Package flex2.compiler.asdoc

Source Code of flex2.compiler.asdoc.ClassTable$KeyPair

*  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
*  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
*  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
*  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
*  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
*  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package flex2.compiler.asdoc;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import macromedia.asc.parser.AttributeListNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.ClassDefinitionNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.DocCommentNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.FunctionDefinitionNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.InterfaceDefinitionNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.LiteralBooleanNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.LiteralNullNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.LiteralNumberNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.LiteralStringNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.MemberExpressionNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.MetaDataEvaluator;
import macromedia.asc.parser.MetaDataNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.Node;
import macromedia.asc.parser.PackageDefinitionNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.ParameterListNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.ParameterNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.RestParameterNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.Tokens;
import macromedia.asc.parser.TypeExpressionNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.VariableBindingNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.VariableDefinitionNode;
import macromedia.asc.semantics.ObjectValue;
import macromedia.asc.semantics.ParameterizedName;
import macromedia.asc.semantics.ReferenceValue;
import macromedia.asc.semantics.Slot;
import macromedia.asc.semantics.TypeValue;
import macromedia.asc.semantics.Value;
import macromedia.asc.util.Context;
import flash.util.Trace;

import flex2.compiler.mxml.lang.StandardDefs;
import flex2.compiler.util.NameFormatter;
import flex2.compiler.util.QName;
import flex2.compiler.util.ThreadLocalToolkit;

* ClassTable stores the CommentsTables containing CommentEntrys
* in a LinkedHashMap. The key to each CommentsTable is the package
* name and class name in dot format. (Ex. the class Foo in the
* package Bar would be Bar.Foo and the class Cheese in the default
* (empty) package would be Cheese). It also keeps a separate Map
* containing each unique package name linked to a CommentEntry for
* that package (if it exists). A HashSet is used to quickly check
* for known tag names.
* @author klin
public class ClassTable implements DocCommentTable {
    private LinkedHashMap<String, CommentsTable> classTable;
    private LinkedHashMap<String, DocComment> packageTable;
    private HashSet<String> tagNames;
    private boolean restoreBuiltinClasses = false;
    public ClassTable(boolean restoreBuiltinClasses)
        classTable = new LinkedHashMap<String, CommentsTable>();
        packageTable = new LinkedHashMap<String, DocComment>();
        tagNames = new HashSet<String>();
        this.restoreBuiltinClasses = restoreBuiltinClasses;
     * Adds comments to the table. Sorts them by package. Also, makes sure all
     * packages are present in the packageTable.
     * @param name
     * @param comments
     * @param inheritance
     * @param exclude
     * @param cx
    public void addComments(QName name, List comments,
            Set<QName> inheritance, boolean exclude, Context cx, AbcClass abcClass)
        String packageName = name.getNamespace().intern();
        String className = name.getLocalPart().intern();
        //CommentNodes belonging to the public class (or function)
        List<DocCommentNode> mainClass = new ArrayList<DocCommentNode>();
        //CommentNodes belonging to private classes and their inheritance
        LinkedHashMap<String, List<DocCommentNode>> otherClasses = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<DocCommentNode>>();
        Map<String, Set<QName>> otherInheritance = new LinkedHashMap<String, Set<QName>>();
        //Whether there is a public class declaration
        boolean mainDef = false;
        //asc generated package
        String otherPackage = null;
        //sorting all the comments and pulling out other classes that are out of the package
        for (int i = 0; i < comments.size(); i++)
            DocCommentNode current = (DocCommentNode)comments.get(i);
            String pkg = ""//package name
            String cls = ""//class name
            String debug;
            if (current.def instanceof PackageDefinitionNode)
            else if (current.def instanceof ClassDefinitionNode)
                ClassDefinitionNode cd = (ClassDefinitionNode)current.def;
                debug = cd.debug_name;
                int colon = debug.indexOf(':');
                if (colon < 0) //empty package
                    pkg = "";
                    cls = debug.intern();
                    pkg = debug.substring(0, colon).intern();
                    cls = debug.substring(colon + 1).intern();
                if (cls.equals(className) && pkg.equals(packageName))
                    mainDef = true;
                    if (otherPackage == null)
                        otherPackage = pkg;
                    //if not the public class, we need to create our own inheritance set
                    Set<QName> inherit = new HashSet<QName>();
                    otherInheritance.put(cls, inherit);
                    List inherited = cd.used_def_namespaces;
                    for (int j = 0; j < inherited.size(); j++)
                        String s = inherited.get(j).toString().intern();
                        //Make sure that the inheritance list doesn't contain itself or a package.
                        if (!s.equals(debug) && !s.equals(otherPackage))
                            QName q = new QName(s);
                            if (!q.getLocalPart().equals(""))
                                assert !((q.getLocalPart().equals(cls)) && (q.getNamespace().equals(pkg))) : "same class";
            else if (current.def instanceof FunctionDefinitionNode)
                FunctionDefinitionNode fd = (FunctionDefinitionNode)current.def;
                debug = fd.fexpr.debug_name;
                int colon = debug.indexOf(':');
                int slash = debug.indexOf('/');
                if (colon < 0)
                    pkg = "";
                    if (slash < 0) //when there's only a name (Ex. debug == Foobar)
                        cls = "";
                    else  //when there happens to be a slash (Ex. debug == Class/Function)
                        cls = debug.substring(0, slash).intern();
                    pkg = debug.substring(0, colon).intern();
                    if (slash < 0)   //when you have debug == packageName:Function
                        cls = "";
                    else if (slash < colon//when debug == className/private:something (mxml case)
                        pkg = "";
                        cls = debug.substring(0, slash).intern();
                    else  //when debug == packageName:className/Function
                        cls = debug.substring(colon + 1, slash).intern();
            else if (current.def instanceof VariableDefinitionNode)
                VariableBindingNode vb = (VariableBindingNode)(((VariableDefinitionNode)current.def).list.items.get(0));
                debug = vb.debug_name;
                int colon = debug.indexOf(':');
                int slash = debug.indexOf('/');
                if (colon < 0)
                    pkg = "";
                    if (slash < 0)
                        cls = "";
                        cls = debug.substring(0, slash).intern();
                    pkg = debug.substring(0, colon).intern();
                    if (slash < 0)
                        cls = "";
                    else if (slash < colon)
                        pkg = "";
                        cls = debug.substring(0, slash).intern();
                        cls = debug.substring(colon + 1, slash).intern();
            //Add to list for other classes (they will be in a separate package)
            if (!pkg.equals(packageName))
                if (cls.equals(""))
                    cls = "null";
                List<DocCommentNode> l = otherClasses.get(cls);
                if (l == null)
                    l = new ArrayList<DocCommentNode>();
                otherClasses.put(cls, l);
            else  //Add to list for public class
        if (mainDef//there exists a public class definition
            this.put(name, mainClass, inheritance, exclude, cx, abcClass);
        else    //null classname for package level functions
            this.put(new QName(packageName, "null"), mainClass, inheritance, exclude, cx, abcClass);
        //for classes outside the package but in the same sourcefile (should be private, but we exclude anyway)
        if (otherPackage != null)
            Iterator<String> iter = otherClasses.keySet().iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext())
                //Add other classes under asc generated package name
                String cls =;
                this.put(new QName(otherPackage, cls), otherClasses.get(cls), otherInheritance.get(cls), true, cx, abcClass);
        //This is to ensure that the packageTable contains all the package names (as keys).
        if (!packageTable.containsKey(packageName))
            packageTable.put(packageName, null);
        if (otherPackage != null && !packageTable.containsKey(otherPackage))
            packageTable.put(otherPackage, null);
    private void put(QName name, List<DocCommentNode> comments, Set<QName> inheritance, boolean exclude, Context cx, AbcClass abcClass)
        CommentsTable table = classTable.get(NameFormatter.toDot(name));
        if(table == null )
            table = new CommentsTable(name.getNamespace(), name.getLocalPart(), inheritance, exclude, cx, abcClass);
        int temp = comments.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < temp; i++)
            DocCommentNode tempNode = comments.get(i);
            DocComment tempComment = table.addComment(tempNode);
            //keep a reference to the first packageEntry encountered for each package.
            if (packageTable.get(name.getNamespace()) == null && tempComment != null)
                if (tempComment.getType() == DocComment.PACKAGE)
                    packageTable.put(name.getNamespace(), tempComment);
        classTable.put(NameFormatter.toDot(name), table);
     * Getter method to return all comments for a class.
    public List<DocComment> getAllClassComments(String className, String packageName)
            if (packageName == null)
                packageName = "";
            if (className == null || className.equals(""))
                className = "null";
            String name = NameFormatter.toDot(new QName(packageName, className));
            CommentsTable temp = classTable.get(name);
            return new ArrayList<DocComment>(temp.values());
        } catch (NullPointerException e)
            return null;   //if a given class/package do not exist

