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import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

* Test cases for the collective attribute service.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev: 903472 $
@RunWith ( FrameworkRunner.class )
public class CollectiveAttributeServiceIT extends AbstractLdapTestUnit
    private Attributes getTestEntry( String cn ) throws NamingException
        Attributes subentry = LdifUtils.createAttributes(
            "objectClass: top",
            "objectClass: person",
            "cn", cn ,
            "sn: testentry" );
        return subentry;

    private Attributes getTestSubentry()  throws NamingException
        Attributes subentry = LdifUtils.createAttributes(
            "objectClass: top",
            "objectClass: subentry",
            "objectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry",
            "c-ou: configuration",
            "subtreeSpecification: { base \"ou=configuration\" }",
            "cn: testsubentry" );
        return subentry;

    private Attributes getTestSubentry2() throws NamingException
        Attributes subentry = LdifUtils.createAttributes(
            "objectClass: top",
            "objectClass: subentry",
            "objectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry",
            "c-ou: configuration2",
            "subtreeSpecification: { base \"ou=configuration\" }",
            "cn: testsubentry2" );
        return subentry;

    private Attributes getTestSubentry3() throws NamingException
        Attributes subentry = LdifUtils.createAttributes(
            "objectClass: top",
            "objectClass: subentry",
            "objectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry",
            "c-st: FL",
            "subtreeSpecification: { base \"ou=configuration\" }",
            "cn: testsubentry3" );
        return subentry;

    private void addAdministrativeRole( String role ) throws Exception
        Attribute attribute = new BasicAttribute( "administrativeRole" );
        attribute.add( role );
        ModificationItem item = new ModificationItem( DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attribute );
        getSystemContext( service ).modifyAttributes( "", new ModificationItem[] { item } );

    private Map<String, Attributes> getAllEntries() throws Exception
        Map<String, Attributes> resultMap = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
        SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
        controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE );
        controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]
            { "+", "*" } );
        NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = getSystemContext( service ).search( "", "(objectClass=*)", controls );
        while ( results.hasMore() )
            SearchResult result =;
            resultMap.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
        return resultMap;

    private Map<String, Attributes> getAllEntriesRestrictAttributes() throws Exception
        Map<String, Attributes> resultMap = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
        SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
        controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE );
        controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]
            { "cn" } );
        NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = getSystemContext( service ).search( "", "(objectClass=*)", controls );
        while ( results.hasMore() )
            SearchResult result =;
            resultMap.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
        return resultMap;
    private Map<String, Attributes> getAllEntriesCollectiveAttributesOnly() throws Exception
        Map<String, Attributes> resultMap = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
        SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
        controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE );
        controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]
                                                    { "c-ou", "c-st" } );
        NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = getSystemContext( service ).search( "", "(objectClass=*)", controls );
        while ( results.hasMore() )
            SearchResult result =;
            resultMap.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
        return resultMap;

    public void testLookup() throws Exception
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Setup the collective attribute specific administration point
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        addAdministrativeRole( "collectiveAttributeSpecificArea" );
        getSystemContext( service ).createSubcontext( "cn=testsubentry", getTestSubentry() );

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // test an entry that should show the collective attribute c-ou
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        Attributes attributes = getSystemContext( service ).getAttributes( "ou=services,ou=configuration" );
        Attribute c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        assertNotNull( "a collective c-ou attribute should be present", c_ou );
        assertEquals( "configuration", c_ou.get() );

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // test an entry that should not show the collective attribute
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        attributes = getSystemContext( service ).getAttributes( "ou=users" );
        c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        assertNull( "the c-ou collective attribute should not be present", c_ou );

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // now modify entries included by the subentry to have collectiveExclusions
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        ModificationItem[] items = new ModificationItem[]
            { new ModificationItem( DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE,
                new BasicAttribute( "collectiveExclusions", "c-ou" ) ) };
        getSystemContext( service ).modifyAttributes( "ou=services,ou=configuration", items );

        // entry should not show the c-ou collective attribute anymore
        attributes = getSystemContext( service ).getAttributes( "ou=services,ou=configuration" );
        c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        if ( c_ou != null )
            assertEquals( "the c-ou collective attribute should not be present", 0, c_ou.size() );

        // now add more collective subentries - the c-ou should still not show due to exclusions
        getSystemContext( service ).createSubcontext( "cn=testsubentry2", getTestSubentry2() );

        attributes = getSystemContext( service ).getAttributes( "ou=services,ou=configuration" );
        c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        if ( c_ou != null )
            assertEquals( "the c-ou collective attribute should not be present", 0, c_ou.size() );

        // entries without the collectiveExclusion should still show both values of c-ou
        attributes = getSystemContext( service ).getAttributes( "ou=interceptors,ou=configuration" );
        c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        assertNotNull( "a collective c-ou attribute should be present", c_ou );
        assertTrue( c_ou.contains( "configuration" ) );
        assertTrue( c_ou.contains( "configuration2" ) );

