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   Derby - Class

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import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.ShutdownException;

  A set of static methods to supply easier access to contexts.
public final class ContextService //OLD extends Hashtable

  private static ContextService factory;
  private HeaderPrintWriter errorStream;

    Maintains a list of all the contexts that this thread has created
    and/or used. The object stored in the thread local varys according
    how this thread has been used and will be one of:

    <LI> null - the thread no affiliation with a context manager.

    <LI> ContextManager - the current thread has used or is using
            this context manager. If ContextManager.activeThread equals
            the current thread then the thread is currently active with
            the ContextManager. In this case ContextManager.activeCount
            will be greater than zero and represent the level of nested
            setCurrentContextmanager calls.
            If ContextManager.activeThread is null then no other thread
            is using the Contextmanager, if ContextManager.activeThread
            is not-null and not equal to the current thread then some
            other thread is using the context. It is assumed that
            only a single thread can be using a ContextManager at any time
            and this is enforced by synchronization outside the ContextManager.
            E.g for JDBC connections, synchronization at the JDBC level.

    <LI> java.util.Stack containing ContextManagers - the current
        thread is actively using multiple different ContextManagers,
        with nesting. All ContextManagers in the stack will have
        activeThread set to the current thread, and their activeCount
        set to -1. This is beacause nesting is soley represented by
        the stack, with the current context manager on top of the stack.
        This supports multiple levels of nesting across two stacks, e.g.

    This thread local is used to find the current context manager. Basically it provides
    fast access to a list of candidate contexts. If one of the contexts has its activeThread
    equal to the current thread then it is the current context manager.

    If the thread has pushed multiple contexts (e.g. open a new non-nested Derby connection
    from a server side method) then threadContextList will contain a Stack. The value for each cm
    will be a push order, with higher numbers being more recently pushed.

    To support the case where a single context manager is pushed twice (nested connection),
    the context manager keeps track of the number of times it has been pushed (set). Note that
    our synchronization requires that a single context can only be accessed by a single thread at a time.
    In the JDBC layer this is enforced by the synchronization on the connection object.

    There are two cases we are trying to optimise.
    <LI> Typical JDBC client program where there a Connection is always executed using a single thread.
      In this case this variable will contain the Connection's context manager
    <LI> Typical application server pooled connection where a single thread may use a connection from a pool
    for the lifetime of the request. In this case this variable will contain a  WeakReference.
        Single thread for Connection exection.
        threadContextList.get() == cm
        // while in JDBC engine code
        cm.activeThread == Thread.currentThread();
        cm.activeCount = 1;
        J2EE single thread for lifetime of execution.
        // thread executing request
         threadContextList.get() == cm
        // while in JDBC engine code
        cm.activeThread == Thread.currentThread();
        cm.activeCount = 1;
        // other threads that have recently executed
        // the same connection can have
        threadContextList.get() == cm
        cm.activeThread != Thread.currentThread();
        Nested routine calls within single connection
        threadContextList.get() == cm
        // Within server-side JDBC code in a
        // function called from another function/procedure
        // called from an applications's statement
        // (three levels of nesting)
        cm.activeThread == Thread.currentThread();
        cm.activeCount = 3;        
        Nested routine calls with the inner routine
        using a different connection to access a Derby database.
        Note nesting of orignal Contextmanager cm is changed
        from an activeCount of 2 to nesting within the stack
        once multiple ContextManagers are involved.
        threadContextList.get() == stack {cm2,cm,cm}
        cm.activeThread == Thread.currentThread();
        cm.activeCount = -1; // nesting in stack
        cm2.activeThread == Thread.currentThread();
        cm2.activeCount = -1; // nesting in stack
        Nested multiple ContextManagers, the code supports
        this, though it may not be possible currently
        to have a stack like this from SQL/JDBC.
        threadContextList.get() == stack {cm3,cm2,cm,cm2,cm,cm}
        cm.activeThread == Thread.currentThread();
        cm.activeCount = -1; // nesting in stack
        cm2.activeThread == Thread.currentThread();
        cm2.activeCount = -1; // nesting in stack
        cm3.activeThread == Thread.currentThread();
        cm3.activeCount = -1; // nesting in stack
  private ThreadLocal threadContextList = new ThreadLocal();

     * Collection of all ContextManagers that are open
     * in the complete Derby system. A ContextManager is
     * added when it is created with newContextManager and
     * removed when the session is closed.
     * @see #newContextManager()
     * @see SystemContext#cleanupOnError(Throwable)
  private HashSet allContexts;

