Package org.modeshape.jcr.cache

Examples of org.modeshape.jcr.cache.CachedNode$Properties


    Path path() throws ItemNotFoundException, InvalidItemStateException {
        AbstractJcrNode parent = parent();
        CachedNode node = parent.node();
        SessionCache cache = session.cache();
        ChildReference childRef = node.getChildReferences(cache).getChild(sharedSet.key());
        Path parentPath = parent.path();
        return session().pathFactory().create(parentPath, childRef.getSegment());
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    protected Segment segment() throws RepositoryException {
        AbstractJcrNode parent = parent();
        CachedNode node = parent.node();
        SessionCache cache = session.cache();
        ChildReference childRef = node.getChildReferences(cache).getChild(sharedSet.key());
        return childRef.getSegment();
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                    // it may happen during an import, that a node with version history & base version is assigned a new key and
                    // therefore
                    // the base version points to an existing version while no version history is found initially
                    boolean shouldCreateNewVersionHistory = true;
                    if (baseVersionKey != null) {
                        CachedNode baseVersionNode = systemCache.getNode(baseVersionKey);
                        if (baseVersionNode != null) {
                            historyKey = baseVersionNode.getParentKey(systemCache);
                            shouldCreateNewVersionHistory = (historyKey == null);
                    if (shouldCreateNewVersionHistory) {
                        // a new version history should be initialized
                        assert historyKey != null;
                        if (baseVersionKey == null) baseVersionKey = historyKey.withRandomId();
                        NodeKey originalVersionKey = originalVersionKeys != null ? originalVersionKeys.get(versionableKey) : null;
                        Path versionHistoryPath = versionManager.versionHistoryPathFor(versionableKey);
                        systemContent.initializeVersionStorage(versionableKey, historyKey, baseVersionKey, primaryType,
                                                               mixinTypes, versionHistoryPath, originalVersionKey,

                    // Now update the node as if it's checked in (with the exception of the predecessors...)
                    Reference historyRef = referenceFactory.create(historyKey, true);
                    Reference baseVersionRef = referenceFactory.create(baseVersionKey, true);
                    node.setProperty(cache, propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.IS_CHECKED_OUT, Boolean.TRUE));
                    node.setReference(cache, propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.VERSION_HISTORY, historyRef), systemCache);
                    node.setReference(cache, propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.BASE_VERSION, baseVersionRef), systemCache);
                    // JSR 283 - 15.1
                    node.setReference(cache, propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PREDECESSORS, new Object[] {baseVersionRef}),
                } else {
                    // we're dealing with node which has a version history, check if there any versionable properties present
                    boolean hasVersioningProperties = node.hasProperty(JcrLexicon.IS_CHECKED_OUT, cache)
                                                      || node.hasProperty(JcrLexicon.VERSION_HISTORY, cache)
                                                      || node.hasProperty(JcrLexicon.BASE_VERSION, cache)
                                                      || node.hasProperty(JcrLexicon.PREDECESSORS, cache);

                    if (!hasVersioningProperties) {
                        // the node doesn't have any versionable properties, so this is a case of mix:versionable removed at some
                        // point and then re-added. If it had any versioning properties, we might've been dealing with something
                        // else
                        // e.g. a restore

                        // Re-link the versionable properties, based on the existing version history
                        node.setProperty(cache, propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.IS_CHECKED_OUT, Boolean.TRUE));

                        JcrVersionHistoryNode versionHistoryNode = versionManager().getVersionHistory(node(node.getKey(), null));
                        Reference historyRef = referenceFactory.create(versionHistoryNode.key(), true);
                        node.setReference(cache, propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.VERSION_HISTORY, historyRef), systemCache);

                        // set the base version to the last existing version
                        JcrVersionNode baseVersion = null;
                        for (VersionIterator versionIterator = versionHistoryNode.getAllVersions(); versionIterator.hasNext();) {
                            JcrVersionNode version = (JcrVersionNode)versionIterator.nextVersion();
                            if (baseVersion == null || version.isLinearSuccessorOf(baseVersion)) {
                                baseVersion = version;
                        assert baseVersion != null;
                        Reference baseVersionRef = referenceFactory.create(baseVersion.key(), true);
                        node.setReference(cache, propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.BASE_VERSION, baseVersionRef), systemCache);

                        // set the predecessors to the same list as the base version's predecessors
                        Version[] baseVersionPredecessors = baseVersion.getPredecessors();
                        Reference[] predecessors = new Reference[baseVersionPredecessors.length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < baseVersionPredecessors.length; i++) {
                            predecessors[i] = referenceFactory.create(((JcrVersionNode)baseVersionPredecessors[i]).key(), true);
                        node.setReference(cache, propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PREDECESSORS, predecessors), systemCache);