    public Map<String, DocComment> getClassesAndInterfaces(String packageName)
        return getCsOrIs(packageName, true, true);
     * Helper function for getting Classes/Interfaces/Both.
     * @param packageName
     * @param c
     * @param i
     * @return
    private Map<String, DocComment> getCsOrIs(String packageName, boolean c, boolean i)
        if (packageName == null)
            packageName = "";
        Map<String, DocComment> comments = new LinkedHashMap<String, DocComment>();
        Iterator<String> iter = classTable.keySet().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext())
            String key =;
            int dot = key.lastIndexOf(".");
            //Case when in empty package. ("null" package signifies top-level functions/variables)
            // we also want the "null" key - that is for top level functions..
            if (dot < 0 && packageName.equals("") )
                CommentsTable temp1 = classTable.get(key);
                if (!temp1.isInterface() && c)
                    comments.put(key, temp1.get(new KeyPair(key, DocComment.CLASS)));
                else if (i)
                    comments.put(key, temp1.get(new KeyPair(key, DocComment.INTERFACE)));
            else if (dot >= 0 && (key.substring(0, dot)).equals(packageName))  //must match packageName
                CommentsTable temp1 = classTable.get(key);
                String key2 = key.substring(dot + 1);
                if (!temp1.isInterface() && c)
                    comments.put(key2, temp1.get(new KeyPair(key, DocComment.CLASS)));
                else if (i)
                    comments.put(key2, temp1.get(new KeyPair(key, DocComment.INTERFACE)));
        return comments;
    public Map<String, DocComment> getPackages()
        return new LinkedHashMap<String, DocComment>(packageTable);
     * A CommentsTable stores CommentEntries in itself by extending
     * TreeMap. The key is a private utility class KeyPair that
     * stores a name and integer type. Extending TreeMap keeps the
     * CommentEntries in the order provided by KeyPair. CommentsTable
     * also assists in finding the correct CommentEntry to inherit
     * documentation from.
     * @author klin
    private class CommentsTable extends TreeMap<KeyPair, DocComment> {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 5737364574357983642L;
        private boolean exclude;
        private Set<QName> inheritance;
        private macromedia.asc.util.Context cx;
        private boolean isInterface;
        private AbcClass abcClass;
        private List<CommentEntry> skinPartMetadataList;
         * Stores the list of function generated as a result of [Bindable]
         * where the function also had skinpart metadata
        private Set<String> functionToIgnoreSet;
        public CommentsTable(String packageName, String className, Set<QName> inheritance, boolean exclude, Context cx, AbcClass abcClass)
            this.exclude = exclude;
            this.inheritance = inheritance;
   = cx;
            this.abcClass = abcClass;
         * Adds a comment to the table.
         * @param comment
         * @param exclude
        public DocComment addComment(DocCommentNode comment)
            CommentEntry entry = new CommentEntry(comment, exclude);
            if (entry.key.type == DocComment.INTERFACE)
                isInterface = true;
            if(entry.getSkinPartMetadata() != null)
                if (skinPartMetadataList == null)
                    skinPartMetadataList = new ArrayList<CommentEntry>();
            // if the functionToIgnore is not empty then add it to the set
            if(entry.functionToIgnore != null)
                if (functionToIgnoreSet == null)
                    functionToIgnoreSet = new HashSet<String>();
            //make sure there are no duplicates (happens with metadata present)
            if (!this.containsKey(entry.key) ||
                    (comment.getId() != null && ((entry.key.type == DocComment.FIELD) || (entry.key.type == DocComment.FUNCTION)
                    || (entry.key.type == DocComment.FUNCTION_GET) || (entry.key.type == DocComment.FUNCTION_SET) ) && !entry.hasUserNamespace ) )
                if(entry.key.type == DocComment.CLASS && skinPartMetadataList != null )
                    if(entry.getMetadata() == null)
                // if the entry is for a getter/setter function and the name is present in ignore set then ignore this entry.
                if(functionToIgnoreSet != null &&
                    (entry.key.type == DocComment.FUNCTION_GET || entry.key.type == DocComment.FUNCTION_SET ))
                    if (functionToIgnoreSet.contains(
                        return null;
                this.put(entry.key, entry);
                return entry;
            return null;
        public boolean isInterface()
            return isInterface;
         * Finds inherited documentation to comment.
         * @return Returns inherited documentation
        private Object[] findInheritDoc(KeyPair key)
            //placeholder until null case is figured out.
            Object[] inheritDoc = null;
            //Search through all parent classes and implemented interfaces
            Iterator iter = inheritance.iterator();
            CommentsTable baseClassObj = null;
            QName baseClass = null;
            while (iter.hasNext()){
                QName nextClass = (QName);
                CommentsTable t = classTable.get(NameFormatter.toDot(nextClass));
                if(restoreBuiltinClasses && t == null && nextClass.getNamespace().equals(QName.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE) && !"Object_ASDoc".equals(abcClass.getName()))
                    nextClass = new QName(QName.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, nextClass.getLocalPart() + "_ASDoc");
                    t = classTable.get(NameFormatter.toDot(nextClass));
                if (t != null)
                        baseClassObj = t;
                        baseClass = nextClass;
                    //retrieve inherited Documentation.
                    //Special case for class definition comments
                    if (key.type == DocComment.CLASS)
                        inheritDoc = t.getCommentForInherit(new KeyPair(nextClass.getLocalPart(), DocComment.CLASS));
                        inheritDoc = t.getCommentForInherit(key);
                if (inheritDoc != null)
            if(inheritDoc == null && baseClass != null)
                //retrieve inherited Documentation.
                //Special case for class definition comments
                if (key.type == DocComment.CLASS)
                    inheritDoc = baseClassObj.getCommentForInherit(new KeyPair(baseClass.getLocalPart(), DocComment.CLASS));
                    inheritDoc = baseClassObj.getCommentForInherit(key);
            return inheritDoc;
         * Returns an array of the description, paramTags and returnTag
         * of the comment to be inherited.
        public Object[] getCommentForInherit(KeyPair key)
            CommentEntry temp = (CommentEntry)this.get(key);
            if(temp == null || temp.getDescription() == null || temp.hasPrivateTag())
                // if processing @inheritDoc for a setter function and the comment was with a null description or if it had an @private..
                // then try to inherit from the getter.
                if(key.type == DocComment.FUNCTION_SET )
                    CommentEntry temp2 = (CommentEntry)this.get(new KeyPair(, DocComment.FUNCTION_GET));
                    if(temp2 != null )
                        temp = temp2;   
                else if (key.type == DocComment.FUNCTION_GET ) // if processing @inheritDoc for a getter function and the comment was with a null description or if it had an @private.. then try to inherit from the setter.
                    CommentEntry temp2 = (CommentEntry)this.get(new KeyPair(, DocComment.FUNCTION_SET));
                    if(temp2 != null )
                        temp = temp2;   
            if (temp != null && !temp.hasPrivateTag())
                return temp.getInheritedDoc();
                return findInheritDoc(key);
         * Each CommentEntry represents one comment associated with a
         * certain definition. When first instantiated, a CommentEntry
         * will take an asc DocCommentNode and retrieve all the information
         * necessary including tags. It also processes any inheritDoc tags
         * by searching through parent classes and interfaces. Each
         * CommentEntry within a certain class has a unique KeyPair
         * that allows for easy retrieval from a CommentsTable. Metadata
         * and their comments are held in a definition's CommentEntry
         * through the List, metadata.
         * @author klin
        private class CommentEntry implements DocComment{
            private boolean exclude;
            public KeyPair key;
            private String fullname;
            private String description;
            private boolean isFinal;
            private boolean isStatic;
            private boolean isOverride;
            //Classes and Interfaces
            private String sourcefile;
            private String namespace;
            private String access;
            private boolean isDynamic;
            private String baseClass;
            private String[] interfaces;
            private String[] baseClasses;

