Package org.apache.cassandra.dht

Examples of org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token$KeyBound

     * @return a copy of the natural endpoints for the given token
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the number of requested replicas is greater than the number of known endpoints
    public ArrayList<InetAddress> getNaturalEndpoints(Token searchToken) throws IllegalStateException
        Token keyToken = TokenMetadata.firstToken(tokenMetadata.sortedTokens(), searchToken);
        ArrayList<InetAddress> endpoints = getCachedEndpoints(keyToken);
        if (endpoints == null)
            TokenMetadata tokenMetadataClone = tokenMetadata.cloneOnlyTokenMap();
            keyToken = TokenMetadata.firstToken(tokenMetadataClone.sortedTokens(), searchToken);
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        // divide the queryRange into pieces delimited by the ring and minimum tokens
        Iterator<Token> ringIter = TokenMetadata.ringIterator(tokenMetadata.sortedTokens(), queryRange.left, true);
        AbstractBounds remainder = queryRange;
        while (ringIter.hasNext())
            Token token =;
            if (remainder == null || !(remainder.left.equals(token) || remainder.contains(token)))
                // no more splits
            Pair<AbstractBounds,AbstractBounds> splits = remainder.split(token);
            if (splits.left != null)
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    public static List<Row> scan(final String keyspace, String column_family, IndexClause index_clause, SlicePredicate column_predicate, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level)
    throws IOException, TimeoutException, UnavailableException
        IPartitioner p = StorageService.getPartitioner();

        Token leftToken = index_clause.start_key == null ? p.getMinimumToken() : p.getToken(index_clause.start_key);
        List<AbstractBounds> ranges = getRestrictedRanges(new Bounds(leftToken, p.getMinimumToken()));
        logger.debug("scan ranges are " + StringUtils.join(ranges, ","));

        // now scan until we have enough results
        List<Row> rows = new ArrayList<Row>(index_clause.count);
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        if (tokens.isEmpty())
            return endpoints;

        Iterator<Token> iter = TokenMetadata.ringIterator(tokens, token, false);
        Token primaryToken =;

        boolean bDataCenter = false;
        boolean bOtherRack = false;
        while (endpoints.size() < replicas && iter.hasNext())
            // First try to find one in a different data center
            Token t =;
            if (!snitch.getDatacenter(metadata.getEndpoint(primaryToken)).equals(snitch.getDatacenter(metadata.getEndpoint(t))))
                // If we have already found something in a diff datacenter no need to find another
                if (!bDataCenter)
                    bDataCenter = true;
            // Now  try to find one on a different rack
            if (!snitch.getRack(metadata.getEndpoint(primaryToken)).equals(snitch.getRack(metadata.getEndpoint(t))) &&
                // If we have already found something in a diff rack no need to find another
                if (!bOtherRack)
                    bOtherRack = true;


        // If we found N number of nodes we are good. This loop wil just exit. Otherwise just
        // loop through the list and add until we have N nodes.
        if (endpoints.size() < replicas)
            iter = TokenMetadata.ringIterator(tokens, token, false);
            while (endpoints.size() < replicas && iter.hasNext())
                Token t =;
                if (!endpoints.contains(metadata.getEndpoint(t)))

            if (endpoints.size() < replicas)
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            Set<String> racks = new HashSet<String>();
            // first pass: only collect replicas on unique racks
            for (Iterator<Token> iter = TokenMetadata.ringIterator(dcTokens.sortedTokens(), searchToken, false);
                 dcEndpoints.size() < dcReplicas && iter.hasNext(); )
                Token token =;
                InetAddress endpoint = dcTokens.getEndpoint(token);
                String rack = snitch.getRack(endpoint);
                if (!racks.contains(rack))

            // second pass: if replica count has not been achieved from unique racks, add nodes from duplicate racks
            for (Iterator<Token> iter = TokenMetadata.ringIterator(dcTokens.sortedTokens(), searchToken, false);
                 dcEndpoints.size() < dcReplicas && iter.hasNext(); )
                Token token =;
                InetAddress endpoint = dcTokens.getEndpoint(token);
                if (!dcEndpoints.contains(endpoint))
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        if (range.start_key != null)
            IPartitioner p = StorageService.getPartitioner();
            Token startToken = p.getToken(range.start_key);
            Token endToken = p.getToken(range.end_key);
            if (startToken.compareTo(endToken) > 0 && !endToken.equals(p.getMinimumToken()))
                if (p instanceof RandomPartitioner)
                    throw newInvalidRequestException("start key's md5 sorts after end key's md5.  this is not allowed; you probably should not specify end key at all, under RandomPartitioner");
                    throw newInvalidRequestException("start key must sort before (or equal to) finish key in your partitioner!");
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        if (range.start_key != null)
            IPartitioner p = StorageService.getPartitioner();
            Token startToken = p.getToken(range.start_key);
            Token endToken = p.getToken(range.end_key);
            if (startToken.compareTo(endToken) > 0 && !endToken.equals(p.getMinimumToken()))
                if (p instanceof RandomPartitioner)
                    throw new InvalidRequestException("start key's md5 sorts after end key's md5.  this is not allowed; you probably should not specify end key at all, under RandomPartitioner");
                    throw new InvalidRequestException("start key must sort before (or equal to) finish key in your partitioner!");
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        // determine the depth to which we can safely split the tree
        byte sizedepth = (byte)(Math.log10(maxsize) / Math.log10(2));
        byte depth = (byte)Math.min(sizedepth, hashdepth);

        Token mintoken = partitioner.getMinimumToken();
        root = initHelper(mintoken, mintoken, (byte)0, depth);
        size = (long)Math.pow(2, depth);
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    private Hashable initHelper(Token left, Token right, byte depth, byte max)
        if (depth == max)
            // we've reached the leaves
            return new Leaf();
        Token midpoint = partitioner.midpoint(left, right);
        Hashable lchild = initHelper(left, midpoint, inc(depth), max);
        Hashable rchild = initHelper(midpoint, right, inc(depth), max);
        return new Inner(midpoint, lchild, rchild);
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     * @return A list of the largest contiguous ranges where the given trees disagree.
    public static List<TreeRange> difference(MerkleTree ltree, MerkleTree rtree)
        List<TreeRange> diff = new ArrayList<TreeRange>();
        Token mintoken = ltree.partitioner.getMinimumToken();
        TreeRange active = new TreeRange(null, mintoken, mintoken, (byte)0, null);
        byte[] lhash = ltree.hash(active);
        byte[] rhash = rtree.hash(active);

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Related Classes of org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token$KeyBound

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