
Examples of

    protected void handleSuccess(ListingPayload<Model> payload) {
      assert payload.getListingId() != null && listingId != null && payload.getListingId().equals(listingId);

      final ListingOp op = listingRequest.getListingOp();

      listingGenerated = payload.getListingStatus() == ListingStatus.CACHED;

      if(!listingGenerated && op.isQuery()) {
        if(!payload.hasErrors()) {
          // we need to re-create the listing on the server - the cache has
          // expired
          fetch(listingRequest.getOffset(), listingRequest.getSorting(), true);
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    final String listingId = request == null ? null : request.getListingId();
    if(listingId == null) {
      status.addMsg("No listing name specified.", MsgLevel.ERROR, MsgAttr.STATUS.flag);

    final ListingOp listingOp = request == null ? null : request.getListingOp();
    if(listingOp == null) {
      status.addMsg("No listing op specified.", MsgLevel.ERROR, MsgAttr.STATUS.flag);

    ListingHandler<Model> handler = null;
    ListingStatus listingStatus = null;

    if(!status.hasErrors() && request != null) {
      if(sessionId == null) {
        status.addMsg("No session id specified.", MsgLevel.ERROR, MsgAttr.STATUS.flag);
      else {
        Integer offset = request.getOffset();
        Sorting sorting = request.getSorting();

        // get listing state (if cached)
        final ListingState state = ListingCache.getState(sessionId, listingId);
        if(state != null) {
            log.debug("Found cached state for listing '" + listingId + "': " + state.toString());
          if(offset == null) {
            offset = state.getOffset();
            assert offset != null;
              log.debug("Setting offset (" + offset + ") from cache for listing:" + listingId);
          if(sorting == null) {
            sorting = state.getSorting();
            assert sorting != null;
              log.debug("Setting sorting (" + sorting.toString() + ") from cache for listing:" + listingId);

        handler = ListingCache.getHandler(sessionId, listingId);
        listingStatus = (handler == null ? ListingStatus.NOT_CACHED : ListingStatus.CACHED);
        if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Listing status: " + listingStatus);

        try {
          // acquire the listing handler
          if(handler == null || listingOp == ListingOp.REFRESH) {

            if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Generating listing handler for listing: '" + listingId + "'...");

            final RemoteListingDefinition<? extends IListingSearch> listingDef = request.getListingDef();
            if(listingDef != null) {
              final IListingSearch search = listingDef.getSearchCriteria();
              if(search == null) {
                throw new ListingException(listingId, "No search criteria specified.");

              // translate client side criteria to server side criteria
              final Criteria<? extends IEntity> criteria;
              try {
                // delegate
                criteria = context.getSearchTranslator().translateListingSearchCriteria(context, search);
              catch(final IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                throw new ListingException(listingId, "Unable to translate listing search criteria: "
                    + request.descriptor(), iae);

              // resolve the listing handler data provider
              final IListingDataProvider dataProvider = context.getListingDataProviderResolver().resolve(request);

              // resolve the list handler type
              final ListHandlerType lht = listingDef.getListHandlerType();
              if(lht == null) {
                throw new ListingException(listingId, "No list handler type specified.");
              // resolve the sorting to use
              sorting = (sorting == null ? listingDef.getInitialSorting() : sorting);
              if(sorting == null) {
                throw new ListingException(listingId, "No sorting directive specified.");
              IListHandler<SearchResult<?>> listHandler = null;
              try {
                listHandler = ListHandlerFactory.create(criteria, sorting, lht, dataProvider);
              catch(final InvalidCriteriaException e) {
                throw new ListingException(listingId, "Invalid criteria: " + e.getMessage(), e);
              catch(final EmptyListException e) {
                // we proceed to allow client to still show the listing
                status.addMsg(e.getMessage(), MsgLevel.WARN, MsgAttr.STATUS.flag);
              catch(final ListHandlerException e) {
                // shouldn't happen
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to instantiate the list handler: " + e.getMessage(), e);

              // transform to marshaling list handler
              MarshalOptions mo;
              try {
                mo = context.getMarshalOptionsResolver().resolve(search.getEntityType());
              catch(final IllegalArgumentException e) {
                mo = MarshalOptions.NO_REFERENCES;
              final MarshalingListHandler marshalingListHandler =
                new MarshalingListHandler(listHandler, context.getMarshaler(), mo, listingDef.getPropKeys());

              // instantiate the handler
              handler = new ListingHandler<Model>(marshalingListHandler, listingId, listingDef.getPageSize());