            private String[] paramNames;
            private String[] paramTypes;
            private String[] paramDefaults;
            private String resultType;
            private String vartype;
            private boolean isConst;
            private String defaultValue;
            private List<CommentEntry> metadata;
            private String metadataType;
            private String owner;
            private String type_meta;
            private String event_meta;
            private String kind_meta;
            private String arrayType_meta;
            private String format_meta;
            private String inherit_meta;
            private String enumeration_meta;
            private String theme_meta;
            private String message_meta; // store message for Deprecation
            private String replacement_meta; // stores replacement for Deprecation
            private String since_meta; // stores since for Deprecation
            private String variableType_meta; // stores the SkinPart variable type
            private String required_meta; // stores required for SkinPart
            private List<String> authorTags;
            private String copyTag;
            private String defaultTag;
            private List<String> eventTags;
            private String eventTypeTag;
            private List<String> exampleTags;
            private String helpidTag;
            private List<String> includeExampleTags;
            private boolean hasInheritTag;
            private String inheritDocTagLocation;
            private String internalTag;
            private String langversionTag;
            private List<String> paramTags;
            private List<String> playerversionTags;
            private boolean hasPrivateTag;
            private List<String> productversionTags;
            private String sinceTag;
            private String returnTag;
            private boolean hasReviewTag;
            private List<String> seeTags;
            private List<String> throwsTags;
            private String tiptextTag;
            private String toolversionTag;
            private Map<String, String> customTags;
            private boolean hasDefaultProperty = false;
            public boolean hasUserNamespace = false;
            private CommentEntry skinPartMetadata = null;
             * store the name of getter/setter to be ignored.
            private String functionToIgnore = null;
             * Main Constructor.
             * @param comment
             * @param exclude
            public CommentEntry(DocCommentNode comment, boolean exclude)
                this.exclude = exclude;
             * Constructor for creating a metadata CommentEntry.
             * @param debugName
             * @param meta
             * @param isAttributeOfDefinition
             * @param current
            public CommentEntry(String debugName, MetaDataNode meta, boolean isAttributeOfDefinition, MetaDataNode current, String variableType, String variableName)
                createMetadataEntry(debugName, meta, isAttributeOfDefinition, current, variableType, variableName);
             * Constructor used when inheriting meta data comment for [DefaultProperty].
             * @param debugName
             * @param meta
            public CommentEntry(String debugName, MetaData meta)
                inheritMetadataEntry(debugName, meta);
            private void createMetadataEntry(String debugName, MetaDataNode meta, boolean isAttributeOfDefinition, MetaDataNode current, String variableType, String variableName)
                this.key = new KeyPair("IGNORE", METADATA);
                this.metadataType = meta.getId();
                this.owner = debugName;

