Package org.apache.maven.scm.command.export

Examples of org.apache.maven.scm.command.export.ExportScmResult

        setChangeLogScmResult( new ChangeLogScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setCheckInScmResult( new CheckInScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setCheckOutScmResult( new CheckOutScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setDiffScmResult( new DiffScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setEditScmResult( new EditScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setExportScmResult( new ExportScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setRemoveScmResult( new RemoveScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setStatusScmResult( new StatusScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setTagScmResult( new TagScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setUnEditScmResult( new UnEditScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setUpdateScmResult( new UpdateScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
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        setChangeLogScmResult( new ChangeLogScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setCheckInScmResult( new CheckInScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setCheckOutScmResult( new CheckOutScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setDiffScmResult( new DiffScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setEditScmResult( new EditScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setExportScmResult( new ExportScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setRemoveScmResult( new RemoveScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setStatusScmResult( new StatusScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setTagScmResult( new TagScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setUnEditScmResult( new UnEditScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setUpdateScmResult( new UpdateScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
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            if ( !this.exportDirectory.mkdirs() )
                throw new MojoExecutionException( "Cannot create " + this.exportDirectory );
            ExportScmResult result = getScmManager().export( repository,
                                                             new ScmFileSet( this.exportDirectory.getAbsoluteFile() ),
                                                             getScmVersion( scmVersionType, scmVersion ) );

            checkResult( result );
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        String exportDir = outputDirectory;
        exportDir =
            ( ( null != exportDir && exportDir.length() > 0 ) ? exportDir : fileSet.getBasedir().getAbsolutePath() );
        // Let the user know where we're going to be exporting the files...
        getLogger().info( "Attempting to export files to " + exportDir );
        ExportScmResult result;
        IntegrityScmProviderRepository iRepo = (IntegrityScmProviderRepository) repository;
            // Lets set our overall export success flag
            boolean exportSuccess = true;
            // Perform a fresh checkout of each file in the member list...
            List<Member> projectMembers = iRepo.getProject().listFiles( exportDir );
            // Initialize the list of files we actually exported...
            List<ScmFile> scmFileList = new ArrayList<ScmFile>();
            for ( Iterator<Member> it = projectMembers.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                Member siMember =;
                    getLogger().info( "Attempting to export file: " + siMember.getTargetFilePath() + " at revision "
                                          + siMember.getRevision() );
                    siMember.checkout( iRepo.getAPISession() );
                    scmFileList.add( new ScmFile( siMember.getTargetFilePath(), ScmFileStatus.UNKNOWN ) );
                catch ( APIException ae )
                    exportSuccess = false;
                    ExceptionHandler eh = new ExceptionHandler( ae );
                    getLogger().error( "MKS API Exception: " + eh.getMessage() );
                    getLogger().debug( eh.getCommand() + " exited with return code " + eh.getExitCode() );
            // Lets advice the user that we've checked out all the members
                "Exported " + scmFileList.size() + " files out of a total of " + projectMembers.size() + " files!" );
            if ( exportSuccess )
                result = new ExportScmResult( "si co", scmFileList );
                result = new ExportScmResult( "si co", "Failed to export all files!", "", exportSuccess );
        catch ( APIException aex )
            ExceptionHandler eh = new ExceptionHandler( aex );
            getLogger().error( "MKS API Exception: " + eh.getMessage() );
            getLogger().debug( eh.getCommand() + " exited with return code " + eh.getExitCode() );
            result = new ExportScmResult( eh.getCommand(), eh.getMessage(), "Exit Code: " + eh.getExitCode(), false );

        return result;
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            throw new ScmException( "Error while executing command.", ex );

        if ( exitCode != 0 )
            return new ExportScmResult( cl.toString(), "The svn command failed.", stderr.getOutput(), false );

        return new ExportScmResultWithRevision( cl.toString(), consumer.getUpdatedFiles(),
                                                String.valueOf( consumer.getRevision() ) );
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        // TODO pull up to AbstractScmProvider
        AccuRevScmProviderRepository accuRevRepo = (AccuRevScmProviderRepository) repository;
        if ( !repository.isPersistCheckout() && accuRevRepo.shouldUseExportForNonPersistentCheckout() )

            ExportScmResult result = export( repository, fileSet, parameters );
            if ( result.isSuccess() )
                return new CheckOutScmResult( result.getCommandLine(), result.getExportedFiles(),
                                              accuRevRepo.getExportRelativePath() );
                return new CheckOutScmResult( result.getCommandLine(), result.getProviderMessage(),
                                              result.getCommandOutput(), false );

        AccuRevCheckOutCommand command = new AccuRevCheckOutCommand( getLogger() );
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        setChangeLogScmResult( new ChangeLogScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setCheckInScmResult( new CheckInScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setCheckOutScmResult( new CheckOutScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setDiffScmResult( new DiffScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setEditScmResult( new EditScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setExportScmResult( new ExportScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setRemoveScmResult( new RemoveScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setStatusScmResult( new StatusScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setTagScmResult( new TagScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setUnEditScmResult( new UnEditScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setUpdateScmResult( new UpdateScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
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                                                              cl.getWorkingDirectory().getAbsolutePath(), logListener,
                                                              getLogger() );

            if ( !isSuccess )
                return new ExportScmResult( cl.toString(), "The cvs command failed.",
                                            logListener.getStderr().toString(), false );
            BufferedReader stream = new BufferedReader(
                new InputStreamReader( new ByteArrayInputStream( logListener.getStdout().toString().getBytes() ) ) );

            String line;

            while ( ( line = stream.readLine() ) != null )
                consumer.consumeLine( line );
        catch ( Exception e )
            return new ExportScmResult( cl.toString(), "The cvs command failed.", logListener.getStderr().toString(),
                                        false );

        return new ExportScmResult( cl.toString(), consumer.getUpdatedFiles() );
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        AccuRevExportCommand command = new AccuRevExportCommand( getLogger() );

        CommandParameters params = new CommandParameters();
        params.setScmVersion( CommandParameter.SCM_VERSION, new ScmTag( "mySnapShot/676" ) );

        ExportScmResult result = command.export( repo, new ScmFileSet( basedir ), params );

        assertTrue( result.isSuccess() );
        assertHasScmFile( result.getExportedFiles(), "exported/file", ScmFileStatus.CHECKED_OUT );

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        AccuRevExportCommand command = new AccuRevExportCommand( getLogger() );

        CommandParameters params = new CommandParameters();
        params.setScmVersion( CommandParameter.SCM_VERSION, new ScmTag( "mySnapShot/676" ) );

        ExportScmResult result = command.export( repo, new ScmFileSet( basedir ), params );

        assertTrue( result.isSuccess() );
        assertHasScmFile( result.getExportedFiles(), "exported/file", ScmFileStatus.CHECKED_OUT );
        verify( accurev).syncReplica();

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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.scm.command.export.ExportScmResult

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