Package com.restfb.json

Examples of com.restfb.json.JsonObject$Null

    List<T> data = new ArrayList<T>();

    if (json == null)
      throw new FacebookJsonMappingException("You must supply non-null connection JSON.");

    JsonObject jsonObject = null;

    try {
      jsonObject = new JsonObject(json);
    } catch (JsonException e) {
      throw new FacebookJsonMappingException("The connection JSON you provided was invalid: " + json, e);

    // Pull out data
    JsonArray jsonData = jsonObject.getJsonArray("data");
    for (int i = 0; i < jsonData.length(); i++)
      data.add(connectionType.equals(JsonObject.class) ? (T) jsonData.get(i) : facebookClient.getJsonMapper()
        .toJavaObject(jsonData.get(i).toString(), connectionType));

    // Pull out paging info, if present
    if (jsonObject.has("paging")) {
      JsonObject jsonPaging = jsonObject.getJsonObject("paging");
      previousPageUrl = jsonPaging.has("previous") ? jsonPaging.getString("previous") : null;
      nextPageUrl = jsonPaging.has("next") ? jsonPaging.getString("next") : null;
      if (null != previousPageUrl && previousPageUrl.startsWith("http://")) {
        previousPageUrl = previousPageUrl.replaceFirst("http://", "https://");
      if (null != nextPageUrl && nextPageUrl.startsWith("http://")) {
        nextPageUrl = nextPageUrl.replaceFirst("http://", "https://");
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    try {
      // If this is not an object, it's not an error response.
      if (!json.startsWith("{"))

      JsonObject errorObject = null;

      // We need to swallow exceptions here because it's possible to get a legit
      // Facebook response that contains illegal JSON (e.g.
      // users.getLoggedInUser returning 1240077) - we're only interested in
      // whether or not there's an error_code field present.
      try {
        errorObject = new JsonObject(json);
      } catch (JsonException e) {}

      if (errorObject == null || !errorObject.has(LEGACY_ERROR_CODE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME))

      throw legacyFacebookExceptionMapper.exceptionForTypeAndMessage(
        errorObject.getInt(LEGACY_ERROR_CODE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME), httpStatusCode, null,
    } catch (JsonException e) {
      throw new FacebookJsonMappingException("Unable to process the Facebook API response", e);
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    verifyParameterPresence("queries", queries);

    if (queries.keySet().size() == 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must specify at least one query.");

    JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();

    for (Entry<String, String> entry : queries.entrySet()) {
      if (isBlank(entry.getKey()) || isBlank(entry.getValue()))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided queries must have non-blank keys and values. " + "You provided: "
            + queries);

      try {
        jsonObject.put(trimToEmpty(entry.getKey()), trimToEmpty(entry.getValue()));
      } catch (JsonException e) {
        // Shouldn't happen unless bizarre input is provided
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to convert " + queries + " to JSON.", e);

    return jsonObject.toString();
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      // connections and in a few other places, e.g. comments on the Post
      // object.
      // Doing this simplifies mapping, so we don't have to worry about having a
      // little placeholder object that only has a "data" value.
      try {
        JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(json);
        String[] fieldNames = JsonObject.getNames(jsonObject);

        if (fieldNames != null) {
          boolean hasSingleDataProperty = fieldNames.length == 1 && "data".equals(fieldNames[0]);
          Object jsonDataObject = jsonObject.get("data");

          if (!hasSingleDataProperty && !(jsonDataObject instanceof JsonArray))
            if (jsonMappingErrorHandler.handleMappingError(json, type, null))
              return null;
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            + "- you should map it as a List instead. Offending JSON is '" + json + "'.");

    try {
      // Are we asked to map to JsonObject? If so, short-circuit right away.
      if (type.equals(JsonObject.class))
        return (T) new JsonObject(json);

      List<FieldWithAnnotation<Facebook>> fieldsWithAnnotation = findFieldsWithAnnotation(type, Facebook.class);
      Set<String> facebookFieldNamesWithMultipleMappings = facebookFieldNamesWithMultipleMappings(fieldsWithAnnotation);

      // If there are no annotated fields, assume we're mapping to a built-in
      // type. If this is actually the empty object, just return a new instance
      // of the corresponding Java type.
      if (fieldsWithAnnotation.size() == 0)
        if (isEmptyObject(json)) {
          T instance = createInstance(type);

          // If there are any methods annotated with @JsonMappingCompleted,
          // invoke them.

          return instance;
        } else {
          return toPrimitiveJavaType(json, type);

      // Facebook will sometimes return the string "null".
      // Check for that and bail early if we find it.
      if ("null".equals(json))
        return null;

      // Facebook will sometimes return the string "false" to mean null.
      // Check for that and bail early if we find it.
      if ("false".equals(json)) {
        if (logger.isLoggable(FINE))
          logger.fine("Encountered 'false' from Facebook when trying to map to " + type.getSimpleName()
              + " - mapping null instead.");
        return null;

      JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(json);
      T instance = createInstance(type);

      if (instance instanceof JsonObject)
        return (T) jsonObject;

      // For each Facebook-annotated field on the current Java object, pull data
      // out of the JSON object and put it in the Java object
      for (FieldWithAnnotation<Facebook> fieldWithAnnotation : fieldsWithAnnotation) {
        String facebookFieldName = getFacebookFieldName(fieldWithAnnotation);

        if (!jsonObject.has(facebookFieldName)) {
          if (logger.isLoggable(FINER))
            logger.finer("No JSON value present for '" + facebookFieldName + "', skipping. JSON is '" + json + "'.");

