.test.TestTransitiveGraphCache

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