Package org.jboss.seam.core

Examples of org.jboss.seam.core.Interpolator

    public void testInterpolation()
        Interpolator interpolator = Interpolator.instance();

        Assert.assertEquals(interpolator.interpolate("#0 #1 #2", 3, 5, 7), "3 5 7");
        Assert.assertEquals(interpolator.interpolate("{0} {1} {2}", 3, 5, 7), "3 5 7");

        // this tests that the result of an expression evaluation is not evaluated again
        Assert.assertEquals(interpolator.interpolate("{1}", "bad", "{0}"), "{0}");
        // this tests that embedded {} expressions are parsed correctly.
        Assert.assertEquals(interpolator.interpolate(CHOICE_EXPR, 0), "There are no files.");
        Assert.assertEquals(interpolator.interpolate(CHOICE_EXPR, 1), "There is one file.");
        Assert.assertEquals(interpolator.interpolate(CHOICE_EXPR, 2), "There are 2 files.");

        // test sequences of multiple #
        Assert.assertEquals(interpolator.interpolate("#0",2), "2");
        Assert.assertEquals(interpolator.interpolate("##0",2), "#2");
        Assert.assertEquals(interpolator.interpolate("###0",2), "##2");
        // test a value expression in the mix
        Contexts.getEventContext().set("contextVariable", "value");
        Assert.assertEquals(interpolator.interpolate("#{contextVariable}"), "value");
        Assert.assertEquals(interpolator.interpolate("#0 #{contextVariable} #1", "a", "z"), "a value z");
        Assert.assertEquals(interpolator.interpolate("#0 ##{contextVariable} #1", "a", "z"), "a #value z");
        Date date = new Date(0);
        Assert.assertEquals(interpolator.interpolate("{0,date,short}", date), DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT).format(date));
        // test that a messageformat error doesn't blow up
        Assert.assertEquals(interpolator.interpolate("{nosuchmessage}"), "{nosuchmessage}");
            interpolator.interpolate("hello #{", (Object) null);
  "interpolator not raised an exception");
        } catch (Throwable t)
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    static final String CHOICE_EXPR = "There {0,choice,0#are no files|1#is one file|1<are {0,number,integer} files}.";
    public void testInterpolation()
        Interpolator interpolator = Interpolator.instance();

        Assert.assertEquals("3 5 7", interpolator.interpolate("#0 #1 #2", 3, 5, 7));
        Assert.assertEquals("3 5 7", interpolator.interpolate("{0} {1} {2}", 3, 5, 7));

        // this tests that the result of an expression evaluation is not evaluated again
        Assert.assertEquals("{0}", interpolator.interpolate("{1}", "bad", "{0}"));
        // this tests that embedded {} expressions are parsed correctly.
        Assert.assertEquals("There are no files.", interpolator.interpolate(CHOICE_EXPR, 0));
        Assert.assertEquals("There is one file.", interpolator.interpolate(CHOICE_EXPR, 1));
        Assert.assertEquals("There are 2 files.", interpolator.interpolate(CHOICE_EXPR, 2));
        Date date = new Date(0);
        Assert.assertEquals(DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT).format(date), interpolator.interpolate("{0,date,short}", date));
        // test that a messageformat error doesn't blow up
        Assert.assertEquals("{nosuchmessage}", interpolator.interpolate("{nosuchmessage}"));
        try {
            interpolator.interpolate("hello #{", (Object) null);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
  "interpolator raised an exception");
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    static final String CHOICE_EXPR = "There {0,choice,0#are no files|1#is one file|1<are {0,number,integer} files}.";
    public void testFail()
        Interpolator interpolator = Interpolator.instance();

        Assert.assertEquals("3 5 7", interpolator.interpolate("#0 #1 #2", 3, 5, 7));
        Assert.assertEquals("3 5 7", interpolator.interpolate("{0} {1} {2}", 3, 5, 7));

        // this tests that the result of an expression evaluation is not evaluated again
        Assert.assertEquals("{0}", interpolator.interpolate("{1}", "bad", "{0}"));
        // this tests that embedded {} expressions are parsed correctly.
        Assert.assertEquals("There are no files.", interpolator.interpolate(CHOICE_EXPR, 0));
        Assert.assertEquals("There is one file.", interpolator.interpolate(CHOICE_EXPR, 1));
        Assert.assertEquals("There are 2 files.", interpolator.interpolate(CHOICE_EXPR, 2));
        Assert.assertEquals("12/31/69", interpolator.interpolate("{0,date,short}", new Date(0)));
        // test that a messageformat error doesn't blow up
        Assert.assertEquals("{nosuchmessage}", interpolator.interpolate("{nosuchmessage}"));
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Related Classes of org.jboss.seam.core.Interpolator

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