     * Create a new ContextService for a Derby system.
     * Only a single system is active at any time.
  public ContextService() {

    // find the error stream
    errorStream = Monitor.getStream();   

    ContextService.factory = this;

    allContexts = new HashSet();


    So it can be given to us and taken away...
  public static void stop() {
    // For some unknown reason, the ContextManager and
    // ContextService objects will not be garbage collected
    // without the next two lines.
        ContextService fact = ContextService.factory;
        if (fact != null) {
            synchronized (fact) {
                fact.allContexts = null;
                fact.threadContextList = null;
                ContextService.factory = null;

  public static ContextService getFactory() {
    ContextService csf = factory;

    if (csf == null)
      throw new ShutdownException();
    return csf;
    Find the context with the given name in the context service factory
    loaded for the system.

    @return The requested context, null if it doesn't exist.
  public static Context getContext(String contextId) {

    ContextManager cm = getFactory().getCurrentContextManager();

        if( cm == null)
            return null;
    return cm.getContext(contextId);

    Find the context with the given name in the context service factory
    loaded for the system.

    This version will not do any debug checking, but return null
    quietly if it runs into any problems.

    @return The requested context, null if it doesn't exist.
  public static Context getContextOrNull(String contextId) {
    ContextService csf = factory;

    if (csf == null)
      return null;
    ContextManager cm = csf.getCurrentContextManager();

    if (cm == null)
      return null;

    return cm.getContext(contextId);

   * Get current Context Manager linked to the current Thread.
     * See setCurrentContextManager for details.
     * Note that this call can be expensive and is only
     * intended to be used in "stateless" situations.
     * Ideally code has a reference to the correct
     * ContextManager from another Object, such as a pushed Context.
   * @return ContextManager current Context Manager
  public ContextManager getCurrentContextManager() {

    ThreadLocal tcl = threadContextList;
    if (tcl == null) {
      // The context service is already stopped.
      return null;

    Object list = tcl.get();

    if (list instanceof ContextManager) {
            Thread me = Thread.currentThread();
      ContextManager cm = (ContextManager) list;
      if (cm.activeThread == me)
        return cm;
      return null;

    if (list == null)
      return null;

    java.util.Stack stack = (java.util.Stack) list;
    return (ContextManager) (stack.peek());


     * Break the link between the current Thread and the passed
     * in ContextManager. Called in a pair with setCurrentContextManager,
     * see that method for details.
  public void resetCurrentContextManager(ContextManager cm) {
    ThreadLocal tcl = threadContextList;

    if (tcl == null) {
      // The context service is already stopped.

    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {

      if (Thread.currentThread() != cm.activeThread) {
        SanityManager.THROWASSERT("resetCurrentContextManager - mismatch threads - current" + Thread.currentThread() + " - cm's " + cm.activeThread);

      if (getCurrentContextManager() != cm) {
        SanityManager.THROWASSERT("resetCurrentContextManager - mismatch contexts - " + Thread.currentThread());

      if (cm.activeCount < -1) {
        SanityManager.THROWASSERT("resetCurrentContextManager - invalid count - current" + Thread.currentThread() + " - count " + cm.activeCount);

      if (cm.activeCount == 0) {
        SanityManager.THROWASSERT("resetCurrentContextManager - invalid count - current" + Thread.currentThread() + " - count " + cm.activeCount);

      if (cm.activeCount > 0) {
        if (tcl.get() != cm)
          SanityManager.THROWASSERT("resetCurrentContextManager - invalid thread local " + Thread.currentThread() + " - object " + tcl.get());


    if (cm.activeCount != -1) {
      if (--cm.activeCount == 0) {
        cm.activeThread = null;
                // If the ContextManager is empty
                // then don't keep a reference to it
                // when it is not in use. The ContextManager
                // has been closed (most likely) and this
                // is now unwanted. Keeping the reference
                // would hold onto memory and increase the
                // chance of holding onto a another reference
                // will could cause issues for future operations.
                if (cm.isEmpty())

    java.util.Stack stack = (java.util.Stack) tcl.get();

    Object oldCM = stack.pop();

    ContextManager nextCM = (ContextManager) stack.peek();

    boolean seenMultipleCM = false;
    boolean seenCM = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); i++) {

      Object stackCM = stack.elementAt(i);
      if (stackCM != nextCM)
        seenMultipleCM = true;

      if (stackCM == cm)
        seenCM = true;

    if (!seenCM) {
      cm.activeThread = null;
      cm.activeCount = 0;

    if (!seenMultipleCM)
      // all the context managers on the stack
      // are the same so reduce to a simple count.
      nextCM.activeCount = stack.size();