                // write out the first keyless value, if any, as the name attribute. Output all keyValuePairs
                //  as usual.
                boolean has_name = false;
                if (meta.getValues() != null)
                    int l = meta.getValues().length;
                    for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
                        Value v = meta.getValues()[i];
                        if (v != null)
                            if (v instanceof MetaDataEvaluator.KeylessValue && has_name == false)
                                MetaDataEvaluator.KeylessValue ov = (MetaDataEvaluator.KeylessValue)v;
                       = ov.obj;
                                has_name = true;
                            if (v instanceof MetaDataEvaluator.KeyValuePair)
                                MetaDataEvaluator.KeyValuePair kv = (MetaDataEvaluator.KeyValuePair)v;
                                String s = kv.key.intern();
                                if (s.equals("name"))
                           = kv.obj;
                                else if (s.equals("type"))
                                    this.type_meta = kv.obj;
                                else if (s.equals("event"))
                                    this.event_meta = kv.obj;
                                else if (s.equals("kind"))
                                    this.kind_meta = kv.obj;
                                else if (s.equals("arrayType"))
                                    this.arrayType_meta = kv.obj;
                                else if (s.equals("format"))
                                    this.format_meta = kv.obj;
                                else if (s.equals("inherit"))
                                    this.inherit_meta = kv.obj;
                                else if (s.equals("enumeration"))
                                    this.enumeration_meta = kv.obj;
                                else if (s.equals("message") || s.equals("deprecatedMessage"))
                                    this.message_meta = kv.obj;
                                else if (s.equals("replacement") || s.equals("deprecatedReplacement"))
                                    this.replacement_meta = kv.obj;
                                else if (s.equals("since"|| s.equals("deprecatedSince"))
                                    this.since_meta = kv.obj;
                                else if (s.equals("required"))
                                    this.required_meta = kv.obj;
                                else if (s.equals("theme"))
                                    this.theme_meta = kv.obj;
                                else if (s.equals("profile"))
                           = kv.obj;
                else if(meta.getId() != null)
                    // metadata with an id, but no values
           = meta.getId();
                if(variableType != null)
                    variableType_meta = variableType;
                if(variableName != null)
           = variableName;

                // [Event], [Style], and [Effect] are documented as seperate entities, rather than
                //   as elements of other entities.  In that case, we need to write out the asDoc
                //   comment here
                if (isAttributeOfDefinition == false)
                    if (current.getId() != null)
                        // Id, but no values
            private void inheritMetaDataComment(String debugName, MetaData meta)
                if (metadata == null)
                    metadata = new ArrayList<CommentEntry>();
                CommentEntry newMetadata = new CommentEntry(debugName, meta);
             * This method is used to inherit the [DefaultProperty] meta data from parent classes.
             * @param debugName
             * @param meta
            private void inheritMetadataEntry(String debugName, MetaData meta)
                this.key = new KeyPair("IGNORE", METADATA);
                this.metadataType = meta.getID();
                this.owner = debugName;
                if (meta.count() != 0)
               = meta.getValue(0);
            private String getAccessKindFromNS(ObjectValue ns)
                String access_specifier;
                switch (ns.getNamespaceKind())
                    case macromedia.asc.util.Context.NS_PUBLIC:
                        access_specifier = "public";
                    case macromedia.asc.util.Context.NS_INTERNAL:
                        access_specifier = "internal";
                    case macromedia.asc.util.Context.NS_PROTECTED:
                        access_specifier = "protected";
                    case macromedia.asc.util.Context.NS_PRIVATE:
                        access_specifier = "private";
                        // should never happen
                        access_specifier = "public";
                return access_specifier;
            private void processPackage(PackageDefinitionNode pd)
                this.key.type = PACKAGE;
       = != null ? : "";
                fullname = != null ? + "." + : "";
            private void processClassAndInterface(ClassDefinitionNode cd)
                fullname = cd.debug_name;
                InterfaceDefinitionNode idn = null;
                if (cd instanceof InterfaceDefinitionNode)
                    this.key.type = INTERFACE;
                    idn = (InterfaceDefinitionNode)cd;
                    this.key.type = CLASS;
                if ( != null && != 0)
                    sourcefile =;
                namespace =;
                access = getAccessKindFromNS(cd.cframe.builder.classname.ns);
                if (idn != null)
                    if (idn.interfaces != null)
                        List values = idn.interfaces.values;
                        baseClasses = new String[values.size()];
                        for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++)
                            ReferenceValue rv = (ReferenceValue)values.get(i);
                            Slot s = rv.getSlot(cx, Tokens.GET_TOKEN);
                            baseClasses[i] = (s == null || s.getDebugName().length() == 0) ? : s.getDebugName();
                        baseClasses = new String[] {"Object"};
                    if (cd.baseref != null)
                        Slot s = cd.baseref.getSlot(cx, Tokens.GET_TOKEN);
                        baseClass = (s == null || s.getDebugName().length() == 0) ? "Object" : s.getDebugName();
                        baseClass = "Object";

                    if (cd.interfaces != null)
                        List values = cd.interfaces.values;
                        interfaces = new String[values.size()];
                        for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++)
                            ReferenceValue rv = (ReferenceValue)values.get(i);
                            Slot s = rv.getSlot(cx, Tokens.GET_TOKEN);
                            interfaces[i] = (s == null || s.getDebugName().length() == 0) ? : s.getDebugName();

