Package org.apache.axis2.corba.idl

Examples of org.apache.axis2.corba.idl.IDLProcessor.process()

                        new CorbaInvocationException("cannot find " + idlFileName + " in " + file.getPath());

                    stream = zin;
                IDLProcessor idlProcessor = new IDLProcessor(stream);
                idl = idlProcessor.process();
                IDL_CACHE.put(cacheKey, idl);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new CorbaInvocationException("cannot process idl file", e);
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                    stream = zin;
                InputStream stream = new PreProcessorInputStream(dirName, idlFileName);
                //TODO: Set pre-processor system and user input paths
                IDLProcessor idlProcessor = new IDLProcessor(stream);
                idl = idlProcessor.process();
                IDL_CACHE.put(cacheKey, idl);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new CorbaInvocationException("cannot process idl file", e);
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                    stream = zin;
                InputStream stream = new PreProcessorInputStream(dirName, idlFileName);
                //TODO: Set pre-processor system and user input paths
                IDLProcessor idlProcessor = new IDLProcessor(stream);
                idl = idlProcessor.process();
                IDL_CACHE.put(cacheKey, idl);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new CorbaInvocationException("cannot process idl file", e);
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                    stream = zin;
                InputStream stream = new PreProcessorInputStream(dirName, idlFileName);
                //TODO: Set pre-processor system and user input paths
                IDLProcessor idlProcessor = new IDLProcessor(stream);
                idl = idlProcessor.process();
                IDL_CACHE.put(cacheKey, idl);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new CorbaInvocationException("cannot process idl file", e);
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        Greeter proxy = getProxy("process");
        TestBean request = new TestBean();
        request.setData1("hello world");
        TestBean response = proxy.process(0, request);
        assertTrue(response != null);
        assertTrue(response.getData1().equals("hello world"));
        assertTrue(response.getData2() == 10);
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        TestBean request = new TestBean();
        request.setData1("hello world");
        try {
            TestBean response = proxy.process(1, request);
            fail("Expected TestException thrown");
        } catch (WebServiceException wse) {
            // Currently there is no support if the fault bean is missing
            assertTrue(wse.getMessage().contains("User fault processing is not supported"));
        } catch (TestException te) {
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        TestBean request = new TestBean();
        request.setData1("hello world");
        try {
            TestBean response = proxy.process(4, request);
            fail("Expected TestException2 thrown");
        } catch (TestException2 te) {
            assertTrue(te.getMessage().equals("TestException2 thrown"));
            assertTrue(te.getFlag() == 456);
        } catch (Exception e) {
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        TestBean request = new TestBean();
        request.setData1("hello world");
        try {
            TestBean response = proxy.process(5, request);
            fail("Expected TestException3 thrown");
        } catch (TestException3 te) {
            assertTrue(te.getMessage().equals("TestException3 thrown"));
            assertTrue(te.getFaultInfo().getFlag() == 789);
        } catch (Exception e) {
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        TestBean request = new TestBean();
        request.setData1("hello world");
        try {
            TestBean response = proxy.process(2, request);
            fail("Expected WebServiceException thrown");
        } catch (WebServiceException wse) {
            assertTrue(wse.getMessage().equals("WebServiceException thrown"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("Expected WebServiceException thrown but found " + e.getClass());
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        TestBean request = new TestBean();
        request.setData1("hello world");
        try {
            TestBean response = proxy.process(3, request);
            fail("Expected NullPointerException thrown");
        } catch (WebServiceException wse) {
            assertTrue(wse.getMessage().equals("NPE thrown"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("Expected NullPointerException thrown but found " + e.getClass());
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