
Examples of

            add( new ListView<Leg>( "legs", legListModel )
                protected void populateItem( ListItem<Leg> item )
                    Leg leg = item.getModelObject();

                    item.add( new Label( "loadLocation", leg.loadLocation().get().getCode() ) );
                    item.add( new Label( "loadTime", new Model<Date>( leg.loadTime().get() ) ) );
                    item.add( new Label( "voyage", ) );

                    Boolean isMisrouted = routingStatus == MISROUTED && item.getIndex() == ( getList().size() - 1 );
                    item.add( new Label( "unloadLocation", leg.unloadLocation().get().getCode() )
                                  .add( new ErrorColor( isMisrouted ) ) );

                    item.add( new Label( "unloadTime", new Model<Date>( leg.unloadTime().get() ) ) );
            } );
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                // Current itinerary progress
                newDelivery.itineraryProgressIndex().set( c.itineraryProgressIndex );

                // Step 3 - Verify cargo is on track

                Leg plannedCarrierMovement = c.itinerary.leg( c.itineraryProgressIndex );
                if( plannedCarrierMovement == null )
                    throw new InspectionFailedException( "Itinerary progress index '" + c.itineraryProgressIndex + "' is invalid!" );

                Integer itineraryProgressIndex;
//                if (c.wasMisdirected && c.unloadLocation.equals( c.routeSpecification.origin().get() ))
                if( c.unloadLocation.equals( c.routeSpecification.origin().get() ) )
//                if (c.itineraryProgressIndex == -1)
                     * Unloading in the origin of a route specification of a misdirected cargo
                     * tells us that the cargo has been re-routed (re-routing while on board a
                     * carrier sets new origin of route specification to arrival location of
                     * current carrier movement).
                     * Since the current unload was related to the old itinerary, we don't verify
                     * the misdirection status against the new itinerary.
                     * The itinerary index starts over from the first leg of the new itinerary
                     * */
                    itineraryProgressIndex = 0;
                else if( !plannedCarrierMovement.unloadLocation().get().equals( c.unloadLocation ) )
                    newDelivery.isMisdirected().set( true );
           newDeliveryBuilder.newInstance() );
                    throw new CargoMisdirectedException( c.unloadEvent, "Itinerary expected unload in "
                                                                        + plannedCarrierMovement.unloadLocation()
                        .get() );
                else if( ! ) )
                    // Do we care if cargo unloads from an unexpected carrier?
                    itineraryProgressIndex = c.itineraryProgressIndex + 1;
                    // Cargo delivery has progressed and we expect a load in next itinerary leg load location
                    itineraryProgressIndex = c.itineraryProgressIndex + 1;

                newDelivery.isMisdirected().set( false );

                // Modify itinerary progress index according to misdirection status
                newDelivery.itineraryProgressIndex().set( itineraryProgressIndex );

                // Step 4 - Determine next expected handling event

                Leg nextCarrierMovement = c.itinerary.leg( itineraryProgressIndex );

                ValueBuilder<NextHandlingEvent> nextHandlingEvent = vbf.newValueBuilder( NextHandlingEvent.class );
                nextHandlingEvent.prototype().handlingEventType().set( LOAD );
                nextHandlingEvent.prototype().location().set( nextCarrierMovement.loadLocation().get() );
                nextHandlingEvent.prototype().time().set( nextCarrierMovement.loadTime().get() );
                nextHandlingEvent.prototype().voyage().set( );
                newDelivery.nextHandlingEvent().set( nextHandlingEvent.newInstance() );

                // Step 5 - Save cargo delivery snapshot

       newDeliveryBuilder.newInstance() );
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                if( newDelivery.routingStatus().get().equals( ROUTED ) )
                    // Step 3 - Verify cargo is received in origin

                    Leg firstLeg = c.itinerary.firstLeg();
                    if( !firstLeg.loadLocation().get().equals( c.receiveEvent.location().get() ) )
                        newDelivery.isMisdirected().set( true );
               newDeliveryBuilder.newInstance() );
                        throw new CargoMisdirectedException( c.receiveEvent, "Itinerary expected receipt in "
                                                                             + firstLeg.loadLocation()
                            .getString() );

                    newDelivery.isMisdirected().set( false );
                    newDelivery.eta().set( c.itinerary.eta() );

                    // Step 4 - Determine next expected handling event

                    ValueBuilder<NextHandlingEvent> nextHandlingEvent = vbf.newValueBuilder( NextHandlingEvent.class );
                    nextHandlingEvent.prototype().handlingEventType().set( LOAD );
                    nextHandlingEvent.prototype().location().set( firstLeg.loadLocation().get() );
                    nextHandlingEvent.prototype().time().set( firstLeg.loadTime().get() );
                    nextHandlingEvent.prototype().voyage().set( );
                    newDelivery.nextHandlingEvent().set( nextHandlingEvent.newInstance() );