                AttributeListNode attrs = cd.attrs;
                if (attrs != null)
                    isFinal = attrs.hasFinal ? true : false;
                    isDynamic = attrs.hasDynamic ? true : false;

            private void processFunction(FunctionDefinitionNode fd)
                key.type = FUNCTION;
                int check1 = fd.fexpr.debug_name.indexOf("/get");
                int check2 = fd.fexpr.debug_name.indexOf("/set");
                if (check1 == fd.fexpr.debug_name.length()-4)
                    key.type = FUNCTION_GET;
                else if (check2 == fd.fexpr.debug_name.length()-4)
                    key.type = FUNCTION_SET;
                fullname = fd.fexpr.debug_name;
                AttributeListNode attrs = fd.attrs;
                if(attrs != null)
                    isStatic = attrs.hasStatic;
                    isFinal = attrs.hasFinal;
                    isOverride = attrs.hasOverride;
                    hasUserNamespace  = attrs.hasUserNamespace();
                ParameterListNode pln = fd.fexpr.signature.parameter;
                if (pln != null)
                    int size = pln.items.size();
                    paramNames = new String[size];
                    paramTypes = new String[size];
                    paramDefaults = new String[size];
                    ParameterNode pn;
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        pn = pln.items.get(i);
                        //parameter names
                        paramNames[i] = pn.ref != null ? : "";
                        //parameter types
                        if (pn instanceof RestParameterNode)
                            paramTypes[i] = "restParam";
                        else if (pn.typeref != null)
                            paramTypes[i] = getRefName(cx, pn.typeref);
                          paramTypes[i] = "*";
                        //parameter defaults
                        if (pn.init == null)
                            paramDefaults[i] = "undefined";
                            if (pn.init instanceof LiteralNumberNode)
                                paramDefaults[i] = ((LiteralNumberNode)(pn.init)).value;
                            else if (pn.init instanceof LiteralStringNode)
                                paramDefaults[i] = DocCommentNode.escapeXml(((LiteralStringNode)(pn.init)).value);
                            else if (pn.init instanceof LiteralNullNode)
                                paramDefaults[i] = "null";
                            else if (pn.init instanceof LiteralBooleanNode)
                                paramDefaults[i] = (((LiteralBooleanNode)(pn.init)).value) ? "true" : "false";
                                paramDefaults[i] = "unknown";
                if (fd.fexpr.signature.result != null)
                    TypeExpressionNode result = (TypeExpressionNode)fd.fexpr.signature.result;
                    if(result.expr != null)
                        MemberExpressionNode expr = (MemberExpressionNode)result.expr;
                        resultType = getRefName(cx, expr.ref);
                else if( fd.fexpr.signature.void_anno )
                    resultType = "void";
                    resultType = cx.noType().name.toString();
            private void processField(VariableDefinitionNode vd)
                VariableBindingNode vb = (VariableBindingNode)(vd.list.items.get(0));
                key.type = FIELD;
                fullname = vb.debug_name;

                if (vb.typeref != null)
                    vartype = getRefName(cx, vb.typeref);

                AttributeListNode attrs = vd.attrs;
                if (attrs != null)
                    isStatic = attrs.hasStatic;
                    hasUserNamespace  = attrs.hasUserNamespace();
                Slot s = vb.ref.getSlot(cx);
                if (s != null)
                    isConst = s.isConst();              

                if (vb.initializer != null)
                    if (vb.initializer instanceof LiteralNumberNode)
                        defaultValue = ((LiteralNumberNode)(vb.initializer)).value;
                    else if (vb.initializer instanceof LiteralStringNode)
                        defaultValue = DocCommentNode.escapeXml(((LiteralStringNode)(vb.initializer)).value);
                    else if (vb.initializer instanceof LiteralNullNode)
                        defaultValue = "null";
                    else if (vb.initializer instanceof LiteralBooleanNode)
                        defaultValue = (((LiteralBooleanNode)(vb.initializer)).value) ? "true" : "false";
                    else if (vb.initializer instanceof MemberExpressionNode)
                        MemberExpressionNode mb = (MemberExpressionNode)(vb.initializer);
                        Slot vs = null;
            if (mb.ref != null && mb.selector.isGetExpression())
              vs = (mb.ref != null ? mb.ref.getSlot(cx, Tokens.GET_TOKEN) : null);
              vs = vb.ref.getSlot(cx, Tokens.GET_TOKEN);
                        Value v = (vs != null ? vs.getValue() : null);
                        ObjectValue ov = ((v instanceof ObjectValue) ? (ObjectValue)(v) : null);
                        // if constant evaluator has determined this has a value, use it.
                        defaultValue = (ov != null) ? ov.getValue() : "unknown";
                        Slot vs = vb.ref.getSlot(cx, Tokens.GET_TOKEN);
                        Value v = (vs != null ? vs.getValue() : null);
                        ObjectValue ov = ((v instanceof ObjectValue) ? (ObjectValue)(v) : null);
                        // if constant evaluator has determined this has a value, use it.
                        defaultValue = (ov != null) ? ov.getValue() : "unknown";
            // Helper method to print types in a way asdoc wants.
            // This is mostly for Vectors, which need to print as Vector$basetype.
            public String getRefName(Context cx, ReferenceValue ref)
                Slot s = ref.getSlot(cx, Tokens.GET_TOKEN);
                if( s == null || s.getDebugName().length() == 0 )
                    String name =;
                    if( ref.type_params != null && s != null && s.getValue() instanceof TypeValue)
                        // Vector
                        TypeValue t = (TypeValue)s.getValue();
                        name += getIndexedTypeName(cx, t.indexed_type);
                    return name;
                    return s.getDebugName();
            private String getIndexedTypeName(Context cx, TypeValue t)
                ParameterizedName pn = instanceof ParameterizedName ? (ParameterizedName) : null;
                String name = "$";
                if( pn != null )
                    name +=;
                    if( t.indexed_type != null )
                        name += getIndexedTypeName(cx, t.indexed_type);
                    name += t;
                return name;
            private void createMetaDataComment(String debugName, MetaDataNode meta, boolean isAttributeOfDefinition, MetaDataNode current)
                if (metadata == null)
                    metadata = new ArrayList<CommentEntry>();
                CommentEntry newMetadata = new CommentEntry(debugName, meta, isAttributeOfDefinition, current, null, null);
            private void processMetadata(DocCommentNode comment)
                if (comment.def != null && comment.def.metaData != null)
                    int numItems = comment.def.metaData.items.size();
                    for (int x = 0; x < numItems; x++)
                        Node md =;
                        MetaDataNode mdi = (md instanceof MetaDataNode) ? (MetaDataNode)(md) : null;
                        // cn: why not just dump all the metaData ???
                        if (mdi != null && mdi.getId() != null)
                            // these metaData types can have their own DocComment associated with them, though they might also have no comment.
                            if (mdi.getId().equals(StandardDefs.MD_STYLE) || mdi.getId().equals(StandardDefs.MD_EVENT) || mdi.getId().equals(StandardDefs.MD_EFFECT)
                                    || mdi.getId().equals(StandardDefs.MD_SKINSTATE) || mdi.getId().equals(StandardDefs.MD_ALTERNATIVE)
                                    || mdi.getId().equals(StandardDefs.MD_DISCOURAGEDFORPROFILE)
                                    ||  mdi.getId().equals(StandardDefs.MD_EXPERIMENTAL))
                                if (x+1 < numItems// if it has a comment, it will be the sequentially next DocCommentNode
                                    Node next =;
                                    DocCommentNode metaDataComment = (next instanceof DocCommentNode) ? (DocCommentNode)next : null;

