Package org.apache.qpid.server.model.adapter

Source Code of org.apache.qpid.server.model.adapter.AbstractConfiguredObject$ConfiguredObjectConverter

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.server.model.adapter;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.*;

import org.apache.qpid.server.model.*;
import org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.IllegalConfigurationException;
import org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.updater.ChangeAttributesTask;
import org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.updater.ChangeStateTask;
import org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.updater.CreateChildTask;
import org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.updater.SetAttributeTask;
import org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.updater.TaskExecutor;
import org.apache.qpid.server.util.MapValueConverter;
import org.apache.qpid.server.util.ServerScopedRuntimeException;


public abstract class AbstractConfiguredObject<X extends ConfiguredObject<X>> implements ConfiguredObject<X>
    private static final String ID = "id";

    private static final Map<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, Collection<Attribute<?,?>>> _allAttributes =
            Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, Collection<Attribute<?, ?>>>());

    private static final Map<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, Collection<Statistic<?,?>>> _allStatistics =
            Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, Collection<Statistic<?, ?>>>());

    private static final Map<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, Map<String, Attribute<?,?>>> _allAttributeTypes =
            Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, Map<String, Attribute<?, ?>>>());

    private static final Map<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, Map<String, Field>> _allAutomatedFields =
            Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, Map<String, Field>>());
    private static final Map<Class, Object> SECURE_VALUES;
        Map<Class,Object> secureValues = new HashMap<Class, Object>();
        secureValues.put(String.class, "********");
        secureValues.put(Integer.class, 0);
        secureValues.put(Long.class, 0l);
        secureValues.put(Byte.class, (byte)0);
        secureValues.put(Short.class, (short)0);
        secureValues.put(Double.class, (double)0);
        secureValues.put(Float.class, (float)0);

        SECURE_VALUES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(secureValues);

    private final Map<String,Object> _attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    private final Map<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, ConfiguredObject> _parents =
            new HashMap<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, ConfiguredObject>();
    private final Collection<ConfigurationChangeListener> _changeListeners =
            new ArrayList<ConfigurationChangeListener>();

    private final UUID _id;

    private final Map<String, Object> _defaultAttributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    private final TaskExecutor _taskExecutor;

    private long _createdTime;

    private String _createdBy;

    private long _lastUpdatedTime;

    private String _lastUpdatedBy;

    private String _name;

    private final Map<String, Attribute<?,?>> _attributeTypes;
    private final Map<String, Field> _automatedFields;

    protected AbstractConfiguredObject(UUID id,
                                       Map<String, Object> defaults,
                                       Map<String, Object> attributes,
                                       TaskExecutor taskExecutor)
        this(defaults, combineIdWithAttributes(id,attributes), taskExecutor);

    public static Map<String,Object> combineIdWithAttributes(UUID id, Map<String,Object> attributes)
        Map<String,Object> combined = new HashMap<String, Object>(attributes);
        combined.put(ID, id);
        return combined;

    protected AbstractConfiguredObject(UUID id, Map<String, Object> defaults, Map<String, Object> attributes,
                                       TaskExecutor taskExecutor, boolean filterAttributes)

        this(Collections.<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, ConfiguredObject<?>>emptyMap(),
             defaults, combineIdWithAttributes(id, attributes), taskExecutor, filterAttributes);

    protected AbstractConfiguredObject(Map<String, Object> defaults,
                                       Map<String, Object> attributes,
                                       TaskExecutor taskExecutor)
        this(Collections.<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, ConfiguredObject<?>>emptyMap(),
             defaults, attributes, taskExecutor, true);

    protected AbstractConfiguredObject(final Map<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, ConfiguredObject<?>> parents,
                                       Map<String, Object> defaults,
                                       Map<String, Object> attributes,
                                       TaskExecutor taskExecutor)
        this(parents, defaults, attributes, taskExecutor, true);

    protected AbstractConfiguredObject(final Map<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, ConfiguredObject<?>> parents,
                                       Map<String, Object> defaults,
                                       Map<String, Object> attributes,
                                       TaskExecutor taskExecutor,
                                       boolean filterAttributes)
        _taskExecutor = taskExecutor;
        _id = (UUID)attributes.get(ID);
        _attributeTypes = getAttributeTypes(getClass());
        _automatedFields = getAutomatedFields(getClass());
        for(Map.Entry<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, ConfiguredObject<?>> entry : parents.entrySet())
            addParent((Class<ConfiguredObject>) entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

