Package org.apache.archiva.web.action

Source Code of org.apache.archiva.web.action.ShowArtifactAction$ArtifactDownloadInfo

package org.apache.archiva.web.action;

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
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import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Validateable;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.generic.GenericMetadataFacet;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.model.ArtifactMetadata;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.model.Dependency;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.model.MailingList;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.model.MetadataFacet;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.model.ProjectVersionMetadata;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.model.ProjectVersionReference;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.MetadataRepository;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.MetadataRepositoryException;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.MetadataResolutionException;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.MetadataResolver;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.RepositorySession;
import org.apache.archiva.reports.RepositoryProblemFacet;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.archiva.model.ArtifactReference;
import org.apache.archiva.repository.ManagedRepositoryContent;
import org.apache.archiva.repository.RepositoryContentFactory;
import org.apache.archiva.repository.RepositoryException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.DefaultArtifactVersion;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.inject.Inject;

* Browse the repository.
* TODO change name to ShowVersionedAction to conform to terminology.
@SuppressWarnings( "serial" )
@Controller( "showArtifactAction" )
@Scope( "prototype" )
public class ShowArtifactAction
    extends AbstractRepositoryBasedAction
    implements Validateable
    /* .\ Not Exposed \._____________________________________________ */

    private RepositoryContentFactory repositoryFactory;

    /* .\ Exposed Output Objects \.__________________________________ */

    private String groupId;

    private String artifactId;

    private String version;

    private String repositoryId;

     * The model of this versioned project.
    private ProjectVersionMetadata model;

     * The list of artifacts that depend on this versioned project.
    private List<ProjectVersionReference> dependees;

    private List<MailingList> mailingLists;

    private List<Dependency> dependencies;

    private Map<String, List<ArtifactDownloadInfo>> artifacts;

    private boolean dependencyTree = false;

    private String deleteItem;

    private Map<String, String> genericMetadata;

    private String propertyName;

    private String propertyValue;

     * Show the versioned project information tab. TODO: Change name to 'project' - we are showing project versions
     * here, not specific artifact information (though that is rendered in the download box).
    public String artifact()
        RepositorySession repositorySession = repositorySessionFactory.createSession();
            return handleArtifact( repositorySession );

    private String handleArtifact( RepositorySession session )
        // In the future, this should be replaced by the repository grouping mechanism, so that we are only making
        // simple resource requests here and letting the resolver take care of it
        ProjectVersionMetadata versionMetadata = getProjectVersionMetadata( session );

        if ( versionMetadata == null )
            addActionError( "Artifact not found" );
            return ERROR;

        if ( versionMetadata.isIncomplete() )
            addIncompleteModelWarning( "Artifact metadata is incomplete." );

        model = versionMetadata;

        return SUCCESS;

    private ProjectVersionMetadata getProjectVersionMetadata( RepositorySession session )
        ProjectVersionMetadata versionMetadata = null;
        artifacts = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<ArtifactDownloadInfo>>();

        List<String> repos = getObservableRepos();
        MetadataResolver metadataResolver = session.getResolver();
        for ( String repoId : repos )
            if ( versionMetadata == null )
                // we don't want the implementation being that intelligent - so another resolver to do the
                // "just-in-time" nature of picking up the metadata (if appropriate for the repository type) is used
                    versionMetadata = metadataResolver.resolveProjectVersion( session, repoId, groupId, artifactId,
                                                                              version );
                    if ( versionMetadata != null )
                        MetadataFacet repoProbFacet;
                        if ( (repoProbFacet = versionMetadata.getFacet( RepositoryProblemFacet.FACET_ID ) ) != null )
                            addIncompleteModelWarning( "Artifact metadata is incomplete: " + ( ( RepositoryProblemFacet) repoProbFacet ).getProblem() );
                            //set metadata to complete so that no additional 'Artifact metadata is incomplete' warning is logged
                            versionMetadata.setIncomplete( false );
                catch ( MetadataResolutionException e )
                    addIncompleteModelWarning( "Error resolving artifact metadata: " + e.getMessage() );
                    // TODO: need a consistent way to construct this - same in ArchivaMetadataCreationConsumer
                    versionMetadata = new ProjectVersionMetadata();
                    versionMetadata.setId( version );
                if ( versionMetadata != null )
                    repositoryId = repoId;

