
Examples of

                            throw err;
                        URI base = expressionBaseURI;
                        collationURI = base.resolve(collationURI.toString());
                        collationName = collationURI.toString();
                } catch (URI.URISyntaxException e) {
                    XPathException err = new XPathException("Collation name '" + collationName + "' is not a valid URI");
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            String collationString = ((StringLiteral)collationName).getStringValue();
            try {
                URI collationURI = new URI(collationString, true);
                if (!collationURI.isAbsolute()) {
                    URI base = new URI(getBaseURI());
                    collationURI = base.resolve(collationURI.toString());
                    collationString = collationURI.toString();
            } catch (URI.URISyntaxException err) {
                compileError("Collation name '" + collationString + "' is not a valid URI");
                collationString = NamespaceConstant.CODEPOINT_COLLATION_URI;
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            URI collationURI;
            try {
                collationURI = new URI(collationName, true);
                if (!collationURI.isAbsolute()) {
                    URI base = new URI(getBaseURI());
                    collationURI = base.resolve(collationURI.toString());
                    collationName = collationURI.toString();
            } catch (URI.URISyntaxException err) {
                compileError("Collation name '" + collationName + "' is not a valid URI");
                //collationName = NamespaceConstant.CODEPOINT_COLLATION_URI;
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            URI collationURI;
            try {
                collationURI = new URI(collation, true);
                if (!collationURI.isAbsolute()) {
                    URI base = new URI(baseURI);
                    collationURI = base.resolve(collationURI.toString());
                    final String collationNameString = collationURI.toString();
                    collationNameExpression = new StringLiteral(collationNameString);
                    collator = visitor.getConfiguration().getNamedCollation(collationNameString);
                    if (collator == null) {
                        dynamicError("Unknown collation " + Err.wrap(collationURI.toString(), Err.URI), "XTDE1110", null);
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                    URI collationURI;
                    try {
                        collationURI = new URI(collation, true);
                        if (!collationURI.isAbsolute()) {
                            URI base = new URI(getBaseURI());
                            collationURI = base.resolve(collationURI.toString());
                            collationName = new StringLiteral(collationURI.toString());
                    } catch (URI.URISyntaxException err) {
                        compileError("Collation name '" + collationName + "' is not a valid URI", "XTDE1110");
                        collationName = new StringLiteral(NamespaceConstant.CODEPOINT_COLLATION_URI);
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                if (!collationURI.isAbsolute()) {
                    if (baseURI == null) {
                        throw new XPathException("Collation URI is relative, and base URI is unknown");
                    } else {
                        URI base = new URI(baseURI);
                        collationURI = base.resolve(collationURI.toString());
            } catch (URI.URISyntaxException err) {
                throw new XPathException("Collation name " + cname + " is not a valid URI: " + err);
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                try {
                    new URI(relativeURI, true);   // for validation only
                } catch (URI.URISyntaxException e) {
                    throw new URI.URISyntaxException(base + ": Invalid relative URI: " + e.getMessage());
                absoluteURI = (relativeURI.length() == 0 ? baseURI : baseURI.resolve(relativeURI));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException err0) {
            // can be thrown by resolve() when given a bad URI
            throw new URI.URISyntaxException(relativeURI + ": Cannot resolve URI against base " + Err.wrap(base));
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