Package org.apache.maven.cli

Source Code of org.apache.maven.cli.App

package org.apache.maven.cli;

/* ====================================================================
*   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
*   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
*   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
*   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
import org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyException;
import org.apache.commons.jelly.XMLOutput;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
import org.apache.maven.MavenConstants;
import org.apache.maven.MavenException;
import org.apache.maven.MavenSession;
import org.apache.maven.MavenUtils;
import org.apache.maven.UnknownGoalException;
import org.apache.maven.jelly.MavenJellyContext;
import org.apache.maven.project.Project;
import org.apache.maven.verifier.ChecksumVerificationException;
import org.apache.maven.verifier.RepoConfigException;
import org.apache.maven.verifier.UnsatisfiedDependencyException;
import org.apache.maven.werkz.NoActionDefinitionException;
import org.apache.maven.werkz.NoSuchGoalException;
import org.apache.maven.werkz.UnattainableGoalException;

import java.text.BreakIterator;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

* The CLI wrapper for controlling MavenSession processes which are encapsulated in the MavenSession bean.
* @author <a href="">Jason van Zyl</a>
* @version $Id: 530196 2007-04-18 23:04:51Z aheritier $
* @todo Separate the computation of the available goals from the display of the goals. The goal computation logic needs
*       to be moved out of this class and be placed in proper.
* @todo All logging needs to be done via commons-logging. No System.err.* and Jelly needs to be taught to take a
*       logger. In an attempt to isolate everything in
public class App
    /** Default file name for an XML-based POM. */
    public static final String POM_FILE_NAME = "project.xml";

    /** Default console width - for formatting output. */
    private static final int CONSOLE_WIDTH = 80;

    /** Links properties */
    private static final Properties LINKS_PROPERTIES = new Properties();

    /** logger for output */
    private static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog( App.class );

    /** Convenience constant for new line character. */
    private static final String LS = System.getProperty( "line.separator", "\n" );

    /** Console banner option. */
    private static final String OPT_CONSOLE_BANNER = "b";

    /** Debug option. */
    private static final String OPT_DEBUG = "X";

    /** Display goals options. */
    private static final String OPT_DISPLAY_GOALS = "g";

    /** Display help option. */
    private static final String OPT_DISPLAY_HELP = "h";

    /** Display info option. */
    private static final String OPT_DISPLAY_INFO = "i";

    /** Display plugin help option. */
    private static final String OPT_DISPLAY_PLUGIN_HELP = "P";

    /** Display stack trace option. */
    private static final String OPT_DISPLAY_STACKTRACE = "e";

    /** Display project help option. */
    private static final String OPT_DISPLAY_USAGE = "u";

    /** Display version option. */
    private static final String OPT_DISPLAY_VERSION = "v";

    /** Emacs output option. */
    private static final String OPT_EMACS_OUTPUT = "E";

    /** Find POM option. */
    private static final String OPT_FIND_POM_DESCRIPTOR = "f";

    /** Quiet option. */
    private static final String OPT_QUIET = "q";

    /** Set POM descriptor option. */
    private static final String OPT_SET_POM_DESCRIPTOR = "p";

    /** System property option. */
    private static final String OPT_SET_SYSTEM_PROPERTY = "D";

    /** Work offline option. */
    private static final String OPT_WORK_OFFLINE = "o";

    /** Working dir option. */
    private static final String OPT_WORKING_DIR = "d";

    /** return code from command prompt when a bad argument is passed */
    private static final int RC_BAD_ARG = 10;

    /** return code for a failure due to Jelly issues */
    private static final int RC_BAD_JELLY = 80;

    /** return code for bad repository configuration */
    private static final int RC_BAD_REPO = 40;

    /** return code for a goal with no actions */
    private static final int RC_EMPTY_GOAL = 50;

    /** return code for a failure due to failed dependency */
    private static final int RC_FAILED_DEPENDENCY = 100;

    /** return code for a goal that failed */
    private static final int RC_GOAL_FAILED = 60;

    /** return code from command prompt when initialization fails */
    private static final int RC_INIT_ERROR = 20;