        // request the collective attribute specifically
        attributes = getSystemContext( service ).getAttributes(
                "ou=interceptors,ou=configuration", new String[] { "c-ou" } );
        c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        assertNotNull( "a collective c-ou attribute should be present", c_ou );
        assertTrue( c_ou.contains( "configuration" ) );
        assertTrue( c_ou.contains( "configuration2" ) );
        // unspecify the collective attribute in the returning attribute list

        attributes = getSystemContext( service ).getAttributes(
                "ou=interceptors,ou=configuration", new String[] { "objectClass" } );
        c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        assertNull( "a collective c-ou attribute should not be present", c_ou );
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // now add the subentry for the c-st collective attribute
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        getSystemContext( service ).createSubcontext( "cn=testsubentry3", getTestSubentry3() );

        // the new attribute c-st should appear in the node with the c-ou exclusion
        attributes = getSystemContext( service ).getAttributes( "ou=services,ou=configuration" );
        Attribute c_st = attributes.get( "c-st" );
        assertNotNull( "a collective c-st attribute should be present", c_st );
        assertTrue( c_st.contains( "FL" ) );

        // in node without exclusions both values of c-ou should appear with c-st value
        attributes = getSystemContext( service ).getAttributes( "ou=interceptors,ou=configuration" );
        c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        assertNotNull( "a collective c-ou attribute should be present", c_ou );
        assertTrue( c_ou.contains( "configuration" ) );
        assertTrue( c_ou.contains( "configuration2" ) );
        c_st = attributes.get( "c-st" );
        assertNotNull( "a collective c-st attribute should be present", c_st );
        assertTrue( c_st.contains( "FL" ) );

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // now modify an entry to exclude all collective attributes
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        items = new ModificationItem[]
            { new ModificationItem( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, new BasicAttribute( "collectiveExclusions",
                "excludeAllCollectiveAttributes" ) ) };
        getSystemContext( service ).modifyAttributes( "ou=interceptors,ou=configuration", items );

        // none of the attributes should appear any longer
        attributes = getSystemContext( service ).getAttributes( "ou=interceptors,ou=configuration" );
        c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        if ( c_ou != null )
            assertEquals( "the c-ou collective attribute should not be present", 0, c_ou.size() );
        c_st = attributes.get( "c-st" );
        if ( c_st != null )
            assertEquals( "the c-st collective attribute should not be present", 0, c_st.size() );

    public void testSearch() throws Exception
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Setup the collective attribute specific administration point
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        addAdministrativeRole( "collectiveAttributeSpecificArea" );
        getSystemContext( service ).createSubcontext( "cn=testsubentry", getTestSubentry() );

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // test an entry that should show the collective attribute c-ou
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        Map<String, Attributes> entries = getAllEntries();
        Attributes attributes = entries.get( "ou=services,ou=configuration,ou=system" );
        Attribute c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        assertNotNull( "a collective c-ou attribute should be present", c_ou );
        assertEquals( "configuration", c_ou.get() );

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // test an entry that should show the collective attribute c-ou,
        // but restrict returned attributes to c-ou and c-st
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        entries = getAllEntriesCollectiveAttributesOnly();
        attributes = entries.get( "ou=services,ou=configuration,ou=system" );
        c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        assertNotNull( "a collective c-ou attribute should be present", c_ou );
        assertEquals( "configuration", c_ou.get() );  
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // test an entry that should not show the collective attribute
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        attributes = entries.get( "ou=users,ou=system" );
        c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        assertNull( "the c-ou collective attribute should not be present", c_ou );

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // now modify entries included by the subentry to have collectiveExclusions
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        ModificationItem[] items = new ModificationItem[]
            { new ModificationItem( DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE,
                new BasicAttribute( "collectiveExclusions", "c-ou" ) ) };
        getSystemContext( service ).modifyAttributes( "ou=services,ou=configuration", items );
        entries = getAllEntries();

        // entry should not show the c-ou collective attribute anymore
        attributes = entries.get( "ou=services,ou=configuration,ou=system" );
        c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        if ( c_ou != null )
            assertEquals( "the c-ou collective attribute should not be present", 0, c_ou.size() );

        // now add more collective subentries - the c-ou should still not show due to exclusions
        getSystemContext( service ).createSubcontext( "cn=testsubentry2", getTestSubentry2() );
        entries = getAllEntries();

        attributes = entries.get( "ou=services,ou=configuration,ou=system" );
        c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        if ( c_ou != null )
            assertEquals( "the c-ou collective attribute should not be present", 0, c_ou.size() );