                                    if (metaDataComment != null)
                                        createMetaDataComment(fullname, mdi, false, metaDataComment);
                                    else  // emit it even if it doesn't have a comment.
                                        createMetaDataComment(fullname, mdi, true, null);
                                    createMetaDataComment(fullname, mdi, true, null);
                            else if (mdi.getId().equals(StandardDefs.MD_BINDABLE) || mdi.getId().equals(StandardDefs.MD_DEPRECATED) || mdi.getId().equals(StandardDefs.MD_EXCLUDE))
                                createMetaDataComment(fullname, mdi, true, null);
                            else if (mdi.getId().equals(StandardDefs.MD_DEFAULTPROPERTY))
                                hasDefaultProperty = true;
                                createMetaDataComment(fullname, mdi, true, null);
                            else if (mdi.getId().equals(StandardDefs.MD_SKINPART))
                                String className = fullname.substring(0, fullname.indexOf("/"));
                                if(comment.getId() != null)
                                    createSkinPartMetaDataComment(className, mdi, false, comment);
                                    createSkinPartMetaDataComment(className, mdi, true, null);
                                // if the entry is for a getter/setter then store the name so setter/getter can be ignored.
                                if(this.key.type == FUNCTION_GET || this.key.type == FUNCTION_SET)
                                    functionToIgnore =;
                       = "IGNORE";
                                this.key.type = -1;
            private void createSkinPartMetaDataComment(String debugName, MetaDataNode meta, boolean isAttributeOfDefinition, MetaDataNode current)
                String tempVarType = vartype;
                if (this.key.type == FUNCTION_GET)
                    tempVarType = resultType;
                skinPartMetadata = new CommentEntry(debugName, meta, isAttributeOfDefinition, current, tempVarType,;
             * Tries to match tagname to known tag names.
            private boolean matchesAnyTag(String tagName)
                return tagNames.contains(tagName);
             * Parses out all the descriptions and tags. It leaves anything
             * that's not found as null. processTags() also checks for certain
             * errors and reports them through the logger.
             * @param id
            private void processTags(String id)
                //Extracting description
                int is = id.indexOf("<description><![CDATA[");
                int ie = id.indexOf("]]></description>");
                description = id.substring(is + "<description><![CDATA[".length(), ie);
                //extracting @return
                int index = id.indexOf("]]></return>");
                int endCDATABefore;
                int begin;
                if (index >= 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<return><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore) + "<return><![CDATA[".length();
                    returnTag = id.substring(begin, index);
                index = id.indexOf("]]></return>", index+12);
                if (index > 0)
                    ThreadLocalToolkit.getLogger().logError("More than one @return found in " + this.fullname + ".");
                //extracting @param (multiple)
                index = id.indexOf("]]></param>");
                if (index >= 0)
                    paramTags = new ArrayList<String>();
                while (index >= 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<param><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore);
                    paramTags.add(id.substring(begin + "<param><![CDATA[".length(), index));
                    index = id.indexOf("]]></param>", index + "]]></param>".length());
                //check for @inheritDoc
                index = id.indexOf("]]></inheritDoc>");
                hasInheritTag = index > 0 ? true : false;
                if (index > 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<inheritDoc><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore) + "<inheritDoc><![CDATA[".length();
                    inheritDocTagLocation = id.substring(begin, index).trim();
                index = id.indexOf("]]></inheritDoc>", index+16);
                if (index > 0)
                    ThreadLocalToolkit.getLogger().logError("More than one @inheritDoc found in " + this.fullname + ".");
                //extracting @author tags
                index = id.indexOf("]]></author>");
                if (index >= 0)
                    authorTags = new ArrayList<String>();
                while (index >= 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<author><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore);
                    authorTags.add(id.substring(begin + "<author><![CDATA[".length(), index));
                    index = id.indexOf("]]></author>", index + "]]></author>".length());
                //extracting @copy
                index = id.indexOf("]]></copy>");
                if (index > 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<copy><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore) + "<copy><![CDATA[".length();
                    copyTag = id.substring(begin, index);
                //extracting @default
                index = id.indexOf("]]></default>");
                if (index > 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<default><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore) + "<default><![CDATA[".length();
                    defaultTag = id.substring(begin, index);
                //extracting @event (multiple)
                index = id.indexOf("]]></event>");
                if (index >= 0)
                    eventTags = new ArrayList<String>();               
                while (index > 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<event><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore);
                    eventTags.add(id.substring(begin + "<event><![CDATA[".length(), index));
                    index = id.indexOf("]]></event>", index + "]]></event>".length());                   
                //extracting @eventType
                index = id.indexOf("]]></eventType>");
                if (index > 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<eventType><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore) + "<eventType><![CDATA[".length();
                    eventTypeTag = id.substring(begin, index);
                //extracting @example (multiple)
                index = id.indexOf("]]></example>");
                if (index >= 0)
                    exampleTags = new ArrayList<String>();
                while (index >= 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<example><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore);
                    exampleTags.add(id.substring(begin + "<example><![CDATA[".length(), index));
                    index = id.indexOf("]]></example>", index + "]]></example>".length());

                //extracting @helpid
                index = id.indexOf("]]></helpid>");
                if (index > 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<helpid><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore) + "<helpid><![CDATA[".length();
                    helpidTag = id.substring(begin, index);

                //extracting @includeExample (multiple)
                index = id.indexOf("]]></includeExample>");
                if (index >= 0)
                    includeExampleTags = new ArrayList<String>();
                while (index >= 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<includeExample><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore);
                    includeExampleTags.add(id.substring(begin + "<includeExample><![CDATA[".length(), index));
                    index = id.indexOf("]]></includeExample>", index + "]]></includeExample>".length());
                //extracting @internal
                index = id.indexOf("]]></internal>");
                if (index > 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<internal><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore) + "<internal><![CDATA[".length();
                    internalTag = id.substring(begin, index);