    /** return code for a goal failed from jelly exception being thrown */
    private static final int RC_JELLY_FAILED = 70;

    /** return code from command prompt when a goal isn't found */
    private static final int RC_NO_GOAL = 30;

    /** return code for ok processing */
    private static final int RC_OK = 0;

    /** return code for a failure due to anything else */
    private static final int RC_OTHER_FAILURE = 90;

    /** Default wrap indent. */
    private static final int WRAP_INDENT = 35;

        URL urlLog4j = App.class.getResource( "/" );

        if ( urlLog4j == null )
            throw new RuntimeException( "Configuration error: can not find the resource" );

        PropertyConfigurator.configure( urlLog4j );

        URL urlLinks = App.class.getResource( "/" );

        if ( urlLinks == null )
            throw new RuntimeException( "Configuration error: can not find the resource" );

            LINKS_PROPERTIES.load( urlLinks.openStream() );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new RuntimeException( "Configuration error: Unable to load the resource", e );

     * Main CLI entry point for MavenSession.
     * @param args
     *            CLI arguments.
    public static void main( String[] args )
        Date start = new Date();
        App app = new App();
        app.doMain( args, start );

     * Format a time string.
     * @param ms
     *            Duration in ms.
     * @return String The formatted time string.
    protected static String formatTime( long ms )
        long secs = ms / 1000;
        long min = secs / 60;
        secs = secs % 60;

        if ( min > 0 )
            return min + MavenUtils.getMessage( "formatTime.minutes" ) + secs
                            + MavenUtils.getMessage( "formatTime.seconds" );
            return secs + MavenUtils.getMessage( "formatTime.seconds" );

    /** CLI Parser */
    private CommandLine commandLine;

    /** the session to run builds */
    private MavenSession mavenSession;

    /** MavenSession Jelly rootContext. */
    private MavenJellyContext rootContext;

    /** Jelly's underlying writer. */
    private Writer writer;

    /** Constructor. */
    public App()

     * Perform main operations in a non-static method.
     * @param args
     *            Arguments passed in from main().
     * @param fullStart
     *            Date the mavenSession process was started.
    public void doMain( String[] args, Date fullStart )
        initializeMain( args );


        int returnCode = RC_OK;

        if ( !getCli().hasOption( OPT_CONSOLE_BANNER ) )

        if ( !MavenSession.getRootDescriptorFile().exists() )
            LOGGER.warn( MavenUtils.getMessage( "" ) );
            LOGGER.warn( "" );

        boolean failed = false;
        boolean displayStackTrace = getCli().hasOption( OPT_DISPLAY_STACKTRACE ) || getCli().hasOption( OPT_DEBUG );



            if ( getCli().hasOption( OPT_DISPLAY_GOALS ) )
                exit( returnCode );
                mavenSession.attainGoals( mavenSession.getRootProject(), getCli().getArgList() );
        catch ( UnsatisfiedDependencyException e )
            failed = true;
            displayBuildFailed( e, false, true, displayStackTrace );
            returnCode = RC_FAILED_DEPENDENCY;
        catch ( ChecksumVerificationException e )
            failed = true;
            displayBuildFailed( e, false, true, displayStackTrace );
            returnCode = RC_FAILED_DEPENDENCY;
        catch ( UnknownGoalException e )
            failed = true;
   MavenUtils.getMessage( "line" ) );
   MavenUtils.getMessage( "build.unknownGoalException", e.getGoalName() ) );
            displayBuildFailed( e, false, false, displayStackTrace );
            returnCode = RC_NO_GOAL;
        catch ( NoSuchGoalException e )
            failed = true;
            displayBuildFailed( e, false, true, displayStackTrace );
            returnCode = RC_NO_GOAL;
        catch ( RepoConfigException e )
            failed = true;
            displayBuildFailed( e, false, true, displayStackTrace );
            returnCode = RC_BAD_REPO;
        catch ( NoActionDefinitionException e )
            failed = true;
   MavenUtils.getMessage( "line" ) );
   MavenUtils.getMessage( "build.internalError" ) );
   MavenUtils.getMessage( "build.noActionDefinitionException", e.getGoal().getName() ) );
            displayBuildFailed( e, true, false, displayStackTrace );
            returnCode = RC_EMPTY_GOAL;
        catch ( UnattainableGoalException e )
            failed = true;
            displayBuildFailed( e, false, true, displayStackTrace );
            if ( e.getCause() instanceof JellyException )
                returnCode = RC_JELLY_FAILED;
                returnCode = RC_GOAL_FAILED;
        catch ( JellyException e )
            failed = true;
            displayBuildFailed( e, true, true, displayStackTrace );
            returnCode = RC_BAD_JELLY;
        catch ( MavenException e )
            failed = true;
            displayBuildFailed( e, MavenUtils.MAVEN_UNKNOWN_ERROR.equals( e.getMessage() ), true, displayStackTrace );
            returnCode = RC_OTHER_FAILURE;
        catch ( Throwable t )
            failed = true;
            displayBuildFailed( t, true, true, displayStackTrace );
            returnCode = RC_OTHER_FAILURE;