        Collection<String> names = getAttributeNames();
                for (String name : names)
                    if (attributes.containsKey(name))
                        final Object value = attributes.get(name);
                        if(value != null)
                            _attributes.put(name, value);
                            automatedSetValue(name, value);
                for(Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : attributes.entrySet())
                            automatedSetValue(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());


        if (defaults != null)
            for(Map.Entry<String,Object> defaultedEntry : defaults.entrySet())
                if(_automatedFields.containsKey(defaultedEntry.getKey()) && !attributes.containsKey(defaultedEntry.getKey()))
            final AuthenticatedPrincipal currentUser = SecurityManager.getCurrentUser();
            if(currentUser != null)
                _attributes.put(CREATED_BY, currentUser.getName());
            _attributes.put(CREATED_TIME, System.currentTimeMillis());
        for(Attribute<?,?> attr : _attributeTypes.values())
            if(attr.getAnnotation().mandatory() && !(attributes.containsKey(attr.getName())|| defaults.containsKey(attr.getName())))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mandatory attribute " + attr.getName() + " not supplied for instance of " + getClass().getName());

    private void automatedSetValue(final String name, final Object value)
            final Attribute attribute = _attributeTypes.get(name);
            _automatedFields.get(name).set(this, attribute.convert(value, this));
        catch (IllegalAccessException e)
            throw new ServerScopedRuntimeException("Unable to set the automated attribute " + name + " on the configure object type " + getClass().getName(),e);

    protected AbstractConfiguredObject(UUID id, TaskExecutor taskExecutor)
        this(id, Collections.<String,Object>emptyMap(), Collections.<String,Object>emptyMap(), taskExecutor);

    public final UUID getId()
        return _id;

    public final String getName()
        return _name;

    public Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> getCategoryClass()
        return getCategory(getClass());

    public State getDesiredState()
        return null//TODO

    public final State setDesiredState(final State currentState, final State desiredState)
            throws IllegalStateTransitionException, AccessControlException
        if (_taskExecutor.isTaskExecutorThread())
            authoriseSetDesiredState(currentState, desiredState);
            if (setState(currentState, desiredState))
                notifyStateChanged(currentState, desiredState);
                return desiredState;
                return getState();
            return _taskExecutor.submitAndWait(new ChangeStateTask(this, currentState, desiredState));

     * @return true when the state has been successfully updated to desiredState or false otherwise
    protected abstract boolean setState(State currentState, State desiredState);

    protected void notifyStateChanged(final State currentState, final State desiredState)
        synchronized (_changeListeners)
            List<ConfigurationChangeListener> copy = new ArrayList<ConfigurationChangeListener>(_changeListeners);
            for(ConfigurationChangeListener listener : copy)
                listener.stateChanged(this, currentState, desiredState);

    public void addChangeListener(final ConfigurationChangeListener listener)
        if(listener == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Cannot add a null listener");
        synchronized (_changeListeners)

    public boolean removeChangeListener(final ConfigurationChangeListener listener)
        if(listener == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Cannot remove a null listener");
        synchronized (_changeListeners)
            return _changeListeners.remove(listener);

    protected void childAdded(ConfiguredObject child)
        synchronized (_changeListeners)
            List<ConfigurationChangeListener> copy = new ArrayList<ConfigurationChangeListener>(_changeListeners);
            for(ConfigurationChangeListener listener : copy)
                listener.childAdded(this, child);

    protected void childRemoved(ConfiguredObject child)
        synchronized (_changeListeners)
            List<ConfigurationChangeListener> copy = new ArrayList<ConfigurationChangeListener>(_changeListeners);
            for(ConfigurationChangeListener listener : copy)
                listener.childRemoved(this, child);

    protected void attributeSet(String attributeName, Object oldAttributeValue, Object newAttributeValue)

        final AuthenticatedPrincipal currentUser = SecurityManager.getCurrentUser();
        if(currentUser != null)
            _attributes.put(LAST_UPDATED_BY, currentUser.getName());
            _lastUpdatedBy = currentUser.getName();
        final long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        _attributes.put(LAST_UPDATED_TIME, currentTime);
        _lastUpdatedTime = currentTime;

