Package org.eigenbase.rex

Examples of org.eigenbase.rex.RexProgram$ReferenceCounter

    public RelNode convert(RelNode rel) {
      final CalcRel calc = (CalcRel) rel;

      // If there's a multiset, let FarragoMultisetSplitter work on it
      // first.
      final RexProgram program = calc.getProgram();
      if (RexMultisetUtil.containsMultiset(program)
          || program.containsAggs()) {
        return null;

      return new SparkCalcRel(
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    public RelNode convert(RelNode rel) {
      final CalcRel calc = (CalcRel) rel;

      // If there's a multiset, let FarragoMultisetSplitter work on it
      // first.
      final RexProgram program = calc.getProgram();
      if (RexMultisetUtil.containsMultiset(program)
          || program.containsAggs()) {
        return null;

      return new SparkCalcRel(
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  public void testAnalyzeProgram()
    final RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory = new FieldTypeFactory();
    final RelDataType inputType = typeFactory.createStructType( new RelDataTypeFactory.FieldInfoBuilder() );
    final RelDataType outputType = typeFactory.createStructType( new RelDataTypeFactory.FieldInfoBuilder() );
    final RexProgram program = new RexProgram(
      outputType );
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    final RelDataType inputType = typeFactory.createStructType( new RelDataTypeFactory.FieldInfoBuilder() );
    final RexBuilder builder = new RexBuilder( typeFactory );
    final RexProgramBuilder programBuilder = new RexProgramBuilder( inputType, builder );
    programBuilder.addProject( builder.makeExactLiteral( BigDecimal.ONE ), "x" );
    programBuilder.addProject( builder.makeCharLiteral( new NlsString( "foo", null, null ) ), "y" );
    final RexProgram program = programBuilder.getProgram();
    final ProgramUtil.Analyzed analyze = ProgramUtil.analyze( program );
    assertTrue( analyze.hasConstants );
    assertFalse( analyze.hasFunctions );
    assertNull( analyze.permutation );
    assertFalse( analyze.isComplex );
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    public static Split of( RexProgram program, RexBuilder rexBuilder )
      final RexProgram program0 = program; // for debug
      program = normalize( program, rexBuilder );
      final List<Pair<Op, RexProgram>> list = new ArrayList<Pair<Op, RexProgram>>();

      // Holds the previous link in the chain. The initial identity program is
      // not used, but is a convenient place to hold the row type.
      RexProgram previous = RexProgram.createIdentity( program.getInputRowType() );

      for( int count = 0; program != null; count++ )
        // We rely on unique field names everywhere. Otherwise all bets are off.
        if( !unique( program.getInputRowType().getFieldNames() ) )
          throw new AssertionError();

        if( !unique( program.getOutputRowType().getFieldNames() ) )
          throw new AssertionError();

        if( program.equals( previous ) )

        // We should need no more than one call to each kind of operator (RENAME, RETAIN, etc.) so if
        // we're not done now, we'll never be.
        if( count > 10 )
          throw new AssertionError( "program cannot be simplified after " + count + " iterations:" + program );

        final Analyzed analyze = ProgramUtil.analyze( program );

        if( analyze.isIdentity() )

        if( analyze.permutation != null && !analyze.permutation.isIdentity() )
          if( analyze.hasConstants || analyze.hasFunctions )
            throw new IllegalStateException( "permutation projection has constant and function transforms" );

          final RexProgramBuilder builder = new RexProgramBuilder( previous.getOutputRowType(), rexBuilder );

          for( int i = 0; i < analyze.permutation.getTargetCount(); i++ )
            final int target = analyze.permutation.getTarget( i );
            builder.addProject( target, null );

          previous = builder.getProgram();
          list.add( Pair.of( Op.RENAME, previous ) );

        if( analyze.isFilter() )
          // Build a program that has a condition (a possibly complex expression)
          // but projects all inputs.
          final RexProgramBuilder builder = new RexProgramBuilder( previous.getOutputRowType(), rexBuilder );
          builder.addCondition( program.gatherExpr( program.getCondition() ) );
          previous = builder.getProgram();
          list.add( Pair.of( Op.FILTER, previous ) );

          // Remove condition from the remaining program.
          final RexProgramBuilder builder2 = RexProgramBuilder.forProgram( program, rexBuilder, false );
          program = builder2.getProgram( true );

        // TODO: remove "|| analyze.hasConstants" and generate a CONSTANTS slice
        if( analyze.isComplex || analyze.hasFunctions || analyze.hasConstants )
          previous = program;
          list.add( Pair.of( Op.FUNCTION, previous ) );

        if( analyze.hasConstants )
          final RexProgramBuilder builder = new RexProgramBuilder( previous.getOutputRowType(), rexBuilder );

          if( true )
            throw new AssertionError(); // TODO:

          previous = builder.getProgram();
          list.add( Pair.of( Op.CONSTANT, previous ) );

        if( analyze.isOnlyRename )
          // Create a program that projects all of its inputs, in order, but with different names.
          final RexProgramBuilder builder = new RexProgramBuilder( previous.getOutputRowType(), rexBuilder );
          final List<String> outputFieldNames = new ArrayList<String>( program.getInputRowType().getFieldNames() );

          for( Ord<String> name : program.getOutputRowType().getFieldNames() ) )
            final int source = program.getSourceField( name.i );

            if( source >= 0 )
              outputFieldNames.set( source, name.e );

          for( int i = 0; i < outputFieldNames.size(); i++ )
            builder.addProject( i, outputFieldNames.get( i ) );

          previous = builder.getProgram();
          list.add( Pair.of( Op.RENAME, previous ) );

          // We're done. Remaining program would be the identity.

        if( analyze.isRetainWithRename() )
          final RexProgramBuilder builder = new RexProgramBuilder( previous.getOutputRowType(), rexBuilder );

          for( RexLocalRef pair : program.getProjectList() )
            final int index = pair.getIndex();
            builder.addProject( index, program.getInputRowType().getFieldNames().get( index ) );

          previous = builder.getProgram();
          list.add( Pair.of( Op.RETAIN, previous ) );

          // There may or may not be renames left.
          program = RexProgram.createIdentity( previous.getOutputRowType(), program.getOutputRowType() );


        throw new AssertionError( "program cannot be simplified: " + program );
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    return super.computeSelfCost( planner ).multiplyBy( .1 );

  public Branch visitChild( Stack stack )
    RexProgram program = RexProgram.create( getChild().getRowType(), exps, null, getRowType(), getCluster().getRexBuilder() );

    return CalcProjectUtil.resolveBranch( stack, this, program );
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