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      return jsonArray;

    if (object instanceof Map<?, ?>) {
      JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
      for (Entry<?, ?> entry : ((Map<?, ?>) object).entrySet()) {
        if (!(entry.getKey() instanceof String))
          throw new FacebookJsonMappingException("Your Map keys must be of type " + String.class
              + " in order to be converted to JSON.  Offending map is " + object);

        try {
          jsonObject.put((String) entry.getKey(), toJsonInternal(entry.getValue(), ignoreNullValuedProperties));
        } catch (JsonException e) {
          throw new FacebookJsonMappingException("Unable to process value '" + entry.getValue() + "' for key '"
              + entry.getKey() + "' in Map " + object, e);

      return jsonObject;

    if (isPrimitive(object))
      return object;

    if (object instanceof BigInteger)
      return ((BigInteger) object).longValue();

    if (object instanceof BigDecimal)
      return ((BigDecimal) object).doubleValue();

    // We've passed the special-case bits, so let's try to marshal this as a
    // plain old Javabean...

    List<FieldWithAnnotation<Facebook>> fieldsWithAnnotation =
        findFieldsWithAnnotation(object.getClass(), Facebook.class);

    JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();

    // No longer throw an exception in this case. If there are multiple fields
    // with the same @Facebook value, it's luck of the draw which is picked for
    // JSON marshaling.
    // TODO: A better implementation would query each duplicate-mapped field. If
    // it has is a non-null value and the other duplicate values are null, use
    // the non-null field.
    Set<String> facebookFieldNamesWithMultipleMappings = facebookFieldNamesWithMultipleMappings(fieldsWithAnnotation);
    if (facebookFieldNamesWithMultipleMappings.size() > 0 && logger.isLoggable(FINE))
      logger.fine(format("Unable to convert to JSON because multiple @" + Facebook.class.getSimpleName()
          + " annotations for the same name are present: " + facebookFieldNamesWithMultipleMappings));

    for (FieldWithAnnotation<Facebook> fieldWithAnnotation : fieldsWithAnnotation) {
      String facebookFieldName = getFacebookFieldName(fieldWithAnnotation);

      try {
        Object fieldValue = fieldWithAnnotation.getField().get(object);

        if (!(ignoreNullValuedProperties && fieldValue == null))
          jsonObject.put(facebookFieldName, toJsonInternal(fieldValue, ignoreNullValuedProperties));
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new FacebookJsonMappingException("Unable to process field '" + facebookFieldName + "' for "
            + object.getClass(), e);
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      if (logger.isLoggable(FINE))
        logger.fine("Encountered comment array '" + rawValueAsString + "' but expected a "
            + Comments.class.getSimpleName() + " object instead.  Working around that " + "by coercing into an empty "
            + Comments.class.getSimpleName() + " instance...");

      JsonObject workaroundJsonObject = new JsonObject();
      workaroundJsonObject.put("count", 0);
      workaroundJsonObject.put("data", new JsonArray());
      rawValueAsString = workaroundJsonObject.toString();

    // Some other type - recurse into it
    return toJavaObject(rawValueAsString, type);
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            + "Specify your queries in the Map that gets passed to this method.");


    JsonObject normalizedJson = new JsonObject();

    try {
      JsonArray jsonArray =
          new JsonArray(makeRequest("fql.multiquery", sessionKey, parameters.toArray(new Parameter[0])));

      for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
        JsonObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJsonObject(i);

        // For empty resultsets, Facebook will return an empty object instead of
        // an empty list. Hack around that here.
        JsonArray resultsArray =
            jsonObject.get("fql_result_set") instanceof JsonArray ? jsonObject.getJsonArray("fql_result_set")
                : new JsonArray();

        normalizedJson.put(jsonObject.getString("name"), resultsArray);
    } catch (JsonException e) {
      throw new FacebookJsonMappingException("Unable to process fql.multiquery JSON response", e);
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        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The list of IDs cannot contain blank strings.");
      ids.set(i, id);

    try {
      JsonObject jsonObject =
          new JsonObject(makeRequest("",
            parametersWithAdditionalParameter(Parameter.with(IDS_PARAM_NAME, join(ids)), parameters)));

      return objectType.equals(JsonObject.class) ? (T) jsonObject : jsonMapper.toJavaObject(jsonObject.toString(),
    } catch (JsonException e) {
      throw new FacebookJsonMappingException("Unable to map connection JSON to Java objects", e);
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    try {
      JsonArray jsonArray =
          new JsonArray(makeRequest("fql.multiquery", false, false, null,
            parametersWithAdditionalParameter(Parameter.with(QUERIES_PARAM_NAME, queriesToJson(queries)), parameters)));

      JsonObject normalizedJson = new JsonObject();

      for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
        JsonObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJsonObject(i);

        // For empty resultsets, Facebook will return an empty object instead of
        // an empty list. Hack around that here.
        JsonArray resultsArray =
            jsonObject.get("fql_result_set") instanceof JsonArray ? jsonObject.getJsonArray("fql_result_set")
                : new JsonArray();

        normalizedJson.put(jsonObject.getString("name"), resultsArray);

      return objectType.equals(JsonObject.class) ? (T) normalizedJson : jsonMapper.toJavaObject(
        normalizedJson.toString(), objectType);
    } catch (JsonException e) {
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Related Classes of com.restfb.json.JsonObject$Null

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