                    List<ArtifactMetadata> artifacts;
                        artifacts = new ArrayList<ArtifactMetadata>( metadataResolver.resolveArtifacts( session, repoId,
                                                                                                        version ) );
                    catch ( MetadataResolutionException e )
                        addIncompleteModelWarning( "Error resolving artifact metadata: " + e.getMessage() );
                        artifacts = Collections.emptyList();
                    Collections.sort( artifacts, new Comparator<ArtifactMetadata>()
                        public int compare( ArtifactMetadata o1, ArtifactMetadata o2 )
                            // sort by version (reverse), then ID
                            // TODO: move version sorting into repository handling (maven2 specific), and perhaps add a
                            // way to get latest instead
                            int result = new DefaultArtifactVersion( o2.getVersion() ).compareTo(
                                new DefaultArtifactVersion( o1.getVersion() ) );
                            return result != 0 ? result : o1.getId().compareTo( o2.getId() );
                    } );

                    for ( ArtifactMetadata artifact : artifacts )
                        List<ArtifactDownloadInfo> l = this.artifacts.get( artifact.getVersion() );
                        if ( l == null )
                            l = new ArrayList<ArtifactDownloadInfo>();
                            this.artifacts.put( artifact.getVersion(), l );
                        l.add( new ArtifactDownloadInfo( artifact ) );

        return versionMetadata;
    private void addIncompleteModelWarning( String warningMessage )
        addActionError( warningMessage );
        //"The model may be incomplete due to a previous error in resolving information. Refer to the repository problem reports for more information." );

     * Show the artifact information tab.
    public String dependencies()
        String result = artifact();

        this.dependencies = model.getDependencies();

        return result;

     * Show the mailing lists information tab.
    public String mailingLists()
        String result = artifact();

        this.mailingLists = model.getMailingLists();

        return result;

     * Show the reports tab.
    public String reports()
        // TODO: hook up reports on project

        return SUCCESS;

     * Show the dependees (other artifacts that depend on this project) tab.
    public String dependees()
        throws MetadataResolutionException
        List<ProjectVersionReference> references = new ArrayList<ProjectVersionReference>();
        // TODO: what if we get duplicates across repositories?
        RepositorySession repositorySession = repositorySessionFactory.createSession();
            MetadataResolver metadataResolver = repositorySession.getResolver();
            for ( String repoId : getObservableRepos() )
                // TODO: what about if we want to see this irrespective of version?
                references.addAll( metadataResolver.resolveProjectReferences( repositorySession, repoId, groupId,
                                                                              artifactId, version ) );

        this.dependees = references;

        // TODO: may need to note on the page that references will be incomplete if the other artifacts are not yet
        // stored in the content repository
        // (especially in the case of pre-population import)

        return artifact();

     * Show the dependencies of this versioned project tab.
    public String dependencyTree()
        // temporarily use this as we only need the model for the tag to perform, but we should be resolving the
        // graph here instead

        // TODO: may need to note on the page that tree will be incomplete if the other artifacts are not yet stored in
        // the content repository
        // (especially in the case of pre-population import)