          // do the query related listing op
          if(handler != null && listingOp != null && listingOp.isQuery()) {
              log.debug("Performing : '" + listingOp.getName() + "' for '" + listingId + "'...");
            try {
              handler.query(offset.intValue(), sorting, (listingOp == ListingOp.REFRESH));
              status.addMsg(listingOp.getName() + " for '" + listingId + "' successful.", MsgLevel.INFO,
            catch(final EmptyListException e) {
              // we proceed to allow client to still show the listing
              status.addMsg(e.getMessage(), MsgLevel.WARN, MsgAttr.STATUS.flag);
            catch(final ListingException e) {
              throw new ListingException(listingId, "An unexpected error occurred performing listing operation: "
                  + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch(final ListingException e) {
          RpcServlet.exceptionToStatus(e, status);
        catch(final RuntimeException re) {
          throw re;

        // do caching
        if(listingOp == ListingOp.CLEAR) {
          // clear
          if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Clearing listing '" + listingId + "'...");
          ListingCache.clearHandler(sessionId, listingId);
          if(!request.getRetainStateOnClear()) {
            ListingCache.clearState(sessionId, listingId);
          listingStatus = ListingStatus.NOT_CACHED;
          status.addMsg("Cleared listing data for " + listingId, MsgLevel.INFO, MsgAttr.STATUS.flag);
        else if(listingOp == ListingOp.CLEAR_ALL) {
          // clear all
          if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Clearing ALL listings...");
          ListingCache.clearHandler(sessionId, listingId);
          if(!request.getRetainStateOnClear()) {
          listingStatus = ListingStatus.NOT_CACHED;
          status.addMsg("Cleared ALL listing data", MsgLevel.INFO, MsgAttr.STATUS.flag);
        else if(handler != null && !status.hasErrors()) {
          // cache listing handler
          if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("[Re-]Caching listing '" + listingId + "'...");
          ListingCache.storeHandler(sessionId, listingId, handler);
          // cache listing state
          if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("[Re-]Caching listing state '" + listingId + "'...");
          ListingCache.storeState(sessionId, listingId, new ListingState(handler.getOffset(), handler.getSorting()));
          listingStatus = ListingStatus.CACHED;
    } // !status.hasErrors()

    final ListingPayload<Model> p = new ListingPayload<Model>(status, listingId, listingStatus);

    // only provide page data when it is needed at the client and there are no
    // errors
    if(handler != null && !status.hasErrors() && (listingOp != null && !listingOp.isClear())) {
      if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Sending page data for '" + listingId + "'...");
      final List<Model> list = handler.getElements();
      final Model[] arr = list == null ? new Model[0] : list.toArray(new Model[list.size()]);
      p.setPageData(handler.size(), arr, handler.getOffset(), handler.getSorting());
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    final String listingId = request == null ? null : request.getListingId();
    if(listingId == null) {
      status.addMsg("No listing id specified.", MsgLevel.ERROR, MsgAttr.STATUS.flag);

    final ListingOp listingOp = request == null ? null : request.getListingOp();
    if(listingOp == null) {
      status.addMsg("No listing op specified.", MsgLevel.ERROR, MsgAttr.STATUS.flag);

    ListingHandler<R> handler = null;
    ListingStatus listingStatus = null;

    if(!status.hasErrors() && request != null) {
      if(sessionId == null) {
        status.addMsg("No session id specified.", MsgLevel.ERROR, MsgAttr.STATUS.flag);
      else {
        final ListingCache lcache = context.getListingCache();
        assert lcache != null : "Null ListingCache";
        Integer offset = request.getOffset();
        Sorting sorting = request.getSorting();

        // get listing state (if cached)
        final ListingState state = lcache.getState(sessionId, listingId);
        if(state != null) {
          log.debug("Found cached state for listing '{}': {}", listingId, state.toString());
          if(offset == null) {
            offset = state.getOffset();
            assert offset != null;
            log.debug("Setting offset ({}) from cache for listing: {}", offset, listingId);
          if(sorting == null) {
            sorting = state.getSorting();
            assert sorting != null;
            log.debug("Setting sorting ({}) from cache for listing: {}", sorting.toString(), listingId);

        handler = lcache.getHandler(sessionId, listingId);
        listingStatus = (handler == null ? ListingStatus.NOT_CACHED : ListingStatus.CACHED);
        log.debug("Listing status: {}", listingStatus);

        try {
          // acquire the listing handler
          if(handler == null || listingOp == ListingOp.REFRESH) {

            log.debug("Generating listing handler for listing: '{}'...", listingId);

            final RemoteListingDefinition<S> listingDef = request.getListingDef();
            if(listingDef == null) {
              status.addMsg("No listing def specified.", MsgLevel.ERROR, MsgAttr.STATUS.flag);
            else {
              final S search = listingDef.getSearchCriteria();
              if(search == null) {
                throw new ListingException(listingId, "No search criteria specified.");