        if ( !failed )
            LOGGER.warn( MavenUtils.getMessage( "line" ) );
            LOGGER.warn( MavenUtils.getMessage( "build.successful" ) );
        LOGGER.warn( MavenUtils.getMessage( "line" ) );
        Date fullStop = new Date();
        DateFormat defaultDate = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance( DateFormat.FULL, DateFormat.LONG );
        long fullDiff = fullStop.getTime() - fullStart.getTime();
        LOGGER.warn( MavenUtils.getMessage( "", formatTime( fullDiff ) ) );
        LOGGER.warn( MavenUtils.getMessage( "build.finished.time", defaultDate.format( fullStop ) ) );
        final long mb = 1024 * 1024;
        Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
        LOGGER.warn( MavenUtils.getMessage( "", ( ( r.totalMemory() - r.freeMemory() ) / mb ) + "M/"
                        + ( r.totalMemory() / mb ) + "M" ) );
        LOGGER.warn( MavenUtils.getMessage( "line" ) );
        exit( returnCode );

     * Retrieve the Jelly rootContext.
     * @return The Jelly rootContext.
    public MavenJellyContext getRootContext()
        return rootContext;

     * Perform initialization.
     * @param args
     *            The command-line arguments.
     * @throws ParseException
     *             If there is an error parsing the command-line.
     * @throws IOException
     *             If there is an error while reading the project descriptor.
     * @throws MalformedURLException
     *             If any of the the URLs denoting the local or remote repositories is malformed.
    public void initialize( String[] args ) throws ParseException, MalformedURLException, IOException
        setCli( CLIManager.parse( args ) );


     * Setup any system properties that have been specified on the CLI.
    public void initializeSystemProperties()
        if ( getCli().hasOption( OPT_SET_SYSTEM_PROPERTY ) )
            String[] defStrs = getCli().getOptionValues( OPT_SET_SYSTEM_PROPERTY );

            for ( int i = 0; i < defStrs.length; ++i )
                setCliProperty( defStrs[i] );

     * Set Jelly rootContext.
     * @param rootContext
     *            The mavenSession jelly rootContext.
    public void setRootContext( MavenJellyContext rootContext )
        this.rootContext = rootContext;

     * Display helpful information regarding all documented goals.
    protected void displayGoals()
        displayGoals( false, null );

     * Display helpful information regarding all documented goals.
     * @param pluginOnly
     *            show information for the given plugin only
     * @param plugin
     *            plugin to show info for
    protected void displayGoals( boolean pluginOnly, String plugin )
        String title = MavenUtils.getMessage( "displayGoals.title" );
        if ( pluginOnly )
            title =
                ( plugin == null ? MavenUtils.getMessage( "displayGoals.title.pluginOnly.null" )
                                : MavenUtils.getMessage( "displayGoals.title.pluginOnly.notNull" ) + plugin );
        } title ); format( "", title.length(), '=' ) );

