Package org.apache.nutch.parse.html

Source Code of org.apache.nutch.parse.html.TestDOMContentUtils

* Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.apache.nutch.parse.html;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.apache.nutch.parse.Outlink;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.nutch.util.NutchConfiguration;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import org.cyberneko.html.parsers.*;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.apache.html.dom.*;

* Unit tests for DOMContentUtils.
public class TestDOMContentUtils extends TestCase {

  private static final String[] testPages= {
    new String("<html><head><title> title </title><script> script </script>"
               + "</head><body> body <a href=\"\">"
               + " anchor </a><!--comment-->"
               + "</body></html>"),
    new String("<html><head><title> title </title><script> script </script>"
               + "</head><body> body <a href=\"/\">"
               + " home </a><!--comment-->"
               + "<style> style </style>"
               + " <a href=\"bot.html\">"
               + " bots </a>"
               + "</body></html>"),
    new String("<html><head><title> </title>"
               + "</head><body> "
               + "<a href=\"/\"> separate this "
               + "<a href=\"ok\"> from this"
               + "</a></a>"
               + "</body></html>"),
    // this one relies on certain neko fixup behavior, possibly
    // distributing the anchors into the LI's-but not the other
    // anchors (outside of them, instead)!  So you get a tree that
    // looks like:
    // ... <li> <a href=/> home </a> </li>
    //     <li> <a href=/> <a href="1"> 1 </a> </a> </li>
    //     <li> <a href=/> <a href="1"> <a href="2"> 2 </a> </a> </a> </li>
    new String("<html><head><title> my title </title>"
               + "</head><body> body "
               + "<ul>"
               + "<li> <a href=\"/\"> home"
               + "<li> <a href=\"1\"> 1"
               + "<li> <a href=\"2\"> 2"
               + "</ul>"
               + "</body></html>"),
    // test frameset link extraction. The invalid frame in the middle will be
    // fixed to a third standalone frame.
    new String("<html><head><title> my title </title>"
               + "</head><frameset rows=\"20,*\"> "
               + "<frame src=\"top.html\">"
               + "</frame>"
               + "<frameset cols=\"20,*\">"
               + "<frame src=\"left.html\">"
               + "<frame src=\"invalid.html\"/>"
               + "</frame>"
               + "<frame src=\"right.html\">"
               + "</frame>"
               + "</frameset>"
               + "</frameset>"
               + "</body></html>"),
    // test <area> and <iframe> link extraction + url normalization
    new String("<html><head><title> my title </title>"
               + "</head><body>"
               + "<img src=\"logo.gif\" usemap=\"#green\" border=\"0\">"
         + "<map name=\"green\">"
         + "<area shape=\"polygon\" coords=\"19,44,45,11,87\" href=\"../index.html\">"
         + "<area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"128,132,241,179\" href=\"#bottom\">"
         + "<area shape=\"circle\" coords=\"68,211,35\" href=\"../bot.html\">"
         + "</map>"
               + "<a name=\"bottom\"/><h1> the bottom </h1> "
               + "<iframe src=\"../docs/index.html\"/>"
               + "</body></html>"),
    // test whitespace processing for plain text extraction
    new String("<html><head>\n <title> my\t\n  title\r\n </title>\n"
               + " </head>\n"
               + " <body>\n"
               + "    <h1> Whitespace\ttest  </h1> \n"
               + "\t<a href=\"../index.html\">\n  \twhitespace  test\r\n\t</a>  \t\n"
               + "    <p> This is<span> a whitespace<span></span> test</span>. Newlines\n"
               + "should appear as space too.</p><p>Tabs\tare spaces too.\n</p>"
               + "    This\t<b>is a</b> break -&gt;<br>and the line after<i> break</i>.<br>\n"
               + "<table>"
               + "    <tr><td>one</td><td>two</td><td>three</td></tr>\n"
               + "    <tr><td>space here </td><td> space there</td><td>no space</td></tr>"
               + "\t<tr><td>one\r\ntwo</td><td>two\tthree</td><td>three\r\tfour</td></tr>\n"
               + "</table>put some text here<Br>and there."
               + "<h2>End\tthis\rmadness\n!</h2>\r\n"
               + "         .        .        .         ."
               + "</body>  </html>"),

    // test that <a rel=nofollow> links are not returned
    new String("<html><head></head><body>"
               + "<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"> ignore </a>"
               + "<a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\"> ignore </a>"
               + "</body></html>"),
    // test that POST form actions are skipped
    new String("<html><head></head><body>"
            + "<form method='POST' action='/search.jsp'><input type=text>"
            + "<input type=submit><p>test1</p></form>"
            + "<form method='GET' action='/dummy.jsp'><input type=text>"
            + "<input type=submit><p>test2</p></form></body></html>"),
    // test that all form actions are skipped
    new String("<html><head></head><body>"
            + "<form method='POST' action='/search.jsp'><input type=text>"
            + "<input type=submit><p>test1</p></form>"
            + "<form method='GET' action='/dummy.jsp'><input type=text>"
            + "<input type=submit><p>test2</p></form></body></html>"),
  private static int SKIP = 9;

  private static String[] testBaseHrefs= {
  private static final DocumentFragment testDOMs[]=
    new DocumentFragment[testPages.length];

  private static URL[] testBaseHrefURLs=
    new URL[testPages.length];

  private static final String[] answerText= {
    "title body anchor",
    "title body home bots",
    "separate this from this",
    "my title body home 1 2",
    "my title",
    "my title the bottom",
    "my title Whitespace test whitespace test "
        + "This is a whitespace test . Newlines should appear as space too. "
        + "Tabs are spaces too. This is a break -> and the line after break . "
        + "one two three space here space there no space "
        + "one two two three three four put some text here and there. "
        + "End this madness ! . . . .",
    "ignore ignore",
    "test1 test2",
    "test1 test2"

  private static final String[] answerTitle= {
    "my title",
    "my title",
    "my title",
    "my title",