        // entries without the collectiveExclusion should still show both values of c-ou
        attributes = entries.get( "ou=interceptors,ou=configuration,ou=system" );
        c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        assertNotNull( "a collective c-ou attribute should be present", c_ou );
        assertTrue( c_ou.contains( "configuration" ) );
        assertTrue( c_ou.contains( "configuration2" ) );

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // now add the subentry for the c-st collective attribute
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        getSystemContext( service ).createSubcontext( "cn=testsubentry3", getTestSubentry3() );
        entries = getAllEntries();

        // the new attribute c-st should appear in the node with the c-ou exclusion
        attributes = entries.get( "ou=services,ou=configuration,ou=system" );
        Attribute c_st = attributes.get( "c-st" );
        assertNotNull( "a collective c-st attribute should be present", c_st );
        assertTrue( c_st.contains( "FL" ) );

        // in node without exclusions both values of c-ou should appear with c-st value
        attributes = entries.get( "ou=interceptors,ou=configuration,ou=system" );
        c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        assertNotNull( "a collective c-ou attribute should be present", c_ou );
        assertTrue( c_ou.contains( "configuration" ) );
        assertTrue( c_ou.contains( "configuration2" ) );
        c_st = attributes.get( "c-st" );
        assertNotNull( "a collective c-st attribute should be present", c_st );
        assertTrue( c_st.contains( "FL" ) );

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // now modify an entry to exclude all collective attributes
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        items = new ModificationItem[]
            { new ModificationItem( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, new BasicAttribute( "collectiveExclusions",
                "excludeAllCollectiveAttributes" ) ) };
        getSystemContext( service ).modifyAttributes( "ou=interceptors,ou=configuration", items );
        entries = getAllEntries();

        // none of the attributes should appear any longer
        attributes = entries.get( "ou=interceptors,ou=configuration,ou=system" );
        c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        if ( c_ou != null )
            assertEquals( "the c-ou collective attribute should not be present", 0, c_ou.size() );
        c_st = attributes.get( "c-st" );
        if ( c_st != null )
            assertEquals( "the c-st collective attribute should not be present", 0, c_st.size() );

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Now search attributes but restrict returned attributes to cn and ou
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        entries = getAllEntriesRestrictAttributes();

        // we should no longer see collective attributes with restricted return attribs
        attributes = entries.get( "ou=services,ou=configuration,ou=system" );
        c_st = attributes.get( "c-st" );
        assertNull( "a collective c-st attribute should NOT be present", c_st );

        attributes = entries.get( "ou=partitions,ou=configuration,ou=system" );
        c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        c_st = attributes.get( "c-st" );
        assertNull( c_ou );
        assertNull( c_st );
    public void testAddRegularEntryWithCollectiveAttribute() throws NamingException
        Attributes entry = getTestEntry( "Ersin Er" );
        entry.put( "c-l", "Turkiye" );
            getSystemContext( service ).createSubcontext( "cn=Ersin Er", entry );
            fail( "Entry addition with collective attribute should have failed." );
        catch ( Exception e )
            // Intended execution point
    public void testModifyRegularEntryAddingCollectiveAttribute() throws Exception
        Attributes entry = getTestEntry( "Ersin Er" );
        getSystemContext( service ).createSubcontext( "cn=Ersin Er", entry );
        Attributes changeSet = new BasicAttributes( "c-l", "Turkiye", true );
            getSystemContext( service ).modifyAttributes( "cn=Ersin Er", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, changeSet );
            fail( "Collective attribute addition to non-collectiveAttributeSubentry should have failed." );
        catch ( NamingException e )
            // Intended execution point
    public void testModifyRegularEntryAddingCollectiveAttribute2() throws Exception
        Attributes entry = getTestEntry( "Ersin Er" );
        getSystemContext( service ).createSubcontext( "cn=Ersin Er", entry );
        Attribute change = new BasicAttribute( "c-l", "Turkiye");
        ModificationItem mod = new ModificationItem(DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, change);
            getSystemContext( service ).modifyAttributes( "cn=Ersin Er", new ModificationItem[] { mod } );
            fail( "Collective attribute addition to non-collectiveAttributeSubentry should have failed." );
        catch ( NamingException e )
            // Intended execution point
    public void testPolymorphicReturnAttrLookup() throws Exception
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Setup the collective attribute specific administration point
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        addAdministrativeRole( "collectiveAttributeSpecificArea" );
        getSystemContext( service ).createSubcontext( "cn=testsubentry", getTestSubentry() );
        // request the collective attribute's super type specifically
        Attributes attributes = getSystemContext( service ).getAttributes( "ou=interceptors,ou=configuration",
            new String[] { "ou" } );
        Attribute c_ou = attributes.get( "c-ou" );
        assertNotNull( "a collective c-ou attribute should be present", c_ou );
        assertTrue( c_ou.contains( "configuration" ) );

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