        Set goals = mavenSession.getAllGoalNames();
        displayGoals( pluginOnly, plugin, goals );

     * To allow subclasses stop the app from exiting
     * @param status
     *            the value to exit with
    protected void exit( int status )
        System.exit( status );

     * Produce a formatted/padded string.
     * @param orig
     *            The string to format.
     * @param width
     *            The width of the resulting formatted string.
     * @param pad
     *            The trailing pad character.
     * @return The formatted string, or the original string if the length is already &gt;= <code>width</code>.
    protected String format( String orig, int width, char pad )
        if ( orig.length() >= width )
            return orig;

        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer().append( orig );

        int diff = width - orig.length();

        for ( int i = 0; i < diff; ++i )
            buf.append( pad );

        return buf.toString();

     * Get the CLI parser.
     * @return CommandLine The command line parser.
    protected CommandLine getCli()
        return this.commandLine;

     * Initialize the IO streams.
     * @throws IOException
     *             on error creating XML output and handling System.err and out
    protected void initializeRootContext() throws IOException
        this.writer = new OutputStreamWriter( System.out );
        XMLOutput output = XMLOutput.createXMLOutput( writer, false );

        if ( getCli().hasOption( OPT_WORKING_DIR ) )
            String workingDir = getCli().getOptionValue( OPT_WORKING_DIR );
            File dir = new File( workingDir );
            if ( !dir.isAbsolute() )
                workingDir = dir.getAbsolutePath();

            System.setProperty( "user.dir", workingDir );

        // We will assume here that there might not be a project.xml file present
        // and we will create the root context from the directory gleaned from
        // the user.dir system property.
        File basedir = new File( System.getProperty( "user.dir" ) );
        MavenJellyContext c = MavenUtils.createContext( basedir );
        setRootContext( c );
        c.setXMLOutput( output );

        // This is just a start at this mode - there'll still be some output
        if ( getCli().hasOption( OPT_QUIET ) )
            // A little bit of log4j specifics needed here
            Logger.getLogger( "org.apache.maven" ).setLevel( Level.ERROR );

        // -X takes precedence over -q
        if ( getCli().hasOption( OPT_DEBUG ) )
            getRootContext().setDebugOn( Boolean.TRUE );
            // A little bit of log4j specifics needed here
            Logger.getLogger( "org.apache.maven" ).setLevel( Level.DEBUG );
            getRootContext().setDebugOn( Boolean.FALSE );

        if ( getCli().hasOption( OPT_EMACS_OUTPUT ) )
            getRootContext().setEmacsModeOn( Boolean.TRUE );
            getRootContext().setEmacsModeOn( Boolean.FALSE );

        if ( getCli().hasOption( OPT_WORK_OFFLINE ) )
            System.setProperty( MavenConstants.ONLINE, "false" );

     * Prints the MavenSession header.
    protected void printConsoleMavenHeader()
        Properties p = new Properties();
        InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream( "/" );
            p.load( is );
        catch ( IOException e )
            LOGGER.error( MavenUtils.getMessage( "printConsoleMavenHeader.error" ) + e );
            catch ( IOException e )
                LOGGER.debug( "WARNING: Cannot close stream!", e );
        } " __  __" ); "|  \\/  |__ _Apache__ ___" ); "| |\\/| / _` \\ V / -_) ' \\  ~ intelligent projects ~" ); "|_|  |_\\__,_|\\_/\\___|_||_|  v. " + p.getProperty( "maven.application.version" ) ); "" );


     * Set the cli parser.
     * @param commandLine
     *            The command line parser.
    protected void setCli( CommandLine commandLine )
        this.commandLine = commandLine;

     * Nicely wraps a message for console output, using a word BreakIterator instance to determine wrapping breaks.
     * @param msg
     *            the string message for the console
     * @param wrapIndent
     *            the number of characters to indent all lines after the first one
     * @param lineWidth
     *            the console width that determines where to wrap
     * @return the message wrapped for the console
    protected String wrapConsoleMessage( String msg, int wrapIndent, int lineWidth )
        if ( ( msg.indexOf( '\n' ) < 0 ) && ( msg.indexOf( '\r' ) < 0 ) )
            return wrapConsoleLine( msg, wrapIndent, lineWidth );