     * The current thread (passed in a me) is setting associateCM
     * to be its current context manager. Sets the thread local
     * variable threadContextList to reflect associateCM being
     * the current ContextManager.
     * @return True if the nesting level is to be represented in
     * the ContextManager.activeCount field. False if not.
     * @see ContextManager#activeCount
     * @see ContextManager#activeThread
  private boolean addToThreadList(Thread me, ContextManager associateCM) {

    ThreadLocal tcl = threadContextList;

    if (tcl == null) {
      // The context service is already stopped.
      return false;

    Object list = tcl.get();

        // Already set up to reflect associateCM ContextManager
    if (associateCM == list)
      return true;

        // Not currently using any ContextManager
    if (list == null)
      return true;

     java.util.Stack stack;
    if (list instanceof ContextManager) {
            // Could be two situations:
            // 1. Single ContextManager not in use by this thread
            // 2. Single ContextManager in use by this thread (nested call)
      ContextManager threadsCM = (ContextManager) list;
      if (me == null)
        me = Thread.currentThread();
      if (threadsCM.activeThread != me) {
                // Not nested, just a CM left over
                // from a previous execution.
        return true;
            // Nested, need to create a Stack of ContextManagers,
            // the top of the stack will be the active one.
      stack = new java.util.Stack();
            // The stack represents the true nesting
            // of ContextManagers, splitting out nesting
            // of a single ContextManager into multiple
            // entries in the stack.
      for (int i = 0; i < threadsCM.activeCount; i++)
      threadsCM.activeCount = -1;
            // existing stack, nesting represented
            // by stack entries, not activeCount.
      stack = (java.util.Stack) list;

    associateCM.activeCount = -1;

    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {

      if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("memoryLeakTrace")) {

        if (stack.size() > 10)
          System.out.println("memoryLeakTrace:ContextService:threadLocal " + stack.size());

    return false;

     * Link the current thread to the passed in Contextmanager
     * so that a subsequent call to getCurrentContextManager by
     * the current Thread will return cm.
     * ContextManagers are tied to a Thread while the thread
     * is executing Derby code. For example on most JDBC method
     * calls the ContextManager backing the Connection object
     * is tied to the current Thread at the start of the method
     * and reset at the end of the method. Once the Thread
     * has completed its Derby work the method resetCurrentContextManager
     * must be called with the same ContextManager to break the link.
     * Note that a subsquent use of the ContextManager may be on
     * a separate Thread, the Thread is only linked to the ContextManager
     * between the setCurrentContextManager and resetCurrentContextManager calls.
     * <BR>
     * ContextService supports nesting of calls by a single Thread, either
     * with the same ContextManager or a different ContextManager.
     * <UL>
     * <LI>The same ContextManager would be pushed during a nested JDBC call in
     * a procedure or function.
     * <LI>A different ContextManager would be pushed during a call on
     * a different embedded JDBC Connection in a procedure or function.
     * </UL>
  public void setCurrentContextManager(ContextManager cm) {

    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
      Thread me = Thread.currentThread();

      if (cm.activeThread != null && me != cm.activeThread) {
        SanityManager.THROWASSERT("setCurrentContextManager - mismatch threads - current " + me + " - cm's " + cm.activeThread);


    Thread me = null;

    if (cm.activeThread == null) {
      cm.activeThread = (me = Thread.currentThread());
    if (addToThreadList(me, cm))

   * It's up to the caller to track this context manager and set it
   * in the context manager list using setCurrentContextManager.
   * We don't keep track of it due to this call being made.
  public ContextManager newContextManager()
    ContextManager cm = new ContextManager(this, errorStream);

    // push a context that will shut down the system on
    // a severe error.
    new SystemContext(cm);

    synchronized (this) {
      if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {

        if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("memoryLeakTrace")) {

          if (allContexts.size() > 50)
            System.out.println("memoryLeakTrace:ContextService:allContexts " + allContexts.size());

    return cm;

  public void notifyAllActiveThreads(Context c) {
    Thread me = Thread.currentThread();

    synchronized (this) {
      for (Iterator i = allContexts.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {

        ContextManager cm = (ContextManager);

        Thread active = cm.activeThread;

        if (active == me)

        if (active == null)

                final Thread fActive = active;
        if (cm.setInterrupted(c))
                            new PrivilegedAction() {
                                public Object run()  {
                                    return null;

     * Remove a ContextManager from the list of all active
     * contexts managers.
    synchronized void removeContext(ContextManager cm)
        if (allContexts != null)
            allContexts.remove( cm);

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