        synchronized (_changeListeners)
            List<ConfigurationChangeListener> copy = new ArrayList<ConfigurationChangeListener>(_changeListeners);
            for(ConfigurationChangeListener listener : copy)
                listener.attributeSet(this, attributeName, oldAttributeValue, newAttributeValue);

    private final Object getDefaultAttribute(String name)
        return _defaultAttributes.get(name);

    public Object getAttribute(String name)
        Attribute<X,?> attr = (Attribute<X, ?>) _attributeTypes.get(name);
        if(attr != null && attr.getAnnotation().automate())
            Object value = attr.getValue((X)this);
            if(value != null && attr.getAnnotation().secure() &&
                return SECURE_VALUES.get(value.getClass());
                return value;
            Object value = getActualAttribute(name);
            if (value == null)
                value = getDefaultAttribute(name);
            return value;

    public String getDescription()
        return (String) getAttribute(DESCRIPTION);

    public <T> T getAttribute(final Attribute<? super X, T> attr)
        return (T) getAttribute(attr.getName());

    public final Map<String, Object> getActualAttributes()
        synchronized (_attributes)
            return new HashMap<String, Object>(_attributes);

    private Object getActualAttribute(final String name)
            return getCreatedBy();
        else if(CREATED_TIME.equals(name))
            return getCreatedTime();
            synchronized (_attributes)
                return _attributes.get(name);

    public Object setAttribute(final String name, final Object expected, final Object desired)
            throws IllegalStateException, AccessControlException, IllegalArgumentException
        if (_taskExecutor.isTaskExecutorThread())
            authoriseSetAttribute(name, expected, desired);
            if (changeAttribute(name, expected, desired))
                attributeSet(name, expected, desired);
                return desired;
                return getAttribute(name);
            return _taskExecutor.submitAndWait(new SetAttributeTask(this, name, expected, desired));

    protected boolean changeAttribute(final String name, final Object expected, final Object desired)
        synchronized (_attributes)
            Object currentValue = getAttribute(name);
            if((currentValue == null && expected == null)
               || (currentValue != null && currentValue.equals(expected)))
                //TODO: don't put nulls
                _attributes.put(name, desired);
                Attribute<?,?> attr = _attributeTypes.get(name);
                if(attr != null && attr.getAnnotation().automate())
                    if(desired == null && _defaultAttributes.containsKey(name))
                        automatedSetValue(name, _defaultAttributes.get(name));
                        automatedSetValue(name, desired);
                return true;
                return false;

    public <T extends ConfiguredObject> T getParent(final Class<T> clazz)
        synchronized (_parents)
            return (T) _parents.get(clazz);

    protected <T extends ConfiguredObject> void addParent(Class<T> clazz, T parent)
        synchronized (_parents)
            _parents.put(clazz, parent);

    protected  <T extends ConfiguredObject> void removeParent(Class<T> clazz)
        synchronized (this)

    public Collection<String> getAttributeNames()
            return new ArrayList<String>(_attributes.keySet());

    public String toString()
        return getClass().getSimpleName() + " [id=" + _id + ", name=" + getName() + "]";

    public <C extends ConfiguredObject> C createChild(Class<C> childClass, Map<String, Object> attributes, ConfiguredObject... otherParents)
        if (_taskExecutor.isTaskExecutorThread())
            authoriseCreateChild(childClass, attributes, otherParents);
            C child = addChild(childClass, attributes, otherParents);
            if (child != null)
            return child;
            return (C)_taskExecutor.submitAndWait(new CreateChildTask(this, childClass, attributes, otherParents));

    protected <C extends ConfiguredObject> C addChild(Class<C> childClass, Map<String, Object> attributes, ConfiguredObject... otherParents)
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    protected TaskExecutor getTaskExecutor()
        return _taskExecutor;

    public void setAttributes(final Map<String, Object> attributes) throws IllegalStateException, AccessControlException, IllegalArgumentException
        if (getTaskExecutor().isTaskExecutorThread())
            getTaskExecutor().submitAndWait(new ChangeAttributesTask(this, attributes));

