Package org.locationtech.udig.catalog.wmsc.server

Examples of org.locationtech.udig.catalog.wmsc.server.WMSTileSet

        //go through all the layers looking for a tiled resource
        List<Layer> layers = mainmap.getLayersInternal();
        for( Layer layer : layers ) {
            if (layer.getGeoResource().canResolve(WMSTileSet.class)){
                try {
                    WMSTileSet tiles = layer.getGeoResource().resolve(WMSTileSet.class,new NullProgressMonitor());
                    double currres = mainMapEnvelope.getWidth() / mainMapDisplay.getWidth();
                    double[] res = tiles.getResolutions();
                    //find the closest matching resolution
                    double diff = Math.abs(currres - res[0]);
                    int index = 0;
                    for( int i = 0; i < res.length; i++ ) {
                        if (Math.abs(currres - res[i]) < diff) {
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                return null;
            IGeoResourceInfo info = resource.getInfo( new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 50));
            String srs = CRS.toSRS(info.getCRS());
            TileSet tileset = new WMSTileSet();
            ReferencedEnvelope bounds = info.getBounds();
            if (bounds == null ) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                WmsPlugin.log("Bounds required for TileSet definition", new NullPointerException("Bounds required for tileset definitio")); //$NON-NLS-1$
                return null;
            double minX = bounds.getMinimum(0);
            double maxX = bounds.getMaximum(0);
            double minY = bounds.getMinimum(1);
            double maxY = bounds.getMaximum(1);
            CRSEnvelope bbox = new CRSEnvelope(srs, minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
            Map<String, Serializable> properties = resource.getPersistentProperties();
            Integer width = Integer.parseInt((String) properties.get(PreferenceConstants.P_TILESET_WIDTH));
            Integer height = Integer.parseInt((String) properties.get(PreferenceConstants.P_TILESET_HEIGHT));
            if (width == null) {
                width = PreferenceConstants.DEFAULT_TILE_SIZE;
            if (height == null) {
                height = PreferenceConstants.DEFAULT_TILE_SIZE;
            String imageType = (String) properties.get(PreferenceConstants.P_TILESET_IMAGE_TYPE);
            if (imageType == null || "".equals(imageType)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                imageType = PreferenceConstants.DEFAULT_IMAGE_TYPE;
             * The layer ID
            String scales = (String) properties.get(PreferenceConstants.P_TILESET_SCALES);
            String resolutions = workoutResolutions(scales, new ReferencedEnvelope(bbox), width);
             * If we have no resolutions to try - we wont.
            if ("".equals(resolutions)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                WmsPlugin.log("Resolutions are required for TileSet generation", new ServiceNotFoundException()); //$NON-NLS-1$
                return null;
             * The styles
            String style = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
            if (resource.canResolve(Layer.class)) {
                Layer layer = resource.resolve(Layer.class, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 50));
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
                for( StyleImpl layerStyle : layer.getStyles() ) {
                    sb.append(layerStyle.getName()+","); //$NON-NLS-1$
                style = sb.toString();
            if (style.length()>0){
                tileset.setStyles(style.substring(0, style.length()-1));
            } else {
             * The server is where tiles can be retrieved
            return tileset;
        finally {
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Related Classes of org.locationtech.udig.catalog.wmsc.server.WMSTileSet

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