            // -----------
            // nt:resource
            // -----------
            if (nodeTypeCapabilities.isNtResource(primaryType)) {
                // If there is no "jcr:mimeType" property ...
                if (!node.hasProperty(JcrLexicon.MIMETYPE, cache)) {
                    // Try to get the MIME type for the binary value ...
                    org.modeshape.jcr.value.Property dataProp = node.getProperty(JcrLexicon.DATA, cache);
                    if (dataProp != null) {
                        Object dataValue = dataProp.getFirstValue();
                        if (dataValue instanceof Binary) {
                            Binary binaryValue = (Binary)dataValue;
                            // Get the name of this node's parent ...
                            String fileName = null;
                            NodeKey parentKey = node.getParentKey(cache);
                            if (parentKey != null) {
                                CachedNode parent = cache.getNode(parentKey);
                                Name parentName = parent.getName(cache);
                                fileName = stringFactory().create(parentName);
                            String mimeType = binaryValue.getMimeType(fileName);
                            if (mimeType != null) {
                                node.setProperty(cache, propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.MIMETYPE, mimeType));
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                assert appendedOrRenamedChildrenByName.isEmpty() == false;

                // look at the information that was already persisted to determine whether some other thread has already
                // created a child with the same name
                CachedNode persistentNode = persistentNodeCache.getNode(modifiedNode.getKey());
                final ChildReferences persistedChildReferences = persistentNode.getChildReferences(persistentNodeCache);
                final SiblingCounter siblingCounter = SiblingCounter.create(persistedChildReferences);

                // process appended/renamed children
                for (Name childName : appendedOrRenamedChildrenByName.keySet()) {
                    int existingChildrenWithSameName = persistedChildReferences.getChildCount(childName);
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    private static int countAllNodesBelow( NodeKey nodeKey,
                                           NodeCache cache ) throws RepositoryException {
        CachedNode node = cache.getNode(nodeKey);
        if (!node.isQueryable(cache)) return 0;
        int result = 1;
        ChildReferences childReferences = node.getChildReferences(cache);
        for (Iterator<NodeKey> nodeKeyIterator = childReferences.getAllKeys(); nodeKeyIterator.hasNext();) {
            NodeKey childKey =;
            result += countAllNodesBelow(childKey, cache);
        return result;
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     * @throws ItemNotFoundException if there is no node with the supplied key
    AbstractJcrNode node( NodeKey nodeKey,
                          AbstractJcrNode.Type expectedType,
                          NodeKey parentKey ) throws ItemNotFoundException {
        CachedNode cachedNode = cache.getNode(nodeKey);
        if (cachedNode == null) {
            // The node must not exist or must have been deleted ...
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(nodeKey.toString());
        AbstractJcrNode node = jcrNodes.get(nodeKey);
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            } else {
                ChildReference ref = node.getChildReferences(cache).getChild(segment);
                if (ref == null) {
                    throw new PathNotFoundException(JcrI18n.nodeNotFound.text(stringFactory().create(path), workspaceName()));
                CachedNode child = cache.getNode(ref);
                assert child != null : "Found a child reference in " + node.getPath(cache) + " to a non-existant child "
                                       + segment;
                node = child;
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        return cache.mutable(cachedNode(cache, node, path, actions).getKey());

    final AbstractJcrNode node( CachedNode node,
                                Path path ) throws PathNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, RepositoryException {
        CachedNode child = cachedNode(cache, node, path, ModeShapePermissions.READ);
        AbstractJcrNode result = node(child, (Type)null, null);
        if (result.isShareable()) {
            // Find the shared node with the desired path ...
            AbstractJcrNode atOrBelow = result.sharedSet().getSharedNodeAtOrBelow(path);
            if (atOrBelow != null) result = atOrBelow;
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        if (absolutePath.isIdentifier()) {
            // Look up the node by identifier ...
            String identifierString = stringFactory().create(absolutePath).replaceAll("\\[", "").replaceAll("\\]", "");
            return getNodeByIdentifier(identifierString);
        CachedNode node = getRootNode().node();
        return node(node, absolutePath);
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            throw new RepositoryException(JcrI18n.pathCannotHaveSameNameSiblingIndex.text(absPath));

        try {
            // This will throw a PNFE if the parent path does not exist
            CachedNode parentNode = cachedNode(path.getParent(), true);
            return parentNode != null && parentNode.hasProperty(lastSegment.getName(), cache());
        } catch (PathNotFoundException e) {
            return false;
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Related Classes of org.modeshape.jcr.cache.CachedNode$Properties

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