
Examples of

     * @since 1.4
    public DisplayMode getDisplayMode() {
        GraphicsConfiguration gc = getDefaultConfiguration();
        Rectangle r = gc.getBounds();
        ColorModel cm = gc.getColorModel();
        return new DisplayMode(r.width, r.height, cm.getPixelSize(), 0);
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        // in raster.  So we must draw the BufferedImage with a
        // translation of (minX, minY).
        AffineTransform transXform = (AffineTransform)xform.clone();
        transXform.translate(minX, minY);

        ColorModel cm = img.getColorModel();
        BufferedImage bufImg = new BufferedImage(cm,
        drawImage(bufImg, transXform, null);
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        int maxTileY =
            getTileIndex(region.y + region.height - 1,
                         tileGridYOffset, tileHeight);

        // Create a single ColorModel to use for all BufferedImages
        ColorModel colorModel = img.getColorModel();

        // Reuse the same Rectangle for each iteration
        Rectangle tileRect = new Rectangle();

        for (int ty = minTileY; ty <= maxTileY; ty++) {
            for (int tx = minTileX; tx <= maxTileX; tx++) {
                // Get the current tile.
                Raster raster = img.getTile(tx, ty);

                // Fill in tileRect with the tile bounds
                tileRect.x = tx*tileWidth + tileGridXOffset;
                tileRect.y = ty*tileHeight + tileGridYOffset;
                tileRect.width = tileWidth;
                tileRect.height = tileHeight;

                // Clip the tile against the image bounds and
                // backwards mapped clip region
                // The result can't be empty
                clipTo(tileRect, region);

                // Create a WritableRaster containing the tile
                WritableRaster wRaster = null;
                if (raster instanceof WritableRaster) {
                    wRaster = (WritableRaster)raster;
                } else {
                    // Create a WritableRaster in the same coordinate system
                    // as the original raster.
                    wRaster =

                // Translate wRaster to start at (0, 0) and to contain
                // only the relevent portion of the tile
                wRaster = wRaster.createWritableChild(tileRect.x, tileRect.y,
                                                      0, 0,

                // Wrap wRaster in a BufferedImage
                BufferedImage bufImg =
                    new BufferedImage(colorModel,
                // Now we have a BufferedImage starting at (0, 0) that
                // represents data from a Raster starting at
                // (tileRect.x, tileRect.y).  Additionally, it needs
                // to be translated by (i2uTransX, i2uTransY).  We call
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        } else {
            rdrdImage = rdblImage.createDefaultRendering();

        // And its ColorModel
        ColorModel colorModel = rdrdImage.getColorModel();
        Raster raster = rdrdImage.getData();
        SampleModel sampleModel = raster.getSampleModel();
        DataBuffer dataBuffer = raster.getDataBuffer();

        if (colorModel == null) {
            colorModel = ColorModel.getRGBdefault();
        int minX = raster.getMinX();
        int minY = raster.getMinY();
        int width = raster.getWidth();
        int height = raster.getHeight();

        Enumeration icList;
        ImageConsumer ic;
        // Set up the ImageConsumers
        icList = ics.elements();
        while (icList.hasMoreElements()) {
            ic = (ImageConsumer)icList.nextElement();
            ic.setHints(ImageConsumer.TOPDOWNLEFTRIGHT |
                        ImageConsumer.COMPLETESCANLINES |
                        ImageConsumer.SINGLEPASS |

        // Get RGB pixels from the raster scanline by scanline and
        // send to consumers.
        int pix[] = new int[width];
        int i,j;
        int numBands = sampleModel.getNumBands();
        int tmpPixel[] = new int[numBands];
        for (j = 0; j < height; j++) {
            for(i = 0; i < width; i++) {
                sampleModel.getPixel(i, j, tmpPixel, dataBuffer);
                pix[i] = colorModel.getDataElement(tmpPixel, 0);
            // Now send the scanline to the Consumers
            icList = ics.elements();
            while (icList.hasMoreElements()) {
                ic = (ImageConsumer)icList.nextElement();
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        } else {
            width = image.getWidth(null);
            height = image.getHeight(null);

        ColorModel model = ColorModel.getRGBdefault();
        WritableRaster raster =
            model.createCompatibleWritableRaster(width, height);

        BufferedImage bufferedImage =
            new BufferedImage(model, raster, model.isAlphaPremultiplied(),