        // TODO: a bit ugly, should really be mapping all these results differently now
        this.dependencyTree = true;

        return artifact();

    public String projectMetadata()
        String result = artifact();

        if ( model.getFacet( GenericMetadataFacet.FACET_ID ) != null )
            genericMetadata = model.getFacet( GenericMetadataFacet.FACET_ID ).toProperties();

        if ( genericMetadata == null )
            genericMetadata = new HashMap<String, String>();

        return result;

    public String addMetadataProperty()
        RepositorySession repositorySession = repositorySessionFactory.createSession();
        ProjectVersionMetadata projectMetadata;
            MetadataRepository metadataRepository = repositorySession.getRepository();
            projectMetadata = getProjectVersionMetadata( repositorySession );
            if ( projectMetadata == null )
                addActionError( "Artifact not found" );
                return ERROR;

            if ( projectMetadata.getFacet( GenericMetadataFacet.FACET_ID ) == null )
                genericMetadata = new HashMap<String, String>();
                genericMetadata = projectMetadata.getFacet( GenericMetadataFacet.FACET_ID ).toProperties();

            if ( propertyName == null || "".equals( propertyName.trim() ) || propertyValue == null || "".equals(
                propertyValue.trim() ) )
                model = projectMetadata;
                addActionError( "Property Name and Property Value are required." );
                return INPUT;

            genericMetadata.put( propertyName, propertyValue );

                updateProjectMetadata( projectMetadata, metadataRepository );
            catch ( MetadataRepositoryException e )
                log.warn( "Unable to persist modified project metadata after adding entry: " + e.getMessage(), e );
                    "Unable to add metadata item to underlying content storage - consult application logs." );
                return ERROR;

            // TODO: why re-retrieve?
            projectMetadata = getProjectVersionMetadata( repositorySession );

        genericMetadata = projectMetadata.getFacet( GenericMetadataFacet.FACET_ID ).toProperties();

        model = projectMetadata;

        propertyName = "";
        propertyValue = "";

        return SUCCESS;

    public String deleteMetadataEntry()
        RepositorySession repositorySession = repositorySessionFactory.createSession();
            MetadataRepository metadataRepository = repositorySession.getRepository();
            ProjectVersionMetadata projectMetadata = getProjectVersionMetadata( repositorySession );

            if ( projectMetadata == null )
                addActionError( "Artifact not found" );
                return ERROR;

            if ( projectMetadata.getFacet( GenericMetadataFacet.FACET_ID ) != null )
                genericMetadata = projectMetadata.getFacet( GenericMetadataFacet.FACET_ID ).toProperties();

                if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( deleteItem ) )
                    genericMetadata.remove( deleteItem );

                        updateProjectMetadata( projectMetadata, metadataRepository );
                    catch ( MetadataRepositoryException e )
                        log.warn( "Unable to persist modified project metadata after removing entry: " + e.getMessage(),
                                  e );
                            "Unable to remove metadata item to underlying content storage - consult application logs." );
                        return ERROR;

                    // TODO: why re-retrieve?
                    projectMetadata = getProjectVersionMetadata( repositorySession );

                    genericMetadata = projectMetadata.getFacet( GenericMetadataFacet.FACET_ID ).toProperties();

                    model = projectMetadata;

                    addActionMessage( "Property successfully deleted." );

                deleteItem = "";
                addActionError( "No generic metadata facet for this artifact." );
                return ERROR;

        return SUCCESS;

    private void updateProjectMetadata( ProjectVersionMetadata projectMetadata, MetadataRepository metadataRepository )
        throws MetadataRepositoryException
        GenericMetadataFacet genericMetadataFacet = new GenericMetadataFacet();
        genericMetadataFacet.fromProperties( genericMetadata );

        projectMetadata.addFacet( genericMetadataFacet );

        metadataRepository.updateProjectVersion( repositoryId, groupId, artifactId, projectMetadata );

    public void validate()
        if ( StringUtils.isBlank( groupId ) )
            addActionError( "You must specify a group ID to browse" );

        if ( StringUtils.isBlank( artifactId ) )
            addActionError( "You must specify a artifact ID to browse" );

        if ( StringUtils.isBlank( version ) )
            addActionError( "You must specify a version to browse" );

    public ProjectVersionMetadata getModel()
        return model;

    public String getGroupId()
        return groupId;