        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( msg, "\n\r" );
        while ( tok.hasMoreTokens() )
            String token = tok.nextToken().trim();
            if ( token.length() > 0 )
                buf.append( wrapConsoleLine( token, wrapIndent, lineWidth ) );
                buf.append( LS );
        return buf.toString();

     * Customize the log4j configuration from properties (read in system, user or project scope).
    private void customizeLogging()
        Iterator iter = getRootContext().getVariableNames();
        Properties log4jProperties = new Properties();
        String propertyName;
        while ( iter.hasNext() )
            propertyName = (String);
            if ( propertyName.startsWith( "log4j" ) )
                log4jProperties.put( propertyName, getRootContext().getVariable( propertyName ) );
        // Modify the default log4j settings
        PropertyConfigurator.configure( log4jProperties );
        log4jProperties = null;
        iter = null;

     * Display information on how to file a bug report if an unknown error occurs.
    private void displayBugReportHelp()
    { MavenUtils.getMessage( "line" ) );
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append( MavenUtils.getMessage( "displayBugReportHelp.line1" ) ).append( '\n' );
        sb.append( MavenUtils.getMessage( "displayBugReportHelp.line2" ) ).append( '\n' );
        sb.append( MavenUtils.getMessage( "displayBugReportHelp.line3", LINKS_PROPERTIES.get( "faqUrl" ) ) ).append(
                                                                                                                     '\n' );
        sb.append( MavenUtils.getMessage( "displayBugReportHelp.line4" ) ).append( '\n' );
        sb.append( MavenUtils.getMessage( "displayBugReportHelp.line5", LINKS_PROPERTIES.get( "usersMailingListUrl" ) ) ).append(
                                                                                                                                  '\n' );
        sb.append( MavenUtils.getMessage( "displayBugReportHelp.line6", LINKS_PROPERTIES.get( "issueTrackingUrl" ) ) ).append(
                                                                                                                               '\n' );
        sb.append( MavenUtils.getMessage( "displayBugReportHelp.line7" ) ); "" ); sb.toString() ); "" );

    private void displayBuildFailed( Throwable t, boolean displayBugReportHelp, boolean displayErrors,
                                     boolean displayStackTrace )
        if ( displayBugReportHelp )
        if ( displayErrors )
            displayThrowable( t, displayStackTrace );
        LOGGER.warn( MavenUtils.getMessage( "line" ) );
        LOGGER.warn( MavenUtils.getMessage( "build.failed" ) );

     * Display helpful information about the given default goal.
     * @param goalName
     *            goal to show info for
     * @param goalDescription
     *            the description of the goal
     * @param newLine
     *            whether to append a newline
    private void displayDefaultGoal( String goalName, String goalDescription, boolean newLine )
        if ( "".equals( goalName ) )

        String msgPrefix = format( "[" + goalName + "]", WRAP_INDENT, ' ' ) + " ";
        if ( goalDescription == null )
            goalDescription = "( NO DEFAULT GOAL )";

        if ( newLine )
            msgPrefix = LS + msgPrefix;
        } msgPrefix + wrapConsoleMessage( goalDescription, WRAP_INDENT + 1, CONSOLE_WIDTH ) );

     * Display helpful information about the given goal.
     * @param goalName
     *            goal to show info for
     * @param goalDescription
     *            the description of the goal
    private void displayGoal( String goalName, String goalDescription )
        if ( "".equals( goalName ) )
            goalName = "( NO GOAL )";

        String msgPrefix = format( "  " + goalName + "  ", WRAP_INDENT, '.' ) + " "; msgPrefix + wrapConsoleMessage( goalDescription, WRAP_INDENT + 1, CONSOLE_WIDTH ) );

