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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;


* <p>Abstract view tool for doing request-based pagination of
* items in an a list.
* </p>
* <p><b>Usage:</b><br>
* To use this class, you must extend it and implement
* the setup(HttpServletRequest) method.
* <p>
* The setup(HttpServletRequest) method ought to extract
* from the current request the current list index and,
* optionally, the number of items to display per page.
* Upon extracting these parameters, they should be set using
* the provided setIndex(int) and setItemsPerPage(int) methods.
* A simple implementation would be:
* <pre>
* public void setup(HttpServletRequest req)
* {
*     ParameterParser pp = new ParameterParser(req);
*     setIndex(pp.getInt("index", 0));
*     setItemsPerPage(pp.getInt("show", DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE));
* }
* </pre>
* You can also set the list of items to be paged at this point
* using the setItems(List) method, or you can always set the
* item list at another point (even from within the template).
* </p>
* <p>
* Here's an example of how your subclass would be used in a template:
* <pre>
*   #if( $pager.hasItems() )
*   Showing $!pager.pageDescription&lt;br&gt;
*     #set( $i = $pager.index )
*     #foreach( $item in $ )
*       ${i}. $!item &lt;br&gt;
*       #set( $i = $i + 1 )
*     #end
*     &lt;br&gt;
*     #if ( $pager.pagesAvailable &gt; 1 )
*       #set( $pagelink = $link.self.param("show",$!pager.itemsPerPage) )
*       #if( $pager.prevIndex )
*           &lt;a href="$pagelink.param('index',$!pager.prevIndex)"&gt;Prev&lt;/a&gt;
*       #end
*       #foreach( $index in $pager.slip )
*         #if( $index == $pager.index )
*           &lt;b&gt;$pager.pageNumber&lt;/b&gt;
*         #else
*           &lt;a href="$pagelink.param('index',$!index)"&gt;$!pager.getPageNumber($index)&lt;/a&gt;
*         #end
*       #end
*       #if( $pager.nextIndex )
*           &lt;a href="$pagelink.param('index',$!pager.nextIndex)"&gt;Next&lt;/a&gt;
*       #end
*     #end
*   #else
*   No items in list.
*   #end
* </pre>
* The output of this might look like:<br><br>
*   Showing 1-5 of 8<br>
*   1. foo<br>
*   2. bar<br>
*   3. blah<br>
*   4. woogie<br>
*   5. baz<br><br>
*   <b>1</b> <a href="">2</a> <a href="">Next</a>
* </p>
* <p>
* <b>Example toolbox.xml configuration:</b>
* <pre>&lt;tool&gt;
*   &lt;key&gt;pager&lt;/key&gt;
*   &lt;scope&gt;request&lt;/scope&gt;
*   &lt;class&gt;;/class&gt;
* &lt;/tool&gt;
* </pre>
* </p>
* @author Nathan Bubna
* @since VelocityTools 1.2
* @version $Revision: 483616 $ $Date: 2006-12-07 11:19:53 -0800 (Thu, 07 Dec 2006) $
public abstract class AbstractPagerTool

    /** the default number of items shown per page */
    public static final int DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 10;

    /** the default max number of page indices to list */
    public static final int DEFAULT_SLIP_SIZE = 20;

    /** the key under which items are stored in session */
    protected static final String STORED_ITEMS_KEY =

    private List items;
    private int index = 0;
    private int slipSize = DEFAULT_SLIP_SIZE;
    private int itemsPerPage = DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE;
    protected HttpSession session;

     * Initializes this instance by grabbing the request
     * and session objects from the current ViewContext.
     * @param obj the current ViewContext
     * @throws ClassCastException if the param is not a ViewContext
    public void init(Object obj)
        ViewContext context = (ViewContext)obj;
        HttpServletRequest request = context.getRequest();
        session = request.getSession(false);

     * Abstract method to make it as obvious as possible just
     * where implementing classes should be retrieving and configuring
     * display parameters.
     * <p>A simple implementation would be:
     * <pre>
     * public void setup(HttpServletRequest req)
     * {
     *     ParameterParser pp = new ParameterParser(req);
     *     setIndex(pp.getInt("index", 0));
     *     setItemsPerPage(pp.getInt("show", DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE));
     * }
     * </pre>
     * @param request the current HttpServletRequest
    public abstract void setup(HttpServletRequest request);

