Package Hack.Utilities

Examples of Hack.Utilities.Graph.pathExists()

        // for each input pin, check if there is a path in the graph to an output pin
        // (actually to the "master output", which all outputs connect to).
        // If there is, the input is not clocked. Otherwise, it is.
        for (int i = 0; i < inputPinsInfo.length; i++)
            isInputClocked[i] = !graph.pathExists(inputPinsInfo[i], outputPinsInfo);

        // for each output pin, check if there is a path in the graph from any input pin
        // (actually from the "master input", which connects to all inputs) to this output pin.
        // If there is, the output is not clocked. Otherwise, it is.
        for (int i = 0; i < outputPinsInfo.length; i++)
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        // for each output pin, check if there is a path in the graph from any input pin
        // (actually from the "master input", which connects to all inputs) to this output pin.
        // If there is, the output is not clocked. Otherwise, it is.
        for (int i = 0; i < outputPinsInfo.length; i++)
            isOutputClocked[i] = !graph.pathExists(inputPinsInfo, outputPinsInfo[i]);

    // Reads the parts list from the given HDL input
    private void readParts(HDLTokenizer input)
     throws HDLException {
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