Package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt

Examples of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.TypeAnnotationWalker

    if (this.environment.globalOptions.isAnnotationBasedNullAnalysisEnabled) {
      // need annotations on the type before processing null annotations on members respecting any @NonNullByDefault:
      scanTypeForNullDefaultAnnotation(binaryType, this.fPackage, this);
    TypeAnnotationWalker walker = getTypeAnnotationWalker(binaryType.getTypeAnnotations());
    char[] typeSignature = binaryType.getGenericSignature(); // use generic signature even in 1.4
    this.tagBits |= binaryType.getTagBits();
    char[][][] missingTypeNames = binaryType.getMissingTypeNames();
    SignatureWrapper wrapper = null;
    if (typeSignature != null) {
      // ClassSignature = ParameterPart(optional) super_TypeSignature interface_signature
      wrapper = new SignatureWrapper(typeSignature);
      if (wrapper.signature[wrapper.start] == Util.C_GENERIC_START) {
        // ParameterPart = '<' ParameterSignature(s) '>'
        wrapper.start++; // skip '<'
        this.typeVariables = createTypeVariables(wrapper, true, missingTypeNames, walker, true/*class*/);
        wrapper.start++; // skip '>'
        this.tagBits |=  TagBits.HasUnresolvedTypeVariables;
        this.modifiers |= ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccGenericSignature;
    TypeVariableBinding[] typeVars = Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES;
    char[] methodDescriptor = binaryType.getEnclosingMethod();
    if (methodDescriptor != null) {
      MethodBinding enclosingMethod = findMethod(methodDescriptor, missingTypeNames);
      if (enclosingMethod != null) {
        typeVars = enclosingMethod.typeVariables;
        this.typeVariables = addMethodTypeVariables(typeVars);     
    if (typeSignature == null)  {
      char[] superclassName = binaryType.getSuperclassName();
      if (superclassName != null) {
        // attempt to find the superclass if it exists in the cache (otherwise - resolve it when requested)
        this.superclass = this.environment.getTypeFromConstantPoolName(superclassName, 0, -1, false, missingTypeNames, walker.toSupertype((short) -1));
        this.tagBits |= TagBits.HasUnresolvedSuperclass;

      this.superInterfaces = Binding.NO_SUPERINTERFACES;
      char[][] interfaceNames = binaryType.getInterfaceNames();
      if (interfaceNames != null) {
        int size = interfaceNames.length;
        if (size > 0) {
          this.superInterfaces = new ReferenceBinding[size];
          for (short i = 0; i < size; i++)
            // attempt to find each superinterface if it exists in the cache (otherwise - resolve it when requested)
            this.superInterfaces[i] = this.environment.getTypeFromConstantPoolName(interfaceNames[i], 0, -1, false, missingTypeNames, walker.toSupertype(i));
          this.tagBits |= TagBits.HasUnresolvedSuperinterfaces;
    } else {
      // attempt to find the superclass if it exists in the cache (otherwise - resolve it when requested)
      this.superclass = (ReferenceBinding) this.environment.getTypeFromTypeSignature(wrapper, typeVars, this, missingTypeNames,
                                    walker.toSupertype((short) -1));
      this.tagBits |= TagBits.HasUnresolvedSuperclass;