    /*  ---------------------- mutators ----------------------------- */

     * Sets the item list to null, page index to zero, and
     * items per page to the default.
    public void reset()
        items = null;
        index = 0;
        itemsPerPage = DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE;

     * Sets the List to page through.
     * @param items - the  {@link List} of items to be paged through
    public void setItems(List items)
        this.items = items;

     * Sets the index of the first result in the current page
     * @param index the result index to start the current page with
    public void setIndex(int index)
        if (index < 0)
            /* quietly override to a reasonable value */
            index = 0;
        this.index = index;

     * Sets the number of items returned in a page of items
     * @param itemsPerPage the number of items to be returned per page
    public void setItemsPerPage(int itemsPerPage)
        if (itemsPerPage < 1)
            /* quietly override to a reasonable value */
            itemsPerPage = DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE;
        this.itemsPerPage = itemsPerPage;

     * Sets the number of result page indices for {@link #getSlip} to list.
     * (for google-ish result page links).
     * @see #getSlip
     * @param slipSize - the number of result page indices to list
    public void setSlipSize(int slipSize)
        if (slipSize < 2)
            /* quietly override to a reasonable value */
            slipSize = DEFAULT_SLIP_SIZE;
        this.slipSize = slipSize;

    /*  ---------------------- accessors ----------------------------- */

     * Returns the set number of items to be displayed per page of items
     * @return current number of items shown per page
    public int getItemsPerPage()
        return itemsPerPage;

     * Returns the number of result page indices {@link #getSlip}
     * will return per request (if available).
     * @return the number of result page indices {@link #getSlip}
     *         will try to return
    public int getSlipSize()
        return slipSize;

     * Returns the current search result index.
     * @return the index for the beginning of the current page
    public int getIndex()
        return index;

     * Checks whether or not the result list is empty.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the result list is not empty.
    public boolean hasItems()
        return !getItems().isEmpty();

     * Returns the item list. This is guaranteed
     * to never return <code>null</code>.
     * @return {@link List} of all the items
    public List getItems()
        if (items == null)
            items = getStoredItems();

        return (items != null) ? items : Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

     * Returns the index of the last item on the current page of results
     * (as determined by the current index, items per page, and
     * the number of items).  If there is no current page, then null is
     * returned.
     * @return index for the last item on this page or <code>null</code>
     *         if none exists
     * @since VelocityTools 1.3
    public Integer getLastIndex()
        if (!hasItems())
            return null;
        return new Integer(Math.min(getTotal() - 1, index + itemsPerPage - 1));

     * Returns the index for the next page of items
     * (as determined by the current index, items per page, and
     * the number of items).  If no "next page" exists, then null is
     * returned.
     * @return index for the next page or <code>null</code> if none exists
    public Integer getNextIndex()
        int next = index + itemsPerPage;
        if (next < getTotal())
            return new Integer(next);
        return null;

     * Returns the index of the first item on the current page of results
     * (as determined by the current index, items per page, and
     * the number of items).  If there is no current page, then null is
     * returned. This is different than {@link #getIndex()} in that it
     * is adjusted to fit the reality of the items available and is not a
     * mere accessor for the current, user-set index value.
     * @return index for the first item on this page or <code>null</code>
     *         if none exists
     * @since VelocityTools 1.3
    public Integer getFirstIndex()
        if (!hasItems())
            return null;
        return new Integer(Math.min(getTotal() - 1, index));

     * Return the index for the previous page of items
     * (as determined by the current index, items per page, and
     * the number of items).  If no "next page" exists, then null is
     * returned.
     * @return index for the previous page or <code>null</code> if none exists
    public Integer getPrevIndex()
        int prev = Math.min(index, getTotal()) - itemsPerPage;
        if (index > 0)
            return new Integer(Math.max(0, prev));
        return null;

     * Returns the number of pages that can be made from this list
     * given the set number of items per page.
    public int getPagesAvailable()
        return (int)Math.ceil(getTotal() / (double)itemsPerPage);

