Package org.apache.maven.continuum.web.action

Source Code of org.apache.maven.continuum.web.action.ReleasePerformAction

package org.apache.maven.continuum.web.action;

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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import org.apache.continuum.configuration.BuildAgentConfigurationException;
import org.apache.continuum.model.repository.LocalRepository;
import org.apache.continuum.release.config.ContinuumReleaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.continuum.release.distributed.DistributedReleaseUtil;
import org.apache.continuum.release.distributed.manager.DistributedReleaseManager;
import org.apache.continuum.web.action.AbstractReleaseAction;
import org.apache.continuum.web.util.AuditLog;
import org.apache.continuum.web.util.AuditLogConstants;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.ContinuumException;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.Project;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.model.system.Profile;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.release.ContinuumReleaseManager;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.release.ContinuumReleaseManagerListener;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.release.DefaultReleaseManagerListener;
import org.apache.maven.continuum.web.exception.AuthorizationRequiredException;
import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
import org.apache.maven.model.Plugin;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.svn.repository.SvnScmProviderRepository;
import org.apache.maven.shared.release.ReleaseResult;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

* @author Edwin Punzalan
* @version $Id: 781924 2009-06-05 06:42:54Z ctan $
* @plexus.component role="com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action" role-hint="releasePerform"
public class ReleasePerformAction
    extends AbstractReleaseAction
    private int projectId;

    private String releaseId;

    private String scmUrl;

    private String scmUsername;

    private String scmPassword;

    private String scmTag;

    private String scmTagBase;

    private String goals = "clean deploy";

    private String arguments;

    private boolean useReleaseProfile = true;

    private ContinuumReleaseManagerListener listener;

    private ReleaseResult result;

    private String projectGroupName = "";

    private List<Profile> profiles;

    private int profileId;

    private void init()
        throws Exception
        if ( getContinuum().getConfiguration().isDistributedBuildEnabled() )
            DistributedReleaseManager distributedReleaseManager = getContinuum().getDistributedReleaseManager();

            getReleasePluginParameters( distributedReleaseManager.getReleasePluginParameters( projectId, "pom.xml" ) );
            Project project = getContinuum().getProject( projectId );
            String workingDirectory = getContinuum().getWorkingDirectory( project.getId() ).getPath();
            getReleasePluginParameters( workingDirectory, "pom.xml" );

    public String inputFromScm()
        throws Exception
            checkBuildProjectInGroupAuthorization( getProjectGroupName() );
        catch ( AuthorizationRequiredException e )
            return REQUIRES_AUTHORIZATION;

        catch ( BuildAgentConfigurationException e )
            List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
            args.add( e.getMessage() );

            addActionError( getText( "distributedBuild.releasePerform.input.error", args ) ) ;
            return ERROR;


        releaseId = "";

        profiles = this.getContinuum().getProfileService().getAllProfiles();

        return SUCCESS;

    public String input()
        throws Exception
            checkBuildProjectInGroupAuthorization( getProjectGroupName() );
        catch ( AuthorizationRequiredException e )
            return REQUIRES_AUTHORIZATION;

        catch ( BuildAgentConfigurationException e )
            List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
            args.add( e.getMessage() );

            addActionError( getText( "distributedBuild.releasePerform.input.error", args ) ) ;
            return ERROR;

        return SUCCESS;

    private void getReleasePluginParameters( String workingDirectory, String pomFilename )
        throws Exception
        //TODO: Use the model reader so we'll can get the plugin configuration from parent too
        MavenXpp3Reader pomReader = new MavenXpp3Reader();
        Model model = new FileReader( new File( workingDirectory, pomFilename ) ) );

        if ( model.getBuild() != null && model.getBuild().getPlugins() != null )
            for ( Plugin plugin : (List<Plugin>) model.getBuild().getPlugins() )
                if ( plugin.getGroupId() != null && plugin.getGroupId().equals( "org.apache.maven.plugins" ) &&
                    plugin.getArtifactId() != null && plugin.getArtifactId().equals( "maven-release-plugin" ) )
                    Xpp3Dom dom = (Xpp3Dom) plugin.getConfiguration();

                    if ( dom != null )
                        Xpp3Dom configuration = dom.getChild( "useReleaseProfile" );
                        if ( configuration != null )
                            useReleaseProfile = Boolean.valueOf( configuration.getValue() );

                        configuration = dom.getChild( "goals" );
                        if ( configuration != null )
                            goals = configuration.getValue();
                            if ( model.getDistributionManagement() != null &&
                                model.getDistributionManagement().getSite() != null )
                                goals += " site-deploy";

                        configuration = dom.getChild( "arguments" );
                        if ( configuration != null )
                            arguments = configuration.getValue();


    public String execute()
        throws Exception
            checkBuildProjectInGroupAuthorization( getProjectGroupName() );
        catch ( AuthorizationRequiredException e )
            return REQUIRES_AUTHORIZATION;

        Project project = getContinuum().getProject( projectId );

        LocalRepository repository = project.getProjectGroup().getLocalRepository();

        if ( getContinuum().getConfiguration().isDistributedBuildEnabled() )
            DistributedReleaseManager releaseManager = getContinuum().getDistributedReleaseManager();

                releaseManager.releasePerform( projectId, releaseId, goals, arguments, useReleaseProfile, repository );
            catch ( BuildAgentConfigurationException e )
                List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
                args.add( e.getMessage() );

                addActionError( getText( "distributedBuild.releasePerform.release.error", args ) );
                return ERROR;
            listener = new DefaultReleaseManagerListener();
            ContinuumReleaseManager releaseManager = getContinuum().getReleaseManager();