     * Display helpful information regarding all documented goals.
     * @param pluginOnly
     *            show information for the given plugin only
     * @param plugin
     *            plugin to show info for
     * @param goals
     *            the set of goals
    private void displayGoals( boolean pluginOnly, String plugin, Set goals )
        Map map = new HashMap();
        for ( Iterator i = goals.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String goal = (String);
            String pluginName = "";
            int index = goal.indexOf( ':' );
            if ( index >= 0 )
                pluginName = goal.substring( 0, index );
            List l = (List) map.get( pluginName );
            if ( l == null )
                l = new ArrayList();
                map.put( pluginName, l );
            l.add( goal.substring( index + 1 ) );

        List goalList = (List) map.get( "" );
        if ( goalList != null )
            for ( Iterator i = goalList.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                String goal = (String);
                if ( map.containsKey( goal ) )
                    List pluginGoals = (List) map.get( goal );
                    if ( pluginGoals == null )
                        pluginGoals = new ArrayList();
                        map.put( goal, pluginGoals );
                    // don't add the empty goal as we always attempt to display the default

        List keys = new ArrayList( map.keySet() );
        Collections.sort( keys );

        List undocumentedGoals = new ArrayList();

        for ( Iterator i = keys.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String pluginName = (String);
            if ( pluginOnly )
                if ( plugin == null )
                    // only show default goal
                    displayDefaultGoal( pluginName, mavenSession.getGoalDescription( pluginName ), false );
                else if ( !pluginName.equals( plugin ) )

            displayDefaultGoal( pluginName, mavenSession.getGoalDescription( pluginName ), true );
            List l = (List) map.get( pluginName );
            Collections.sort( l );
            for ( Iterator j = l.iterator(); j.hasNext(); )
                String goalName = (String);
                String fullGoalName = pluginName.length() == 0 ? goalName : pluginName + ":" + goalName;
                String goalDescription = mavenSession.getGoalDescription( fullGoalName );
                if ( goalDescription != null )
                    displayGoal( goalName, goalDescription );
                    undocumentedGoals.add( fullGoalName );

        if ( undocumentedGoals.isEmpty() == false )
            displayGoalsWithoutDescriptions( undocumentedGoals );
        } "" );

     * Display goals without descriptions.
     * @param list
     *            List of undocument goal names.
    private void displayGoalsWithoutDescriptions( List list )
    { "" ); MavenUtils.getMessage( "" ) ); "" );

        for ( Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String goalName = (String);

   "  " + goalName );

     * Display the command line help if the option is present, then exit
    private void displayHelp()
        if ( getCli().hasOption( OPT_DISPLAY_HELP ) )
   "" );
            exit( RC_OK );

     * Display the command line info if the option is present, then exit
    private void displayInfo()
        if ( getCli().hasOption( OPT_DISPLAY_INFO ) )
   "" );
   MavenUtils.getMessage( "displayInfo.info1" ) );
            for ( Iterator i = mavenSession.getPluginList().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
       "  " + );

            Properties buildProperties = new Properties();
            FileInputStream fis = null;
                fis = new FileInputStream( System.getProperty( "user.home" ) + "/" );
                buildProperties.load( fis );
            catch ( IOException e )
                LOGGER.error( MavenUtils.getMessage( "displayInfo.error" ) + e.getMessage() );
                if ( fis != null )
                    catch ( IOException e )
                        LOGGER.debug( "WARNING: Cannot close stream!", e );
                    fis = null;
   MavenUtils.getMessage( "displayInfo.info2" ) + buildProperties );
            exit( RC_OK );

     * Display the plugin help if the option is present, then exit.
     * @throws MavenException
     *             when anything goes wrong
    private void displayPluginHelp() throws MavenException
        if ( getCli().hasOption( OPT_DISPLAY_PLUGIN_HELP ) )
            String plugin = getCli().getOptionValue( OPT_DISPLAY_PLUGIN_HELP );

            displayGoals( true, plugin );

            if ( plugin != null )
                Project project = mavenSession.getPluginProjectFromGoal( plugin );
                if ( ( project != null ) && ( project.getDescription() != null ) )
           wrapConsoleMessage( project.getDescription(), 0, CONSOLE_WIDTH ) );

            exit( RC_OK );