     * Returns the current "page" of search items.
     * @return a {@link List} of items for the "current page"
    public List getPage()
        /* return null if we have no items */
        if (!hasItems())
            return null;
        /* quietly keep the page indices to legal values for robustness' sake */
        int start = getFirstIndex().intValue();
        int end = getLastIndex().intValue() + 1;
        return getItems().subList(start, end);

     * Returns the "page number" for the specified index.  Because the page
     * number is used for the user interface, the page numbers are 1-based.
     * @param i the index that you want the page number for
     * @return the approximate "page number" for the specified index or
     *         <code>null</code> if there are no items
    public Integer getPageNumber(int i)
        if (!hasItems())
            return null;
        return new Integer(1 + i / itemsPerPage);

     * Returns the "page number" for the current index.  Because the page
     * number is used for the user interface, the page numbers are 1-based.
     * @return the approximate "page number" for the current index or
     *         <code>null</code> if there are no items
    public Integer getPageNumber()
        return getPageNumber(index);

     * Returns the total number of items available.
     * @since VelocityTools 1.3
    public int getTotal()
        if (!hasItems())
            return 0;
        return getItems().size();

     * <p>Returns a description of the current page.  This implementation
     * displays a 1-based range of result indices and the total number
     * of items.  (e.g. "1 - 10 of 42" or "7 of 7")  If there are no items,
     * this will return "0 of 0".</p>
     * <p>Sub-classes may override this to provide a customized
     * description (such as one in another language).</p>
     * @return a description of the current page
    public String getPageDescription()
        if (!hasItems())
            return "0 of 0";

        StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
        int first = getFirstIndex().intValue() + 1;
        int total = getTotal();
        if (first >= total)
            out.append(" of ");
            int last = getLastIndex().intValue() + 1;
            out.append(" - ");
            out.append(" of ");
        return out.toString();

     * Returns a <b>S</b>liding <b>L</b>ist of <b>I</b>ndices for <b>P</b>ages
     * of items.
     * <p>Essentially, this returns a list of item indices that correspond
     * to available pages of items (as based on the set items-per-page).
     * This makes it relativly easy to do a google-ish set of links to
     * available pages.</p>
     * <p>Note that this list of Integers is 0-based to correspond with the
     * underlying result indices and not the displayed page numbers (see
     * {@link #getPageNumber}).</p>
     * @return {@link List} of Integers representing the indices of result
     *         pages or empty list if there's one or less pages available
    public List getSlip()
        /* return an empty list if there's no pages to list */
        int totalPgs = getPagesAvailable();
        if (totalPgs <= 1)
            return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

        /* page number is 1-based so decrement it */
        int curPg = getPageNumber().intValue() - 1;

        /* start at zero or just under half of max slip size
         * this keeps "forward" and "back" pages about even
         * but gives preference to "forward" pages */
        int slipStart = Math.max(0, (curPg - (slipSize / 2)));

        /* push slip end as far as possible */
        int slipEnd = Math.min(totalPgs, (slipStart + slipSize));

        /* if we're out of "forward" pages, then push the
         * slip start toward zero to maintain slip size */
        if (slipEnd - slipStart < slipSize)
            slipStart = Math.max(0, slipEnd - slipSize);

        /* convert 0-based page numbers to indices and create list */
        List slip = new ArrayList(slipEnd - slipStart);
        for (int i=slipStart; i < slipEnd; i++)
            slip.add(new Integer(i * itemsPerPage));
        return slip;

    /*  ---------------------- protected methods ------------------------  */

     * Retrieves stored search items (if any) from the user's
     * session attributes.
     * @return the {@link List} retrieved from memory
    protected List getStoredItems()
        if (session != null)
            return (List)session.getAttribute(STORED_ITEMS_KEY);
        return null;

     * Stores current search items in the user's session attributes
     * (if one currently exists) in order to do efficient result pagination.
     * <p>Override this to store search items somewhere besides the
     * HttpSession or to prevent storage of items across requests. In
     * the former situation, you must also override getStoredItems().</p>
     * @param items the {@link List} to be stored
    protected void setStoredItems(List items)
        if (session != null)
            session.setAttribute(STORED_ITEMS_KEY, items);


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