Package org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg

Examples of org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.SubscribeEntry

            final java.util.Map duplicates = new java.util.TreeMap();
            /*I_MapEntry[] results = */this.subscribeStore.getAll(new I_EntryFilter() {
               public I_Entry intercept(I_Entry entry, I_Storage storage) {
                  if (storage.isTransient()) return null;
                  try {
                     SubscribeEntry subscribeEntry = (SubscribeEntry)entry;
                     //QueryKeyData keyData = queryKeyFactory.readObject(subscribeEntry.getKey());
                     QueryQosData qosData = global.getQueryQosFactory().readObject(subscribeEntry.getQos());
                     //String key = keyData.getOid() + qosData.getSender().getAbsoluteName();

                     SessionName sessionName = new SessionName(global, subscribeEntry.getSessionName());
                     Object found = sessionIds.get(sessionName.getAbsoluteName());
                     if (found == null) {
                        if (errorCounter == 0) {
                           log.warning("Ignoring invalid entry '" + sessionName.getAbsoluteName() + "' as user is not known");
                        return null;

                     String key = qosData.getSubscriptionId();
                     if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
                        log.fine("Cleanup of duplicate subscriptions, key=" + key);
                     if (duplicates.containsKey(key)) {
                        if (duplicateCounter == 0)
                           log.warning("Cleanup of duplicate subscriptions, this may take a while, please wait ...");
                        //log.warn(ME, "Removing duplicate subscription '" + key + "' oid=" + keyData.getOid());
                     else {
                        duplicates.put(key, subscribeEntry);
                  catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
                     log.severe("Ignoring unexpected problem in checkForDuplicateSubscriptions :" + e.toString());
                  return null;
            if (duplicateCounter > 0) {
               if (this.subscribeStore.getNumOfEntries() > 0)
                     log.severe("Internal prpblem with checkForDuplicateSubscriptions");
               java.util.Iterator it = duplicates.keySet().iterator();
               while (it.hasNext()) {
               log.warning("Removed " + (duplicateCounter-duplicates.size()) + " identical subscriptions, keeping " + duplicates.size() + ". Ignored " + errorCounter + " invalid subscriptions as no session was found");

      I_MapEntry[] entries = this.subscribeStore.getAll(null);

      for (int i=0; i < entries.length; i++) {
         if (entries[i] instanceof SubscribeEntry) {
            // do connect
            SubscribeEntry entry = (SubscribeEntry)entries[i];
            String qos = entry.getQos();
            QueryQosData qosData = global.getQueryQosFactory().readObject(qos);

            ClientProperty clientProperty = qosData.getClientProperty(Constants.PERSISTENCE_ID);
            if (clientProperty == null) {
               log.severe("SubscribeQos with missing " + Constants.PERSISTENCE_ID + ": " + qosData.toXml());
               long uniqueId = new Timestamp().getTimestamp();
               qosData.getClientProperties().put(Constants.PERSISTENCE_ID, new ClientProperty(Constants.PERSISTENCE_ID, "long", null, "" + uniqueId));

            boolean initialUpdates = qosData.getInitialUpdateProp().getValue();
            if (initialUpdates) {
               qosData.getClientProperties().put(ORIGINAL_INITIAL_UPDATES, new ClientProperty(ORIGINAL_INITIAL_UPDATES, "boolean", null, "true"));
            SessionName sessionName = new SessionName(, entry.getSessionName());
            String sessionId = (String)sessionIds.get(sessionName.getAbsoluteName());
            if (sessionId == null) {
               log.severe("The persistent session '" + sessionName.getAbsoluteName() + "' is not found, removing persistent subscription " + entry.getLogId());
               //throw new XmlBlasterException(, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_NULLPOINTER, ME + ".recoverSubscriptions", "The secret sessionId was not found for session='" + sessionName.getAbsoluteName() + "'");
            // TODO remove the setting of client properties and invoke directly requestBroker.subscribe with subscribeQosServer.inhibitInitialUpdates(true);
            // also get the sessionInfo object from authenticate => eliminate sessionIds
  , sessionId, entry.getKey(), qosData.toXml());
         else {
            throw new XmlBlasterException(, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_ILLEGALARGUMENT, ME + ".recoverSubscriptions: the entry in the storage should be of type 'SubscribeEntry'but is of type'" + entries[i].getClass().getName() + "'");
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         subscribeQosData.getClientProperties().put(Constants.PERSISTENCE_ID, new ClientProperty(Constants.PERSISTENCE_ID, "long", null, "" + uniqueId));
         QueryKeyData subscribeKeyData = (QueryKeyData)data;

         // to be found when the client usubscribes after a server crash ...
         SubscribeEntry entry = new SubscribeEntry(subscribeKeyData.toXml(), subscribeQosData.toXml(), sessionInfo
               .getConnectQos().getSessionName().getAbsoluteName(), uniqueId, 0L, null);
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("subscriptionAdd: putting to persistence NEW entry '" + entry.getUniqueId() + "' key='" + subscribeKeyData.toXml() + "' qos='" + subscribeQosData.toXml() + "' secretSessionId='" + sessionInfo.getSecretSessionId() + "'");
      else  {    // ... or from a recovery ?
         // TODO handle by recoverSubscriptions(..)
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Related Classes of org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.SubscribeEntry

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