    protected void changeAttributes(final Map<String, Object> attributes)
        Collection<String> names = getAttributeNames();
        for (String name : names)
            if (attributes.containsKey(name))
                Object desired = attributes.get(name);
                Object expected = getAttribute(name);
                if (changeAttribute(name, expected, desired))
                    attributeSet(name, expected, desired);

    protected void validateChangeAttributes(final Map<String, Object> attributes)
        if (attributes.containsKey(ID))
            UUID id = getId();
            Object idAttributeValue = attributes.get(ID);
            if (idAttributeValue != null && !(idAttributeValue.equals(id) || idAttributeValue.equals(id.toString())))
                throw new IllegalConfigurationException("Cannot change existing configured object id");

    protected void authoriseSetDesiredState(State currentState, State desiredState) throws AccessControlException
        // allowed by default

    protected void authoriseSetAttribute(String name, Object expected, Object desired) throws AccessControlException
        // allowed by default

    protected <C extends ConfiguredObject> void authoriseCreateChild(Class<C> childClass, Map<String, Object> attributes, ConfiguredObject... otherParents) throws AccessControlException
        // allowed by default

    protected void authoriseSetAttributes(Map<String, Object> attributes) throws AccessControlException
        // allowed by default

    protected Map<String, Object> getDefaultAttributes()
        return _defaultAttributes;

     * Returns a map of effective attribute values that would result
     * if applying the supplied changes. Does not apply the changes.
    protected Map<String, Object> generateEffectiveAttributes(Map<String,Object> changedValues)
        //Build a new set of effective attributes that would be
        //the result of applying the attribute changes, so we
        //can validate the configuration that would result

        Map<String, Object> defaultValues = getDefaultAttributes();
        Map<String, Object> existingActualValues = getActualAttributes();

        //create a new merged map, starting with the defaults
        Map<String, Object> merged =  new HashMap<String, Object>(defaultValues);

        for(String name : getAttributeNames())
                Object changedValue = changedValues.get(name);
                if(changedValue != null)
                    //use the new non-null value for the merged values
                    merged.put(name, changedValue);
                    //we just use the default (if there was one) since the changed
                    //value is null and effectively clears any existing actual value
            else if(existingActualValues.get(name) != null)
                //Use existing non-null actual value for the merge
                merged.put(name, existingActualValues.get(name));
                //There was neither a change or an existing non-null actual
                //value, so just use the default value (if there was one).

        return merged;

    public String getLastUpdatedBy()
        return _lastUpdatedBy;

    public long getLastUpdatedTime()
        return _lastUpdatedTime;

    public String getCreatedBy()
        return _createdBy;

    protected String getCurrentUserName()
        Subject currentSubject = Subject.getSubject(AccessController.getContext());
        Set<AuthenticatedPrincipal> principals =
                currentSubject == null ? null : currentSubject.getPrincipals(AuthenticatedPrincipal.class);
        if(principals == null || principals.isEmpty())
            return null;
            return principals.iterator().next().getName();

    public long getCreatedTime()
        return _createdTime;

    public String getType()
        return (String)getAttribute(TYPE);

    public Map<String,Number> getStatistics()
        Collection<Statistic> stats = getStatistics(getClass());
        Map<String,Number> map = new HashMap<String,Number>();
        for(Statistic stat : stats)
            map.put(stat.getName(), (Number) stat.getValue(this));
        return map;


    private static abstract class AttributeOrStatistic<C extends ConfiguredObject, T>

        protected final String _name;
        protected final Class<T> _type;
        protected final Converter<T> _converter;
        protected final Method _getter;

        private AttributeOrStatistic(
                String name, final Method getter, Class<T> type)
            _name = name;
            _getter = getter;
            _type = type;
            _converter = getConverter(type);


        public String getName()
            return _name;

        public Class<T> getType()
            return _type;

        public T getValue(C configuredObject)
                return (T) _getter.invoke(configuredObject);
            catch (IllegalAccessException e)
                Object o = configuredObject.getAttribute(_name);
                return _converter.convert(o, configuredObject);
            catch (InvocationTargetException e)
                Object o = configuredObject.getAttribute(_name);
                return _converter.convert(o, configuredObject);