                // Step 5 - Save cargo delivery snapshot
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                newDelivery.eta().set( c.itinerary.eta() );
                newDelivery.itineraryProgressIndex().set( c.itineraryProgressIndex );

                // Step 4 - Verify cargo is on track

                Leg plannedCarrierMovement = c.itinerary.leg( c.itineraryProgressIndex );

                // Unexpected internal state
                if( plannedCarrierMovement == null )
                    // We should always know the current itinerary leg
                    throw new InspectionFailedException( "Itinerary progress index '" + c.itineraryProgressIndex + "' is invalid!" );

                // Unexpected load location - Cargo can't travel in time!
                // Either previous or current location is wrong - only investigation can clarify...
                if( !plannedCarrierMovement.loadLocation().get().equals( c.loadLocation ) )
                    newDelivery.isMisdirected().set( true );
                    newDelivery.nextHandlingEvent().set( null );
           newDeliveryBuilder.newInstance() );
                    throw new CargoMisdirectedException( c.loadEvent, "Itinerary expected load in "
                                                                      + plannedCarrierMovement.loadLocation()
                        .getString() );

                // Unexpected carrier
                if( ! ) )
                    newDelivery.isMisdirected().set( true );
           newDeliveryBuilder.newInstance() );

                    // ...Expected arrival location - should we accept this?
                    if( plannedCarrierMovement.unloadLocation()
                        .equals( carrierMovement.arrivalLocation().get() ) )
                        throw new CargoMisdirectedException( c.loadEvent, c.itinerary, "Cargo is heading to expected arrival location "
                                                                                       + plannedCarrierMovement.unloadLocation()
                            .get() + " but on unexpected voyage "
                            .toString() + ". Notify shipper to unload unexpected cargo in next port." );

                    throw new CargoMisdirectedException( c.loadEvent, c.itinerary, "Itinerary expected load onto voyage "
                        .get() );

                // Unexpected carrier destination
                if( !plannedCarrierMovement.unloadLocation().get().equals( carrierMovement.arrivalLocation().get() ) )
                    newDelivery.isMisdirected().set( true );
           newDeliveryBuilder.newInstance() );
                    throw new CargoMisdirectedException( c.loadEvent, "Itinerary expects voyage " +
                                                                      + " to arrive in " + plannedCarrierMovement.unloadLocation()
                        .get() + " but carrier is now going to "
                                                                      + carrierMovement.arrivalLocation().get() );

                // True exception
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        add( new ListView<Leg>( "legs", legListModel )
            protected void populateItem( ListItem<Leg> item )
                Leg leg = item.getModelObject();
                item.add( new Label( "voyage", ),
                          new Label( "loadLocation", leg.loadLocation().get().getCode() ),
                          new Label( "loadTime", new Model<Date>( leg.loadTime().get() ) ),
                          new Label( "unloadLocation", leg.unloadLocation().get().getCode() ),
                          new Label( "unloadTime", new Model<Date>( leg.unloadTime().get() ) )
        } );

        StatelessForm form = new StatelessForm<Void>( "form" );
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        // Expected load (leg 3)
        handlingEvent = HANDLING_EVENTS.createHandlingEvent( DAY7, DAY7, trackingId, LOAD, NEWYORK, V202 );
        new InspectLoadedCargo( cargo, handlingEvent ).inspect();

        Leg currentCarrierMovement = itinerary.leg( delivery.itineraryProgressIndex().get() );
        assertThat( currentCarrierMovement.unloadLocation().get(), is( equalTo( DALLAS ) ) );
        assertThat( currentCarrierMovement.unloadTime().get(), is( equalTo( DAY8 ) ) );
        assertThat(, is( equalTo( V202 ) ) );

        assertDelivery( LOAD, NEWYORK, DAY7, V202,
                        ONBOARD_CARRIER, notArrived,
                        ROUTED, directed, itinerary.eta(), leg3,
                        UNLOAD, DALLAS, DAY8, V202 );
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        // Expected unload in leg 4 unload location (Rotterdam)
        handlingEvent = HANDLING_EVENTS.createHandlingEvent( DAY17, DAY17, trackingId, UNLOAD, ROTTERDAM, V202 );
        new InspectUnloadedCargo( cargo, handlingEvent ).inspect();

        // Itinerary should have progressed to leg 5
        Leg nextCarrierMovement = itinerary.leg( );
        assertThat( nextCarrierMovement.loadLocation().get(), is( equalTo( ROTTERDAM ) ) );
        assertThat( nextCarrierMovement.loadTime().get(), is( equalTo( DAY20 ) ) );
        assertThat(, is( equalTo( V203 ) ) );

        assertDelivery( UNLOAD, ROTTERDAM, DAY17, V202,
                        IN_PORT, notArrived,
                        ROUTED, directed, itinerary.eta(), leg5,
                        LOAD, ROTTERDAM, DAY20, V203 ); // leg 5 load location
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