        Graphics g = bufferedImage.getGraphics();
        try {
            g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height, null);
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        RenderedImage input = null;
        Raster inputRaster = null;
        boolean writeRaster = image.hasRaster();
        Rectangle sourceRegion = param.getSourceRegion();
        SampleModel sampleModel = null;
        ColorModel colorModel = null;

        compImageSize = 0;

        if (writeRaster) {
            inputRaster = image.getRaster();
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                         Region clip,
                         int srcx, int srcy,
                         int dstx, int dsty,
                         int width, int height)
            ColorModel srcCM = srcData.getColorModel();
            ColorModel dstCM = dstData.getColorModel();
            // REMIND: Should get RenderingHints from sg2d
            CompositeContext ctx = comp.createContext(srcCM, dstCM,
                                                      new RenderingHints(null));
            Raster srcRas = srcData.getRaster(srcx, srcy, width, height);
            WritableRaster dstRas =
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            // Return null for other types.
            return null;

        // The return variable.
        ColorModel colorModel = null;

        // Get the sample size.
        int[] sampleSize = sampleModel.getSampleSize();

        // Create a Component ColorModel.
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            sm.getNumBands() == 1;

    public static ColorModel createColorModel(ColorSpace colorSpace,
                                              SampleModel sampleModel) {
        ColorModel colorModel = null;

        if(sampleModel == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18N.getString("ImageUtil1"));
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        // XXX - We do not currently support any indexed color models,
        // though we could, as IJG will quantize for us.
        // This is a performance and memory-use issue, as
        // users can read RGB and then convert to indexed in Java.

        ColorModel cm = image.getColorModel();

        if (cm instanceof IndexColorModel) {
            throw new IIOException("IndexColorModel not supported");

        // Now check the ColorSpace type against outColorSpaceCode
        // We may want to tweak the default
        ColorSpace cs = cm.getColorSpace();
        int csType = cs.getType();
        convert = null;
        switch (outColorSpaceCode) {
        case JPEG.JCS_GRAYSCALE:  // Its gray in the file
            if  (csType == ColorSpace.TYPE_RGB) { // We want RGB
                // IJG can do this for us more efficiently
                setOutColorSpace(structPointer, JPEG.JCS_RGB);
            } else if (csType != ColorSpace.TYPE_GRAY) {
                throw new IIOException("Incompatible color conversion");
        case JPEG.JCS_RGB:  // IJG wants to go to RGB
            if (csType ==  ColorSpace.TYPE_GRAY) {  // We want gray
                if (colorSpaceCode == JPEG.JCS_YCbCr) {
                    // If the jpeg space is YCbCr, IJG can do it
                    setOutColorSpace(structPointer, JPEG.JCS_GRAYSCALE);
            } else if ((iccCS != null) &&
                       (cm.getNumComponents() == numComponents) &&
                       (cs != iccCS)) {
                // We have an ICC profile but it isn't used in the dest
                // image.  So convert from the profile cs to the target cs
                convert = new ColorConvertOp(iccCS, cs, null);
                // Leave IJG conversion in place; we still need it
            } else if ((iccCS == null) &&
                       (!cs.isCS_sRGB()) &&
                       (cm.getNumComponents() == numComponents)) {
                // Target isn't sRGB, so convert from sRGB to the target
                convert = new ColorConvertOp(JPEG.sRGB, cs, null);
            } else if (csType != ColorSpace.TYPE_RGB) {
                throw new IIOException("Incompatible color conversion");
        case JPEG.JCS_RGBA:
            // No conversions available; image must be RGBA
            if ((csType != ColorSpace.TYPE_RGB) ||
                (cm.getNumComponents() != numComponents)) {
                throw new IIOException("Incompatible color conversion");
        case JPEG.JCS_YCC:
            if (JPEG.YCC == null) { // We can't do YCC at all
                throw new IIOException("Incompatible color conversion");
            if ((cs != JPEG.YCC) &&
                (cm.getNumComponents() == numComponents)) {
                convert = new ColorConvertOp(JPEG.YCC, cs, null);
        case JPEG.JCS_YCCA:
            // No conversions available; image must be YCCA
            if ((JPEG.YCC == null) || // We can't do YCC at all
                (cs != JPEG.YCC) ||
                (cm.getNumComponents() != numComponents)) {
                throw new IIOException("Incompatible color conversion");
            // Anything else we can't handle at all
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