    private static final class Statistic<C extends ConfiguredObject, T extends Number> extends AttributeOrStatistic<C,T>
        private Statistic(Class<C> clazz, String name, Class<T> type, final Method getter)
            super(name, getter, type);
            addToStatisticsSet(clazz, this);

    public static final class Attribute<C extends ConfiguredObject, T> extends AttributeOrStatistic<C,T>

        private final ManagedAttribute _annotation;

        private Attribute(Class<C> clazz,
                          String name,
                          Class<T> type,
                          final Method getter,
                          final ManagedAttribute annotation)
            super(name, getter, type);
            _annotation = annotation;
            addToAttributesSet(clazz, this);

        public ManagedAttribute getAnnotation()
            return _annotation;

        public T convert(final Object value, C object)
            return _converter.convert(value, object);

    private static interface Converter<T>
        T convert(Object value, final ConfiguredObject object);

    private static final Converter<String> STRING_CONVERTER = new Converter<String>()
        public String convert(final Object value, final ConfiguredObject object)
            return value == null ? null : value.toString();

    private static final Converter<UUID> UUID_CONVERTER = new Converter<UUID>()
        public UUID convert(final Object value, final ConfiguredObject object)
            if(value instanceof UUID)
                return (UUID) value;
            else if(value instanceof String)
                return UUID.fromString((String) value);
            else if(value == null)
                return null;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert type " + value.getClass() + " to a UUID");

    private static final Converter<Long> LONG_CONVERTER = new Converter<Long>()

        public Long convert(final Object value, final ConfiguredObject object)
            if(value instanceof Long)
                return (Long) value;
            else if(value instanceof Number)
                return ((Number) value).longValue();
            else if(value instanceof String)
                return Long.valueOf((String) value);
            else if(value == null)
                return null;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert type " + value.getClass() + " to a Long");

    private static final Converter<Integer> INT_CONVERTER = new Converter<Integer>()

        public Integer convert(final Object value, final ConfiguredObject object)
            if(value instanceof Integer)
                return (Integer) value;
            else if(value instanceof Number)
                return ((Number) value).intValue();
            else if(value instanceof String)
                return Integer.valueOf((String) value);
            else if(value == null)
                return null;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert type " + value.getClass() + " to an Integer");

    private static final Converter<Short> SHORT_CONVERTER = new Converter<Short>()

        public Short convert(final Object value, final ConfiguredObject object)
            if(value instanceof Short)
                return (Short) value;
            else if(value instanceof Number)
                return ((Number) value).shortValue();
            else if(value instanceof String)
                return Short.valueOf((String) value);
            else if(value == null)
                return null;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert type " + value.getClass() + " to a Short");

    private static final Converter<Boolean> BOOLEAN_CONVERTER = new Converter<Boolean>()

        public Boolean convert(final Object value, final ConfiguredObject object)
            if(value instanceof Boolean)
                return (Boolean) value;
            else if(value instanceof String)
                return Boolean.valueOf((String) value);
            else if(value == null)
                return null;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert type " + value.getClass() + " to a Boolean");

    private static final Converter<List> LIST_CONVERTER = new Converter<List>()
        public List convert(final Object value, final ConfiguredObject object)
            if(value instanceof List)
                return (List) value;
            else if(value == null)
                return null;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert type " + value.getClass() + " to a List");

    private static final Converter<Collection> COLLECTION_CONVERTER = new Converter<Collection>()
        public Collection convert(final Object value, final ConfiguredObject object)
            if(value instanceof Collection)
                return (Collection) value;
            else if(value == null)
                return null;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert type " + value.getClass() + " to a List");

    private static final Converter<Map> MAP_CONVERTER = new Converter<Map>()
        public Map convert(final Object value, final ConfiguredObject object)
            if(value instanceof Map)
                return (Map) value;
            else if(value == null)
                return null;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert type " + value.getClass() + " to a Map");

    private static final class EnumConverter<X extends Enum<X>> implements Converter<X>
        private final Class<X> _klazz;

        private EnumConverter(final Class<X> klazz)
            _klazz = klazz;