      this.superInterfaces = Binding.NO_SUPERINTERFACES;
      if (!wrapper.atEnd()) {
        // attempt to find each superinterface if it exists in the cache (otherwise - resolve it when requested)
        java.util.ArrayList types = new java.util.ArrayList(2);
        short rank = 0;
        do {
          types.add(this.environment.getTypeFromTypeSignature(wrapper, typeVars, this, missingTypeNames, walker.toSupertype(rank++)));
        } while (!wrapper.atEnd());
        this.superInterfaces = new ReferenceBinding[types.size()];
        this.tagBits |= TagBits.HasUnresolvedSuperinterfaces;
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  if (this.environment.globalOptions.isAnnotationBasedNullAnalysisEnabled) {
    int nullness = getNullDefault();
    if (nullness > Binding.NULL_UNSPECIFIED_BY_DEFAULT)
      return new NonNullDefaultAwareTypeAnnotationWalker(annotations, nullness, this.environment);
  return new TypeAnnotationWalker(annotations);
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      boolean hasRestrictedAccess = hasRestrictedAccess();
      int firstAnnotatedFieldIndex = -1;
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        IBinaryField binaryField = iFields[i];
        char[] fieldSignature = use15specifics ? binaryField.getGenericSignature() : null;
        TypeAnnotationWalker walker = getTypeAnnotationWalker(binaryField.getTypeAnnotations()).toField();
        TypeBinding type = fieldSignature == null
          ? this.environment.getTypeFromSignature(binaryField.getTypeName(), 0, -1, false, this, missingTypeNames, walker)
          : this.environment.getTypeFromTypeSignature(new SignatureWrapper(fieldSignature), Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES, this, missingTypeNames, walker);
        FieldBinding field =
          new FieldBinding(
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  /*, Since a 1.4 project can have a 1.5
     type as a super type and the 1.5 type could be generic, we must internalize usages of type
     variables properly in order to be able to apply substitutions and thus be able to detect
     overriding in the presence of generics. Seeing the erased form is not good enough.
  TypeAnnotationWalker walker = getTypeAnnotationWalker(method.getTypeAnnotations());
  char[] methodSignature = method.getGenericSignature(); // always use generic signature, even in 1.4
  if (methodSignature == null) { // no generics
    char[] methodDescriptor = method.getMethodDescriptor();   // of the form (I[Ljava/jang/String;)V
    int numOfParams = 0;
    char nextChar;
    int index = 0; // first character is always '(' so skip it
    while ((nextChar = methodDescriptor[++index]) != Util.C_PARAM_END) {
      if (nextChar != Util.C_ARRAY) {
        if (nextChar == Util.C_RESOLVED)
          while ((nextChar = methodDescriptor[++index]) != Util.C_NAME_END){/*empty*/}

    // Ignore synthetic argument for member types or enum types.
    int startIndex = 0;
    if (method.isConstructor()) {
      if (isMemberType() && !isStatic()) {
        // enclosing type
      if (isEnum()) {
        // synthetic arguments (String, int)
        startIndex += 2;
    int size = numOfParams - startIndex;
    if (size > 0) {
      parameters = new TypeBinding[size];
      if (this.environment.globalOptions.storeAnnotations)
        paramAnnotations = new AnnotationBinding[size][];
      index = 1;
      short visibleIdx = 0;
      int end = 0;   // first character is always '(' so skip it
      for (int i = 0; i < numOfParams; i++) {
        while ((nextChar = methodDescriptor[++end]) == Util.C_ARRAY){/*empty*/}
        if (nextChar == Util.C_RESOLVED)
          while ((nextChar = methodDescriptor[++end]) != Util.C_NAME_END){/*empty*/}

        if (i >= startIndex) {   // skip the synthetic arg if necessary
          parameters[i - startIndex] = this.environment.getTypeFromSignature(methodDescriptor, index, end, false, this, missingTypeNames, walker.toMethodParameter(visibleIdx++));
          // 'paramAnnotations' line up with 'parameters'
          // int parameter to method.getParameterAnnotations() include the synthetic arg
          if (paramAnnotations != null)
            paramAnnotations[i - startIndex] = createAnnotations(method.getParameterAnnotations(i - startIndex), this.environment, missingTypeNames);
        index = end + 1;

    char[][] exceptionTypes = method.getExceptionTypeNames();
    if (exceptionTypes != null) {
      size = exceptionTypes.length;
      if (size > 0) {
        exceptions = new ReferenceBinding[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
          exceptions[i] = this.environment.getTypeFromConstantPoolName(exceptionTypes[i], 0, -1, false, missingTypeNames, walker.toThrows(i));

    if (!method.isConstructor())
      returnType = this.environment.getTypeFromSignature(methodDescriptor, index + 1, -1, false, this, missingTypeNames, walker.toMethodReturn());   // index is currently pointing at the ')'
    final int argumentNamesLength = argumentNames == null ? 0 : argumentNames.length;
    if (startIndex > 0 && argumentNamesLength > 0) {
      // We'll have to slice the starting arguments off
      if (startIndex >= argumentNamesLength) {
        argumentNames = Binding.NO_PARAMETER_NAMES; // We know nothing about the argument names
      } else {
        char[][] slicedArgumentNames = new char[argumentNamesLength - startIndex][];
        System.arraycopy(argumentNames, startIndex, slicedArgumentNames, 0, argumentNamesLength - startIndex);
        argumentNames = slicedArgumentNames;