  // note: should be in page-order
  private static Outlink[][] answerOutlinks;
  private static Configuration conf;
  private static DOMContentUtils utils = null;
  public TestDOMContentUtils(String name) {

  private static void setup() {
    conf = NutchConfiguration.create();
    conf.setBoolean("parser.html.form.use_action", true);
    utils = new DOMContentUtils(conf);
    DOMFragmentParser parser= new DOMFragmentParser();
    for (int i= 0; i < testPages.length; i++) {
        DocumentFragment node=
          new HTMLDocumentImpl().createDocumentFragment();
        try {
            new InputSource(
              new ByteArrayInputStream(testPages[i].getBytes()) ),
          testBaseHrefURLs[i]= new URL(testBaseHrefs[i]);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          assertTrue("caught exception: " + e, false);
      testDOMs[i]= node;
    try {
     answerOutlinks = new Outlink[][]{
           new Outlink("", "anchor", conf),
           new Outlink("", "home", conf),
           new Outlink("", "bots", conf),
           new Outlink("", "separate this", conf),
           new Outlink("", "from this", conf),
           new Outlink("", "home", conf),
           new Outlink("", "1", conf),
           new Outlink("", "2", conf),
           new Outlink("", "", conf),
           new Outlink("", "", conf),
           new Outlink("", "", conf),
           new Outlink("", "", conf),
           new Outlink("", "", conf),
           new Outlink("", "", conf),
           new Outlink("", "", conf),
           new Outlink("", "", conf),
           new Outlink("", "", conf),
             new Outlink("", "whitespace test", conf),
           new Outlink("", "test2", conf),
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {

  private static boolean equalsIgnoreWhitespace(String s1, String s2) {
    StringTokenizer st1= new StringTokenizer(s1);
    StringTokenizer st2= new StringTokenizer(s2);

    while (st1.hasMoreTokens()) {
      if (!st2.hasMoreTokens())
        return false;
      if ( ! st1.nextToken().equals(st2.nextToken()) )
        return false;
    if (st2.hasMoreTokens())
      return false;
    return true;

  public void testGetText() {
    if (testDOMs[0] == null)
    for (int i= 0; i < testPages.length; i++) {
      StringBuffer sb= new StringBuffer();
      utils.getText(sb, testDOMs[i]);
      String text= sb.toString();
      assertTrue("expecting text: " + answerText[i]
                 + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                 + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                 + "got text: "+ text,
                 equalsIgnoreWhitespace(answerText[i], text));

  public void testGetTitle() {
    if (testDOMs[0] == null)
    for (int i= 0; i < testPages.length; i++) {
      StringBuffer sb= new StringBuffer();
      utils.getTitle(sb, testDOMs[i]);
      String text= sb.toString();
      assertTrue("expecting text: " + answerText[i]
                 + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                 + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                 + "got text: "+ text,
                 equalsIgnoreWhitespace(answerTitle[i], text));

  public void testGetOutlinks() {
    if (testDOMs[0] == null)
    for (int i= 0; i < testPages.length; i++) {
      ArrayList outlinks= new ArrayList();
      if (i == SKIP) {
        conf.setBoolean("parser.html.form.use_action", false);
      } else {
        conf.setBoolean("parser.html.form.use_action", true);
      utils.getOutlinks(testBaseHrefURLs[i], outlinks, testDOMs[i]);
      Outlink[] outlinkArr= new Outlink[outlinks.size()];
      outlinkArr= (Outlink[]) outlinks.toArray(outlinkArr);
      compareOutlinks(answerOutlinks[i], outlinkArr);

  private static final void appendOutlinks(StringBuffer sb, Outlink[] o) {
    for (int i= 0; i < o.length; i++) {

  private static final String outlinksString(Outlink[] o) {
    StringBuffer sb= new StringBuffer();
    appendOutlinks(sb, o);
    return sb.toString();

  private static final void compareOutlinks(Outlink[] o1, Outlink[] o2) {
    if (o1.length != o2.length) {
      assertTrue("got wrong number of outlinks (expecting " + o1.length
                 + ", got " + o2.length + ")"
                 + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                 + "answer: " + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                 + outlinksString(o1)
                 + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                 + "got: " + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                 + outlinksString(o2)
                 + System.getProperty("line.separator"),

    for (int i= 0; i < o1.length; i++) {
      if (!o1[i].equals(o2[i])) {
        assertTrue("got wrong outlinks at position " + i
                   + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                   + "answer: " + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                   + o1[i].toString()
                   + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                   + "got: " + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                   + o2[i].toString(),

Related Classes of org.apache.nutch.parse.html.TestDOMContentUtils

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