    public void setGroupId( String groupId )
        this.groupId = groupId;

    public String getArtifactId()
        return artifactId;

    public void setArtifactId( String artifactId )
        this.artifactId = artifactId;

    public String getVersion()
        return version;

    public void setVersion( String version )
        this.version = version;

    public List<MailingList> getMailingLists()
        return mailingLists;

    public List<Dependency> getDependencies()
        return dependencies;

    public List<ProjectVersionReference> getDependees()
        return dependees;

    public String getRepositoryId()
        return repositoryId;

    public void setRepositoryId( String repositoryId )
        this.repositoryId = repositoryId;

    public Map<String, List<ArtifactDownloadInfo>> getArtifacts()
        return artifacts;

    public Collection<String> getSnapshotVersions()
        return artifacts.keySet();

    public boolean isDependencyTree()
        return dependencyTree;

    public void setDeleteItem( String deleteItem )
        this.deleteItem = deleteItem;

    public Map<String, String> getGenericMetadata()
        return genericMetadata;

    public void setGenericMetadata( Map<String, String> genericMetadata )
        this.genericMetadata = genericMetadata;

    public String getPropertyName()
        return propertyName;

    public void setPropertyName( String propertyName )
        this.propertyName = propertyName;

    public String getPropertyValue()
        return propertyValue;

    public void setPropertyValue( String propertyValue )
        this.propertyValue = propertyValue;

    public void setRepositoryFactory( RepositoryContentFactory repositoryFactory )
        this.repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;

    // TODO: move this into the artifact metadata itself via facets where necessary

    public class ArtifactDownloadInfo
        private String type;

        private String namespace;

        private String project;

        private String size;

        private String id;

        private String repositoryId;

        private String version;

        private String path;

        public ArtifactDownloadInfo( ArtifactMetadata artifact )
            repositoryId = artifact.getRepositoryId();

            // TODO: use metadata resolver capability instead - maybe the storage path could be stored in the metadata
            // though keep in mind the request may not necessarily need to reflect the storage
            ManagedRepositoryContent repo;
                repo = repositoryFactory.getManagedRepositoryContent( repositoryId );
            catch ( RepositoryException e )
                throw new RuntimeException( e );

            ArtifactReference ref = new ArtifactReference();
            ref.setArtifactId( artifact.getProject() );
            ref.setGroupId( artifact.getNamespace() );
            ref.setVersion( artifact.getVersion() );
            path = repo.toPath( ref );
            path = path.substring( 0, path.lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1 ) + artifact.getId();

            // TODO: need to accommodate Maven 1 layout too. Non-maven repository formats will need to generate this
            // facet (perhaps on the fly) if wanting to display the Maven 2 elements on the Archiva pages
            String type = null;
            MavenArtifactFacet facet = (MavenArtifactFacet) artifact.getFacet( MavenArtifactFacet.FACET_ID );
            if ( facet != null )
                type = facet.getType();
            this.type = type;

            namespace = artifact.getNamespace();
            project = artifact.getProject();

            // TODO: find a reusable formatter for this
            double s = artifact.getSize();
            String symbol = "b";
            if ( s > 1024 )
                symbol = "K";
                s /= 1024;

                if ( s > 1024 )
                    symbol = "M";
                    s /= 1024;

                    if ( s > 1024 )
                        symbol = "G";
                        s /= 1024;

            DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat( "#,###.##", new DecimalFormatSymbols( Locale.US) );
            size = df.format( s ) + " " + symbol;
            id = artifact.getId();
            version = artifact.getVersion();

        public String getNamespace()
            return namespace;

        public String getType()
            return type;

        public String getProject()
            return project;

        public String getSize()
            return size;

        public String getId()
            return id;

        public String getVersion()
            return version;

        public String getRepositoryId()
            return repositoryId;

        public String getPath()
            return path;

Related Classes of org.apache.archiva.web.action.ShowArtifactAction$ArtifactDownloadInfo

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