Package org.jdesktop.wonderland.modules.audiomanager.common.messages

Examples of org.jdesktop.wonderland.modules.audiomanager.common.messages.PlaceCallRequestMessage

                    y = player.getY();
                    z = player.getZ();
                    orientation = player.getOrientation();

                placeCall(clientID, new PlaceCallRequestMessage(msg.getPresenceInfo(),
        msg.getPhoneNumber(), x, y, z, orientation, true));

            CallParticipant cp = call.getSetup().cp;
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        String x = System.getProperty("x");
        String y = System.getProperty("y");
        String z = System.getProperty("z");

        if (phoneNumber != null && phoneNumber.length() > 0) {
            sendMessage(new PlaceCallRequestMessage(presenceInfo, phoneNumber,
                    Double.parseDouble(x), Double.parseDouble(y), Double.parseDouble(z), 90., false));

        SoftphoneControlImpl sc = SoftphoneControlImpl.getInstance();

         * The voice bridge info is a String of values separated by ":".
         * The numbers indicate the index in tokens[].
         *     0      1      2                   3                 4
         * <bridgeId>::<privateHostName>:<privateControlPort>:<privateSipPort>
         *       5                   6                 7
         *       :<publicHostName>:<publicControlPort>:<publicSipPort>
        String tokens[] = msg.getBridgeInfo().split(":");

        String registrarAddress = tokens[5] + ";sip-stun:";

        registrarAddress += tokens[7];

        localAddress = null;

        try {
            InetAddress ia = NetworkAddress.getPrivateLocalAddress(
                    "server:" + tokens[5] + ":" + tokens[7] + ":10000");

            localAddress = ia.getHostAddress();
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {

            logger.warning("The client is unable to connect to the bridge " +
                    "public address. Trying InetAddress.getLocalHost().");

            try {
                //InetAddress ia = NetworkAddress.getPrivateLocalAddress(
                //        "server:" + tokens[2] + ":" + tokens[4] + ":10000");

                //localAddress = ia.getHostAddress();
    localAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();

    if (localAddress.startsWith("127")) {
        logger.warning("local address is " + localAddress
      + ".  This can only work if the server is running locally.");
            } catch (UnknownHostException ee) {

        if (localAddress != null) {
            try {
                String sipURL = sc.startSoftphone(presenceInfo.getUserID().getUsername(),
        registrarAddress, 10, localAddress);

                logger.fine("Starting softphone:  " + presenceInfo);

                if (sipURL != null) {
                    // XXX need location and direction
                    sendMessage(new PlaceCallRequestMessage(
                            presenceInfo, sipURL, Double.parseDouble(x), Double.parseDouble(y), Double.parseDouble(z), 90., false));
                } else {
                    logger.warning("Failed to start softphone, retrying.");

                    try {
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Related Classes of org.jdesktop.wonderland.modules.audiomanager.common.messages.PlaceCallRequestMessage

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