              // translate client side criteria to server side criteria
              final Criteria<IEntity> criteria;
              try {
                // delegate
                criteria =
                    (Criteria<IEntity>) context.getSearchTranslator().translateListingSearchCriteria(context, search);
              catch(final IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                throw new ListingException(listingId, "Unable to translate listing search criteria: "
                    + request.descriptor(), iae);

              // resolve the listing handler data provider
              final IListingDataProvider dataProvider =

              // resolve the list handler type
              final ListHandlerType lht = listingDef.getListHandlerType();
              if(lht == null) {
                throw new ListingException(listingId, "No list handler type specified.");
              // resolve the sorting to use
              sorting = (sorting == null ? listingDef.getInitialSorting() : sorting);
              if(sorting == null) {
                throw new ListingException(listingId, "No sorting directive specified.");
              IListHandler<SearchResult> listHandler = null;
              try {
                listHandler = ListHandlerFactory.create(criteria, sorting, lht, dataProvider);
              catch(final InvalidCriteriaException e) {
                throw new ListingException(listingId, "Invalid criteria: " + e.getMessage(), e);
              catch(final EmptyListException e) {
                // we proceed to allow client to still show the listing
                status.addMsg(e.getMessage(), MsgLevel.WARN, MsgAttr.STATUS.flag);
              catch(final ListHandlerException e) {
                // shouldn't happen
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to instantiate the list handler: " + e.getMessage(), e);

              // transform to row list handler
              IListHandler<R> rowListHandler = (IListHandler<R>) context.getRowListHandlerProvider().getRowListHandler(listingDef);
              handler = new ListingHandler<R>(rowListHandler, listingId, listingDef.getPageSize());

          // do the query related listing op
          if(handler != null && listingOp != null && listingOp.isQuery()) {
            log.debug("Performing : '{}' for '{}'", listingOp.getName(), listingId);
            try {
              handler.query(offset.intValue(), sorting, (listingOp == ListingOp.REFRESH));
              status.addMsg(listingOp.getName() + " for '" + listingId + "' successful.", MsgLevel.INFO,
            catch(final EmptyListException e) {
              // we proceed to allow client to still show the listing
              status.addMsg(e.getMessage(), MsgLevel.WARN, MsgAttr.STATUS.flag);
            catch(final ListingException e) {
              throw new ListingException(listingId, "An unexpected error occurred performing listing operation: "
                  + e.getMessage(), e);
        catch(final ListingException e) {
          RpcServlet.exceptionToStatus(e, status);
        catch(final RuntimeException re) {
          throw re;

        // do caching
        if(listingOp == ListingOp.CLEAR) {
          // clear
          log.debug("Clearing listing '{}'...", listingId);
          lcache.clearHandler(sessionId, listingId);
          if(!request.getRetainStateOnClear()) {
            lcache.clearState(sessionId, listingId);
          listingStatus = ListingStatus.NOT_CACHED;
          status.addMsg("Cleared listing data for " + listingId, MsgLevel.INFO, MsgAttr.STATUS.flag);
        else if(listingOp == ListingOp.CLEAR_ALL) {
          // clear all
          log.debug("Clearing ALL listings...");
          lcache.clearHandler(sessionId, listingId);
          if(!request.getRetainStateOnClear()) {
          listingStatus = ListingStatus.NOT_CACHED;
          status.addMsg("Cleared ALL listing data", MsgLevel.INFO, MsgAttr.STATUS.flag);
        else if(handler != null && !status.hasErrors()) {
          // cache listing handler
          log.debug("[Re-]Caching listing '{}'...", listingId);
          lcache.storeHandler(sessionId, listingId, handler);
          // cache listing state
          log.debug("[Re-]Caching listing state '{}'...", listingId);
          lcache.storeState(sessionId, listingId, new ListingState(Integer.valueOf(handler.getOffset()), handler
          listingStatus = ListingStatus.CACHED;
    } // !status.hasErrors()

    final ListingPayload<R> p = new ListingPayload<R>(status, listingId, listingStatus);

    // only provide page data when it is needed at the client and there are no
    // errors
    if(handler != null && !status.hasErrors() && (listingOp != null && !listingOp.isClear())) {
      log.debug("Sending page data for '{}'...", listingId);
      p.setPageData(new Page<R>(handler.size(), handler.getPageSize(), handler.getOffset(), handler.getSorting(), handler

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    protected void handleSuccess(ListingPayload<R> payload) {
      assert payload.getListingId() != null && listingId != null && payload.getListingId().equals(listingId);

      final ListingOp op = listingRequest.getListingOp();

      listingGenerated = payload.getListingStatus() == ListingStatus.CACHED;

      if(!listingGenerated && op.isQuery()) {
        if(!payload.hasErrors()) {
          // we need to re-create the listing on the server - the cache has
          // expired
          fetch(listingRequest.getOffset().intValue(), listingRequest.getSorting(), true);
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