Package org.axonframework.eventhandling

Examples of org.axonframework.eventhandling.ClusteringEventBus

                new DefaultClusterSelector(standardCluster)

        // create the event bus and subscribe two listeners
        // notice how the registration process itself is unaware of clustering
        EventBus eventBus = new ClusteringEventBus(clusterSelector);
        eventBus.subscribe(new AnnotationEventListenerAdapter(new ThreadPrintingEventListener()));
        eventBus.subscribe(new AnnotationEventListenerAdapter(new AnotherThreadPrintingEventListener()));

        // publish an event
        eventBus.publish(asEventMessage(new ToDoItemCompletedEvent("todo1")));

        // we need to shutdown the executor we have created to prevent the JVM from hanging on shutdown
        // this also wait until all scheduled tasks for that thread have been executed
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        ReplayingCluster replayingCluster = new ReplayingCluster(new SimpleCluster("simple"), eventStore,
                                                                 new NoTransactionManager(), 0,
                                                                 new BackloggingIncomingMessageHandler());

        // we initialize an event bus that contains our replaying cluster
        EventBus eventBus = new ClusteringEventBus(new DefaultClusterSelector(replayingCluster));

        // we subscribe our two listeners to the Event Bus
        AnnotationEventListenerAdapter.subscribe(new ThreadPrintingEventListener(), eventBus);
        AnnotationEventListenerAdapter.subscribe(new AnotherThreadPrintingEventListener(), eventBus);

        // we append some events to simulate a full event store
        final DomainEventMessage[] domainEventMessages = {
                new GenericDomainEventMessage<ToDoItemCreatedEvent>(
                        "todo1", 0, new ToDoItemCreatedEvent("todo1", "Need to do something")),
                new GenericDomainEventMessage<ToDoItemCreatedEvent>(
                        "todo2", 0, new ToDoItemCreatedEvent("todo2", "Another thing to do")),
                new GenericDomainEventMessage<ToDoItemCompletedEvent>("todo2", 0, new ToDoItemCompletedEvent("todo2"))
        eventStore.appendEvents("mock", new SimpleDomainEventStream(domainEventMessages));

        // we create an executor service with a single thread and start the replay as an asynchronous process
        ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
        Future<Void> future = replayingCluster.startReplay(executor);

        // we want to wait for the cluster to have switched to replay mode, so we can send some messages to it.
        // if we were to publish events right away, there is a big chance the Cluster didn't switch to replay mode, yet.

        // this is a new event, so it should be backlogged and handled at the end of the replay
        eventBus.publish(asEventMessage(new ToDoItemCreatedEvent("todo3", "Came in just now...")));

        // this message is also part of the replay, and should therefore not be handled twice.

        // we wait (at most 10 seconds) for the replay to complete.
        future.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

        // and we publish another event to show that it's handled in the calling thread
        eventBus.publish(asEventMessage(new ToDoItemDeadlineExpiredEvent("todo1")));

        // we want to shutdown the executor, to get a proper JVM shutdown
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    public void testAnnotatedHandlersRecognized() {
        EventBus eventBus = new ClusteringEventBus(new DefaultClusterSelector(testSubject));
        MyReplayAwareListener annotatedBean = new MyReplayAwareListener();
        AnnotationEventListenerAdapter.subscribe(annotatedBean, eventBus);

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Related Classes of org.axonframework.eventhandling.ClusteringEventBus

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