            //todo should be configurable
            File performDirectory = new File( getContinuum().getConfiguration().getWorkingDirectory(),
                                              "releases-" + System.currentTimeMillis() );

            releaseManager.perform( releaseId, performDirectory, goals, arguments, useReleaseProfile, listener,
                                    repository );

        AuditLog event = new AuditLog( "ReleaseId=" + releaseId, AuditLogConstants.PERFORM_RELEASE );
        event.setCategory( AuditLogConstants.PROJECT );
        event.setCurrentUser( getPrincipal() );

        return SUCCESS;

    public String executeFromScm()
        throws Exception
        if ( getContinuum().getConfiguration().isDistributedBuildEnabled() )
            Project project = getContinuum().getProject( projectId );

            LocalRepository repository = project.getProjectGroup().getLocalRepository();

            DistributedReleaseManager releaseManager = getContinuum().getDistributedReleaseManager();
            Map<String, String> environments = new HashMap<String, String>();
            if ( profileId != -1 )
                Profile profile = getContinuum().getProfileService().getProfile( profileId );
                environments = getEnvironments( profile );

                releaseManager.releasePerformFromScm( projectId, goals, arguments, useReleaseProfile, repository, scmUrl,
                                                      scmUsername, scmPassword, scmTag, scmTagBase, environments );
            catch ( BuildAgentConfigurationException e )
                List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
                args.add( e.getMessage() );

                addActionError( getText( "distributedBuild.releasePerform.release.error", args ) );
                return ERROR;

            return SUCCESS;
            ContinuumReleaseManager releaseManager = getContinuum().getReleaseManager();
            ContinuumReleaseDescriptor descriptor = new ContinuumReleaseDescriptor();
            descriptor.setScmSourceUrl( scmUrl );
            descriptor.setScmUsername( scmUsername );
            descriptor.setScmPassword( scmPassword );
            descriptor.setScmReleaseLabel( scmTag );
            descriptor.setScmTagBase( scmTagBase );
            if ( profileId != -1 )
                Profile profile = getContinuum().getProfileService().getProfile( profileId );
                descriptor.setEnvironments( getEnvironments( profile ) );
                releaseId = String.valueOf( System.currentTimeMillis() );
            while ( releaseManager.getPreparedReleases().containsKey( releaseId ) );
            releaseManager.getPreparedReleases().put( releaseId, descriptor );
            return execute();

    private void populateFromProject()
        throws Exception
        Project project = getContinuum().getProjectWithAllDetails( projectId );

        scmUrl = project.getScmUrl();
        scmUsername = project.getScmUsername();
        scmPassword = project.getScmPassword();

        if ( scmUrl.startsWith( "scm:svn:" ) )
            scmTagBase = new SvnScmProviderRepository( scmUrl, scmUsername, scmPassword ).getTagBase();
            scmTagBase = "";

        releaseId = "";

    private void getReleasePluginParameters( Map context )
        useReleaseProfile = DistributedReleaseUtil.getUseReleaseProfile( context, useReleaseProfile );

        goals = DistributedReleaseUtil.getGoals( context, goals );

        arguments = DistributedReleaseUtil.getArguments( context, "" );

    public String getReleaseId()
        return releaseId;

    public void setReleaseId( String releaseId )
        this.releaseId = releaseId;

    public String getScmUrl()
        return scmUrl;

    public void setScmUrl( String scmUrl )
        this.scmUrl = scmUrl;

    public String getScmUsername()
        return scmUsername;

    public void setScmUsername( String scmUsername )
        this.scmUsername = scmUsername;

    public String getScmPassword()
        return scmPassword;

    public void setScmPassword( String scmPassword )
        this.scmPassword = scmPassword;

    public String getScmTag()
        return scmTag;

    public void setScmTag( String scmTag )
        this.scmTag = scmTag;

    public String getScmTagBase()
        return scmTagBase;

    public void setScmTagBase( String scmTagBase )
        this.scmTagBase = scmTagBase;

    public String getGoals()
        return goals;

    public void setGoals( String goals )
        this.goals = goals;

    public boolean isUseReleaseProfile()
        return useReleaseProfile;

    public void setUseReleaseProfile( boolean useReleaseProfile )
        this.useReleaseProfile = useReleaseProfile;

    public ContinuumReleaseManagerListener getListener()
        return listener;

    public void setListener( ContinuumReleaseManagerListener listener )
        this.listener = listener;

    public ReleaseResult getResult()
        return result;

    public void setResult( ReleaseResult result )
        this.result = result;

    public int getProjectId()
        return projectId;

    public void setProjectId( int projectId )
        this.projectId = projectId;

    public String getProjectGroupName()
        throws ContinuumException
        if ( projectGroupName == null || "".equals( projectGroupName ) )
            projectGroupName = getContinuum().getProjectGroupByProjectId( projectId ).getName();

        return projectGroupName;

    public List<Profile> getProfiles()
        return profiles;

    public void setProfiles( List<Profile> profiles )
        this.profiles = profiles;

    public int getProfileId()
        return profileId;

    public void setProfileId( int profileId )
        this.profileId = profileId;

    public String getArguments()
        return arguments;

    public void setArguments( String arguments )
        this.arguments = arguments;

Related Classes of org.apache.maven.continuum.web.action.ReleasePerformAction

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