Package org.codehaus.dna.impl

Examples of org.codehaus.dna.impl.SAXConfigurationHandler.startElement()

        final SAXConfigurationHandler handler = new SAXConfigurationHandler();
        final String qName = "myElement";
        final AttributesImpl attributes = new AttributesImpl();
        attributes.addAttribute( "", "", "key", "CDATA", "value" );
        handler.startElement( "", "", qName, attributes );
        handler.endElement( "", "", qName );
        final Configuration configuration = handler.getConfiguration();
        assertEquals( "", qName, configuration.getName() );
        assertEquals( "configuration.location", "", configuration.getLocation() );
        assertEquals( "configuration.path", "", configuration.getPath() );
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        final SAXConfigurationHandler handler = new MockSAXConfigurationHandler();
        final String qName = "myElement";
        final AttributesImpl attributes = new AttributesImpl();
        attributes.addAttribute( "", "", "key", "CDATA", "value" );
        handler.startElement( "", "", qName, attributes );
        handler.endElement( "", "", qName );
        final Configuration configuration = handler.getConfiguration();
        assertEquals( "", qName, configuration.getName() );
        assertEquals( "configuration.location", "", configuration.getLocation() );
        assertEquals( "configuration.path", "", configuration.getPath() );
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    public void testCreateSimpleConfiguration()
        throws Exception
        final SAXConfigurationHandler handler = new SAXConfigurationHandler();
        final String qName = "myElement";
        handler.startElement( "", "", qName, new AttributesImpl() );
        handler.endElement( "", "", qName );
        final Configuration configuration = handler.getConfiguration();
        assertEquals( "", qName, configuration.getName() );
        assertEquals( "configuration.location", "", configuration.getLocation() );
        assertEquals( "configuration.path", "", configuration.getPath() );
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        throws Exception
        final SAXConfigurationHandler handler = new SAXConfigurationHandler();
        final String qName = "myElement";
        final String value = "value";
        handler.startElement( "", "", qName, new AttributesImpl() );
        handler.characters( value.toCharArray(), 0, value.length() );
        handler.endElement( "", "", qName );
        final Configuration configuration = handler.getConfiguration();
        assertEquals( "", qName, configuration.getName() );
        assertEquals( "configuration.location", "", configuration.getLocation() );
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        throws Exception
        final SAXConfigurationHandler handler = new MockSAXConfigurationHandler();
        final String qName = "myElement";
        final String value = "value";
        handler.startElement( "", "", qName, new AttributesImpl() );
        handler.characters( value.toCharArray(), 0, value.length() );
        handler.endElement( "", "", qName );
        final Configuration configuration = handler.getConfiguration();
        assertEquals( "", qName, configuration.getName() );
        assertEquals( "configuration.location", "", configuration.getLocation() );
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        throws Exception
        final SAXConfigurationHandler handler = new SAXConfigurationHandler();
        final String qName = "myElement";
        final String value = "value";
        handler.startElement( "", "", qName, new AttributesImpl() );
        handler.characters( value.toCharArray(), 0, value.length() );
        handler.characters( value.toCharArray(), 0, value.length() );
        handler.endElement( "", "", qName );
        final Configuration configuration = handler.getConfiguration();
        assertEquals( "", qName, configuration.getName() );
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        throws Exception
        final SAXConfigurationHandler handler = new SAXConfigurationHandler();
        final String qName = "myElement";
        final String childName = "myChild";
        handler.startElement( "", "", qName, new AttributesImpl() );
        handler.startElement( "", "", childName, new AttributesImpl() );
        handler.endElement( "", "", childName );
        handler.endElement( "", "", qName );

        final Configuration configuration = handler.getConfiguration();
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        final SAXConfigurationHandler handler = new SAXConfigurationHandler();
        final String qName = "myElement";
        final String childName = "myChild";
        handler.startElement( "", "", qName, new AttributesImpl() );
        handler.startElement( "", "", childName, new AttributesImpl() );
        handler.endElement( "", "", childName );
        handler.endElement( "", "", qName );

        final Configuration configuration = handler.getConfiguration();
        assertEquals( "", qName, configuration.getName() );
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        final SAXConfigurationHandler handler = new SAXConfigurationHandler();
        final String qName = "myElement";
        final String childName = "myChild";
        final String grandChildName = "myGrandChild";
        handler.startElement( "", "", qName, new AttributesImpl() );
        handler.startElement( "", "", childName, new AttributesImpl() );
        handler.startElement( "", "", grandChildName, new AttributesImpl() );
        handler.endElement( "", "", grandChildName );
        handler.endElement( "", "", childName );
        handler.endElement( "", "", qName );
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        final SAXConfigurationHandler handler = new SAXConfigurationHandler();
        final String qName = "myElement";
        final String childName = "myChild";
        final String grandChildName = "myGrandChild";
        handler.startElement( "", "", qName, new AttributesImpl() );
        handler.startElement( "", "", childName, new AttributesImpl() );
        handler.startElement( "", "", grandChildName, new AttributesImpl() );
        handler.endElement( "", "", grandChildName );
        handler.endElement( "", "", childName );
        handler.endElement( "", "", qName );
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