Package gcc.naming

Examples of gcc.naming.NameService

        Thread t = new Thread( id );
        t.setName( id.getName() + " Daemon" );

        NameService ns = NameService.getInstance();
        AdapterManager am = AdapterManager.getInstance();

        // NameService
        Adapter a = new Adapter();
        a.setBindName( "NameService" );
        a.setRemoteClassName( "gcc.rmi.iiop.server.ServerNamingContext" );
        a.setRemoteInterfaceName( "gcc.rmi.iiop.NameServiceOperations" );
        a.setShared( true );
        a.addId( "IDL:gcc/rmi/iiop/NameService:1.0" );
        a.addId( "" );
        a.addId( "" );
        a.addId( "NameService" ); // this gets passed in by the J2SE 1.4 ORB
        a.setClassLoader( id.getClass().getClassLoader() );

        am.registerAdapter( a );
        ns.bindAdapter( a );

        // Component
        a = new Adapter();
        a.setBindName( "mark.comps.Add" );
        a.setRemoteClassName( "mark.comps.AddImpl" );
        a.setRemoteInterfaceName( "mark.comps.Add" );
        a.addId( "RMI:mark.comps.Add:0000000000000000" );
        a.setClassLoader( id.getClass().getClassLoader() );

        am.registerAdapter( a );
        ns.bindAdapter( a );

        // Component
        a = new Adapter();
        a.setBindName( "mark.comps.Add2" );
        a.setRemoteClassName( "mark.comps.Add2Impl" );
        a.setRemoteInterfaceName( "mark.comps.Add2" );
        a.addId( "RMI:mark.comps.Add2:0000000000000000" );
        a.setClassLoader( id.getClass().getClassLoader() );

        am.registerAdapter( a );
        ns.bindAdapter( a );
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