        public X convert(final Object value, final ConfiguredObject object)
            if(value == null)
                return null;
            else if(_klazz.isInstance(value))
                return (X) value;
            else if(value instanceof String)
                return Enum.valueOf(_klazz,(String) value);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert type " + value.getClass() + " to a " + _klazz.getName());

    private static final class ConfiguredObjectConverter<X extends ConfiguredObject<X>> implements Converter<X>
        private final Class<X> _klazz;

        private ConfiguredObjectConverter(final Class<X> klazz)
            _klazz = klazz;

        public X convert(final Object value, final ConfiguredObject object)
            if(value == null)
                return null;
            else if(_klazz.isInstance(value))
                return (X) value;
            else if(value instanceof UUID)
                Collection<X> reachable = getReachableObjects(object,_klazz);
                for(X candidate : reachable)
                        return candidate;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find a " + _klazz.getName() + " with id " + value);
            else if(value instanceof String)
                Collection<X> reachable = getReachableObjects(object,_klazz);
                for(X candidate : reachable)
                        return candidate;
                    UUID id = UUID.fromString((String)value);
                    return convert(id, object);
                catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find a " + _klazz.getSimpleName() + " with name '" + value + "'");
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert type " + value.getClass() + " to a " + _klazz.getName());


    private static <X> Converter<X> getConverter(final Class<X> type)
        if(type == String.class)
            return (Converter<X>) STRING_CONVERTER;
        else if(type == Integer.class)
            return (Converter<X>) INT_CONVERTER;
        else if(type == Short.class)
            return (Converter<X>) SHORT_CONVERTER;
        else if(type == Long.class)
            return (Converter<X>) LONG_CONVERTER;
        else if(type == Boolean.class)
            return (Converter<X>) BOOLEAN_CONVERTER;
        else if(type == UUID.class)
            return (Converter<X>) UUID_CONVERTER;
        else if(Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
            return (Converter<X>) new EnumConverter((Class<? extends Enum>)type);
        else if(List.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
            return (Converter<X>) LIST_CONVERTER;
        else if(Map.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
            return (Converter<X>) MAP_CONVERTER;
        else if(Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
            return (Converter<X>) COLLECTION_CONVERTER;
        else if(ConfiguredObject.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
            return (Converter<X>) new ConfiguredObjectConverter(type);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create attributes of type " + type.getName());

    private static void addToAttributesSet(final Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> clazz, final Attribute<?, ?> attribute)
        synchronized (_allAttributes)
            Collection<Attribute<?,?>> classAttributes = _allAttributes.get(clazz);
            if(classAttributes == null)
                classAttributes = new ArrayList<Attribute<?, ?>>();
                for(Map.Entry<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, Collection<Attribute<?,?>>> entry : _allAttributes.entrySet())
                _allAttributes.put(clazz, classAttributes);

            for(Map.Entry<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, Collection<Attribute<?,?>>> entry : _allAttributes.entrySet())

    private static void addToStatisticsSet(final Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> clazz, final Statistic<?, ?> statistic)
        synchronized (_allStatistics)
            Collection<Statistic<?,?>> classAttributes = _allStatistics.get(clazz);
            if(classAttributes == null)
                classAttributes = new ArrayList<Statistic<?, ?>>();
                for(Map.Entry<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, Collection<Statistic<?,?>>> entry : _allStatistics.entrySet())
                _allStatistics.put(clazz, classAttributes);

            for(Map.Entry<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>, Collection<Statistic<?,?>>> entry : _allStatistics.entrySet())


    private static <X extends ConfiguredObject> void processAttributes(final Class<X> clazz)
        synchronized (_allAttributes)

            for(Class<?> parent : clazz.getInterfaces())
                    processAttributes((Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>)parent);
            final Class<? super X> superclass = clazz.getSuperclass();
            if(superclass != null && ConfiguredObject.class.isAssignableFrom(superclass))
                processAttributes((Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>) superclass);

            final ArrayList<Attribute<?, ?>> attributeList = new ArrayList<Attribute<?, ?>>();
            final ArrayList<Statistic<?, ?>> statisticList = new ArrayList<Statistic<?, ?>>();

