Package org.apache.bookkeeper.client

Examples of org.apache.bookkeeper.client.LedgerEntry

            if(rc != BKException.Code.OK){
                LOG.error("Error while reading ledger entries." + BKException.getMessage(rc));
                ((BookKeeperStateBuilder.Context) ctx).setState(null);
            } else {
                    LedgerEntry le = entries.nextElement();

                    if(lp.finishedRecovery() || le.getEntryId() == 0){
                        ((BookKeeperStateBuilder.Context) ctx).setState(lp.getState());
                ((BookKeeperStateBuilder.Context) ctx).decrementPending();
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        // Read the ledger entries to verify that they are all present and
        // correct in the new bookie.
        for (LedgerHandle lh : lhs) {
            Enumeration<LedgerEntry> entries = lh.readEntries(startEntryId, endEntryId);
            while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
                LedgerEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
                assertTrue(new String(entry.getEntry()).equals("LedgerId: " + entry.getLedgerId() + ", EntryId: "
                           + entry.getEntryId()));

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                                     + topic.toStringUtf8(), bke);
                        request.callback.scanFailed(request.ctx, new PubSubException.ServiceDownException(bke));

                    LedgerEntry entry = null;
                    while (seq.hasMoreElements()) {
                        entry = seq.nextElement();
                        Message message;
                        try {
                            message = Message.parseFrom(entry.getEntryInputStream());
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            String msg = "Unreadable message found in ledger: " + imlr.range.getLedgerId()
                                         + " for topic: " + topic.toStringUtf8();
                            logger.error(msg, e);
                            request.callback.scanFailed(ctx, new PubSubException.UnexpectedConditionException(msg));

                        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            logger.debug("Read response from ledger: " + lh.getId() + " entry-id: "
                                         + entry.getEntryId());

                        assert expectedEntryId == entry.getEntryId() : "expectedEntryId (" + expectedEntryId
                        + ") != entry.getEntryId() (" + entry.getEntryId() + ")";
                        assert (message.getMsgId().getLocalComponent() - imlr.startSeqIdIncluded) == expectedEntryId;

                        request.callback.messageScanned(ctx, message);
                        totalSizeRead += message.getBody().size();

                        if (numMessagesRead >= request.messageLimit) {
                            request.callback.scanFinished(ctx, ReasonForFinish.NUM_MESSAGES_LIMIT_EXCEEDED);

                        if (totalSizeRead >= request.sizeLimit) {
                            request.callback.scanFinished(ctx, ReasonForFinish.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED);

                    startReadingFrom(imlr.startSeqIdIncluded + entry.getEntryId() + 1);

            }, request.ctx);
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    public void readComplete(int rc, LedgerHandle lh, Enumeration<LedgerEntry> seq, Object ctx) {
        System.out.println("Read callback: " + rc);
        while(seq.hasMoreElements()) {
            LedgerEntry le = seq.nextElement();
            LOG.debug(new String(le.getEntry()));
        synchronized(ctx) {
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                    // no recovery opened ledger 's last confirmed entry id is less than written
                    // and it just can read until (i-1)
                    int toRead = i - 1;
                    Enumeration<LedgerEntry> readEntry = lhOpen.readEntries(toRead, toRead);
                    assertTrue("Enumeration of ledger entries has no element", readEntry.hasMoreElements() == true);
                    LedgerEntry e = readEntry.nextElement();
                    assertEquals(toRead, e.getEntryId());
                    Assert.assertArrayEquals(entries.get(toRead), e.getEntry());
                    // should not written to a read only ledger
                    try {
                        fail("Should have thrown an exception here");
                    } catch (BKException.BKIllegalOpException bkioe) {
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            while (start < numMsgs) {
                Enumeration<LedgerEntry> seq = lhs[j].readEntries(start, end);
                assertTrue("Enumeration of ledger entries has no element", seq.hasMoreElements() == true);
                while (seq.hasMoreElements()) {
                    LedgerEntry e = seq.nextElement();
                    assertEquals(entryId, e.getEntryId());

                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    Assert.assertArrayEquals(sb.toString().getBytes(), e.getEntry());
                assertEquals(entryId - 1, end);
                start = end + 1;
                read = Math.min(numToRead, numMsgs - start);
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        Enumeration<LedgerEntry> entries
          = lh.readEntries(readEntries, readEntries);
        if (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
            LedgerEntry e = entries.nextElement();
            assert !entries.hasMoreElements();
            return e.getEntryInputStream();
      } catch (BKException e) {
        throw new IOException("Error reading entries from bookkeeper", e);
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new IOException("Interrupted reading entries from bookkeeper", e);
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            while (start < numMsgs) {
                Enumeration<LedgerEntry> seq = lhs[j].readEntries(start, end);
                assertTrue("Enumeration of ledger entries has no element", seq.hasMoreElements() == true);
                while (seq.hasMoreElements()) {
                    LedgerEntry e = seq.nextElement();
                    assertEquals(entryId, e.getEntryId());

                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    Assert.assertArrayEquals(sb.toString().getBytes(), e.getEntry());
                assertEquals(entryId - 1, end);
                start = end + 1;
                read = Math.min(numToRead, numMsgs - start);
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                BookKeeper.DigestType.CRC32, TESTPASSWD);
        Enumeration<LedgerEntry> entries = lhs.readEntries(startEntryId,
        assertTrue("Should have the elements", entries.hasMoreElements());
        while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
            LedgerEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
            assertEquals("TestReplicationWorker", new String(entry.getEntry()));
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        // Now kill the other bookie and read entries from the readonly bookie

        Enumeration<LedgerEntry> readEntries = ledger.readEntries(0, 9);
        while (readEntries.hasMoreElements()) {
            LedgerEntry entry = readEntries.nextElement();
            assertEquals("Entry should contain correct data", "data",
                    new String(entry.getEntry()));
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Related Classes of org.apache.bookkeeper.client.LedgerEntry

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