
Examples of

        DN dn = new DN( "uid=admin,ou=system" );

        String expected = String.valueOf( System.currentTimeMillis() );
        ModifyRequest modRequest = new ModifyRequest( dn );
        modRequest.replace( SchemaConstants.SN_AT, expected );

        connection.modify( modRequest );

        ServerEntry entry = session.lookup( dn );
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        DN dn = new DN( "uid=admin,ou=system" );

        String expected = String.valueOf( System.currentTimeMillis() );
        ModifyRequest modRequest = new ModifyRequest( dn );
        modRequest.replace( SchemaConstants.SN_AT, expected );
        assertTrue( session.exists( dn ) );
        ModifyFuture modifyFuture = connection.modifyAsync( modRequest );
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     * @throws Exception if the modify fails
    public static void changePresciptiveACI( String cn, String aciItem ) throws Exception
        ModifyRequest req = new ModifyRequest( new DN( "cn=" + cn + "," + ServerDNConstants.SYSTEM_DN ) );
        req.replace( "prescriptiveACI", aciItem );
        getAdminConnection().modify( req );

    public static void addPrescriptiveACI( String cn, String aciItem ) throws Exception
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        assertEquals( description.getString(), "old value" );

        // now tag then replace the value to "new value" and confirm
        Tag t1 = service.getChangeLog().tag();
        modReq = new ModifyRequest( resusitated.getDn() );
        modReq.replace( "description", "new value" );
        sysRoot.modify( modReq );

        resusitated = ( ( SearchResultEntry ) sysRoot.lookup( "ou=test5,ou=system" ) ).getEntry();
        assertNotNull( resusitated );
        description = resusitated.get( "description" );
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        assertPassword( resusitated, "to be replaced" );

        modReq = new ModifyRequest( resusitated.getDn() );
        modReq.remove( "description", "old value" );
        modReq.add( "seeAlso", "ou=added" );
        modReq.replace( "userPassword", "a replaced value" );
        Tag t3 = service.getChangeLog().tag();

        // now make the modification and check that description is gone,
        // seeAlso is added, and that the userPassword has been replaced
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        assertTrue( entry.get( "facsimiletelephonenumber" ).contains( "+1 408 555 9751" ) );
        assertTrue( entry.get( "roomnumber" ).contains( "4612" ) );

        // now modify the password for akarasulu
        ModifyRequest modReq = new ModifyRequest( new DN( userDn ) );
        modReq.replace( "userPassword", "newpwd" );
        connection.modify( modReq );

        // close and try with old password (should fail)
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        assertNotNull( entry );
        assertTrue( entry.get( "uid" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );

        // now modify the password for akarasulu : 'secret', encrypted using SHA
        ModifyRequest modReq = new ModifyRequest( new DN( userDn ) );
        modReq.replace( "userPassword", "{SHA}5en6G6MezRroT3XKqkdPOmY/BfQ=" );
        connection.modify( modReq );

        // close and try with old password (should fail)
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        assertNotNull( entry );
        assertTrue( entry.get( "uid" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );

        // now modify the password for akarasulu : 'secret', encrypted using SHA
        ModifyRequest modReq = new ModifyRequest( new DN( userDn ) );
        modReq.replace( "userPassword", "{SSHA}mjVVxasFkk59wMW4L1Ldt+YCblfhULHs03WW7g==" );
        connection.modify( modReq );

        // close and try with old password (should fail)
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        assertNotNull( entry );
        assertTrue( entry.get( "uid" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );

        // now modify the password for akarasulu : 'test123', encrypted using SHA with a 4 bytes salt
        ModifyRequest modReq = new ModifyRequest( new DN( userDn ) );
        modReq.replace( "userPassword", "{SSHA}0TT388zsWzHKtMEpIU/8/W68egchNEWp" );
        connection.modify( modReq );

        // close and try with old password (should fail)
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        assertNotNull( entry );
        assertTrue( entry.get( "uid" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );

        // now modify the password for akarasulu : 'secret', encrypted using MD5
        ModifyRequest modReq = new ModifyRequest( new DN( userDn ) );
        modReq.replace( "userPassword", "{MD5}Xr4ilOzQ4PCOq3aQ0qbuaQ==" );
        connection.modify( modReq );

        // close and try with old password (should fail)
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