            _allAttributes.put(clazz, attributeList);
            _allStatistics.put(clazz, statisticList);

            for(Class<?> parent : clazz.getInterfaces())
                    Collection<Attribute<?, ?>> attrs = _allAttributes.get(parent);
                    for(Attribute<?,?> attr : attrs)
                    Collection<Statistic<?, ?>> stats = _allStatistics.get(parent);
                    for(Statistic<?,?> stat : stats)
            if(superclass != null && ConfiguredObject.class.isAssignableFrom(superclass))
                Collection<Attribute<?, ?>> attrs = _allAttributes.get(superclass);
                Collection<Statistic<?, ?>> stats = _allStatistics.get(superclass);
                for(Attribute<?,?> attr : attrs)
                for(Statistic<?,?> stat : stats)

            for(Method m : clazz.getDeclaredMethods())
                ManagedAttribute annotation = m.getAnnotation(ManagedAttribute.class);
                if(annotation != null)
                    if(m.getParameterTypes().length != 0)
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("ManagedAttribute annotation should only be added to no-arg getters");
                    Class<?> type = getType(m);
                    String name = getName(m, type);
                    Attribute<X,?> newAttr = new Attribute(clazz,name,type,m, annotation);

                    ManagedStatistic statAnnotation = m.getAnnotation(ManagedStatistic.class);
                    if(statAnnotation != null)
                        if(m.getParameterTypes().length != 0)
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ManagedStatistic annotation should only be added to no-arg getters");
                        Class<?> type = getType(m);
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ManagedStatistic annotation should only be added to getters returning a Number type");
                        String name = getName(m, type);
                        Statistic<X,?> newStat = new Statistic(clazz,name,type,m);

            Map<String,Attribute<?,?>> attrMap = new HashMap<String, Attribute<?, ?>>();
            Map<String,Field> fieldMap = new HashMap<String, Field>();

            Collection<Attribute<?, ?>> attrCol = _allAttributes.get(clazz);
            for(Attribute<?,?> attr : attrCol)
                attrMap.put(attr.getName(), attr);
                    fieldMap.put(attr.getName(), findField(attr, clazz));

            _allAttributeTypes.put(clazz, attrMap);
            _allAutomatedFields.put(clazz, fieldMap);

    private static Field findField(final Attribute<?, ?> attr, Class<?> objClass)
        Class<?> clazz = objClass;
        while(clazz != null)
            for(Field field : clazz.getDeclaredFields())
                if(field.getAnnotation(ManagedAttributeField.class) != null && field.getName().equals("_" + attr.getName().replace('.','_')))
                    return field;
            clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
        if(objClass.isInterface() || Modifier.isAbstract(objClass.getModifiers()))
            return null;
        throw new ServerScopedRuntimeException("Unable to find field definition for automated field " + attr.getName() + " in class " + objClass.getName());

    private static String getName(final Method m, final Class<?> type)
        String methodName = m.getName();
        String baseName;

        if(type == Boolean.class )
            if((methodName.startsWith("get") || methodName.startsWith("has")) && methodName.length() >= 4)
                baseName = methodName.substring(3);
            else if(methodName.startsWith("is") && methodName.length() >= 3)
                baseName = methodName.substring(2);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method name " + methodName + " does not conform to the required pattern for ManagedAttributes");
            if(methodName.startsWith("get") && methodName.length() >= 4)
                baseName = methodName.substring(3);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method name " + methodName + " does not conform to the required pattern for ManagedAttributes");

        String name = baseName.length() == 1 ? baseName.toLowerCase() : baseName.substring(0,1).toLowerCase() + baseName.substring(1);
        name = name.replace('_','.');
        return name;

    private static Class<?> getType(final Method m)
        Class<?> type = m.getReturnType();
            if(type == Boolean.TYPE)
                type = Boolean.class;
            else if(type == Byte.TYPE)
                type = Byte.class;
            else if(type == Short.TYPE)
                type = Short.class;
            else if(type == Integer.TYPE)
                type = Integer.class;
            else if(type == Long.TYPE)
                type = Long.class;
            else if(type == Float.TYPE)
                type = Float.class;
            else if(type == Double.TYPE)
                type = Double.class;
            else if(type == Character.TYPE)
                type = Character.class;
        return type;

    public static <X extends ConfiguredObject> Collection<String> getAttributeNames(Class<X> clazz)
        final Collection<Attribute<? super X, ?>> attrs = getAttributes(clazz);