                //extracting @langversion
                index = id.indexOf("]]></langversion>");
                if (index > 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<langversion><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore) + "<langversion><![CDATA[".length();
                    langversionTag = id.substring(begin, index);

                //extracting @playerversion (multiple)
                index = id.indexOf("]]></playerversion>");
                if (index >= 0)
                    playerversionTags = new ArrayList<String>();
                while (index >= 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<playerversion><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore);
                    playerversionTags.add(id.substring(begin + "<playerversion><![CDATA[".length(), index));
                    index = id.indexOf("]]></playerversion>", index + "]]></playerversion>".length());
                //check for @private
                hasPrivateTag = id.indexOf("]]></private>") > 0 ? true : false;
                //extracting @productversion (multiple)
                index = id.indexOf("]]></productversion>");
                if (index >= 0)
                    productversionTags = new ArrayList<String>();
                while (index >= 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<productversion><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore);
                    productversionTags.add(id.substring(begin + "<productversion><![CDATA[".length(), index));
                    index = id.indexOf("]]></productversion>", index + "]]></productversion>".length());
                //extracting @since
                index = id.indexOf("]]></since>");
                if (index > 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<since><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore) + "<since><![CDATA[".length();
                    sinceTag = id.substring(begin, index);
                //check for @review
                hasReviewTag = id.indexOf("]]></review>") > 0 ? true : false;
                //extracting @see (multiple)
                index = id.indexOf("]]></see>");
                if (index >= 0)
                    seeTags = new ArrayList<String>();
                while (index >= 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<see><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore);
                    String see = id.substring(begin + "<see><![CDATA[".length(), index);
                    if (see.indexOf('<') >= 0)
                        ThreadLocalToolkit.getLogger().logError("Do not use html in @see. Offending text: " + see + " Located at " + this.fullname + ".");
                    index = id.indexOf("]]></see>", index + "]]></see>".length());
                //extracting @throws (multiple)
                index = id.indexOf("]]></throws>");
                if (index >= 0)
                    throwsTags = new ArrayList<String>();
                while (index >= 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<throws><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore);
                    throwsTags.add(id.substring(begin + "<throws><![CDATA[".length(), index));
                    index = id.indexOf("]]></throws>", index + "]]></throws>".length());
                //extracting @tiptext
                index = id.indexOf("]]></tiptext>");
                if (index > 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<tiptext><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore) + "<tiptext><![CDATA[".length();
                    tiptextTag = id.substring(begin, index);
                //extracting @toolversion
                index = id.indexOf("]]></toolversion>");
                if (index > 0)
                    endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                    begin = id.indexOf("<toolversion><![CDATA[", endCDATABefore) + "<toolversion><![CDATA[".length();
                    toolversionTag = id.substring(begin, index);
                //extracting @<unknown>
                index = id.indexOf("]]></");
                while (index >= 0)
                    int beginTag = index + "]]></".length();
                    int endTag = id.indexOf(">", beginTag);
                    String tagName = (id.substring(beginTag, endTag)).intern();
                    if (!matchesAnyTag(tagName))
                        if(tagName.indexOf("!") != -1)
                            ThreadLocalToolkit.getLogger().logError("Unexpected symbol ! (" + tagName
                                    + ") found in " + this.fullname + ".");

                        if(tagName.indexOf(":") != -1)
                            ThreadLocalToolkit.getLogger().logError("Unexpected symbol : (" + tagName
                                    + ") found in " + this.fullname + ".");
                        if (customTags == null)
                            customTags = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
                        endCDATABefore = id.substring(0, index).lastIndexOf("]]>");
                        String tag = "<" + tagName + "><![CDATA[";
                        begin = id.indexOf(tag, endCDATABefore) + tag.length();
                        customTags.put(tagName, id.substring(begin, index));
                    index = id.indexOf("]]></", endTag + 1);
             * processComment() extracts the necessary information from the
             * DocCommentNode using its helper methods. The helper methods use
             * the logic derived from the asc parser. It also processes any
             * inheritDoc tags.
            private void processComment(DocCommentNode comment)
                this.key = new KeyPair("IGNORE", -1);
                hasDefaultProperty = false;
                //Extracts information (name and def type) for identifying a comment
                if (comment.def instanceof PackageDefinitionNode)
                else if (comment.def instanceof ClassDefinitionNode)
                    ClassDefinitionNode cd = (ClassDefinitionNode)comment.def;
                else if (comment.def instanceof FunctionDefinitionNode)
                else if (comment.def instanceof VariableDefinitionNode)
                    //unsupported definition
           = "Unsupported";
                if (this.key.type == -1)
                this.key.isStatic = isStatic;
                //extracts @ tags.
                if (comment.getId() != null)
                //only process inheritDoc when needed
                if (!exclude && hasInheritTag)

                // adding null check - for flash classes it can be null here
                if (comment.def instanceof ClassDefinitionNode && abcClass != null)
                    // if this is a class definition and it doesn't have [DefaultProperty], may be its defined on its parent classes.
                        ClassDefinitionNode cd = (ClassDefinitionNode)comment.def;
                        List<MetaData> metadataList = abcClass.getMetaData(StandardDefs.MD_DEFAULTPROPERTY, true);
                        // if [DefaultProperty] found on the parent, lets inherit that.
                        if(metadataList.size() != 0)
                            inheritMetaDataComment(cd.debug_name, metadataList.get(0));