     * Display the project help if the option is present, then exit.
     * @throws MavenException
     *             when anything goes wrong
    private void displayProjectHelp() throws MavenException
        if ( getCli().hasOption( OPT_DISPLAY_USAGE ) )
            Set goals = mavenSession.getProjectGoals( mavenSession.getRootProject() );

            String title = MavenUtils.getMessage( "displayProjectHelp.title" );
   title );
   format( "", title.length(), '=' ) );
   "" );

            Project rootProject = mavenSession.getRootProject();
            if ( ( rootProject.getBuild() != null ) && ( rootProject.getBuild().getDefaultGoal() != null ) )
                String defaultGoal = rootProject.getBuild().getDefaultGoal();
                String msg = MavenUtils.getMessage( "displayGoals.defaultGoal" ) + defaultGoal;
       wrapConsoleMessage( msg, WRAP_INDENT + 1, CONSOLE_WIDTH ) );

            displayGoals( false, null, goals );

            String msg = mavenSession.getRootProject().getDescription();
            if ( msg != null )
       wrapConsoleMessage( msg, 0, CONSOLE_WIDTH ) );

            exit( RC_OK );

    private void displayThrowable( Throwable t, boolean displayStackTrace )
    { MavenUtils.getMessage( "line" ) );
        if ( displayStackTrace )
   MavenUtils.getMessage( "build.errors.stack" ) );
        Throwable localThrowable = t;
        while ( localThrowable != null )
            if ( localThrowable instanceof JellyException )
                JellyException jellyEx = (JellyException) localThrowable;
                if ( jellyEx.getCause() == null )
           MavenUtils.getMessage( "exception.cause" ) + jellyEx.getReason() );
                if ( displayStackTrace )
           MavenUtils.getMessage( "build.jellyException.file", jellyEx.getFileName() ) );
           MavenUtils.getMessage( "build.jellyException.element", jellyEx.getElementName() ) );
           MavenUtils.getMessage( "build.jellyException.line",
                                                        Integer.toString( jellyEx.getLineNumber() ) ) );
           MavenUtils.getMessage( "build.jellyException.column",
                                                        Integer.toString( jellyEx.getColumnNumber() ) ) );
            else if ( localThrowable.getLocalizedMessage() != null )
       MavenUtils.getMessage( "exception.cause" ) + localThrowable.getLocalizedMessage() );
       MavenUtils.getMessage( "exception.cause" ) + localThrowable.getClass().getName() );

            localThrowable = localThrowable.getCause();
        if ( displayStackTrace )
   "" );
   MavenUtils.getMessage( "build.stacktrace" ), t );

     * Display the Maven version info if the option is present, then exit
    private void displayVersion()
        if ( getCli().hasOption( OPT_DISPLAY_VERSION ) )
            exit( RC_OK );

     * From the CWD search through the directory hierarchy for an XML-based POM.
     * @param start
     *            The starting directory for the POM search.
     * @param suffix
     *            The suffix for the file to be searched for.
     * @return The found project.xml file.
    private File find( File start, String suffix )
        if ( start == null )
            return null;

        File dir = start.getAbsoluteFile();
        File file = new File( dir, suffix );

        return file.exists() ? file : find( dir.getParentFile(), suffix );

     * From the CWD search through the directory hierarchy for an XML-based POM.
     * @param filename
     *            The filename to find.
     * @return The found file.
    private File find( String filename )
        // An empty string should resolve to the current directory (user.dir)
        return find( new File( "" ), filename );

     * Get the project descriptor file.
     * @return The project descriptor file.
     * @throws IOException
     *             when the project.xml parent can't be resolved
    private File getDescriptorFile() throws IOException
        File descriptorFile = null;
        String descriptorName = null;