        return new AbstractCollection<String>()
            public Iterator<String> iterator()
                final Iterator<Attribute<? super X, ?>> underlyingIterator = attrs.iterator();
                return new Iterator<String>()
                    public boolean hasNext()
                        return underlyingIterator.hasNext();

                    public String next()

                    public void remove()
                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            public int size()
                return attrs.size();


    protected static <X extends ConfiguredObject> Collection<Attribute<? super X, ?>> getAttributes(final Class<X> clazz)
        final Collection<Attribute<? super X, ?>> attributes = (Collection) _allAttributes.get(clazz);
        return attributes;

    protected static Collection<Statistic> getStatistics(final Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> clazz)
        final Collection<Statistic> statistics = (Collection) _allStatistics.get(clazz);
        return statistics;

    private static Map<String, Attribute<?, ?>> getAttributeTypes(final Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> clazz)
        return _allAttributeTypes.get(clazz);

    private static Map<String, Field> getAutomatedFields(Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> clazz)
        return _allAutomatedFields.get(clazz);

    private static <X extends ConfiguredObject<X>> Collection<X> getReachableObjects(final ConfiguredObject<?> object,
                                                                                     final Class<X> clazz)
        Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> category = getCategory(object.getClass());
        Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> ancestorClass = getAncestorClassWithGivenDescendant(category, clazz);
        if(ancestorClass != null)
            ConfiguredObject ancestor = getAncestor(ancestorClass, category, object);
            if(ancestor != null)
                return getAllDescendants(ancestor, ancestorClass, clazz);
        return null;

    private static <X extends ConfiguredObject<X>> Collection<X> getAllDescendants(final ConfiguredObject ancestor,
                                                                                   final Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> ancestorClass,
                                                                                   final Class<X> clazz)
        Set<X> descendants = new HashSet<X>();
        for(Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> childClass : Model.getInstance().getChildTypes(ancestorClass))
            Collection<? extends ConfiguredObject> children = ancestor.getChildren(childClass);
            if(childClass == clazz)

                if(children != null)
                if(children != null)
                    for(ConfiguredObject child : children)
                        descendants.addAll(getAllDescendants(child, childClass, clazz));
        return descendants;

    private static ConfiguredObject getAncestor(final Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> ancestorClass,
                                                final Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> category,
                                                final ConfiguredObject<?> object)
            return object;
            for(Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> parentClass : Model.getInstance().getParentTypes(category))
                ConfiguredObject parent = object.getParent(parentClass);
                ConfiguredObject ancestor = getAncestor(ancestorClass, parentClass, parent);
                if(ancestor != null)
                    return ancestor;
        return null;

    private static Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> getAncestorClassWithGivenDescendant(
            final Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> category,
            final Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> descendantClass)
        Model model = Model.getInstance();
        Collection<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>> candidateClasses =
                Collections.<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>>singleton(category);
            for(Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> candidate : candidateClasses)
                if(hasDescendant(candidate, descendantClass))
                    return candidate;
            Set<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>> previous = new HashSet<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>>(candidateClasses);
            candidateClasses = new HashSet<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>>();
            for(Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> prev : previous)
        return null;

    private static boolean hasDescendant(final Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> candidate,
                                         final Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> descendantClass)
        int oldSize = 0;
        Model model = Model.getInstance();

        Set<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>> allDescendants = new HashSet<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>>(Collections.singleton(candidate));
        while(allDescendants.size() > oldSize)
            oldSize = allDescendants.size();
            Set<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>> prev = new HashSet<Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>>(allDescendants);
            for(Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> clazz : prev)
        return allDescendants.contains(descendantClass);

    private static Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> getCategory(final Class<?> clazz)
        ManagedObject annotation = clazz.getAnnotation(ManagedObject.class);
        if(annotation != null && annotation.category())
            return (Class<? extends ConfiguredObject>) clazz;
        for(Class<?> iface : clazz.getInterfaces() )
            Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> cat = getCategory(iface);
            if(cat != null)
                return cat;
        if(clazz.getSuperclass() != null)
            return getCategory(clazz.getSuperclass());
        return null;


Related Classes of org.apache.qpid.server.model.adapter.AbstractConfiguredObject$ConfiguredObjectConverter

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