             * adds description and parameters/return tags if they exist to the current comment
            private void addToComment(Object[] inheritDoc)
                String desc = (String)inheritDoc[0];
                // unavoidable since we're casting against an array
                List<String> para = (List<String>)inheritDoc[1];
                String retu = (String)inheritDoc[2];
                //add description
                if (desc != null)
                    if(inheritDocTagLocation != null && inheritDocTagLocation.equals("before-description"))
                      this.description = desc + this.description;
                      this.description += desc;
                //add parameters
                if (para != null)
                    if (this.paramTags != null)
                        int diff = para.size() - this.paramTags.size();
                        if (diff > 0)
                            int size = this.paramTags.size();
                            for (int i = size; i < size + diff; i++)
                        this.paramTags = para;
                //add return
                if (this.returnTag == null && retu != null)
                    this.returnTag = retu;
             * @return Returns an Object array of a {String, List, String}
             * that represent the description, paramter tags, return tag.
            public Object[] getInheritedDoc()
                //only search for inherited documentation if
                //we did not search for it earlier.
                Object[] inheritDoc;
                if (hasInheritTag && exclude)
                    inheritDoc = findInheritDoc(this.key);
                    if (inheritDoc != null)
                inheritDoc = new Object[3];
                inheritDoc[0] = this.getDescription();
                inheritDoc[1] = this.getParamTags();
                inheritDoc[2] = this.getReturnTag();
                return inheritDoc;
             * Processes inheritDoc tag.
            private void processInheritDoc()
                //Retrieve inherited documentation
                Object[] inheritDoc = findInheritDoc(this.key);
                //Add it to this CommentEntry
                if (inheritDoc != null)
                    hasInheritTag = false;
                    if (Trace.asdoc) System.out.println("Cannot find inherited documentation for: " +;
             * Method that returns a map of all the information
             * derived from parsing the tags. The keys are the
             * tag names.
            public Map<String, Object> getAllTags()
                Map<String, Object> tags = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
                tags.put("author", getAuthorTags());
                tags.put("copy", getCopyTag());
                tags.put("default", getDefaultTag());
                tags.put("event", getEventTags());
                tags.put("eventType", getEventTypeTag());
                tags.put("example", getExampleTags());
                tags.put("helpid", getHelpidTag());
                tags.put("includeExample", getIncludeExampleTags());
                tags.put("internal", getInternalTag());
                tags.put("langversion", getLangversionTag());
                tags.put("param", getParamTags());
                tags.put("playerversion", getPlayerversionTags());
                tags.put("productversion", getProductversionTags());
                tags.put("since", getSinceTag());
                tags.put("return", getReturnTag());
                tags.put("see", getSeeTags());
                tags.put("throws", getThrowsTags());
                tags.put("tiptext", getTiptextTag());
                tags.put("toolversion", getToolversionTag());
                tags.put("inheritDoc", Boolean.valueOf(hasInheritTag()));
                tags.put("private", Boolean.valueOf(hasPrivateTag()));
                tags.put("review", Boolean.valueOf(hasReviewTag()));
                tags.put("custom", getCustomTags());
                return tags;
            public int getType()
                return this.key.type;
            public String getDescription()
                return this.description;
            public List<String> getParamTags()
                return this.paramTags;
            public String getReturnTag()
                return this.returnTag;

            public String getAccess()
                return this.access;

            public String getArrayType_meta()
                return this.arrayType_meta;

            public List<String> getAuthorTags()
                return this.authorTags;
            public String getBaseClass()
                return this.baseClass;
            public String[] getBaseclasses()
                return this.baseClasses;

            public String getCopyTag()
                return this.copyTag;

            public Map<String, String> getCustomTags()
                return this.customTags;

            public String getDefaultTag()
                return this.defaultTag;

            public String getDefaultValue()
                return this.defaultValue;

            public String getEnumeration_meta()
                return this.enumeration_meta;
            public String getTheme_meta()
                return this.theme_meta;
            public String getEvent_meta()
                return this.event_meta;
            public String getMessage_meta()
                return this.message_meta;
            public String getReplacement_meta()
                return this.replacement_meta;
            public String getSince_meta()
                return this.since_meta;

            public List<String> getEventTags()
                return this.eventTags;

            public String getEventTypeTag()
                return this.eventTypeTag;

            public List<String> getExampleTags()
                return this.exampleTags;

            public String getFormat_meta()
                return this.format_meta;

            public String getInherit_meta()
                return this.inherit_meta;

            public String getHelpidTag()
                return this.helpidTag;

            public List<String> getIncludeExampleTags()
                return this.includeExampleTags;
            public String[] getInterfaces()
                return this.interfaces;

            public String getInternalTag()
                return this.internalTag;

            public String getKind_meta()
                return this.kind_meta;

            public String getLangversionTag()
                return this.langversionTag;

            public List<CommentEntry> getMetadata()
                return this.metadata;

            public String getMetadataType()
                return this.metadataType;

            public String getName()
            public String getFullname()
                return this.fullname;

            public String getNamespace()
                return this.namespace;

            public String getOwner()
                return this.owner;

            public String[] getParamDefaults()
                return this.paramDefaults;

            public String[] getParamNames()
                return this.paramNames;

            public String[] getParamTypes()
                return this.paramTypes;

            public List<String> getPlayerversionTags()
                return this.playerversionTags;

            public List<String> getProductversionTags()
                return this.productversionTags;
            public String getSinceTag()
                return this.sinceTag;

            public String getResultType()
                return this.resultType;

            public List<String> getSeeTags()
                return this.seeTags;

            public String getSourceFile()
                return this.sourcefile;

            public List<String> getThrowsTags()
                return this.throwsTags;

            public String getTiptextTag()
                return this.tiptextTag;

            public String getToolversionTag()
                return this.toolversionTag;

            public String getType_meta()
                return this.type_meta;

            public String getVartype()
                return this.vartype;

            public boolean hasInheritTag()
                return this.hasInheritTag;

            public boolean hasPrivateTag()
                return this.hasPrivateTag;

            public boolean hasReviewTag()
                return this.hasReviewTag;

            public boolean isConst()
                return this.isConst;

            public boolean isDynamic()
                return this.isDynamic;

            public boolean isExcluded()
                return this.exclude;

            public boolean isFinal()
                return this.isFinal;

            public boolean isOverride()
                return this.isOverride;

            public boolean isStatic()
                return this.isStatic;

            public CommentEntry getSkinPartMetadata()
                return skinPartMetadata;

            public void setMetadata(List<CommentEntry> metadata)
                this.metadata = metadata;

            public String getVariableType_meta()
                return variableType_meta;

            public String getRequired_meta()
                return required_meta;
     * Key to retrieve individual CommentEntry's. Composed of the
     * name of the definition associated with the comment
     * and the type of definition. Implements Comparable
     * only for equality (high and low are arbitrary). Suppose we
     * have a field called foo and a class called bar. Comparisons
     * are done with strings in this manner: the field foo would
     * be "6foo" and the class bar would be "1bar".
    private class KeyPair implements Comparable{
        public String name;
        public int type;
        public boolean isStatic;
        public KeyPair(String name, int type)
   = name;
            this.type = type;
        public int compareTo(Object key)
            return(((new Integer(type)).toString() + name + isStatic).compareTo((new Integer(((KeyPair)key).type)).toString() + ((KeyPair)key).name + ((KeyPair)key).isStatic));

Related Classes of flex2.compiler.asdoc.ClassTable$KeyPair

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