Package org.jdom.xpath

Examples of org.jdom.xpath.XPath.selectNodes()

    if(_config == null)
      return new String[0];
    try {
      XPath x3 = XPath.newInstance("//job_chain");        
      List listOfElement = x3.selectNodes(_dom.getDoc());

      for(int i = 0; i < listOfElement.size(); i++ ) {
        Element e = (Element)listOfElement.get(i);
        if(e.getChild("job_chain_node.job_chain") == null &&
            !Utils.getAttributeValue("name", e).equalsIgnoreCase(getChainName())) {
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    try {
      if(which == null) which ="";       
      if(type == Editor.JOB_CHAIN) {

        XPath x3 = XPath.newInstance("//order[@job_chain='"+ name + "']");        
        List<Element> listOfElement_3 = x3.selectNodes(_dom.getDoc());
          //throw new Exception ("Die Jobkette [job_chain=" + name + "] wird in einem Auftrag verwendet. " +
          //"Soll die Jobkette trotzdem umbennant werden");
          throw new Exception ("The Jobchain [job_chain=" + name + "] is currently being used by an order. " +
          "Do you want really rename the jobchain");       
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          //"Soll die Jobkette trotzdem umbennant werden");
          throw new Exception ("The Jobchain [job_chain=" + name + "] is currently being used by an order. " +
          "Do you want really rename the jobchain");       

        XPath x4 = XPath.newInstance("//add_order[@job_chain='"+ name + "']");        
        List<Element> listOfElement_4 = x4.selectNodes(_dom.getDoc());
          throw new Exception ("The Jobchain [job_chain=" + name + "] is currently being used by an order. " +
          "Do you want really rename the jobchain");       

      } else if(type == Editor.JOB_CHAINS) {
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          "Do you want really rename the jobchain");       

      } else if(type == Editor.JOB_CHAINS) {

        XPath x3 = XPath.newInstance("//order[@job_chain='"+ name + "']");        
        List listOfElement_3 = x3.selectNodes(_dom.getDoc());
          //throw new Exception ("Die Jobkette [job_chain=" + name + "] wird in einem Auftrag verwendet. " +
          //"Soll die Jobkette trotzdem gel�scht werden");
          throw new Exception ("The Jobchain [job_chain=" + name + "] is currently being used by an order. " +
          "Do you want to delete the jobchain");
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          //"Soll die Jobkette trotzdem gel�scht werden");
          throw new Exception ("The Jobchain [job_chain=" + name + "] is currently being used by an order. " +
          "Do you want to delete the jobchain");

        XPath x4 = XPath.newInstance("//add_order[@job_chain='"+ name + "']");        
        List listOfElement_4 = x4.selectNodes(_dom.getDoc());
          //throw new Exception ("Die Jobkette [job_chain=" + name + "] wird in einem Auftrag verwendet. " +
          //"Soll die Jobkette trotzdem gel�scht werden");
          throw new Exception ("The Jobchain [job_chain=" + name + "] is currently being used by an order. " +
          "Do you want to delete the jobchain");
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          Element e = (Element)x0.selectSingleNode(_dom.getDoc());
          boolean isOrder = Utils.getAttributeValue("order", e).equalsIgnoreCase("yes");

          if(!isOrder) {
            XPath x3 = XPath.newInstance("//job_chain_node[@job='"+ name + "']");        
            List listOfElement_3 = x3.selectNodes(_dom.getDoc());
              //throw new Exception ("Der Standalone Job " + name + " ist in einer Jobkette definiert.");
              throw new Exception   ("The Standalone Job " + name + " is currently being used by a job chain");
        } else {
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          boolean isOrder = Utils.getAttributeValue("order", e).equalsIgnoreCase("yes");
          if( isOrder) {           

            XPath x = XPath.newInstance("//job[@name='"+ name + "']/run_time[@let_run='yes' or @once='yes' or @single_start]");      

            List listOfElement = x.selectNodes(_dom.getDoc());
              throw new Exception ("An order job [name=" + name+ "] may not use single_start-, start_once- and " +
              "let_run attributes in Runtime Elements. Should these attributes be deleted?");

            XPath x2 = XPath.newInstance("//job[@name='"+ name + "']/run_time//period[@let_run='yes' or @single_start]");        
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              throw new Exception ("An order job [name=" + name+ "] may not use single_start-, start_once- and " +
              "let_run attributes in Runtime Elements. Should these attributes be deleted?");

            XPath x2 = XPath.newInstance("//job[@name='"+ name + "']/run_time//period[@let_run='yes' or @single_start]");        
            List listOfElement_2 = x2.selectNodes(_dom.getDoc());
              throw new Exception ("An order job [name=" + name+ "] may not use single_start-, start_once- and " +
              "let_run attributes in Runtime Elements. Should these attributes be deleted?");

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          XPath x3 = XPath.newInstance("//job_chain_node[@job='"+ name + "']");        
          List listOfElement_3 = x3.selectNodes(_dom.getDoc());
          if(!listOfElement_3.isEmpty()) {
            if(which.equalsIgnoreCase("change_order")) {
              throw new Exception   ("The Job " + name + " is currently being used by a job chain. Do you want really change to a standalone job?");
            } else {
              throw new Exception   ("The Job " + name + " is currently being used by a job chain. Do you want really rename the name?");
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      } else if(type == Editor.JOBS) {

        XPath x3 = XPath.newInstance("//job_chain_node[@job='"+ name + "']");        
        List listOfElement_3 = x3.selectNodes(_dom.getDoc());
          throw new Exception ("The Job [name=" + name + "] is currently being used by a job chain. Do you want to delete?");

      } else if(type == Editor.LOCKS) {
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