        // Determine what the name of the XML POM descriptor is. If it is
        // specified then we will what the user requests, otherwise we will
        // default to using 'project.xml'.
        if ( getCli().hasOption( OPT_SET_POM_DESCRIPTOR ) )
            descriptorName = getCli().getOptionValue( OPT_SET_POM_DESCRIPTOR );
            descriptorName = POM_FILE_NAME;

        if ( getCli().hasOption( OPT_FIND_POM_DESCRIPTOR ) )
            descriptorFile = find( descriptorName );

            if ( descriptorFile == null )
                descriptorFile = new File( descriptorName );
            descriptorFile = new File( descriptorName );
        if ( getCli().hasOption( OPT_SET_POM_DESCRIPTOR ) && !descriptorFile.exists() )
            throw new FileNotFoundException( "Project file '" + descriptorName + "' not found" );

        descriptorFile = descriptorFile.getAbsoluteFile();
        if ( !getCli().hasOption( OPT_WORKING_DIR ) )
            System.setProperty( "user.dir", descriptorFile.getParentFile().getCanonicalPath() );

        return descriptorFile;

     * Intialize main and exit if failures occur
     * @param args
     *            command line args
    private void initializeMain( String[] args )
        int returnCode = RC_OK;

            initialize( args );
        catch ( ParseException e )
   e.getLocalizedMessage() );
            returnCode = RC_BAD_ARG;
        catch ( IOException e )
   e.getLocalizedMessage() );
            returnCode = RC_INIT_ERROR;
        catch ( Exception e )
            returnCode = RC_INIT_ERROR;

        if ( returnCode != RC_OK )
   "" );
            exit( returnCode );


     * Initialize the mavenSession bean.
     * @throws IOException
     *             when the descriptor file parent can't be resolved
    private void initializeMavenSession() throws IOException
        // Even though the rootProject contains the rootContext we set both in
        // the even that there is no rootProject and the user is requesting goals
        // to be attained that do not directly relate to a project. A goaly that
        // may, say, generate the skeletal maven application build.

        mavenSession = new MavenSession();
        mavenSession.setRootContext( getRootContext() );
        // note: setRootDescriptor file is a static method
        MavenSession.setRootDescriptorFile( getDescriptorFile() );

     * Set a property based upon a commandline <code>name=value</code> string.
     * @param defStr
     *            The <code>name=value</code> string.
    private void setCliProperty( String defStr )
        String name = null;
        String value = null;
        int equalLoc = defStr.indexOf( "=" );

        if ( equalLoc <= 0 )
            name = defStr.trim();
            value = "true";
            name = defStr.substring( 0, equalLoc ).trim();
            value = defStr.substring( equalLoc + 1 ).trim();

        if ( name.length() > 0 )
            System.setProperty( name, value );

     * Reformat a message to display on the console.
     * @param msg
     *            the message to display
     * @param wrapIndent
     *            indent
     * @param lineWidth
     *            line width
     * @return String
    private String wrapConsoleLine( String msg, int wrapIndent, int lineWidth )
        int offset = lineWidth - wrapIndent;
        if ( msg.length() <= offset )
            return msg;

        BreakIterator bIter = BreakIterator.getWordInstance();
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        String pad = " ";
        int currentPos = 0;
        bIter.setText( msg );

        while ( offset < bIter.getText().getEndIndex() )
            if ( Character.isWhitespace( bIter.getText().first() ) )
                // remove leading whitespace and continue
                msg = msg.substring( 1 );
                bIter.setText( msg );

            // get the last boundary before the specified offset
            currentPos = bIter.preceding( offset );
            // append from the start to currentPos
            buf.append( msg.substring( 0, currentPos ) );

            // start next line
            buf.append( LS );

            // pad with spaces to create indent
            for ( int i = 0; ( i != wrapIndent ) && ( i < lineWidth ); i++ )
                buf.append( pad );

            // set the text of the break iterator to be the rest
            // of the string not already appended
            msg = msg.substring( currentPos );

            // reset the text for another go
            bIter.setText( msg );

        // remove leading whitespace and continue
        while ( Character.isWhitespace( msg.charAt( 0 ) ) )
            msg = msg.substring( 1 );
        buf.append( msg );
        return buf.toString();

Related Classes of org.apache.maven.cli.App

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