  } else {
    methodModifiers |= ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccGenericSignature;
    // MethodTypeSignature = ParameterPart(optional) '(' TypeSignatures ')' return_typeSignature ['^' TypeSignature (optional)]
    SignatureWrapper wrapper = new SignatureWrapper(methodSignature, use15specifics);
    if (wrapper.signature[wrapper.start] == Util.C_GENERIC_START) {
      // <A::Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;>(Ljava/lang/Class<TA;>;)TA;
      // ParameterPart = '<' ParameterSignature(s) '>'
      wrapper.start++; // skip '<'
      typeVars = createTypeVariables(wrapper, false, missingTypeNames, walker, false/*class*/);
      wrapper.start++; // skip '>'

    if (wrapper.signature[wrapper.start] == Util.C_PARAM_START) {
      wrapper.start++; // skip '('
      if (wrapper.signature[wrapper.start] == Util.C_PARAM_END) {
        wrapper.start++; // skip ')'
      } else {
        java.util.ArrayList types = new java.util.ArrayList(2);
        short rank = 0;
        while (wrapper.signature[wrapper.start] != Util.C_PARAM_END)
          types.add(this.environment.getTypeFromTypeSignature(wrapper, typeVars, this, missingTypeNames, walker.toMethodParameter(rank++)));
        wrapper.start++; // skip ')'
        int numParam = types.size();
        parameters = new TypeBinding[numParam];
        if (this.environment.globalOptions.storeAnnotations) {
          paramAnnotations = new AnnotationBinding[numParam][];
          for (int i = 0; i < numParam; i++)
            paramAnnotations[i] = createAnnotations(method.getParameterAnnotations(i), this.environment, missingTypeNames);

    // always retrieve return type (for constructors, its V for void - will be ignored)
    returnType = this.environment.getTypeFromTypeSignature(wrapper, typeVars, this, missingTypeNames, walker.toMethodReturn());

    if (!wrapper.atEnd() && wrapper.signature[wrapper.start] == Util.C_EXCEPTION_START) {
      // attempt to find each exception if it exists in the cache (otherwise - resolve it when requested)
      java.util.ArrayList types = new java.util.ArrayList(2);
      int excRank = 0;
      do {
        wrapper.start++; // skip '^'
        types.add(this.environment.getTypeFromTypeSignature(wrapper, typeVars, this, missingTypeNames,
      } while (!wrapper.atEnd() && wrapper.signature[wrapper.start] == Util.C_EXCEPTION_START);
      exceptions = new ReferenceBinding[types.size()];
    } else { // get the exceptions the old way
      char[][] exceptionTypes = method.getExceptionTypeNames();
      if (exceptionTypes != null) {
        int size = exceptionTypes.length;
        if (size > 0) {
          exceptions = new ReferenceBinding[size];
          for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            exceptions[i] = this.environment.getTypeFromConstantPoolName(exceptionTypes[i], 0, -1, false, missingTypeNames, walker.toThrows(i));

  MethodBinding result = method.isConstructor()
    ? new MethodBinding(methodModifiers, parameters, exceptions, this)
    : new MethodBinding(methodModifiers, method.getSelector(), returnType, parameters, exceptions, this);
  IBinaryAnnotation[] receiverAnnotations = walker.toReceiver().getAnnotationsAtCursor();
  if (receiverAnnotations != null && receiverAnnotations.length > 0) {
    result.receiver = this.environment.createAnnotatedType(this, createAnnotations(receiverAnnotations, this.environment, missingTypeNames));

  if (this.environment.globalOptions.storeAnnotations) {
    IBinaryAnnotation[] annotations = method.getAnnotations();
      if (annotations == null || annotations.length == 0)
        if (method.isConstructor())
          annotations = walker.toMethodReturn().getAnnotationsAtCursor(); // FIXME: When both exist, order could become an issue.
      createAnnotations(annotations, this.environment, missingTypeNames),
      isAnnotationType() ? convertMemberValue(method.getDefaultValue(), this.environment, missingTypeNames, true) : null,
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.TypeAnnotationWalker

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